and i'd give up forever to se...

By hansuckss

72 1 0

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22 1 0
By hansuckss

"If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?" Derek asked.

He lay on his bed, staring at his ceiling. Stiles was on the bed too, leaning against the headboard beside Derek, hugging his knees.

Stiles let out a light laugh at the question, his answer was predictable as always.

"That's easy, Derek. I'd want to see you,"

Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes. "So you'd want to be able to see?"

"Sure," Stiles said softly. "I guess that's it,"

Derek looked at Stiles, his green eyes scanning Stiles' face slowly. His face lacked emotion, just a small smile on his face from their brief conversation.

Derek looked at Stiles' grey eyes, as they focused on nothing in particular. They started at the wall opposite the bed, seeing nothing.

Derek and Stiles had been friends for many years, since they've been kids. Since the day Derek looked at Stiles, and realized that Stiles couldn't look back at him.

The story of how Derek's favorite color changed from green to grey.

"Hey, Stiles," Derek said again, feeling his face flush red with the question he was about to ask. He was slightly thankful Stiles couldn't see him.


"You know..." Derek said slowly, meaning every word, knowing Stiles couldn't see the utmost sincerity laced in his eyes. "If I could, I'd make your wish come true,"

Stiles smiled. "Yeah... that's comforting. I know you would,"

Derek found himself looking at Stiles again, at every aspect of his face despite seeing him every single day. He saw Stiles everyday, but Stiles couldn't see him. He couldn't see his best friend.

But Derek would never get tired of looking at Stiles. He was beautiful. He wanted to tell that to Stiles, to let him know. Just to tell him how beautiful he was, and what a shame it was that he couldn't see it.

Stiles and Derek were roommates, and after living together for a few years, the two became inseparable. They were rarely seen without the other, and when their best friend Scott came over as well, they were a trio.

Stiles didn't need much help with daily tasks, but having Derek with him certainly was useful. He often felt like living with Derek was a burden to the latter. He often wondered what Derek's expressions were. Whether there were days where he would rather be elsewhere than with Stiles.

But Stiles couldn't see. He couldn't see the fondness and adoration in Derek's eyes when he was looking at Stiles. He couldn't see the knowing look Scott gives when the three were in the same room. And he wouldn't see how Derek always makes sure Stiles is okay before doing anything else.

Stiles was like his Sun, Moon and all his stars. There was almost no limit to what Derek would do to make Stiles' wish come true.

Maybe one day, he'll throw it all away for him. Maybe then, Stiles will finally understand how much he meant to Derek.

"What is up, my bitches!" came a yell as Scott burst through the door, raising his hands dramatically.

Startled by the sudden noise, Stiles had hit his shoulder against the headboard, Derek instantly putting his arm around his friend.

He glared at Scott who winced.

"Scott! How did you get here?" Stiles questioned, sighing.

"I got spare keys duh," Scott pulled out the keys in question and began jingling them. "Derek, quit looking at me like that, I'm not gonna bite him."

Stiles scoffed with a smile, reaching out and pushing Derek in the head playfully. Scott rolled his eyes at the antics, all too used to their ways.

"So what do you want, Scooter?" Derek got off the bed, narrowly avoiding the punch that Scott gave.

"Call me that, we're going to have issues. By the way, Stiles, we're gonna be in the kitchen if you wanna join us," Scott told Stiles, who nodded.

The two walked into the kitchen, leaving Stiles in Derek's bedroom.

"So what's up. Why are you here?" Derek asked, opening the fridge and tossing Scott a canned drink, both sitting at the counter.

"There's a Comet dude. In 3 days. Heard it's really cool. It's called the Ecliptic. You wanna see it with me? The whole gang's going. Boyd, Lydia, Erica. Even Liam's going,"

Derek raised his eyebrows at that. It sounded like fun, but he didn't want to leave Stiles behind. He would never leave Stiles behind.

"Before you say that you can't leave him, you can take him with you. It's at the field. You love that place, Derek. It's your favorite. You haven't been there in ages,"

That was true. The field outside of town where they lived. It was straight out of a fairy tale, flowers scattered all over the field, trees surrounding it. Derek used to visit the field every time he could. It was like his childhood home.

Actually, it was his childhood home. Because his real one wasn't much of a home as it was a nightmare.

"Just think about it. You've made him your whole life. It's like you're just a side character in your own life. How do you know that he feels the same way, huh?" Scott continued.

"He's my best friend Scott, and I-I know he probably feels the same," Derek felt a lump rise to his throat.

What if Stiles wasn't blind, would the two still be friends? Would Stiles not like him, if he saw how he looked like?

"Yeah okay," Scott muttered, not sounding convinced.

A long uncomfortable silence passed. Derek stared at the ground, lost in his own thoughts. And as usual, they were about Stiles.

"Hey Derek," Scott sounded uncertain this time. "Are you gay? Or bisexual? N-not like there's anything wrong. I'm just asking... Do you see Stiles as something more than a friend?"

Derek stared at him. He opened his mouth to speak, before closing it again. Did he see Stiles as more than a friend?

"I'm just saying..." Scott trailed off. "You broke up with your girlfriend just cause she didn't really like how much time you spent with him. Fuck, you even refused to let her move in just so you can continue being roomies,"

"And you didn't seem disappointed or... anything. When she broke up with you. You just looked relieved. And that's fine. But, I'm just saying. It's like you'll sacrifice your life for him,"

Another long silence, Derek looked at Scott. He would, definitely. He would do it with no hesitation, is that normal?

"Simp," Scott seemed eager to move on, laughing off the word.

Derek smiled, laughing as well. It felt fake, though. But that was normal. Fake laughs. Fake smiles. They didn't work on Stiles, though. He would know if something was amiss.

Maybe Derek really was in love.

"Hey Checkers," Scott's cooing voice caught Derek out of his thoughts.

The cat that Derek had gotten but Stiles had named (because of course he was gonna name her). The cat in question was currently following Stiles out of Derek's bedroom. Checkers seemed to like Stiles almost as much as Derek did. Maybe slightly less.

"Don't speak like that. You sound disgusting," Stiles laughed, walking up to the counter.

"Of course, you'll only accept that voice from Derek, won't you?" Scott said mockingly.

"Derek, punch him,"

"Woah, Derek, let's talk about this,"

The laughter of the 3 boys filled the house. Anyone outside would've assumed they're all the same. No one would have suspected that one had a disability, because when you're with your friends, some things just don't matter. No matter how big or small they are.


Derek lay in bed, it was already late. Stiles had turned in ages ago. Checkers was asleep in Stiles' room, the cat often alternating between beds to sleep in. Derek was texting Scott, talking about the Ecliptic.

scott: it's really cool derek, you wouldn't wanna miss it
there's also the whole urban legend behind the comet you know, that it's connected to the stars

Stars. Derek scoffed, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the statement. Trust Scott to know such bullshit. But it wouldn't hurt to get more information, he couldn't sleep. Maybe Scott's useless information will help.

ok cool what stars

scott: you know, tom, harry, jeff
bruh they don't have fucking names
stars in general
they say that the comet is made from the stars

so... balls of gas?????

scott: bro
you suck
i hate telling stories to you wtf

not my fault ur stories suck ass

Derek couldn't resist smiling slightly. As much as how ludicrous Scott was talking, it was funny seeing him get worked up a little.

scott: you suck derek
they say the stars made it, so
it can grant wishes

oh cool lemme just wish upon a comet

scott: quit fucking derek
apparently it can grant wishes
but at a price


scott: yeah. it's not technically a star
so it grants wishes. but like, apparently
if you do make a wish, somethings would happen
you don't wish upon a star tho,
it's the comet that grants it

where do u get this shit

scott: it's not shit

so they die?

scott: idk dude
but something happens
cool huh?

i guess
im sleepy now
ok gn scotter

scott: gn derbear
love ya bud
or am i

i hate you

Derek sighed, putting the phone down and running his hand through his hair. He wasn't one who believed in such legends and tales, but the story Scott told did interest him to some extent.

A comet that grants wishes.

"If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?"

He wants to be able to see.

It's not real. It's not meant to happen, maybe Stiles just wasn't meant to be able to see.

A small sound disturbed Derek; he sat up to see Checkers jumping onto the bed, curling up beside him on the pillow. Derek ran his fingers through her fur, thinking.

What if the legends were true?

Unable to stop his growing curiosity, he picked up his phone again.

He opened Stiles and typed in the search bar; Ecliptic Comet rumors.


"Hey Stiles?" Derek said quietly.

As usual, Derek was on his computer at his desk, Stiles on his bed. They were talking, as they usually would. Strangely for roommates who live together, they don't ever get bored of each other.

At least that's what they both think.


"Do you want to come with me to see a comet? It's at the field out of town. Remember that?"

"The flower field?" Stiles laughed softly. "Yeah, I remember it. You love that place, why don't you go back? I'm fine alone, you know. I don't need to be babied or anything," Stiles grumbled the final bit, truthfully exasperated with Derek's self sacrificial behavior.

Yes, Stiles knew fully well that Derek could and would possibly take a bullet for him, and he hated it. He hated that Derek did so much for him and he couldn't pay him back.

Derek insisted it was okay, but what was he really thinking?

"Yeah I know. But I'll take you with me, hm? Do you wanna go?" Derek repeated the question. He didn't know why, but he really wanted Stiles to come.

Stiles was confused. He didn't know why Derek was asking him to come with him. He would accept of course, what else did he have to do? But it seemed off, Derek asking him to go with him for something he couldn't even see.

"Yeah I'll come,"

"Cool, Scott's going. So is Boyd. And Erica. And Lydia,"

"Looks like we're going too,"

And he couldn't wait either.


"Where are we going?" laughed Stiles, Derek holding his wrist and pulling him through the trees outside the perimeter of the town.

"My favorite place," Derek replied with a smile that Stiles couldn't see.

The noises around them, replaced by the sound of trees and the smell of nature.

"Careful," Derek mumbled, earning a scoff from Stiles.

It was twilight, the sky turning pinkish, the sun setting beneath the horizons. Leaving behind its rays to scatter the atmosphere of the Earth.

Derek and Stiles emerged from the trees to a vast field, faded voices from people there to watch the comet too. Small stars, bright and twinkling, appeared in the sky. They seemed brighter than usual too.

"Stiles! Derek! There you guys are!" a familiar voice called out.

Scott ran up to the two, grinning. "You made it! The rest are here already, come on,"

He ran off back, into the small crowd of their friends. Derek followed, taking Stiles' hand this time.

"This is my favorite place, ever. Do you like it?" Derek whispered to Stiles.

"Why did you bring me here?" Stiles couldn't help but ask. "I can't even see it,"

"You'll see this soon," Derek went up to talk to Boyd, not giving Stiles enough time to respond.

Which was a good thing, because Stiles had no response to that.

Time went by, as the group of friends sat down. Derek was beside Stiles, the latter still confused as to why he was invited when his disability defeated the whole point of coming there.

The final colors of the sky began to get darker, the stars twinkling and glowing even brighter still. The moon appeared in the sky, a bright orb in a dark sea. It was beautiful, but Derek was distracted by the person beside him.

That's when he realized how much he had fallen.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" he whispered to Stiles.

"I guess. Wish I could see it though," Stiles laughed. It was all music to Derek's ears. His laugh was everything, a sign of happiness for him.

"You want that?" Derek asked, his voice growing soft. "Then make a wish Stiles. The... stars above will grant it,"

The field grew silent, as the comet began streaking through the sky. It's colors drag out behind it like a secluded rainbow.

"Promise me one thing, Derek," Stiles said. Derek looked at him, ready to accept the promise whole heartedly.

But the promise wasn't what he expected.

"Promise me, you'll bring me here again?" Stiles asked, holding up his pinky finger. Derek was caught off guard. He looked at Stiles, who had asked a promise that he couldn't keep.

But Stiles was looking at him, with those empty eyes. The eyes that would be able to see soon, Derek knew it.

"I promise," Derek connected his finger with Stiles'.

A small silence passed as the comet continued its route, but something was changing. Derek looked at Stiles, taking a deep breath. Stiles was making his wish, Derek had to make his. Only one would work, because only one was wishing upon the comet.

The moon seemed to have become brighter, the stars brightening.

Derek was the moon, Stiles was his sun. He got all his happiness from Stiles, but Stiles didn't fully need him. The way the Sun didn't need the moon. They see each other at twilight.

They would wait for twilight, for the chance at seeing each other.

And that's what Derek would do. Wait. For a chance for Stiles and him to finally meet.

But like the Moon and Sun, when one rises, another falls.

"I'll miss you," Derek said with a final smile.

The comet had ended its run, the sky seemed to have gone back to normal. The moon glowing softly.

Stiles looked up at it. He realized he could see it.

The moon looked down at him like a comforting soul, the moon was alone. Only having the Earth for company. Stiles could see it.

He looked down, he could see the grass, the flower bed. The sky, the trees. And if he looked beside him, he would see...


Where was he?

"Derek?" Stiles said audibly. "Derek! It worked, the wish came true? But where are you?"

He saw Scott nearby, laughing with Isaac Lahey.

"Scott?" Stiles questioned.

"Oh hey Stiles. Pretty cool comet, huh?" Scott grinned his boyish smile. Stiles smiled slightly at that, finally being able to see his friend.

"Yeah, I can see! Scott, I can see! But where's Derek?"

Scott's smile faltered, looking confused. Isaac looked up at Stiles, furrowing his brows too. They exchanged confused looks.

"Uh, Stiles? What do you mean 'you can see'? What are you, blind?" Scott said with a stiff laugh.

"And what do you mean, Derek? Who's Derek? Do you have a Derek?" Isaac laughed.

Stiles felt his breathing quickening, what was happening? What happened to Derek, where was he?

"Boyd! You remember Derek right?" Stiles ran up to the hooded boy who stared at him in confusion.

"Uh no. Doesn't really ring a bell. Is he a friend of yours?"

What had Derek said? Wish upon a star, it might come true.

Well it did. But not quite.

Derek. Where was he?

A star had fallen.


Stiles had memorized routes to his house, where he walked with Scott back, trying to remind him of Derek, but to no avail.

Scott just didn't know.

He entered his house, surprised to see that Derek's belongings just weren't there. His shoes weren't at the shoe rack, his magazines weren't on the table. And all of the stuff Stiles bought to help with his disability were all gone.

There was nothing to show Derek ever existed.

He walked into Derek's bedroom, to see that it was now an office. Where Derek's computer once was, was now another computer.

Scott followed Stiles in, confused by the latter's actions.

"Stuff seems normal. Aw. Hey Checkers," he cooed.

Stiles spun around at that moment, catching Derek's cat's name, who he named. He looked down at Checkers, who stared up at him as though she knew something.

"That's Derek's cat," Stiles said to Scott, who had just picked up Checkers.

"What? No. It's your cat," Scott bounced Checkers lightly.

"This isn't right. What did the comet do?"

"You know Stiles, maybe you're just tired. We've been working on videos non-stop for the past week. So take off work, and tomorrow let's relax or something," Scott placed Checkers down and put an arm around Stiles.

Videos? That was Derek's thing. Derek had told Stiles his whole plan for working for Hollywood one day. Stiles didn't really understand, but it made Derek happy.

"Okay, I'm leaving now. See ya Stiles," Scott said, grinning again.

He walked out, as though it was his own house. Maybe somethings never change. But Stiles didn't know why Derek did.

He looked down at Checkers, picking up the cat and stroking her.

His whole life felt different. He had memories, but they all felt like they belonged to a different person. He remembered playing video games with Scott and Boyd. He remembered meeting up with Malia. He remembered seeing them.

But not Derek.

He doesn't know what Derek looks like.

After all this time.

"Do you remember Derek, Checkers?" Stiles held the cat up so they were looking eye to eye. The cat gave a mewl, but not much of an answer.

Stiles groaned. Maybe Scott was right. Maybe he just needed sleep. Maybe it was all a dream.

But what was the dream, time he spent with Derek while being blind, or the life where he could see but without Derek?

He lay in bed, sighing to himself. Sleep came quick, but Checkers didn't come in.


He awoke in a field.

The field from earlier, where he watched the comet.

He stood alone, the sky was twilight, pink. The same color it was when Stiles had arrived at the field. The flowers moved gently in the light breeze, trees swaying.

There was one lone tree in the middle of the field, lilacs surrounding them. Stiles' favorite. He approached it, each step feeling slightly heavier than the last.

That's when he saw him.

Standing there, beside the tree. He was leaning against it, looking at Stiles. At least, Stiles thinks he was.

The mask covering his face was hard to tell. The black mask with a small wolf drawn on it. He wore a green shirt, wasn't that Derek's favorite color?

It covered his hair, but the mask.

It covered his face.

Take off the mask Derek, let me see you.

Stiles couldn't get the words out. He knew it was Derek. It had to be. But why, why was he here? In this field?

"Derek?" he called out, his voice echoing around the field. "What did you do?"

He walked up to Derek, again, feeling like gravity was just getting stronger. Pulling him down, away from the one person who meant the world to him.

"Stiles," Derek spoke, his voice as clear as day. It brought Stiles back, a feeling of nostalgia. Had he lost Derek for good? "It's not your fault. That comet. A wish was made,"

Derek walked up to him.

"Yeah, but... I didn't mean for this to happen. This wasn't even my wish," Stiles whispered, but even so, Derek heard him clearly.

"Then what was your wish? You wanted to be able to see, right?" Derek stopped in front of him.


Stiles looked up at Derek. The taller man froze. Like he made a horrible mistake.

He had.

He told Stiles to wish on the stars. While he, Derek, made the wish. He wished for Stiles to be able to see.

Stiles wished to see him.

"I just wanted to see you,"

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