Oak Trees

By carlycapps01

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Riley Culver was, to say the least, a sneaky hufflepuff. But she wore the yellow tie nonetheless, and therefo... More

Green Defense.
Greetings Again.
Dueling Again?
McGonagall's Office.
The Quiddich Arena
Dinner in the Great Hall.
Before the Game
A Chat, and Breakfast
Locker Rooms
Slytherin Vs Hufflepuff
Hospital Wing
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor ; Pregame
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, Part 1
White Bear

Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, Part 2

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By carlycapps01

"Riley! Are you okay?" Mason and Charles ran up as Riley touched down, dropping her broom with a whimper while pain shot up and down her right arm.

"I'm fine. Why did we call a time out?" She tried to compose herself while she turned to Jackson, who was in a discussion with Elijah.

"Well... I think we both called it at the same time." Jackson said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I called it because you got hurt."

"I called it because you got hurt, and because I need to discuss my teams idiotic actions..." Elijah huffed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you, I meant to cut you off with the bludger in front of you.."

"It's okay, I'm fine, really..." another whimper escaped her lips as Madam Pomfrey walked up and grabbed her wrist.

"Fine? Your arm is broken, Miss Culver! You seekers... what am I gonna do with you? It's the beaters that are supposed to get hurt!" Madam Pomfrey pulled Riley's sleeve up over her arm. Already turning black and blue. Elijah turned to his team.

"Chasers, what are you all doing? 110-60? Seriously?"

"It's not our fault." Newell said softly. "That Smith kid..."

"I don't want excuses. Put your heads together and figure it out. And Potter." Nicholson growled out, getting closer to James potter and dropping his tone. "If you don't start using your eyes I will tape them open. You fall for a feint, then don't go when the snitch is there? Where's your brain?"

"Perhaps this is a good time for a water break..." Madam Pomfrey whispered to madam hooch.

"Right..." madam Hooch whispered back. "Okay everyone, take 5 across the board, this won't come out of anyone's time out allotment.

"I'll be right back with something to fix your arm, dear." Madam Pomfrey disappeared as everyone crowded around her.

"Okay everyone, we are doing great so far. I have a few pointers." Jackson said. Everyone leaned in, passing around little water cups. "Alright, David, you're doing great. I have absolutely nothing to say to you, expect don't lax up. I can feel you losing your confidence, I don't want that. Chasers, we are almost doubling their scores. Those double and triple circle arounds are great. Gryffindor is starting to intercept though... I want you all to tighten in. Swap around who has the ball every now and then to keep them on their toes. Riley, that feint was awesome, but it was risky. You need to be more careful. I can tell Potter is getting under your skin, don't let him. Me and Elroy are gonna do our best to keep him and Gryffindor chasers down. They're getting desperate. We have them where we want them."

"Here you go dear." Madam Pomfrey handed Riley a large vial. "I know it's a lot, but you need to drink it all."

"The Hufflepuff keeper is pounding back Gryffindor! Our bravest Lions had 200 points with Ravenclaw, but they only have 100 now! The Hufflepuff chasers have not dropped the ball yet, literally or figuratively! Look at them go! That's two more scores for hufflepuff, bringing us to 190-100! Dunkeld gets possession, now on to Newell and -oh! Another bludger from Locke knocks it into Abbots hands, gotta keep a better hold! Abbot and the other chasers are coursing down the pitch!"

"What's your favorite class?" James Potter flew up next to Riley, stopping next to her. She shot him a stark glare. "Mine is Defense Against the Dark Arts... im thinking I'm going to be a Auror. I bet yours is herbology, right?"

Riley stared at him stone faced. "Come on Riley, just a little small talk..."

"Actually, it's potions." Riley said quietly.

James cracked a small smile. "Wow, a hufflepuff that likes potions? You're really good at charms too."

Riley nodded in acknowledgement, looking away as James continued speaking. "I have a friend that fancies you, you know."

Riley's cheeks flushed a bright pink. "You're just pulling my leg." She said. He's trying to distract me.

"Actually, no. It's Sirius, the one with the black hair." James turned his broom a bit and pointed in the stands. "5 knuts says he's been watching you more than he's been watching me this whole game."

Riley couldn't help but chuckle.

"We are 200 to 110! These chasers have lost their minds!" Bennett wailed into the mic.

"Well, people do tend to cheer for the winning team."

"Isn't that your girl, up there chatting with Potter?" Evan Rosier elbowed Severus. He was watching with a tight face.

"That's not his girl." Rodolophus Lestrange said with a exasperated look. "She's a hufflepuff, smooth-brain."

"Much too pretty for him anyways." Lucious Malfoy leaned down to the 3rd years on the bleacher in front of him

"Bug off, the lot of you." Severus said through gritted teeth, his eyes fixed on Riley.

"Oh, hell-"

"There they go!" Bennet yelled into his wand.

Riley and Potter were neck and neck, darting towards the Gryffindor goalpost. Charles was right in front of them with the Quaffle, and swiftly cleared a path taking the Gryffindor keeper with him.

"Get it, Culver!" Marcus Taylor yelled over the crowd. "Crush him!"

"Last shot, Potter!" Elijah tried to yell after him. He hit a bludger at Riley, but missed, nailing potter square in the back.

"Inter-house assault!" Bennet yelled with a laugh.

Potter crumpled as he flew to the ground, but before the time out could be called, Riley's hand wrapped around the snitch.

"That's it! Hufflepuff wins!" Bennett screamed into his wand the crowd howled. "350-110! What a game, folks!"

The whole school rushed the field. The Griffyndor students surrounded their team, while everyone else surrounded the Hufflepuffs.

Riley was raised on the teams shoulders as everyone overwhelmed her with cheers. She made eye contact with Marcus Taylor, who gave her a nod of approval.

Severus Snape was right behind him. When they locked eyes, he smiled and nodded. Riley's face flushed bright pink.

"You did good, squirt." Charles said as he helped her off his shoulders.

"Potter, I'm so sorry." Elijah ran up to James.

"You don't have Locks aim, you've gotta stop trying the trick shots." James joked feebly from the ground as Madam Pomfrey straightened him out. She waved her wand and a stretcher appeared under him, carrying him up to the hospital wing.

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