Date a Live: Date a God

By Karl_Krafft_

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After protecting the world from Hajun for 8000+ years, Tenma Yato, knowed also as Ren Fujii found his death b... More

chapter 1: Ren Fujii, new world new life
chapter 2: meeting Princess
chapter 3: date turned into a nightmare
chapter 4: the god of high school
chapter 5: Hermit the second spirit
chapter 6: the return of the Yatsukahagi
chapter 7: the transfered girl
chapter 8: triple date
chapter 9: Ephemeral Moment
chapter 10: the Yamai sisters (season 2 beginning)
chapter 11: saving the Yamai sisters
chapter 12: Ren Fujii, the man who can be respected even by misandrisds
chapter 14: Ren vs Stylish
chapter 15: aftermath
chapter 15.5: the first Heaven joins the story
chapter 15.6: to bed with Anna(πŸ‹)
chapter 15.7: two goddesses(πŸ‹)
chapter 16 (special): the White Queen (beginning of the last arc)
chapter 17: Mio Takamiya
chapter 18: clash of Hegemonies
chapter 19: The Throne
chapter 20: Yato's return
chapter 21: the final battle. Zeref vs Yato

chapter 13: Ephemeral Moment part 2

323 4 1
By Karl_Krafft_

Krafft (author): I hope you will enjoy the chapter my people

Ren Pov:

So. The festival happened and it was amazing but guess what? Miku didn't accept that her school was defeated by Raizen High School + she discovered Shido is a boy. So now she is controlling the whole Tengu City. So I got Mana and Origami chasing me trying to kill me even if I can't be killed and as if it wasn't enough there is even DEM trying to kill me

Ren: *telepathically* Yatsukahagi can you hear me?

I got an answer from Anna

Numahime: *telepathically* yes Fujii-kun

Ren: *telepathically* guys, fight these guys but don't kill them. Unless is strictly necessary

I received answers from everyone

Morei: *telepathically* Roger Fujii-kun

Shirou: *telepathically* got it

Numahime: *telepathically* yes my love

Momiji: *telepathically* alright Fujii-kun

But I didn't receive an answer from Theresia so I asked them

Ren: *telepathically* where is Theresia??

Numahime: *telepathically* they... DEM was able to kidnap her

What?! How?! I need to save her. If they have technology to harm me, I don't know what they will do to her. I better go ahead and save her

With Shirou:

Shirou was in his Tenma Sukuna form

And was surrounded by many people under control of Miku and many DEM Wizards

Shirou: shit. I gotta kick your ass first

He pulled out various guns

And smirked

Shirou: come on now!!

He began to shot the sky very fast. So fast that not even DEM's wizards were able to dodge. To them. It was like they were facing off a meteor shower. He kept doing that until DEM wizards were knocked out

Shirou: now then

And he began to chant

Shirou: Acetaminophen, Argatroban, Aleviatin, Abilify Cravit, Klaricid Glucobay.
Zyroric, Jzoloft, Cefzon, Theodur, Tegafur, Tegretol. Depas, Depakine Toledomin Nu-lotan Norvasc.
Lendormin Lipitor Rheumatrex Erythematodes. Fulminant, hepatitis,
Pulmonary fibrosis Autoimmune disease.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Taikyoku – Malignant Tumor Apoptosis!!

Suddenly everyone fell down. His power worked? It did. They fainted because he suppressed every supernatural power in his area, including Miku's mind control.

Shirou: very well. My job is done

He said as he returned to his normal form

With Beatrice and Kei:

They were in their Tenma Morei form

And was holding two Katana who were Kei's relic Scharlachrot and Thrüd Walkure

Like Shirou, she was fighting the DEM. They tried to attack her, but she easily dodged their attacks and knocked them down with lightnings and flames

Morei: pathetic

With Anna and Liza

They were in their Tenma form aswell

Tenma Numahime (Anna)

Tenma Momiji (Liza)

They were fighting against DEM and people controlled by Miku too

Numahime: Dharani Marishiten!

And multiple of her appeared

Momiji: Very well. I'll fight too

Momiji: Taikyoku – Mugen Tokatsu Jigoku!

And from the ground, multiple dead bodies appeared which scared DEM wizards

Momiji: defeat them!

DEM tried to fight the dead bodies but with no result. And in the end they were easily defeated. Numahime used her Taikyoku too to bring away the people controlled by Miku

Numahime: Taikyoku – Mugen Kokujou Jigoku!

A sea of shadows appeared. And the people under Miku's control were slowly dragged down. Yet she didn't kill them cause of what Ren told her

Back to Ren
Ren PoV:

I can't believe the Senpai was kidnapped again. How did they do that?!
I was running to DEM's building until a dart striked me

Ren: this thing won't.... stop me....

Wait, am I falling asleep?! No it can't be. No poison can ever have effect on me. Unless this is.... no..... this was made from..... Kai's poison?!

And so I fell asleep. The last thing I heard was a woman saying "mr Wescott will be happy to see you" and so, I lost conscience

Shido PoV:

I was into DEM's building where Tohka got kidnapped, where is Ren when I need him? Mana was fighting a wizar named Jessica. As I walked in, some guards tried to attack me but I used Sandalphon and took care of them. And again I got captured, bur Miku saved me

Shido: Miku!

Miku: how dare you to say my name disgusting creature?! The only boy who has the right to do that is Ren!!

What the hell?

Shido: hey, are you in Ren in some kind of relationship?

Miku: *blush* NO!!!! There is no way I can fall for a boy!!!!!

We proceeded and entered where Tohka was kidnapped. We saw a man with ash blonde hairs

He told us his name was Isaac Westscott, founder of DEM industries

Then he showed up two girls. The first was Tohka. While the other one I saw her only once but I recognized her. Her name was Theresia and unlike Tohka, she was almost totally naked. What were these guys doing?! They opened the handcuffs and I tried to reach out for Tohka but couldn't cause there was an invisible wall. Then Ellen stabbed me. I saw Tohka going inverse and then I saw the unexpected... they brought REN!!!!

Miku: REN-SAN!!!

Isaac: so that is the famous Zarathustra huh?

Kotori: 'Shido what's going on? Wait- IS THAT REN?!?!'

I couldn't speak a word

Third Person PoV:

Ren opened his eyes. He was still confused and had a lot of questions. As soon as he fully opened his eyes, he saw tons of Bandersnatch and wizards surrounding him with weapons pointing at him. And then, he met Isaac's eyes

Isaac: good morning Zarathustra, or you prefer Ren?

Ren: who the fuck are you?

Isaac: my name is Isaac Westscott. And now, look at my beautiful creation *points inverse Tohka*

Ren: TOHKA!!!

Then he saw Theresia almost naked tied on a chair


Isaac: oh so you know her?


RW (Random Wizard): how dare you to speak to Westscott-sama like that!!

She tried to punch him but broke her hand. Ellen came back to Isaac

Ellen: she is a SS class spirit now

Isaac: wonderful!! Do you think you can defeat her?

Ellen: of course but my wound will make it risky

Isaac: very well. Princess' inversion was a big step. Let's retreat for now and bring that girl. Stylish will love making experiments on her


He wanted to move and activate his guillotine, yet his handcuffs were like blocking him.

Ren: unacceptable... unacceptable unacceptable unacceptable unacceptable!!!!

Mercury's symbol appeared in his eyes

Suddenly, another song started to play

Ellen: another song?

Miku: what is this?

Then, they heard Ren singing

Ren: Die Sonne tönt nach alter Weise in Brudersphären ettgesang.
Und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise vollendet sie mit Donnergang.

Everyone who could speak German would be able to translate it. It was the same chant for Overture yet the tone didn't match it. In result, it was a song of rotten malice

Ren: Und schnell und unbegreiflich schnelle in ewig schnellem Sphhärenlauf

Ellen: what the hell? Is he using that move?

She prepared for battle

RW4: what the hell are you saying bastard?!

They couldn't understand his words. The rest of the Yatsukahagi in Tengu City were hearing the words too, and ran over to see what was going on but they already knew what was about to happen. Yet, who was this prayer directed at?
The Serpent. He was demanding power from his creator, the highest form of existence

Ren: Da flammt ein blitzendes Verheeren Dem Pfade vor des Donnerschlags; Da keiner dich ergruenden mag, Und alle deinen hohen Werke
Sind herrlich wie am ersten Tag.

And in result, a ultimate Netherworld manifested in this universe, one comparable in potence to Gladsheimr. Those who were there around still didn't know what was going on, but they saw Ren's body changing. His hairs became red and his skin became jet-black

Miku: Ren-san....

Shido: what is this...?

Ren: Beri'ah—

Ren: Eine Faust—

The hell of infinite equanimity and ice, Cocytus. Those who were in the room saw that from Ren's back, several scythes appeared

Ren: Finale!

The world of eternal standstill. Everyone were scared of the new appearence, they were putted under a gravitational pression ten thousands time higher than what they have been used to. For no one could escape the absolute chains of time. How far did his power extend? All those acknowledge by Ren would freeze in time, and if it wasn't enough he had increased his speed a thousand-fold higher than Overture. The world was not prepared for this


The howl of a maddened beast shook the building, breaking the glass

Kotori PoV:

I was on the Fraxinus and we were shocked for what Ren has become. His skin changed colour, his eyes and hairs became red, on his chest there was a strange symbol that looked like a double serpent and on his back there were several blades. It felt like this was too much strong. More than when he used Eine Faust Overture. It's bad, very bad

Nail knocker: commander, all his affection level are beyond the scale of negative level!

Kotori: what does it means?

Kannazuki: another inversion?

Shido PoV:

I was watching this new version of Ren. That monstrous appearence made me unable to move. It was no different for Miku. At the same time, I felt like my time was slowed down a lot and I seemed slower. Also, I felt like I should stay away from him now. What made him become like that? Is this his peak?

Third person PoV:

The hell of Cocytus began its advance. His first target was Ellen. There was not complex reason behind this choice, she simply was too close to him

Ellen: what the hell do you think you are?! I'll destroy you!!

Tons of Bandersnatch tried to jump on him. However they stagnated the moment they entered in Ren's reach, all has been confused by the standstill. And then, a dozen of lethal blades flew in the air turning into a wind of annihilation, only to descend upon the Wizard

Ellen: Ghhhh...!!

It sent her fly against the wall. Her neck was severed for one third. She couldn't forgive that, he made her crawl like an insect infront of the eyes of her master

Ellen: bastard...!!!

(Stop the song)

(Play this one now)

(From 0:26)

Army of milions of Bandersnatch tried to attack him, but they only stagnated as Ren's blades were destroying them. Wizards were scared to attack him and didn't want. Yet, Ren's blade kept attacking. Killing and destroying every wizard and Bandersnatch that would be in his reach, leaving everyone shocked for the cruelty he was putting into it

Ren: Annihilation... Annihilation....

Except for Tohka, the spirits that re-gained their senses reached there and were terrified too. The rest of the Yatsukahagi reached there too

Kotori: *terrified a lot* j-j-just what is he?!

Shirou: shit, it's so bad

Kaguya: what do you mean? What is that monstrous form?!

Numahime: it's called Eine Faust Finale. Do you see that? It's not Ren, it's a bloodlusted monster. Not even us can stop this

Tohka: I see so he is my enemy

Another throne appeared

Tohka: Paverschlev... Nahemah!!!!

The throne broke down into pieces and formed a new giant sword. Then attacked the master of eternal standstill. It destroyed half of Tengu City but Ren was still there. Seeing that, he jumped to where Tohka was, and attacked her with a storm of blades

Who could tell how many slashes were thrown. Milions? Bilions? Trilions? Who knows. They were all thrown istantly, making Tohka pass out and fall on the ground

Everyone: Tohka!!!!

Ren: death... death... death...!!!

Krafft: if you arrived here, I hope you enjoyed the chapter my people. See ya in the next one :)

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