Chords of the Heart

By L0wfimood

60 31 1

"Chords of the Heart" is an engaging narrative that weaves the story of Maria, a university student in Los An... More

Chapter 1: The Dream Within Reach
Chapter 2: A Moment on Stage
Chapter 3: Echoes on Social Media
Chapter 5: Revealed Affinities
Chapter 6: Complications
Chapter 7: Crossing Boundaries
Chapter 8: Confronting Reality
Chapter 9: Difficult Decisions
Chapter 10: Decisions Made
Chapter 11: Harmony and Challenge
Chapter 12: The Melody of the Heart
Chapter 13: Final Chords

Chapter 4: Messages in the Early Hours

6 3 0
By L0wfimood

After the night that changed her life, Maria found herself in a state of constant anticipation, her daily routine intertwined with moments when she checked her social media. Each notification was like a breath of wind, capable of lifting or dissipating the clouds of hope accumulating on her emotional horizon. The response she had left for the mysterious "J" echoed in her mind, a message sent into the universe, waiting for a reply that might never come.

However, on a silent night, when the city seemed to breathe deeply in sleep, the unthinkable happened. Her phone vibrated with the urgency of a promise, a notification shining against the darkness of the room. It was a direct message, not a public comment, something personal and intimate in this vast digital sea.

"Hello, Maria. I hope this message finds you well. It was truly special to see how our music touched your heart. Keep the flame of passion and dream always burning. - J."

The message was brief, but each word was laden with immeasurable weight. Maria reread the message several times, trying to decipher the sender's identity. Her heart beat a symphony of conflicting emotions - hope, doubt, joy, uncertainty. What if it was really him, Jeongin, reaching out across the insurmountable distance that separates an idol from their fan?

With trembling hands, she typed a response, each keystroke a step on an unknown path.

"Hello, J. Your message means a lot to me. Your music has been a light on many of my days. Thank you for doing what you do, and for this message. 🌌"

Sending the reply was like releasing a balloon into the night sky, not knowing where it would land or if it would be carried by the breeze to the eyes for whom it was intended. But she had responded, putting her words and feelings into the world, an echo of what her heart sang.

In the days that followed, the exchange of messages between Maria and "J" became a constant. Each message was a glimpse into a shared world, a bridge built on words and feelings. "J" shared thoughts on music, hope, and dreams, carefully avoiding revealing his true identity. Maria, in turn, spoke about her life, her dreams, and how Stray Kids' music inspired her.

These nightly conversations became the highlight of her days, stolen moments where she could connect with someone who, against all odds, seemed to understand exactly what she needed to hear. The anonymous nature of "J" added a veil of mystery, but also a layer of sincerity to their interactions. There were no spotlights here, just two souls sharing pieces of themselves in the quiet of the night.

Maria began to realize how precious this connection had become to her. It was a source of comfort and inspiration, a constant reminder that magic resided not only in grand moments like the concert but also in the small exchanges that happened in the quiet hours between dusk and dawn.

Each message was a tacit promise of continuity, a thread of hope woven through words. And as Maria lay down to sleep after each exchange, she allowed herself to dream of the possibility that, somehow, these messages were building something real and tangible, a bond forged not just in admiration but in the genuine sharing of thoughts and emotions.


Exploring new creative territories is always a brave step, and I am truly touched to have the opportunity to share a bit of my journey with you. Writing has been a hobby for me, a way to spread my imagination's wings and, perhaps, touch someone's heart along the way. I still consider myself a learner in this vast universe of writing, aware that I have much to discover and improve.

I must confess, I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness at the thought of continuing. The truth is, I am only motivated to move forward if, in some way, this resonates with you. Your opinion is incredibly valuable to me, whether it be as a sign of encouragement or constructive guidance for my growth.

Therefore, I humbly ask you to share your impressions. If you think there's something special in what I write, and you want to read more, I would be honored to continue this journey. But, if you feel it's not the time, I will understand with gratitude and take it as an important lesson in my path of learning.

Thank you so much for giving me the chance to share a piece of my world with you. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that it has brought some value, however small, to your life. I am open to hearing what you have to say, with all humility and an open mind to learn from every word.

Should I continue writing?

Follow me on my social media if so:

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