Worlds Beneath the Shadows

By SheensO

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We follow the compelling journey of Valenus, a person burdened by the weight of personal challenges, most not... More

Chapter One The Hidden Truths
Chapter Two: Welcome to Wyaninious
Chapter Four: The Mystery Below the Mist
Chapter Five: The Watchful Forest
Chapter Six: Webs of Mysteries and Lies
Chapter Seven: Wishful Dreams
Chapter Eight: The Secrets Rooms
Chapter Nine: The Icy Demise

Chapter Three: The Monster Within

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By SheensO

Valenus's eyes twitched momentarily before snapping open. He gasped for air, his breaths coming in heavy.

Disoriented, he hoisted himself up, surveying his surroundings with a mix of confusion and dread.

Valenus found himself in a cell, its perimeter defined by crude wooden planks serving as bars.

The floor beneath him was hard, the cold mud seeping a chill into his bones.

A damp, musty odor filled the air, adding to the grim ambiance.

As Valenus' eyes adjusted to the dim light, Valenus noticed he wasn't alone.

In one corner lay a man with a bald head, his attire in tatters—his bottom frayed and ripped, coupled with a faded, torn T-shirt.

The man used a rock as a makeshift pillow, evidently trying to sleep.

Another figure sat upright across from him, a hood shrouding their head, seemingly fast asleep with their gaze fixed on the ground.

Pushing himself to his feet, Valenus approached the wooden bars.

He examined each plank meticulously, searching for any sign of weakness, any opportunity that might lead to escape.

Valenus fingers probed the wood, testing for looseness or decay, his mind racing with thoughts of freedom.

As Valenus maneuvered around the cell, he felt the hooded figure's gaze tracking him intently.

A subtle smirk formed under the shadow of the hood.

Every time Valenus kicked against the wooden planks, the bald man, disturbed by the noise, grumbled quietly to himself.

Despite the complaints, Valenus persisted. He shoved and crashed against the wooden gate, determined to break free.

Suddenly, the bald man had enough. He stood up abruptly, shouting, "That's enough!"

His anger was evident as he pulled out a dagger, his glare fixed on Valenus.

Just as the situation became more threatening, something unexpected happened.

A small, bright light appeared, catching Valenus's attention.

Bald man froze briefly and then grunted and then lied back in muddy ground attempt to go asleep.

Valenus's let a big breath as he turned to look at the hooded person who staring back at him.

Valenus lowered himself to the ground, sitting with his back against the wooden planks of the cell.

He stared at the hooded stranger who laughed and revealed herself.

Her long, bright violet-red hair flowed out as she lifted her hood, her pale face contrasting with her rosy lips and stern blue eyes stared back at Valenus.

"What are you staring at?" the woman snapped.

Valenus, feeling uneasy, replied, "I am sorry, I didn't expect you to be a woman."

The woman rolled her eyes, then asked, "You are not from around here, are you?"

Valenus shook his head, asking, "Where are we? How can I get out of this prison and return to the real world?"

"Real world?" she shouted. "What do you mean by 'real world'?"

She explained, "I suppose you're from Earth, and you were brought here because the game chose you."

Valenus's eyes widened. "How did you know? Where am I? Do you know how I can get home?"

She smiled and said, "This world, or the entity you call a game, chooses when you can return home and when you come back here again."

Valenus, in disbelief, exclaimed, "Come back? That can't be."

"Yes," the woman continued with a smirk, "there's a reason you're here. Until you find out why and change what needs to be changed, you'll be brought back to this world, Wyaninious. But be warned, if you die here, you die in your world too. You must survive."

She added, "You can leave this cell if you want, but many stay. It's safe here, with a roof over your head and away from dangers. The creature that brought you here is called Salalinus, they draw the dangers away. You're lucky it didn't see you as a threat, or you could have been killed."

The woman sized up Valenus with a laugh. "I see why they thought you were helpless. You probably wouldn't survive a night out there," she said.

As the woman prepared to leave, raising her hand just about to snap her fingers, Valenus quickly asked, "What is your name, how can I find you if I need more advice?"

She smirked and replied, "My name is Eleantra, and you will never find me unless I choose to be seen."

With those final words, she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, smoke appeared, and an eagle emerged, perching on the stone window of the cell.

The eagle stared at Valenus, gave a sharp cry, and then flew away.

Valenus's eyes widen then looked to where Eleantra was as the smoke clear she was nowhere to been seen.

Valenus shook his head, gathering his thoughts, and carefully stood up.

He glanced at the man who had nearly stabbed him, feeling relieved to see him fast asleep.

Quietly, Valenus walked towards the gate and, to his relief, found the door unlocked.

He opened it and stepped out of the cell.

Valenus paused for a moment, contemplating whether to heed Eleantra's advice to stay for safety.

However, he decided against it and left the room.

Peeking through the door, he checked for any dangers.

Surprisingly, he only saw an empty stone corridor, with an icy wind brushing his face.

As Valenus cautiously walked down the corridor, he felt a cool breeze pass by him.

Suddenly, he noticed a dark smoke at the corner of his vision.

Valenus' face turned pale, and he held his breath in fear as he realised there was a figure standing behind him.

Valenus saw the same dark smoke he had encountered the night before, but now he could make out something more within it: faint outlines of human skeleton.

Terrified, Valenus shouted, "Please let me go!"

The smoke around the figure, known as Salalinus, thickened and turned slightly red.

Valenus's legs shook, and he crouched down, keeping his head low.

Valenus stared at Salalinus and raised his hands above his head, pleading, "Please don't harm me, let me go, I beg you."

In response, Salalinus moved closer.

Its smoke deepened to a darker red and it leaned in, its face just inches from Valenus's.

Its eyes glowed red.

Valenus, petrified, closed his eyes, trembling as he awaited his fate.

Then, a cold breeze passed by, and Valenus opened his eyes to find that Salalinus had disappeared.

Valenus quickly got up, ran out of the castle, and sprinted across the open field, ignoring the warnings he had received in a letter from Val.

Valenus suddenly heard a loud roar, similar to one he had heard before.

Ahead, the trees were shaking.

To his horror, he saw a giant wolf charging towards him, its sharp teeth bared.

In a flash, he found himself caught in the wolf's mouth as it ran along the cliff's edge, the roar growing louder.

Fireballs shot up from below the cliff, piercing through the thick mist.

One of them hit the wolf while Valenus was still in its jaws.

The wolf howled in pain, and Valenus was thrown from its mouth, falling off the cliff.

As he fell, Valenus thought of his parents.

He realized he might never see them again, and they would have to cope with the loss of their son.

With his last breath, he cried out, "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, that I couldn't be there for you any longer."

Valenus' words faded as the mist enveloped him, and he fell into its shadows, bracing for his fate.

Notes from the Author:

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