the way i loved you - cpt.rex

By kenobiisvtrn

402 22 6

screaming, and fighting, and kissing in the rain. ©kenobiisvtrn - 2024 star wars ff ongoing... More

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮
000. prologue
act one
002. the bill
003. coruscant
004. cyar'ika, please

001. rebellion meetings

49 3 0
By kenobiisvtrn

—— rebellion meetings ——

misere rebellibus - mercy on the rebels

CAMILA TOOK A DEEP BREATH, wringing her hands together while trying to calm her raging nerves. Her eyes flickered shut for a moment and she used her sense of hearing to calm herself. It seemed to work as she felt her thoughts quieten down and her shoulders relax, as the soft tweets of birds and whispers of Chandrilla's winds fill her ears and her clustered head.

She had to do this. This meeting was important. She had to do it.

She had to do it..

She had to do it...

Camila repeats the same five words to herself as she opens her eyes once again and releases her hands from each other. She nods confidently to herself before walking forward, around the corner and towards the set of double doors at the end of the corridor. She held herself with confidence and grace, as usual, with a determined look in her eye and chin held high.

With a sharp nod to the two guards, the doors of the entrance hall open up and she strides into the room, her own trusted set of guards either side of her as she slows her pace slightly and walks to her seat at the large table that stood in the middle of the room, smiling slightly and nodding at those that greeted her upon her entrance. She stopped beside her seat, and sat down, gracefully, next to Senator Riyo Chuchi and Senator Bail Organa, her guards stepped away to the outside of the room, open eyed, grey masks doing nothing to hide their stoic and guarding expressions.

Camila didn't include herself in the conversation that the two Senators were in, only greeting them in professional silence.

The polite clearing of a throat and clink of a spoon against glass, caused all quiet conversations to stop and everyone's attention to turn to the head of the table where Senator Mon Mothma stood.

"Welcome Senators, Rebellion sympathisers, and everyone. Thank you for coming."

Camila took another deep breath, clasping her hands together, tightly under the table as the important rebellion meeting began. She silently repeated her mantra to herself as she focused on what the Senator was saying. The rebellion was important but dangerous. And this was something she needed to do. It was necessary. For Padmè. For Alba. For everyone that needed their help.

About three hours later, the meeting had finished and Camila rose from her seat, her thoughts lingering on the things discussed in the meeting. Although she'd remained silent for the duration of it, Camila had listened intently with many thoughts on the matters at hand. Senator Mothma had spoken of Saw Gerrera's movements and locations and of important doings in the Empire. They were starting to faze out clones in exchange for new TK troopers and many people had been mysteriously disappearing.

Followed by her guards, Camila begins to make her way towards the door. She's interrupted, however, when a gentle hand is placed on her arm, causing her steps to halt.

Camila turns to see Senator Organa smiling down at her. She gently smiles back at him. She'd always held respect for the older senator, the two had always gotten along and in her first few months as a senator, he'd been somewhat of a mentor to her.

"Mila, it's good to see you." He greets.

"Bail. It's been a while. I apologise for my absence in the Senate. I'm sure you understand." Camila replies, keeping contact with the older Senator's brown eyes.

"It's perfectly fine, Mila. With a daughter of my own, I completely understand your priorities. Remaining on Naravi IV is what is best for the pair of you." He replies with a slight nod of his head.

Camila smiles warmly back at him. Alba was several years older than Bail's newborn daughter, Leia, but the two Senator's wished to raise them closer together when Leia was older. They hoped to raise them against the Empire and what better than for them to have support in each other during potential conflict.

"As for other matters, how have you been? And what of your.. erm.. friends?" He asks, raising an eyebrow with slight amusement. Camila smiles slightly at what he was hinting at.

"I remain in contact with a few. But some I am unable to talk to or are unable to get in contact with. I also haven't seen him in over a year." She replies. Yes, she'd remained in contact with a couple of her friends. The usual batch, especially her sister, Hazel. But some like Jayana who wasn't executed by the clones but instead assisted in her brother's fall from the light. She also had only seen a couple of clones she was all too familiar with, only she had not seen the one she truly desired to see after all this time. The one "friend" she truly valued the most.

"I am sure there are reasons for his lack of communication, Camila. Alas, only time will tell." Bail replies, bringing Camila out of her thoughts. She nods at him, clasping her hands behind her back.

"I believe you are right, Bail. Now, forgive me, but I must depart home. Alba is waiting and I have several things to do. But I'm sure I will appear in the senate soon. Riyo and I have a hint of something." Camila says, leaving many things unsaid, causing Bail to frown slightly at her words. The small wrinkle in his brow disappeared quickly though as his warm smile ignited the fatherly spark in his brown eyes, as he looked down at her.

"Very well, Mila. I shall see you soon. Perhaps a visit to you, with Leia, is due."

"You would be most welcome, Bail." She replies, bowing her head. He copies her movements and with a shared smile the two part ways. Camila leaves the large meeting room and Bail turns back to Senator Mothma.

The journey back to Camila's home planet, Naravi IV, was a short but quiet one. Camila remained in conversation with her handmaiden, Inej, throughout the journey. Her flight crew consisted of people she'd handpicked and trusted with her life and utmost discretion. But Inej was like Camila's best friend. It was with her that the young senator told her private thoughts to, despite Inej's role to only serve and assist.

Soon enough, the senatorial ship was landing on Naravi IV and Camila and her small team exited the ship. They were greeted by a small group of workers and guards, who immediately went about sorting the ship, while the guards changed with the ones that accompanied Camila to Chandrilla. The group then boarded the speeder that awaited at the edge of the island-like landing platform, at speed towards the glass dome capital.

Inej helped her Senator off the speeder and they all then made their way through the doors.

"Mama!" A childish giggle drew Camila's attention. Her four year old daughter ran towards the Senator with her small arms open wide and a bright smile on her face.

Camila's own immediately lit up and she smiled back at her daughter, picking her up as the young brunette threw herself at her. She hugged her tight to herself, careful not to knock the headdress she wore in her hair on her daughter.

"Hello, baby. I missed you." Camila said to her daughter, pressing a small kiss to the little girl's forehead.

"I missed you too, Mama." She replies, pressing a little kiss to her mother's cheek.

Camila then puts her child back down into the ground and clasps her small hand in her own, as the group starts to move again, this also with Alba and Alba's maid — Nanij.

"Where did you go this time, Mama?" The young girl asks.

"I went to the beautiful planet of Chandrilla, Alla. Where I had a meeting about job stuff." Camila replies, as they walk down the corridor they were in, having already entered the palace from the landing pad.

"Can I go with you next time?" Alba asks and Camila smiles down at the young girl.

"Maybe, Alba. Maybe."

A few minutes later, the group had reached the senatorial section of the palace. Camila's guards left them upon the entrance to her quarters and not long after that, Inej and Nanij did the same. Leaving mother and daughter alone.

Camila walked her daughter to the living room. Once again, telling her of her adventures away from Naravi IV.

Alba had only ever been away from the planet when she was a baby and had never really seen anything other than the planet she lived on, so loved to hear her mother's stories of the places she saw, and people she met, when she left their home.

She also loved to hear stories of her father.

Alba had never met her father. Her father didn't actually know she existed. Camila had kept her pregnancy a secret and the young girl was only known to a few. It wasn't because Alba's father was a bad person. No, Alba's father was a very good person. And Camila would've told him as soon as she discovered she was with child. But in order to protect him and to protect Alba. Very few knew she existed. And even now the war was over, Camila had no idea where the father was, how he was. Or whether or not he still fought for the same things she did. For the Republic.

Many of the GAR now served the new Galactic Empire and despite being in contact with a few who's already deserted, she was uncertain if Alba's father was among them. The Jedi have been all killed - all though some had survived - and Camila hoped for many things. Many she believed weren't actually true.

Later that night, long after Alba had been put to bed by both her mother and Nanij, the Senator sat alone in her room, in her nightgown, a silk dressing gown over the top, legs crossed under her bed covers as she awaited a call from her sister. Camila's eyes flickered over to the pictures on her dresser, the faint light of the holo causing them to glow permanently. There weren't too many but her room was kind of the only place she held any kind of personal photographs. There was a couple of her and her sisters. Some of her and her family. A few of Alba — that would undoubtedly be added to as the young girl grew up. Some of her friends and her work colleagues. But her eyes lingered on the only photo she had on display with her love. Alba's father. It was by far her favourite and of one of the very few she actually had of him.

Her heart ached at the sight of them together. Of how happy they both were in the picture, despite the war. It was before they were separated. Before she was pregnant. He'd been on leave and the two had gone out with a couple of his brothers to Coruscant, where she'd shown them a few of her favourite places. In the picture, she had her head on his shoulders, his on top, and the two smiled at his brother, who took the photo. They were in a booth at one of the restaurants she'd suggested they eat at.

Camila smiled fondly at the memory as a stray tear fell down her cheek. She missed that.

A beeping from the holo disk in front of her interrupted her thoughts and she quickly wiped the tear from her cheek before answering the incoming call. The familiar hologram of her sister's upper body appeared and Camila smiled, with a mix of emotions, at her.

"Mila. Hi." Her sister greets.

"Haze. I missed you." Camila replies.

"I missed you too. Sorry it's been a couple months. We've been really busy down our end. Cid has us doing all kinds of jobs." Hazel tells her and Camila watches her, pitifully.

"I assumed so. How's it going? Being a mercenary again. Just like the old days for you, Haze." Camila says and her sister laughs.

"It's certainly bringing back memories." Hazel replies, "but it's been alright. We've been all over. Omega's loving it and so is Wrecker and Tech to be honest. I am too but I do wish I could come home for a couple days."

"Is your crew not home to you?" Camila asks.

"Oh don't get me wrong, I love them all-"

"-some more than others!" Camila interrupts with a smirk and Hazel rolls her eyes, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Shut up, with that. I have lots to tell you in that area. But yes. I love them all, and it is truly a home, despite being a bit of a tight fit for us all on the Marauder. But I also have a home with you, sister, and the family on Naravi IV." Hazel says.

Camila smiles, "of course. You'll always have a home here." She tells her, "Now, tell me all the gossip, sister."

Camila watches the slightly younger girl talk all about the current "romance" in her soldiers-turned-mercenaries crew. She told her about her and her partner, Tech. And about the medic they travel with and the crew's muscle, Wrecker, were also still dating. Hazel also tells her about Hunter and Camila and Hazel's friend, Lenaira — or "Lena". She also mentions one of Alba's father's, brother's ex girlfriend and how they'd ran into her a couple weeks back, and how much sexual tension there was.

"Honestly, it was so awkward sometimes. Tori, Lena and I could not stop laughing though. Echo should just sleep with her again! They're so in love with each other, it's intoxicating."

Camila laughs and shakes her head. Her eyes flickering over to the door as she does so, very aware of the guards that roamed the living room outside.

"Well, it sounds like a great deal of fun down your end. I would love to officially meet them all. If you're ever in the area, feel free to drop by. My personal guards have your ship's code on their log so will accept the Marauder within the palace boundaries."

"Thank you, Mila." Hazel responds, "now tell me how everything is going on your end. And how is Alba? I miss my niece."

"It's alright. Alba is thriving, of course, although she wishes to roam free of Naravi IV and join me on my trip to rebellion meetings and senator jobs." Camila tells her.

Hazel smiles and giggles, "sounds just like her."

Camila nods as the two share a pitiful smile. There's silence between the two as they both think of different things, unsure of what to say.

"Have you.. erm.. heard from...?" Camila trails off, watching her sister, searching. Hazel drops her eyes from her sister's face and glances off to the side, as if looking at someone. Camila sighs quietly, already knowing the answer.

"I'm sorry, Mila. Echo sent a message weeks ago but we don't want to risk sending another one. We know he's not under the control of the chips though." Hazel tells her and Camila brightens up slightly at the last sentence.

"Oh.. well at least he's hopefully fighting for the republic and not the empire, if he's not under the chip's control."

Hazel smiles, sadly, at her and nods.


Camila later lay in her queen sized bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dark, thinking back to the conversation with her sister. A tear falls down her cheek, quickly followed by another and soon enough she cries quietly. The Senator pulls the covers up to her chin as she gently places one of her hands over her face, trying to hold in the sobs that dared to escape...


    Okay so chapter one is here. It's been a while since I've actually posted anything on wattpad ( apart from the occasional note on my message board ). I apologise for that. I've been using ao3 alot more recently as i've mentioned before and have been busy. I have exams coming up in a couple weeks so posting on here will be difficult as will writing. I'll try to update this story when I can though.

    Please vote and don't be a ghost reader, and please comment along the way. I miss hearing from you all and I love reading them!!

    Anyways, hope you all have a nice day :))

©kenobiisvtrn 2024

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