Hers Freely

By Gracie8deto

10.5K 1.5K 884

"Where hate is uprooted, love grows." Ella's been a slave for the Raven pack ever since she was bought twelve... More

Last punishment
2. The meeting
3. The offer
4. The escape
5 The escape part II
6 Ready to run
7. What now
8 The barn
9. Left behind
10. Guilt trip
11. Caught
12. Trust
13. Teeter of uncertainty
14. About the morning
15. Anger
16. Shifts of stride
17. Name of mine
18. Unraveling doubt
19. The path less travelled
20. The journey homeward
21. The intruder
22. Family ties
23. Amidst the wolves
24. Visitors
26. Bitter memories
27. Stolen glances
28. A reel adventure
29. Beyond the surface
30. Complications
31. Yielding allure
32. Meeting the Alpha
33. Dinner with the Beta
34. At the table
35. Subconscious yearning
36. Harvest moon
37. In the moonlight
38. Not enough
39. Winter's anxiety
40. Unseen affection
41. The challenge
42. Training ordeals
43. Pride and Pain
44. You call me friend
45. Leaving
46. Face to face
47. The company of wolves
48. Letting go
49. Fractured hopes
50. Amidst Panic
51. The market square
52. Uninvited
53. Unheard Cries
54. The Woods

25. Avoiding her

176 28 13
By Gracie8deto

 Over the next few days, the three young wolves would insist on visiting, despite Iris's scolding. I didn't find it bothersome, as they helped distract me from my thoughts. As for the Beta wolf, he hasn't made an appear since my emotional break down. I couldn't help but feel guilty for snapping at him, even though he was the one who triggered it.

Today Elliott had kindly brought me a piece of his mom's cornbread. That's what he called it, I had never tried it before and didn't have much of an appetite, but it was a nice gesture the same. He's a well-mannered and compassionate young boy, evident in the depth of his eyes which match his mother's striking greyish ones.  He had noticed that I was usually given a simple meal of broth with greens, and bread with an apple, but the kid didn't hesitate to share his food with me. I didn't voice any complaints, as it was more than what I had been given in the pack.

With a smug expression, he presents me with a white cloth and unwraps it to reveal a rich, golden slice in his hand. He breaks off a piece and pops it into his mouth, urging me to try it. "See it's good, try it." And moves his hand out closer. The heavenly scent wafts towards me and he motions for me to take it. Not wanting to be rude, I slowly break off a piece and take a tentative bite. The combination of sweetness and saltiness is too tempting, and I quickly take a bigger bite. He grins, satisfied with my reaction. We both finish the piece, and he stuffs the cloth in his pocket.

As for the healer, he would come and go swiftly, and I could sense that he didn't particularly care for me. He would avoid making eye contact and usually had Iris tending to my needs. The feelings were mutual.

 I couldn't understand why they were being kind to me, especially Iris. She would patiently untangle my knotted hair, clean me up, and even assist me to the toilet when needed. As I spent time with her, I learned that she was an Omega and had two sons. Her oldest son was a warrior, while Elliott  was fifteen and had recently shifted into his wolf form.  She beamed with pride at how Elliott wants to follow his big brother's footsteps in becoming a pack warrior. She explained how this pack is known for some of the strongest warrior wolves. You can tell from how she spoke that she had a deep pride in her pack and their heritage. She would often ask me about my background, but I could only give short answers as I had no knowledge of where I came from. I don't know anything about my ancestry, I was an orphan, I don't remember much. At times there are just hazy memories that make no sense to me.

When we had these talks, I could sense sympathy in her gaze, which made me feel uneasy, then I'd pretend to be tired. She'd excuse herself and I would be left alone. I preferred it that way.  It was better to keep people at a distance because sooner or later everyone's true colors show.
Alone is good, Alone is safe.
I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I didn't want pity from anyone.  I always dealt with my issues on my own.

Thankfully, my time here hasn't been terrible and I'm not sure really how much time has passed, but I am definitely feeling stronger. I wanted the Beta to return so I could discuss my leaving. I felt awkward asking for him and a bit hesitant confronting him again but I hoped to convince the Beta to take me to the human village. After all, that was the deal, once I'm gone, he can resume his own life and we can part ways. Honestly, it wouldn't be too much trouble for him. He can simply point me in the right direction and I'll make the journey on my own with proper preparation this time.

 At night, as I lie awake, listening to the sounds of the pack outside. I can't help but wonder about my future. Will I be able to leave this place? I hear the wolves' howls in the distance, and my thoughts intensify, leaving me to question his intentions. Is he thinking about me or avoiding me?  


As the days passed, I learned from my little spies that my human's name is Ella. 

Simple and sweet

However, every time I thought about approaching her, my mind would be flooded with thoughts of our previous encounter. The way she  stood up to me and challenged me, the way her eyes  burned with determination.  I thought it would be better if I kept my distance until she healed.

The majority of the pack was aware of the human's presence, and there was much talk and speculation about her being a bad omen. Some believed she would taint the pack with her filth, while many males were curious about trying her out for some fun. Hearing this, anger twisted inside me, and  put my wolf always on edge . There were even some who openly agreed that she should be eliminated for the pack's well-being. They needed to stop talking about her. We didn't like that they were speaking about her like that. As much as I tried to resist she was always on my mind, and it was driving me crazy.  But I knew I couldn't face her, so I stayed away. I was afraid of what she would say, and I was scared of what I would do. 

Everyone was finishing up at the training grounds, Finn patted me on the back, "Don't worry, you've got charm and good looks. I'm sure she won't be able to resist you for long." I gave him a smirk, he teased me the whole time we were training the little fucker. I was having a hard time focusing. I didn't understand why I couldn't just shake her off. It wasn't like she was anything special, just a mere human. As much as I hated to admit it, I was also curious about her. She was different from any human I had ever encountered.

Elrix catches sight of me on the field and angrily marches towards me. 'Fuck, not him now,' I curse under my breath.
He immediately starts berating me, " Beta Jonah, the healer informed me that your worthless pet is doing better. He wants her out of the cabin apparently her scent is rancid."

"Stop being a dick Elrix!"

"She shouldn't be using up pack resources like she is." I shake my head, trying to calm the rising agitation of my wolf. 'She's not wasting anything," I retort. 'What do you want, Elrix?"

 He sneers at me, 'What do I want? I want that human bitch you brought here gone. If you weren't such a screw-up, she wouldn't even be here. You weak piece of shit."

 His words snapped against my skin and my anger boils over and I find myself slamming my fist into his face before I can even think. He stumbles back, taken aback by the force of the hit. His words sting like a physical blow and I stare him down, daring him to say anything else. Then with a murderous growl, teeth bared he lunges.
We clash in a fury of punches, our anger fueling us. It has been a really long time since we went at it like this. My brother might be Alpha but so am I. Our strengths are closely matched. We exchanged blows, each one landing with a satisfying thud. The only thing that sets us apart is his status as the firstborn Alpha, groomed by our father to be the strongest.  He gets the upper hand and has me pinned on the floor with my face in the dirt.

 "Don't go against family because next time I might not hold back, brother." He spat out with clenched teeth.

We both were bloody and bruised when he let me go. He wiped his bloody lip and sneered at me. 

I rose to my feet and brushed off the dirt from my clothes. Despite knowing I should have walked away, my wolf was still in fight mode. 

'You should leave before I kill you," he warned, with a kick of dirt in my direction. Rolling my eyes, I added, 'I'll leave when I fuckin want."

I noticed some pack members lingering, this tension isn't anything new. The warriors knew better than to interfere. I waved them off to continue their training. However, I also knew that this tension wasn't good for the pack.

As he walked away, he threw one last comment over his shoulder, "By the way, mother's back and she wants to see you." The anger inside me grew, radiating off of me in waves. 'Why does my life have to suck?' I sighed, tying back my hair.


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