Love and Deepspace x Reader

By Assicje25

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PS: This story is from the game Love and Deepspace. This are specially for the people who can't play it or di... More

Chapter 1: To Begin
Chapter 2: Mysterious Light
Chapter 3: Ripples
Chapter 4: Curtain Rainfall
Chapter 5: The First Mission
Chapter 6: Artsy Dreams
Chapter 7: Next Target
Chapter 8: Studio Encounter
Chapter 10: Ocean at night
Chapter 11: Twinkle Toys
Chapter 12: Dangerously Close
Chapter 13: Shining Traces
Chapter 14: Neon Night
Chapter 15: Secret Fairytale
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Frozen Greetings
Chapter 18: Banquet Pt.1
Chapter 19: Banquet Pt.2
Chapter 20: Secret
Chapter 21: Beyond expectation
Chapter 22: Aether Core
Chapter 23: Snowy Mountain
Chapter 24: Emergencies
Chapter 25: Legendary Lumiere
Chapter 26: Your Distance
Chapter 27: Masquerade Pt.1
Chapter 28: Masquerade Pt.2
Chapter 28: High Level Access
Chapter 29: Party Plan Pt.1
Chapter 30: Party Plan Pt.2
Chapter 31: Wanted
Chapter 32: Investigation
Chapter 33: Canvas Enigmas
Chapter 34: Warm Wishes
Chapter 35: Set Sail
Chapter 36: Weak Fiends
Chapter 37: Bonfire
Chapter 38: Ebb and Flow
Chapter 39: Fragrant Dream
Chapter 40: Desecrated Soil
Chapter 41: Philo
Chapter 42: Unconventional Advice
Chapter 43: Into the Deep
Chapter 44: Trap
Writer's Note
Myths: Sea of the Golden Sands Pt.1
Myths: Sea of the Golden Sands Pt.2
Myths: Sea of the Golden Sands Pt.3
Myths: Sea of the Golden Sands Pt.4
Myths: Sea of the Golden Sands Pt.5

Chapter 9: Reunion Under Moon

176 10 0
By Assicje25

The back up arrives at the train station. You lead all the passenger and train stuff in the safe area. You are about to go back to help fight Wanderers when your Hunter's Watch lights up.

H M - S - 1 0 2 7 - 2 0 3 0

Level: ???
Location: No-Hunt Zone 7
Status: Active

Task Details:
[ Directive No.85 ]

A sudden fluctuation occurred in some districts of Linkon City. Please proceed to investigate and resolve the crisis.

Clear the Source of Fluctuation.



H M - S - 1 0 2 7 - 2 0 3 0


According to the risk level of this mission, special privileges will be activated for you.

Name: Y/N                         Hunter ID: 81000637888

> Entry permit to No-Hunt Zone

                    [Applying] [Granted]

> Vital signs detection level - [Enhancing] -


> Emergency signal band 0.347 - [Boosting] -


>Companion Signal [Connecting]


>Companion Signal [Connecting] - [...] -


No-hunt Zone No 7
6:35 P.M.

You are waiting for the signal of your partner when a hologram of Jenna appeared.

          The situation's not looking good in No- Hunt Zone No. 7. The Alpha Team needs to work in pairs. Our objective is to investigate and send back information. Prioritize your safety and don't get into unnecessary fights.

The Wanderers appearing outside the train isn't a random occurrence. Even if you defeated them, several other locations in Linkon City still experienced energy fluctuations. While the mission is simple, the fact it's in No- Hunt Zone No. 7 makes it unique.

Hunter A:
          Partner rendezvous complete. We're entering Zone I.

Hunter B:
          Entered Zone III. We'll report back when needed.

          How's Zone IV?

          I've reached the entrance of Zone IV.

          Okay good. Now, all proceed to the mission. Good luck!

You look around. You only hear the sound of rustling, trees swaying in the night breeze.

          But. . . My partner... isn't here yet.

It's been a couple of hours, and there are still no signs of a teammate showing up. The signal is getting worse, too. You can't keep waiting.

          (I'll just head in first.)

You put your masked first then entered the zone. You walked for a several minutes until you notice that in every turns you make you always end up face a tree with a triangle sign in it.

          (Wasn't I here before? ...No matter where I go, my surroundings look exactly the same.)

The wind blows stronger. Birds are flying. Trees are rustling. You heard a loud noise.


You pull out your gun and slowly walk towards the target. Reaching the end of the forest, near a cliff you saw a big black shadow-like monster floating in the air. You run and roll towards a big rock.

          (If I fight it head-on, I'll die. That's for sure.)

You look at it once again and you see someone standing at the cliff.


You look closely at it. The man reaches his hand to the Wanderer.

          (Is he... comforting the Wanderer?)

When the man's hand touches the Wanderer, a light shines. The Wanderer blows up through the air leaving it's remnants showers to the ground. A red protocore was flowing. The man gets his hand in it then crush it.

          (It's that guy from the other day...!)

Wanting to see more, you accidentally step into a branch. The man heard it.

          ( Oh no, i need to-)

You attempted to run and hide again but when you face your back Xavier was already there drawing his sword on your face. You drop on the ground.


          I-it's me! We've met before I swear! Back at the research base. After we escaped, you asked me to-

Before you finished your sentence a blue like wine warps around your feet and drag you and hang you upside down.


You looked at Xavier struggling. You remove your mask to show him your face.

          ...You asked me to keep our meeting a secret.

Realizing he must've mistaken you for someone else he help you get down. He put you in a tree log and check if you are hurt somewhere. Touching your ankle you flinch.

          Are you hurt here?

Y/N: ( Smiled )
          It's only a sprained ankle. Thank you for your help.

Xavier get the bandage in his pocket and give it to you. You wrap it around your ankle.

          I didn't expect us to meet again so soon.

He look at you seriously.

          And I didn't expect you to be brave enough to come here alone.

          I didn't have a choice. My partner went missing.

Xavier diverted his gaze to the surroundings.

          The energy fluctuations make it easy to get lost. You should leave, now that you hurt your ankle.

          What about you? Aren't you worried about getting lost?
          Wait... That's right. You can just "poof" whenever you want.

          The forest isn't scary because of the unpredictable Metaflux surges. Many Tenebrae came here seeking the high-grade Protocores to sell on the market. ( He pauses ) But after obtaining them, the hunters were never seen again.


Xavier half-kneeling lean closer to you.

          This forest is alive. It consumed them.

          Scaring me won't work.

          You have the guts. I wish you the best of luck.

He stands up and pick up his sword and about to leave.

          All right, we're not far from the edge of the forest. You'll be able to get to safety from here.

          Wait... What about you? Why are you here?

He stops and for a moment it was silent. He never turn his head to see you. He just look down.

          ...Take care of yourself.

The moment he said those words, he's suddenly out of your sight.

A creeping fog enshrouds moonlight. The forest is even darker, and the evening wind resembles a sob. You carefully move your ankle and lift your watch to find there's no signal. You look at the spot where Xavier had vanished.

          (He's a mysterious person. Could he be my mission partner?)
          (I was told I would be working with the best hunter, but if it's really Xavier... Did the system make a mistake?)

A Wanderer's roar cuts through the air. I tightly hold my gun.

         Did he run into trouble? (No, that's impossible. If anything, the Wanderer should be the one who's worried.)

The leaves rustle. It's not the wind. You glance behind, a familiar figure emerging from the cover of night.


          Why did you come back?

Xavier's brow furrows as he scans his surroundings. He looks at the tree stump you're sitting on. He realizes you haven't moved. He turns around, clearing his throat.

          There are many Wanderers here. I've already taken care of some of them. It should be safe for you to leave.

           Thank... you?

          You're welcome.

He rushes off in another direction, vanishing into the forest. Before long, there's another wail from the Wanderers.Within ten minutes, a beam of light cleaves through the shrubs. Amidst the flurry of leaves and branches, you and Xavier lock eyes.

          Let me guess... You cleared out the Wanderers on the other side?


Another ten minutes pass. You're speechless as Xavier appears before you for a third time. His expression, initially wary and awkward, has relaxed.

          I've been thinking... Leaving an injured teammate behind isn't a good idea.

           So you finally see me as your partner, huh? You don't look guilty.

Xavier rubs his face, his gaze shifting to the perilous forest.

          It's too dark for you to see.

You ask Xavier to come closer. You reach him by arm and start scanning him using your Hunter's Watch.

[ Beep ]

H M - D - 2 1 9 3 - 0 0 8 1



Signal interference detected. Unable to retrieve information. Identity verification failed.


The Hunter's Watch glitches for the fifth time. The electronic light illuminating Xavier's expressionless face fades as you lower your arm.

          Is my uniform not enough?

          Anyone can wear a uniform. Given your suspicious behavior, I see no reason not to confirm.
Tell me something only a UNICORNS hunter would know.

          During the Chronorift Catastrophe, the first Wanderer to be killed was Tezcatlipoca. It happened...

          Anyone can look that up on the Internet. Try again.

He lets out a soft sigh. Raising his hand, specks of starlight gradually gather around. The light moves along his fingers, transforming into golden threads in the dark. A pattern composed of several diamonds appears.

Surrounded by radiant light, Xavier quietly stares at you, waiting for you to speak.

          Uh, it looks pretty?

He closes his eyes.

          I'm asking if it looks familiar to you at all.

I stare at the complicated pattern again.

          No. Should it be?

The light flickers. Maybe Xavier was hoping to hear something else.

          You'll see it soon.

Xavier looks at the surrounding.

          Keep an eye out for any ruins. This pattern can appear on the Flux Nexus.


          It's a device that captures Metaflux. It's also the source of the fluctuations here. Our mission will be complete once we find it.

          (He sounds confident... But something is still off.)

          Has my identity been confirmed?


Realizing the problem at hand, I take a step back.

          The objective said nothing about a pattern or Flux Nexus. You could've just made it up. And if this is some top-secret info... How did you get it? You're getting even more suspicious by the second.

Xavier seems stumped by all the questions. He waves his hand, golden light dissipating into particles.

          Forget it. Think of me as a normal hunter who happened to be passing by.

The pattern still lingers in my mind. You remember what Tara was telling earlier.

          ( A stone stele with peculiar symbols. ) Wait, can you describe what the Flux Nexus looks like? Like its size or the material it's made from.

          Will you believe me, though? You wouldn't be able to confirm if it's all made up. And I'll be even more suspicious.

He's using your own words against you.

          You've already said a lot. It wouldn't hurt to say a few more things.

          It doesn't have a set size. It could be mistaken for a stone sculpture.

          (His description matches up! The one at the abandoned research base should be the same thing.)
          (If the Flux Nexus really is the source of the fluctuations, then it could've caused an explosion.)

With looming trees blocking the moonlight, monsters roam the forest and howl. Their roars are accompanied by distant thunder. Xavier doesn't seem to have noticed you being momentarily distracted. He slightly turns in the direction of the sound.

          It doesn't matter. Let's get out of here first.

He looks at you then at your injury.

          How's your ankle?

         The energy fluctuations aren't intense, but they're unpredictable. No wonder we keep getting lost...

You use your Evol to scan the surroundings while also looking for a way out.

          Xavier, why are we always trapped together whenever we meet?

          Curious. Is it not? Why do you always happen to be around when I'm in trouble?

          Answering my question with another? That's not very nice.

You sneak a glance at him just as he turns his head toward you. You act nonchalant and look away.


Sensing something's off, his expression turns serious, and you become quiet.

In the dim light, a few steps away from the slope, are several Wanderers on the move. Their bodies shimmer with an eerie, electrical glow.

          They're around B rank and won't be that strong. They work in groups, manipulating the space around them to trap their prey. They're like spiders, waiting until their victims tire themselves out. Then they feast.


Xavier takes a couple of steps, positioning himself in front of you.

          They're causing the spatial distortions... Explains why we've been walking in circles.

You look everywhere and come up with a plan.

          Xavier, we should split up. I'll go-

          We've been spotted.

In the blink of an eye, he vanishes. A few streaks of light slice through the murky night. Before you know it, all that remains at the bottom of the slope is Xavier's shadow holding his sword. The Wanderers dissipate into dust, scattering to the wind He sheathes his sword, turns around, and raises his head.

          Sorry, what were you saying?

          ...Oh, it's nothing. Just talking to myself.

Once you catch up to him, you check the area around.

          The fluctuations have stopped.

          This way.

Xavier walks ahead silently. Puzzled, you follow after him until you found yourself standing in front of a boulder. Suddenly, a new path emerges behind it.

          ( A hidden tunnel? )

Xavier immediately walk inside. You have no choice but to follow him. While walking, you can't control yourself and ask him more questions.

          It seems harmless, but it's scary during combat...


          It's a compliment.

You walk closer to him.

          Uhm . . . Xavier, you told me to keep your presence there a secret. You also said you'd explain everything the next time we meet...Uhm...Shouldn't you be saying something right now?

          It's a long story.

          ...Liar. ( eyes rolled ) Well, since we're on the same team, we have time to figure it out in the future.

Xavier remain silent.

          Oh, wait. You're a normal hunter who just happened to be passing by.

          ...Do you need to keep your guard up?

          You haven't exactly been honest. But now that I think about it, we've faced a few challenges together...Regardless of the secrets you're hiding, we can work together. For now. (Yeah, for now)

Your reach the end of the tunnel. There's a stair that goes from bottom to top. Xavier goes first.

          Something's wrong with the fluctuation ahead. Get ready.


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