Weight Gain And Inflation Sto...

By didigtsyduehjf

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More Than Offered

A Growing Love

5.1K 19 0
By didigtsyduehjf

"You what?” Simon asked his boyfriend in shock.

Emilio calmly repeated himself. “I want to use a magic spell to fatten you up.”

The magic part didn’t phase Simon in the slightest. Emilio had been completely upfront about his unique heritage pretty much since the beginning. At least, he came clean after Simon caught him using a spell to clean the toilet in his apartment. Now that the two lived together, Emilio had a tendency to use his magic a lot around the house, although Simon tried to remind him to maintain his ability to do things the “regular” way.

The fattening up part was more surprising. Simon knew he was the first skinny guy Emilio had dated, and Emilio had outright told him he wished he had a little more meat on his bones. The thing was, Simon had never thought Emilio was very serious about it. After all, Simon had never weighed over 150 pounds, so he figured Emilio knew his size was never likely to change much. And the two had plenty of physical chemistry, so Simon assumed it wasn’t really a big deal. But it had to be a big deal if Emilio was willing to use magic. Magic for chores was one thing, but using magic on a human body was another thing entirely. It could have unexpected consequences, and Emilio wouldn’t think about something like that unless he was very serious about it.

As Simon tried to process all of that, he asked, “So you really don’t like the way I look?”

“No no no no no!” Emilio hurriedly replied. “It’s not like that at all! You look amazing. You are amazing. It’s just… I still love bigger guys. I love the squish when we cuddle, I love the size. And there’s something… unrestrained about a bigger man. You know how I always rub your tummy after you eat a big meal?” Simon nodded. He knew exactly how much Emilio loved watching him let go at the dinner table. “I guess I just assumed that one of these days some of that food would start sticking. I hoped you would show the results of your efforts.”

“You make eating sound like working out.”

“Well, it’s a habit. A big appetite is something cultivated over time. I see a belly as a badge of honor for a man who loves to eat.”

Simon did love to eat. And of course he loved Emilio’s reaction when he was particularly stuffed. He knew he probably wouldn’t really mind a few extra pounds. He’d never tried to stay skinny, he just seemed to default to that size. Still, he felt weird about the whole thing. “Why couldn’t you talk to be about this before? I mean, I know we’ve talked about it a little, but I never once thought you were disappointed by my size.”

Emilio opened his mouth to speak and stopped. He took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m not disappointed by you. Not by anything about you. I guess I just didn’t realize how I really felt about it. It’s a deep desire, something I can’t fully explain. I just thought that with my magic, maybe we could both be happier.”

“Both? And what’s in it for me?”

Emilio hesitated. “Well… you know I’ve been practicing stronger magic lately. I could… I could use reality changing magic. If you put on 20 pounds, you’d have always been that way, so you wouldn’t have to worry about what people think or about buying new clothes.”

Simon still wasn’t convinced. “I’m all for making you happier, but what’s so great about people thinking I’ve always been chubby?”

“You could try on any size and not have to worry about people’s reactions. No passive aggressive comments about how you’re ‘filling out,’ no concerns about having to buy new clothes or or suddenly outgrowing a shirt you’ve always liked.” Simon did get very attached to his clothes. He’d even gotten Emilio to magically repair some old clothes rather than buying something new. “You would just keep being you, but you could experiment with any size you like. I mean, would you mind if you’d put on weight because of your eating habits?”

Simon shook his head. “I’ll admit I never really cared what I weighed. Sometimes people tell me they envy how I can eat anything and not put on weight, but I have a hard time understanding where they’re coming from.”

Emilio stepped closer to his boyfriend sporting a flirtatious smirk. “If you were bigger, you could indulge as much as you want, and no one would bat an eye.” He laid a hand on Simon’s flat stomach. “And if you think we have fun in the sack now, just wait until you have a belly for me to play with.”

Simon found himself intrigued. He’d never worried too much about his body, so he figured he had nothing to lose, and Emilio seemed so intent on making his boyfriend bigger. The concept was still a little strange to Simon, but he was excited by the idea of being even closer with his boyfriend. “Okay, so how would this work, exactly?” He asked. “If you’ve been thinking this hard about it, I assume you have a plan.”

“We would take it slow,” Emilio explained. “And you would be completely in control of how big you get. I would set the spell for a recurring change. Every three days, you would wake up five pounds heavier. Only you would be aware of the change, and only you would decide when to stop the spell.”

“You mean only we would be aware,” Simon corrected, but Emilio shook his head.

“Only you,” Emilio repeated. “You were right when you said that this would benefit me more than you. I don’t want you to feel obligated to keep growing until you think I’m satisfied. I love you, and I want you to be happy above all else. The only way to ensure that I won’t influence your decision is for me to not know that you’re growing. That way there’s absolutely no pressure.”

“If you don’t even know about the spell, how will you stop it?”

“There’s a spell that acts as a sort of generic key to undo any recurring spell. Just tell me to use the skeleton key spell, and it’ll undo any recurring spells I’ve got in use.”

“Won’t you be curious why I’m asking you to undo your spells?”

Emilio’s cheeks reddened. “It won’t exactly be my first recurring spell. You know how you keep having to bug me about not relying on spells to clean the apartment?”

Simon’s eyes went wide. “You scheduled the cleaning spells?” Emilio did his best to look contrite. Meanwhile, a lightbulb flicked on in Simon’s head. “That’s why the bathroom started cleaning itself right when I was in the middle of--”

“I really am sorry about that,” Emilio broke in. “You’re usually sound asleep at that time. Anyway, if you let me keep using that spell, it’ll give you an excuse to ask me to undo it later on.”

“You’re sure you’re fine with not knowing? This whole thing is your idea in the first place.”

“I’ll reap the reward of a bigger you whether I know what’s happening or not. I’m confident that I’ll love you in any version of reality.”

Simon kissed his boyfriend tenderly. “You’d better get to work on that spell then.”

“You’ll do it?” Emilio looked ready to jump for joy. “I honestly thought it would be a harder sell.”

“I’m sure that I’ll love you in any version of reality too,” Simon responded. He gave Emilio another kiss, a quick peck on the lips, and he headed to the kitchen to start making dinner.

Day 1

Simon could hardly believe he’d agreed to his boyfriend’s plan, but he always wanted to do what he could to make Emilio happier. Last night, Emilio had put a whole bunch of ingredients in his cauldron, performed a rather long chant, and thrown a lock of Simon’s hair into the bubbling mixture. Simon could almost convince himself nothing had happened, but he knew that slight softness on his midsection had literally appeared overnight. There had been no denial, no gradual gaining. If he weighed himself, he’d weigh 154, pounds give or take. Still, he did weigh himself just to be sure. He weighed 153.6, still close to his old weight, but slightly higher than he’d ever weighed before.

Besides the very slight softness of his belly, the only real difference Simon noticed was that he didn’t need a belt for his work pants. As far as he could tell, he didn’t look any different in his khakis and polo shirt than he had the day before. Everything at work felt completely normal. Simon was the bookkeeper for a small software developer. Because the office was both small and creative, it had a very casual atmosphere. There were no walls and very few partitions, and although Simon belonged to the “serious side” - the typical office workers - he knew all the developers and had developed some close friendships.

At home, Simon was poised to notice every little thing. Was it just him, or was Emilio a little more touchy feely than normal? Simon decided it was probably just him. Emilio was very eager to serve Simon a large dinner, but that too seemed pretty standard. Simon at quite a bit, and he soon found himself in the bedroom with his boyfriend. Emilio couldn’t stop talking about how much Simon had eaten and how manly it was. Again, Simon tried to read into it, but he had to admit his relationship had always been like this.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt he should have seen the signs. Emilio loved to talk about Simon’s appetite, and he loved to massage his belly when it was stuffed. And that always got Emilio in the mood. Simon had accepted all of those things. He had just never realized that Emilio wanted a big man to go with the big appetite. Well, soon Emilio would get his wish.

Day 4

Simon was beginning to wish Emilio hadn’t made the spell work so slowly. Five pounds at a time hardly seemed noticeable, and three days seemed like a long time to wait for the next change. He knew he shouldn’t feel that way, though. He would still gain 20 pounds in less than two weeks. That would be a lot to get used to. And depending how big he let himself get, he’d definitely need to time to process his size before deciding if he wanted to put on more weight. He had a feeling that he might want things to move more slowly by the time he’d gained 20 or 30 pounds.

For now, though, Simon still didn’t really feel like things had changed that much. His stomach was officially slightly rounded now, but other than that, he felt pretty much the same. His clothes were all still the same, although all of his pants now stayed up just fine without a belt. His slight belly was still hidden as soon as he put on a shirt. No one treated him any differently, except maybe Emilio.

Emilio made a very large lunch for Simon to take to work, something Simon couldn’t remember his boyfriend doing in quite a while. It could just be a coincidence, but Simon knew better. In a reality where Simon’s stomach wasn’t completely flat, Emilio would be more hopeful that his boyfriend might put on some weight with a little extra encouragement. Emilio seemed to confirm that theory when he ordered a bunch of food for dinner and then claimed not to be very hungry after all. Simon dutifully ate all the leftovers. Maybe it was his imagination, but it seemed like he could eat a bit more without feeling stuffed. Practically as soon as Simon finished his large meal, Emilio was all over him. Simon decided he would have to continue exploring his slightly enhanced appetite in the next few days.

Day 7

Simon’s added weight finally seemed to be more noticeable. He had a feeling the term “freshman 15” had been coined due to more than just alliteration. Fifteen pounds seemed to be the point where you could no longer hide your belly under a shirt. Or at least that was the case for Simon. His belly was by no means large, but it formed a little bump under his shirt, especially if the shirt was tucked in. Simon also discovered that he was back to needing a belt. Apparently most of his pants had been upgraded to the next waist size. He couldn’t be surprised that he needed 32” pants now that he weighed over 160 pounds, but it was still a little strange.

Once again, Simon felt that his appetite had gotten a slight upgrade along with the five pounds. Maybe it was all in his head, but even if it was, Emilio’s encouragement was not. Emilio was more interested in Simon’s appetite than ever, and he seemed determined to make sure his boyfriend stuffed himself at dinner time. Yet again, the two became intimate almost as soon as Simon finished his meal. And this time, Emilio was not shy about giving attention to Simon’s belly.

Emilio pushed Simon’s chair away from the table and lifted Simon’s shirt. He rubbed and even kissed Simon’s belly, and he touched Simon’s cock through his pants right there in the kitchen. Emilio was often very forward when he was in the mood, but Simon didn’t think he’d ever been quite this eager. As Emilio saucily stripped for his stuffed boyfriend, Simon couldn’t help but wonder how good sex would be after another five or ten pounds.

Day 13

The scale read 174.5. Simon was definitely feeling big now. A mere two weeks ago, he’d weighed 25 pounds less. He’d never imagined himself at this size. Granted, that was mostly because he’d assumed his genetics would prevent him from gaining weight, but still, he felt disoriented by his new size. All of Simon’s facebook pictures showed him with a belly. That belly was clearly visible under any shirt. Simon’s 32” pants were a bit snug, and he found a pair of 34” pants in his dresser. He was starting to develop love handles, and he had a feeling manboobs might not be far behind if he didn’t stop soon.

But when exactly did Simon want to stop? He still hadn’t noticed a difference in how his coworkers treated their slightly chubby bookkeeper. Did he want to see a difference? Was he waiting for them to start treating him like a fatty? He had definitely seen a difference in how Emilio treated him. Emilio’s hands went straight for his love handles when they kissed, and he gave attention to Simon’s belly whether or not it was stuffed.

So what was Simon waiting for? He felt big. His boyfriend loved his belly. But how much better would things be if he was even bigger? Not too big, just enough to be officially large. Simon was a little chubby, but he kind of wanted to get fat. If he knew Emilio would like it, why not? Hell, Emilio would absolutely love it. That was blatantly obvious. Surely there was no reason not to gain a few more pounds.

Day 28

The spell had been in effect for four weeks. Simon was officially fat. It felt very strange. Simon knew he looked very different from how he’d looked a month ago, although he didn’t have any pictures to compare. His photos showed exactly what he saw in the mirror now: As guy with a solid belly and who was fairly thick all over. He was a guy who didn’t look like he’d ever been skinny. And in this reality, he hadn’t.

Most of Simon’s weight had gone to his gut, although his butt and thighs were definitely thicker than he remembered. The pants in his dresser had changed not just sizes but styles. He couldn’t wear slim fit pants even in a larger size because his thighs felt too constrained. He wore size large shirts now, but they still showed his round belly, sizeable love handles, and little moobs. Even his face had filled out a little.

The strange thing was, even though he knew he was inhabiting a foreign body, it didn’t feel foreign. He’d been gradually growing into this body for the last four weeks, and he’d gotten used to not being skinny. The size felt a bit strange, yet it also felt weirdly natural. He certainly ate enough to have earned his size. Actually, now that he was a chubby guy, he apparently put on weight much easier than he had before. The scale read 201.3, which meant he’d gained a little over 50 pounds. Those extra couple pounds were apparently just from overeating.

Was Simon worried about the overeating? Was he worried about his weight at all? He couldn’t say he was. Whenever he overate, it seemed to culminate in amazing sex. And Emilio loved his body. He could see what Emilio had meant now. Emilio had always been into his boyfriend’s body, but he was clearly enamored with the size and shape of Simon’s belly as well as that belly’s capacity. Emilio couldn’t keep his hands off Simon’s belly, and Simon loved that his body was like a magnet for his boyfriend. Physically, the two were closer than ever.

Emotionally, they were closer than ever too. That evening, when Simon was changing out of his work clothes, he found that one of his favorite shirts was getting too small for him. He didn’t think that was supposed to happen, but in this reality he seemed to have a fair number of clothes that he barely fit into. Emilio couldn’t stop telling his boyfriend how manly it was to have a big belly and how big and powerful he looked in the too-small shirt. Simon had also gained some self-confidence now that he wasn’t skinny. While Emilio had become more forward, Simon was less afraid to take charge, which only seemed to make Emilio happier.

The dynamic at work was also finally changing. That day, Jack, one of the programmers, had called Simon “big guy.” It felt empowering somehow. Joy, another programmer, had brought cupcakes for Jack’s birthday, and she’d brought more than enough, assuming that some people might want more than one. Everyone balked and said that Jack should take the extras, but Jack was too generous to accept the offer. He turned to Simon, one of only a few overweight people in the office, and encouragingly said, “Come on, big guy, I know you want another. I’ll have a second cupcake if you do.”

Simon naturally couldn’t resist that offer. Soon, the other chubbier people in the office were helping themselves as well. Simon really liked how his size had changed his standing in the office. A lot of the workers were skinny, and a couple worked out together, so being a little larger made him stand out more. He also felt strangely proud that he had indirectly caused Jack to eat another cupcake. Jack was one of the gym goers in the office, though like the old version of Simon, nothing ever stuck to his body. He was long and lanky, and he never seemed to put on muscle. He was quite handsome, but he was perpetually single, partly because he was self-conscious about being so skinny. Simon wished he could help Jack gain more confidence like he had.

Day 52

Simon had been growing for nearly two months. He was so big. Now he really appreciated the five pound increments and three day wait time. He’d grown so quickly that he hardly had time to adjust. He had just broken 200 a month ago, and now he was quite fat. His belly rolled over the waistband of his pants, and even some of the shirts that supposedly fit barely covered his gut. His thighs completely filled his pants, and he was constantly having to pull his pants up over his ass, even when he wore a belt. At the rate he was going, he’d be wearing clothes from the big and tall store soon.

Simon knew this was the part where he was supposed to stop the spell. He was officially big. Emilio loved his body. No one was fazed when he made full use of his sizeable appetite. And yet, he didn’t really see a need to stop. Sure, just walking could leave him winded on a hot day. Summer would be over soon, though. Okay, so running and taking the stairs were both pretty much out of the picture, but when was he going to need to run anywhere? The fact was, people expected Simon to be less active at his size, and he was perfectly fine with that.

Simon was up to 245, which meant he’d packed on a few more pounds without the aid of magic. He was definitely the biggest person at the office, if not by much. Actually, he wasn’t the only person at the office who’d grown. Simon hadn’t really thought about how his changing reality might affect those around him. He wondered how much Emilio had thought about that. At the office, Simon could only imagine that his appetite and satisfaction with his size had been infectious. Simon wasn’t sure when it started, but about a week ago he’d discovered that James, Joy, and all of Simon’s fellow “serious siders” seemed to be putting on a little weight every time reality shifted.

Every member of the “serious side” now had a little paunch. Joy was looking just a little chubby. And Jack still looked pretty lanky except for the little belly that stuck out on his midsection. A quick bit of facebook stalking revealed that Jack had been skinny right up until Simon got his job at the office. Jack and Simon’s friendship had grown along with their bellies. It seemed that Jack admired the way Simon carried himself. Simon had to admit that he surprised himself with how confident he’d gotten. Emilio had correctly assessed that Simon didn’t really care about his body size, but now Simon did care. He was happy to stand out by being larger, and he was happy to show off his impressive appetite. And he was more than willing to outwardly express that happiness. He had no time for people who didn’t think he should like his body.

At home, Simon was starting to realize just how much he loved his boyfriend. Emilio did so much for Simon these days. In this reality, Simon was pretty much the same size at Emilio’s ex-boyfriends, which meant that Emilio was used to catering to his needs and whims. Emilio was more than happy to run errands for Simon, especially if they involved getting food. Meanwhile, Simon, with his increased confidence, had successfully negotiated a pay raise at work, which afforded Emilio a larger budget.

Simon was a good 80 pounds larger than Emilio, and Emilio clearly loved how protective Simon was. The two had passed what most would call the honeymoon stage of their relationship, and yet they seemed to dote on each other more than ever. They’d been living together for almost three years and had been dating for almost five.Each day seemed to bring them closer together.

Day 76

Simon had reached a significant landmark. He now owned several pieces of clothing from a big and tall store. He couldn’t believe how huge he was. He’d be almost 300 pounds by the time his vacation was over. It was the last week of August, and Simon and Emilio were taking a much needed vacation. They’d found a nice little place on the beach, and the weather was beautiful. The two made quite a pair as they walked the boardwalk.

Simon dwarfed his boyfriend. His big belly dominated his frame, but he was big all over. He’d become a pretty wide person, and his thick thighs rubbed together as he walked. His flabby arms swung next to his sizeable manboobs. His neck had become thick, and his face was very round. Emilio was just an inch shorter than Simon, but he looked very small next to his heavy boyfriend. Emilio wore a little pair or swim shorts and a loose tank top. Simon wore an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt that looked like it would never close and a pair of XXL swim shorts that strained over his ass and kept exposing his crack. Every once in a while Simon halfheartedly pulled up his shorts.

The vacation had been wonderful so far. Simon had started five pounds smaller, but at this size he hardly noticed his gains. They piled up quickly, of course, but five pounds at a time could get lost on a 285 pound body. Simon wasn’t really thinking about his weight, though. He was watching for a beach umbrella with blue and white stripes. Having found his target, he stopped walking and dramatically put his hands on his knees. “I think I need a rest,” he told his boyfriend.

Emilio knew how easily his boyfriend could get winded. “Don’t overexert yourself,” he said. “Let’s sit down for a while.”

Simon showed relief on his face, and then his eyes lit up. “Why don’t we head closer to the water? You could even swim for a while while I lay down.”

Emilio eyed a nearby bench. “You’re sure you don’t want to sit down here?”

“Once I’m down, I don’t think I’ll be up for a while. I think I see a spot on the beach where we can set up camp.” Emilio knew better than to question Simon once his mind was made up, so he followed along as his boyfriend lumbered over to an empty spot near the blue and white umbrella. In no time, Emilio had laid down their beach towels and set up their own umbrella. Simon turned deliberately toward his neighbors. “James! What a bizarre coincidence!”

Under the blue and white umbrella sat James and Joy from Simon’s office. Joy was looking very curvy, and James was downright chubby. About two weeks ago, reality had changed so that the two had been dating for almost a year. Their weight had increased more due to their relationship. Emilio, who had gotten to know the two on several occasions, offered them a baffled greeting. He asked Simon, “Did you really not know they were coming to this beach?”

Simon didn’t respond. Instead, he let Joy take over the conversation with Emilio for a minute. James suddenly started fiddling with his phone. Finally Emilio turned to his boyfriend and asked, “Do you really expect me to believe you didn’t know these guys would be here?” He instantly shut his mouth.

Simon had fished out the ring he’d hidden in a side pocket of the beach bag. James gave a slight nod as he hit record on his phone. “Emilio,” Simon began. “I love you. So much. I love you so, so, so much, and I want to have you in my life forever. You will never know just how much you mean to me, but I promise to try my best to tell you every day. Will you marry me?”

The rest of the day was a euphoric blur. Simon remembered a teary-eyed, passionate kiss. He remembered a positively gigantic celebratory dinner and a beautiful sunset. He remembered very, very hot sex. As he lay in bed with his fiancee that night, he was acutely aware of how Emilio’s hand didn’t quite touch when he reached around Simon’s wide body for a hug. He noted how good he felt as he wrapped his flabby body around Emilio’s smaller body. He wondered if we would ever stop wanting just a few more pounds. He wondered if he could ever get too big for Emilio.

Day 136

Simon had hit 400 pounds. He was well over twice the size of his fiancee. He was utterly massive. He couldn’t decide if we wanted to stop the spell yet.

Simon had become decidedly less active after he passed 300 pounds. He was by far the largest person in his circle of friends, although a lot of his friends were large, and they jokingly blamed it on him. They didn’t know how right they were. Jack had exploded in size and was nearly 300 pounds. He was the second biggest person in the office, although most of the “serious side” was close behind. Joy seemed to have peaked, but the curvy girl and large guy had become inseparable. There was an office betting pool to guess when they would get engaged.

None of Simon’s clothes seemed to fit right anymore. Well, according to his photos, they never had. Apparently 400 pound Simon didn’t really care how well his clothes fit. His coworkers didn’t seem to mind, and he didn’t care if anyone else minded. Emilio certainly didn’t mind. He was just as devoted to his big man as ever.

Simon didn’t know why he couldn’t bring himself to stop the spell. He knew he wouldn’t mind putting on some weight, but he’d never imagined he’d be happy being hugely obese. Life wasn’t easy at his size. Even his ill-fitting wardrobe was difficult to come by thanks to his size. And any sort of exercise was going to be a struggle. But he could eat so much, and he ate whenever he wanted to. And Emilio got turned on just by looking at his massive belly. Or his huge ass. Simon’s junk was getting obscured by his fat, but Emilio always took such good care of him during sex. And since pretty much every part of Simon’s huge body turned Emilio on, Simon could get Emilio going in a multitude of ways. Simon had no idea what would finally make his want to stop growing. He wasn’t even sure if he could stop.

Day 235

Simon had been growing for eight months. He was well over 500 pounds. He had worked from home that day. Apparently in this reality he’d started working from home four days a week a few months ago. He was just too big to easily commute every day. In this reality, he’d been gradually gaining for several years. He’d actually been under 300 pounds in college. That was new. On Mondays when Simon went in to work, James would tell him how weird it was without him in the office, but James understood why Simon needed to work from home.

James was a massive man, weighing over 400 pounds, and he sometimes wondered if he’d eventually need to work from home as well. Interestingly, James seemed to have adopted Simon’s habit for wearing ill-fitting clothes. James’ shirts never quite tucked in right under his huge belly. Simon wore suspenders to keep his pants up when he went to work. At home, he wore boxers and maybe an undershirt that didn’t come close to covering his belly.

Life with Emilio was still great. Simon kept wondering when he would get too big for his fiancee. That nagging fear, that he really would get too big for Emilio, had nearly caused him to end the spell a few times, but he still hadn’t done it. Maybe he was just too lazy to do even that. He was lazy when it came to everything else, except work. Emilio joked that Simon was the laziest person he knew, but somehow he managed to make that sound endearing.

Simon was seriously starting to wonder how big was too big, though. The wedding was coming up in a couple months. Simon figured it would be best if he could still walk down the aisle by then. He couldn’t believe how flippant he’d become about his mobility. He just kept growing and growing. And still he couldn’t stop.

Day 319

Simon couldn’t believe the timing. He’d woken up ready for the biggest day of his life. Than he’d discovered that he’d officially moved into a reality where he was immobile. Close enough, anyway. He quickly figured out that he hadn’t left the house in over six months in this reality. In fact, the vacation when he’d proposed had been only a few weeks before he stopped leaving the house.

He didn’t know what he felt. Maybe he’d gone and let himself get too big. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He sat on his reinforced king size bed, helpless. He was enormous, although he’d been enormous for quite some time now. He wore only a pair of gigantic boxers that didn’t really fit. He had no idea where Emilio was.

James lumbered into the room wearing a huge pair of dress pants that didn’t quite cover his ass and a dress shirt that barely stayed closed and wasn’t even long enough to tuck in. “I need to talk to Emilio,” Simon said urgently.

“Whoa, calm down big guy,” James said jovially. “It’s bad luck to see the groom before the ceremony. Which means neither of you should see the other.”

“I can’t do the ceremony now, I’m not properly dressed.”

James looked Simon up and down. “You’re wearing as much as you have for the last six months. I think we can handle it.”

Simon was speechless. He had no idea what to do, so he did nothing. Joy and a few close family members filed into the room. A couple of Emilio’s family members looked rather displeased, but Simon was happy as long as Emilio was. Simon was about to ask who was officiating the ceremony when James grabbed a binder and started pulling out notes. “Don’t worry, I’ll do you proud,” James whispered.

Emilio entered the room in an immaculate tux. He looked truly stunning. Simon felt naked. And yet he felt at peace. Things were right. He was marrying his man. The little ceremony flew by, there was a little party, and everyone left. The married couple was left alone.

“Emilio, you need to undo your recurring spells,” Simon said.

Without missing a beat, Emilio asked, “Are you fine with staying immobile?”

Simon replied, “I think so, but I haven’t decided yet,” before he realized what Emilio had asked. “You knew,” he breathed.

“I didn’t mean to. I tried to change reality for myself, but instead I somehow made it so that I remembered both realities. Each time reality resets, I mostly forget the last version, but I always remember how things were when I first cast the spell.” He paused and looked away. “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I just… I told you I wouldn’t influence you, and I didn’t want to.

“I thought you would stop after 30 or 40 pounds. I hoped you would go further. I hoped you would go a lot further, but I was prepared to accept whatever you chose. And then you didn’t stop. You got so big, and I just couldn’t stop loving you. I didn’t want you to stop growing, but I didn’t want to affect your decision so I still didn’t say anything. And then you just kept growing. I only remember fragments of each reality, but I remember you growing and growing. It was so amazing.

And you just got so confident and assertive. And you were always so hungry, even more than before. And you seemed to enjoy your size so much. And I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

Simon just smiled. “You needed to get it off your chest. I did love getting bigger. At some point I realized that as long as you still loved me, I didn’t really care how big I got.”

“I still don’t care how big you get,” Emilio said as he cuddled his massive husband.

Simon wrapped his huge, flabby arm around his husband. “Well then, why don’t we hold off releasing that spell for a few more days?"

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