is it love? or is it just fan...

By choniforlifer

49 3 0

Shelby goodkinds, an 18 year old from texas. At the top of her class, she has been chosen to take care of any... More

First day

Fatins party 😁

14 1 0
By choniforlifer

Toni's pov:
As we arrived home Shelby and Marty both say in the sofa and I went to the kitchen to grab some food before going out ground to shoot hoops, since mrs. Blackburn brought one for me as a welcome gift when I got here.
As I walked back toward the ground door Marty asked "Toni where ya going? I thought you would join us." I looked at her with a smile and told her "oh sorry I'm going to go shoot hoops for a bit but I'll join you later if that's okay?" Martha just smiled at me.
About an hour later I went back inside to see them both still sat talking about god knows what so I went back to the kitchen to grab some water. "Hey Toni! How do you feel about going to a party?" Martha shouted. "Uhm, it's Monday..." Toni says walking in to the living room with them both sat looking at her with pleasing eyes. "C'mon Toni, Fatima party's are always so fun and she's got a free house for the night." Martha added. "Ugh fine, when is it?" Toni asked, " in 20 minutes" Marty answered with a grin plastered across her face. I rolled my eyes and laughed at the two slightly.

Ten minutes later we were all dressed ready to go to the party and got into Martha's car once again. To be honest I didn't see Shelby as the sort of girl that would go to this kind of party let along on a school night yet here they are all sat in a car on their way to one. Every so often I would catch Shelby eyes drifting toward me but as soon as we locked eyes she would sip her head around to look forward again.

Soon they arrived at a secluded modern house at the bottom oh a long country road, hearing booming music and seeing blue lights flash like strobes.

They got out of the car and went to the door. As Toni went to knock Martha and Shelby moved in front of her to walk in to the house instead. Toni looked confused however as soon as she walked in to the large space she was met with the heart eyed girl from school 'fatin' Toni reminded her self. They lock eyes and the girl blushes at Toni.

After going an impromptu tour of the mansion via fatin, she called for the rest of their friend group to all go with us to the basement with a large bottle of alcohol in her left hand, swaying slightly down the stairs.

After about five minutes the group from the table at school were now sat in a circle. Two girls sat close together however they didn't look to fond of each other. I'm pretty sure that's Nora and Rachel, two sisters that moved here from New York. To the left of Nora was a girl in dark green cargoes who gave off some serious gay vibes. Next to her was Fatin, then Marty, then me, a girl called Lea say next to me with Shelby in between her and  Rachel.

Fatin tapped the glass bottle of alcohol with a fork and began to talk. "Hey girls, so I thought we could play a little game to welcome our new friend Toni to the group" she said and winked at me. Easing one eyebrow I looked at her and asked "oh yeah? What kind of game?".  "I was thinking spin the bottle or truth or dare" fatin smirked. "I can't play spin the bottle, I've got andrew so I will not be cheatin' on him today thankyou" shelby said assertively. "Truth or dare it is" dot shouted seeming to be slightly tipsy by the sound of her voice.

We collectively decided that we would spin the bottle and whoever it landed on would give you a dare. Dot spam the bottle first and it landed on Lea. Lea dared dot to call her ex and tell him that she wanted to get back with him. "Hey Matteo, it's dot. I wanted to ask you something," silence filled the room. "What is it dot is everything okay?" A male voice said. I soon figured out that dot broke up with him for to the fact that he seemed to really care what she had to say. "I want to get back together with you, I've missed you so much and I can't stop thinking about you." Dot finished her speech and yet again the room fell silent. "Dot you know it's a bad idea after last time" he said and she hung up the phone before letting out a loud laugh causing the rest of us to burst out laughing along with her.

Martha spin next and it landed on Shelby. Shelby looked like she had no idea what to say so she went with a truth  "Who was your first kiss" I saw Martha's smile falter slightly as she said "I've not had my first kiss yet, saving it for the right guy you know?"
She said sadly as if the last part wasn't all true. Everyone smiled sympathetically and the game swiftly moved on. My turn came around and I took the bottle from Martha. I took a long swig from the bottle and grimaced slightly at the burn however it earns a slight cheer from the group. I span the bottle and it landed on Fatin. She looked up at me and smirked then pondered for a second before saying "I dare you to kiss the most attractive girl in this circle." She broke her smirk and as she realised I was walking away from her and toward the blond girl sat two people away from me. I looked at Shelby and asked: "may I kiss you?" The group once again fell silent with everyone staring slack jawed at the two of us. "Um... I guess, it's just a dare right?" Said Shelby answering my question. As soon as I have consent, I cup her face with my left hand and take her waist with my right pulling her closer toward me. Passionately placing a few kissed on her lips. She pulled away and sat straight down again without saying anything. I looked at her as she sat back down for a second but got the memo and sat back down next to Marty. Fatin looked slightly hurt but the game continues anyway.

At about 11:30 we were the last people at the party. So decided to call it a night and have Shelby a ride home before heading back to Marty's house.

Words: 1145
Hey it's me again. Thanks for reading. I know it's been a while since I updated but I hope you enjoyed. I'll probably update again tonight or tomorrow. Comment and vote! X

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