The Caged Innocence

By Yunaluvslove

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Lucy Heartfilia has been through hell and back at the ripe age of 18. Her best friend sent to war at a young... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

3 0 0
By Yunaluvslove

*Not Proofread*

Natsu quickly got dressed and left the Lucy crying in the hot springs before storming off. There were so many things conflicting in his brain. What the hell is going on in this castle?

A castle in which the princess doesn't attend the balls thrown in her own castle. A castle in which its princess is actively being abused and no one has anything to say about it. Natsu's first thought would be to confront Jude, while he didn't want to believe it he was sure that was the only person in the castle who had enough power to put their hands on Lucy was Jude. It would also explain why Lucy avoided her father like the plague. But when did this start and why? What else wrong with this kingdom since he left?

His mind constantly took him back to Lucy as he walked the forest trail. He should've consoled her, here he was using her as a tool of lust, while she might actually harbor love for him still. He figured that love would dwindle if she could hear the corrupted things that go on in his mind. It wasn't Lucy who changed, she was the still the angel he remembered, it was him who had become a demon.
He thought about the look of despair on her face when he betrayed her trust last night. It wasn't fair of him to be upset about the letters, she never personally harmed him, after all he had no idea what she had to put up with these ten long years.

Natsu wasn't sure how he should go about confronting Jude. The man would probably lie away and have some innocent bystander executed for 'hurting his daughter' Natsu wanted to kill Jude. Even more so than before, but he knew he couldn't just rush into it, all that would do is cause chaos and hurt Lucy more. Draconia also wasn't ready to leap into war again for the sake of one woman.

Natsu so deep in thought somehow got lost inside the forest that he knew like the back of his hand. He wandered towards the outskirts of the woods to come upon the sight of a watch tower. Soldiers were stationed around the top and bottom of the tower. He watched as one of the soldiers shot down a tiny pigeon with a bow and arrow. The bird plopped on the ground and another soldier collected the letter wrapped around the birds feet. He then delivered the letter to what seemed to be the commander of the watch tower. 'Another thing that makes no sense kingdom' Natsu thought.

He made way over to the watch tower in smooth steps. "Your Grace." The commander and soldiers bowed to him immediately. Natsu motioned for the man to rise whilst he stared at the letter in the commanders hands. He stood tall over the commander before speaking.

"Do you fellows just shoot down birds all day?" Natsu half jested grilling down the commander watching for any slip up in his composure.

"O-oh oh no your Grace. These.." the commander started, eyes motioning to the dead bird. "These are orders of the King."

"And what does the King get out of this?"

"I'm afraid I shouldn't say much more..." the commander said solemnly.

Natsu sucked in his teeth. "I don't see the need to keep secrets from your future king. I can always ask the King myself but he might be terribly upset that the person of command here couldn't even answer my simple question."

"F-future king?" The commander stuttered out. "But I thought you would be the king of Draconia"

"Yes I'll be managing both countries after marrying the princess." Natsu smiled to himself at the gasps in the background. It was unheard of such a young prince being in charge of two very strong territories.

"I-Im terribly sorry your Grace I had no idea!" The commander chocked out red in the face. "The r-reason that we kill the messenger pigeons is so that the King can inspect any letter that enters or exits castle grounds... if he approves of the he will send it back out with a new bird or he will have someone deliver the letter to the person it was intended for."

'Ah it all makes sense now' Natsu thought. Jude was a bizarre control freak now. All the rumors Natsu hear of him are true, and the King is trying so hard to save face but everyone can see through the cracks. Funnily enough he had scheduled a meeting with Jude for later tonight, he wasn't sure how to confront the man about the matter however. Maybe Lucy could help to ease his stress.


Lucy spent the rest of her afternoon picking fruits from the garden. Even though the garden was castle property her father never entered the lush garden since this death of her mother. Perhaps it reminded him too much of her late mother who spent everyday out in this garden.

Natsu plagued her mind, she wondered if he hated her. Her cheeks went red at the thought of him in the hot springs. Their relationship was so innocent as children. She sighed reminiscing of the simpler times.


Natsu watched Lucy from a distance as she rinsed off some peaches. She didn't seem to notice him yet. He observed her delicate movements as she cleaned the fruits. It was almost bizarre to see her so grown up now, he was sure it was the same for her too. She looked so beautiful simply cleaning fruits, just the sight of the angel made his heart throb.

Lucy finally noticed she was being spied on a bit too late. "N-Natsu" she breathed out softly. Her brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight, Natsu was sure he was looking at a real angel in this moment. She wore a rose pink dress with small pink flowers embroidered in it.

"Hey" he muttered quietly not wanting to scare her away. He didn't want things to be awkward between the two of them but that was kind of unavoidable when he had his cock buried between her thighs just hours ago. She looked down embarrassedly as Natsu made way to her kneeling form. He grabbed a peach from her basket and took a big bite from it not breaking his sight from the pretty girl.

"Don't be like that with me", he said smoothly whilst clutching her chin. She finally met his fierce gaze. Lucy wasn't sure if Natsu hated her or not, but she was sure of one thing. He wanted her. And she wanted him too, more than she would ever admit. That's why when he softly kissed her no words were exchanged. She moaned sweetly into his mouth as he kissed her pillowy lips.

"Lucy" he spoke in a raspy tone. He gripped her hips firmly before deepening the kiss. The kiss was sweet and sticky from the peach. Natsu broke the kiss observing Lucy's flushed face. Her wispy lashes cast shadows on her face as she nervously chewed on her bottom lip. Natsu licked his lips at the sight of her.

"About earlier..." he started, "I'm sorry don't think I'm mad at you. I'm just upset about what's happened to you."

Lucy met his gaze but didn't say anything.

"Who did it Lucy. I'll promise I'll kill them, I just need to be sure." She simply shook her head at his persistence. Natsu stared at her for a moment before responding. "I have an idea who it is anyways." He muttered


"Your father." Her lack of a reply told him everything.

"Don't kill him." Lucy retorted. "All you'll do is start another war."

He already knew this, and in all honesty he was sick and tired of war. Natsu quickly scoped out the scenery before whispering to her "Who says anyone has to know who killed him. A little poison will do the trick. After we get married of course."

It was weird for Lucy to talk to Natsu about this. He spoke about death and killing too casually, she was sure he intended to do everything he said. But Jude was still her father, she wouldn't feel right taking part in his murder even if he was the cause of her torment all these years.

"Just stay with me." She pleaded before planting a kiss on his cheek. "My fathers much to scared to lay hands on me with you around."

'That's the problem, I can't stay here forever' Natsu thought. Lucy clearly didn't want her father dead, or at least she didn't want anything to do with it. "Ok just don't repeat this conversation to anyone ever." He commanded firmly.


Jude sat at the head of his table of councilmen. Only the most valuable men in Starfell were worthy to be his consultants.

One man cleared his thoat before beginning, Alonzo Cecil head of a wealthy oil tycoon . Much of the castles income is generated from high status noblemen like him.

"You're quite quick to marry off the Princess your Grace, and to the Prince of Draconia at that. I simply don't think our cultures mesh well... Draconians are barbaric always have been."

Many men nodded in agreement. It true while Natsu was more of a poised Draconian due to his title, the average Draconian was much more boisterous. It didn't help that almost all of them were large and naturally built for combat. However for Jude this didn't matter, he would have no Draconians in his castle after he wed off his daughters.

"Lucy will go live in the North after she's married off to Natsu. They can take her" Jude laughed. "But of course nothing in life is free, if Natsu wants my daughter he'll have to pay of course. And with that money we should be able to pay off our debts."

"A-and what if the prince doesn't want to pay for her. I mean I'm sure he has many potential suitors that won't cost him a thing. What makes Lucy so special?" Another councilman inquired.

"We'll have you seen her?"Alonzo answered other men chuckled in response, "I'm sure 10 million is is childplay for Draconia to dish out now, you definitely shouldn't give the princess away for free your Grace."

Jude nodded his head in agreement. "My only issue is that Draconia might still be offended that we didn't assist in the war."

"W-well the Queen died shortly after the war began so, we can say that you were too distressed to help."

"Yes! We can also say you spiraled into depression but you're a changed man now."

Jude slammed his fist at the suggestions. "Dammit! I will not allow those savages to pity me."

"B-but it may be the only way to get on their good side your Majesty."

Jude sighed, "someone go fetch me my daughter, I need to have a chat with her."


"Do you wanna see my new room Natsu?"

"Yea I was wondering where you slept," Natsu said nonchalantly. In reality he was sweating bullets. 'Doesn't she know we're not kids anymore I can't take everything as an innocent gesture' Natsu wasn't sure what he might do to Lucy alone in her room.

"Ok follow me" she said gleefully. Lucy led him to a strong looking pillar that shot up to the top of the castle. "Most people don't know about this since the castle is so old. But my grandmother told me about it before she passed."

Natsu nodded. Lucy then pulled some sort of lever and a passage opened in the large pillar to reveal a spiral staircase that led to the top floor. Lucy shut the entrance behind them and led Natsu to the attic. While Natsu did think her hidden room was kinda cool he more so felt bad that she felt the need to hide in her own home to feel safe. He trotted up the stairs that Lucy had to travel to everyday and night. It probably explained why her legs were so sexy. 'Control yourself Natsu'.

"It's not very large like my old room but it's still cozy, and we can hang out together here." Lucy said plopping down on her small bed that sat in front of her dormer window. People would be able to see through it clearly, if there weren't so many overgrown shrubs covering it. Those plants were the reason why her father could never find her. 'Another reason to love nature' she thought blissfully.

Natsu removed his shoes before laying on the bed with Lucy. She hesitantly crawled into his arms. He latched his arms around her waist in response. They embraced eachother in silence for a for a moment.

"You're a lot different now." Lucy said clearing the silence. Natsu looked very different now in Lucy's eyes. She knew he had grew up handsomely seeing him all over the media, but in real life he really was a heartthrob. And her heart was definitely throbbing.

"Yeah I know, you're pretty different too ya know." He joked. Lucy was still practically the same on the inside, but on the outside. 'Good god' he thought trying to suppress his desires.

"Do you really wanna marry me Natsu?" She spoke wide eyes. "I mean... not for any political purposes"

He didn't speak and she supposed that answered her question. She put her head down in shame, she was stupid to believe anything else.

"I want you" Natsu spoke softly as he gently caressed her thigh. Her cheeks went red at the touch but she didn't mind. Natsu began slowly lifting up her dress until his palm made contact with her backside.

"N-Natsu" she stuttered out embarrassingly. He chuckled low at her cute reaction.

"Do you want me like I want you Lucy?" His low voice sounded dangerous but all it did was make the heat in between Lucy's thighs more intense.

Did she want him in that way? She knew she loved her best friend but what if they ruined their relationship doing this? She was nervous but nodded her head in agreement nonetheless. She couldn't afford to loose Natsu so she would give him everything she had to offer.

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