Ayanokoji X Mahiru

By Ykkero

14.4K 538 66

Ayanakoji Kiyotaka, a transfer from an elite ANHS high school, comes to a new school and his life changes whe... More

Normal day
Love letter
Old enemy
New Year part 1
New Year part 2
Date under sakura
Chapter 9 (part 2)
Return of strawberry-chan
Ayanokoji's first birthday
Second New Year
The end

Chapter 9

521 24 4
By Ykkero

Hi all! I have finally returned after a long and bitter battle against my nemesis, "Sloth". I am very sorry that I left you for a long time without releasing new chapters, I hope you will forgive me.


—Location: Shiina Conglomerate—

There was a tense atmosphere in the office of a woman in her thirties. She was sitting at her desk, between her and a young guy aged 17, there was a man who seemed serious and important. All three were having a heated conversation about something important when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

— Come in, the door opened and her personal bodyguard entered the room. He immediately began to report: We have found your daughter, Mrs. Shiina -

This news caused even more tension in the room, and a satisfied smile appeared on the woman's face.

- I see, you did a good job. Free! - The bodyguard bowed and left the room.

Then this woman turned to the two people who were sitting in the room. "Good news Limo, apparently our agreement will take place earlier than expected"


Ayanokouji and Mahiru walked down the narrow street, deep in conversation about their day's adventures. There was a calm evening city noise all around, and the beautiful lighting of the streets created a romantic atmosphere.

As they approached the house, suddenly all sounds stopped and a dark and elegant limousine pulled out into the street. She stopped right in front of Ayanokouji and Mahiru, causing them to abruptly fall silent.

Then, the car doors opened and two tall men dressed in strict black suits got out. With their subdued expressions and strong physical form, it was immediately clear that these were bodyguards.

Ayanokouji and Mahiru exchanged glances filled with confusion and a little worry. After all, they did not expect to see anything like this in this location, so such a meeting was very unusual.

While they stood there, puzzled by what was happening, one of the bodyguards came closer and said in a stern but polite voice:

"Lady Mahiru, you need to come with us," said one of the bodyguards, keeping his voice calm and serious.

Mahiru was completely stunned after hearing these words. Who could assign them bodyguards? Although she guessed who it was, she hoped until the last that it was not so.

The bodyguard, without waiting for an answer, carefully began to approach her, but suddenly Ayanokoji stood in front of Shiina, protecting her.

She looked around at the guy in front of him, seeing that he too was perplexed. She smiled nervously at Kiyotaka, trying to hide her doubts and fear.

- Why should I go with you? - she managed to squeeze out, trying to remain calm.

The other bodyguard sighed against the visible pressure. "Your mother, Lady Mahiru, wants to meet you."

That word - "mother" - pierced her heart, creating an emotional storm inside Shiina. Her eyes reflected deep pain and sadness. She knew that she had always been misunderstood and never understood by her own parents. They always criticized her dreams and put her under pressure.

"I refuse," the girl stated firmly.

The bodyguards exchanged glances, after which they all nodded at the same time, one of the bodyguards took out a mobile phone and began to dial someone's number.

After a few seconds, a woman's voice spoke, one that Mahiru would never mistake.

Hearing her mother's voice, Mahiru began to get nervous and shake with fear. Ayanokoji noticed her condition and gently called her name: "Mahiru." Seeing that she did not answer, he carefully placed his hand on her shoulder.

- A? Kiyotaka? - said the girl, coming out of her daze.

-You've become pale, are you okay? —

"Sorry for making you worry, I'm fine." It's just that I didn't expect to hear the voice of "this woman" again - Ayanokouji understood who she was talking about.

"Lady Mahiru, Lady Shiina wants to talk to you," the bodyguard said, coming closer to her.

One bodyguard grabbed Ayanokoji's arm and another pulled Mahiru away from Ayanokoji.

- What are you doing?! - the girl screamed.

"This conversation doesn't concern that guy, so we have to keep him away," the bodyguard said.

"You just need to talk to your mother, we won't hurt your boyfriend."

— Okay — Mahiru took a deep breath to calm down and then picked up the phone.


"Hi honey, how are you?"


"What's the matter, my dear, aren't you glad to hear your mother's voice?"

"Stop pretending that you miss me, tell me what do you need from me?"

"......Then let's skip the formalities and get right down to business. I entered into a contract with the family of a fairly well-known company, Burung Motors, so that this contract becomes valid, we will make a marriage of convenience. Do you understand what I'm leaning towards?"

"I already understood this when you said the word "contract". And the most important thing is that you are doing this without my knowledge."

"Do you really think that I care about your opinion? We had to spend some time looking for you after you refused to take money from us and cut off all ties."

"What makes you think I'll agree to this?"

"You will agree, or someone may get hurt because of your actions."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that you have a boyfriend, and your relationship has been for almost a year now. I must admit, this boy is really handsome, I'm sure he has a good future ahead of him."

"Don't bring Kiyotaka into this! He has nothing to do with our family problems!"

"In this case, you will immediately return back home and once and for all forget about everything that happened before, about your school, about your boyfriend and about your past life. After you come here, your life will begin anew. I hope you Mahiru understood me, otherwise I will turn your boyfriend's life into hell with my own hands," after these words she hung up.

"Lady Mahiru, we need to go," the bodyguard said. She ignored his words and went to her boyfriend, the bodyguards stepped aside when they saw her.

"Kietaka," the girl said quietly, turning to her boyfriend.

-What happened, Mahiru?

- Kiyotaka, we need to break up - With sadness in her voice, Mahiru said that they need to break up.

Kiyotaka didn't say a word, he just hugged her silently, and the girl returned the hug, struggling to hold back her tears.

- Apparently this is the end. Thank you for your support and understanding. I'm sorry that I did this to you, but I'm sure that this was done for your good." As she spoke, the girl could not hold back the tears that began to flow from her eyes.

Ayanokoji didn't say a word. Turning around, the guy headed towards the house. His hand was clenched tightly into a fist and his nails were digging into his palm, causing blood to start dripping from his hands.

Soon the Girl finds herself inside a luxurious limousine, and for some time she sits in silence, bathed in tears. Soft interior lighting creates an atmosphere of privacy and sadness. The sounds of rain hitting the windows highlight the sad atmosphere.

The girl clenches her hands into fists, her lips tremble, expressing inner rebellion and pain.

The next moment becomes even more emotional when the girl opens her mouth, trying to hold back moans of sadness. Her crying fills the interior of the limousine, shaking every part of it.

The girl breathes deeply, trying to calm down, but tears still continue to flow down her cheeks. She feels overwhelmed and unsure of her choices.

The limousine glides along the city roads, slowly moving away from the farewell place. The girl closes her eyes and hugs herself, as if trying to console and support herself.


First person: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

- Kiyotaka, we need to separate.

Mahiru just said that we need to break up, at that moment I didn't know what to say, I was paralyzed for a second, but I quickly came to my senses.

I hugged her, not wanting to let go, but now I couldn't do anything for her, I could only watch her cry.

However, I didn't know what to say, so I turned around and headed towards the house. I know she didn't say it because she wanted to, she did it against her will.

Mahiru said that her parents are rich people, perhaps even owning an entire company. It would not be difficult for me to knock out these bodyguards, but the consequences of this could be serious.

I alone can't do anything against Mahiru's parents now, I urgently need to contact Chairman Sakayanagi. Mahiru, I'm sure you're crying now, and these people will pay for the tears you shed, for every drop.


—A few hours later—

The limousine drove up to the gates of a huge mansion, a few seconds later the gates opened and the limousine entered the territory of the mansion.

The limousine drove a few meters and stopped in front of the entrance to the mansion, the bodyguard opened the door and Mahiru got out of the limousine. The door of the mansion opened and her mother was waiting inside the mansion.

"You're finally back, now go take a shower and put on different clothes, in a week the owner of the Burung Motors company and his son will come, I don't want them to see how my daughter looks like she's lived on the street all her life." Mahiru nodded curtly and followed the maids.

- One week later -

Mahiru stood in the spacious living room of her home, excitement squeezing her heart. The golden sunny light dress hugged her graceful figure, giving her luxury and sophistication.

Every minute became painfully long as she waited for the Burung Motors CEO and his son to arrive. Mahiru knew that this moment would define her future. She secretly wished that time would slow down, just for a few seconds, so she could collect her thoughts and sort out her feelings.

The sudden sound of doors opening interrupted her thoughts and made her jump. Footsteps sounded in the hall, indicating the approach of guests. Mahiru took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, and walked to the center of the room.

And then her mother appeared, accompanied by a tall and influential man. They were dressed in their best clothes, and their presence in the room seemed to loom over everyone present. Mahiru's mother smiled and a joyful light filled the room. Apparently, everything went according to plan.

Mahira felt how each step she took was slow and relaxed, as if time had given her the opportunity to more easily come to terms with her situation. She lifted her chin and met the gaze of the head of the company's son, who stood next to his father. In his eyes she saw only lust and desire to get her body, this thought disgusted her.

"Mahiru, meet me. This is Limo Kwon, the owner of Burung Motors, and his son's name is Dilon Kwon, your future husband."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Shiina Mahiru," Mahiru bowed and introduced herself.

"It's very nice, and you have a very beautiful daughter, Shiina Sayo," said Limo.

"Thank you for the compliment Limo-san, but let's not drag this conversation out, please go to the living room" Mahiru said.

"She's right, there's no point in delaying this marriage," said Dillon, who had been silent all this time.


Everything went well, they discussed the plan for their future wedding and decided that the wedding would take place in a month. After it was all over, an idea came to Limo's mind.

— Dillon, how about going on a date with your future wife? —

— D-date? - the girl said quietly

"Limo is right in saying that you are going to get married soon, and it wouldn't hurt for you to get to know yourself better," Sayo added.

"I don't mind," Dillon said.

"O-okay, I agree too," Mahiru said.

Limo and Sayo returned to their work, and soon a special limousine from Burung Motors arrived. Two bodyguards got out, they opened the car door and Dilon and Mahiru went inside.

The first part of the date consists of a walk through a beautiful and well-kept park with large fountains and various flower beds. They take a walk along the river, Dillon talking about his interests and aspirations while Mahiru just listens to him.

Then they will head to a luxurious restaurant. The hall is decorated with candles and fresh flowers on every table. The waiters offered them the most exquisite dishes prepared by culinary masters.

After dinner, they went to the theater, where they took seats in the upper tier of the theater, where they watched the performance of a classical ballet or a fashionable musical show.

At the end of the performance, Mahiru thought that their date would finally end. However, instead of familiar roads, an unknown turn took them to an empty street, surrounded by darkness and mystery.

-Where are we? Shouldn't we have gone back to the mansion? - Mahiru asked, she tried to speak calmly, but this situation made her worry, and scary thoughts began to appear in her head.

- Why don't you relax? "I just want to taste your lips, during the date you found excuses not to do this," Dilon answered and began to gradually approach her.

However, the girl pushed him away, the guy was furious with her action.

- What do you allow yourself?! Who the hell do you think you are, you stupid bitch! "Dilon raised his hand in anger to hit her, but suddenly the car window broke and shattered into hundreds of pieces.

Mahiru covered her face with her hand, protecting herself from the fragments, when suddenly someone's hand grabbed Dilon by the collar from behind and pulled him out of the car. Mahiru was shocked by what was happening, but what was even more shocking was that the one who did this was Ayanokouji, her "ex" boyfriend.

The bodyguards quickly got out of the car and rushed at the guy, but both were knocked out a couple of minutes after the start of their fight. Dillon dropped his jaw in disbelief, some guy had just defeated two huge bodyguards.

- W..who are you?! And what do you need?! - Dillon asked in horror.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I came here to pick up my girlfriend," Ayanokoji answered.

"You mean Shiina Mahiru?"

- Since you understand, then let her go and give up this marriage.

"This is impossible, we have already signed a contract, I personally don't care, but if you want to break off this engagement, then you better discuss this with my father." Ayanokoji was surprised at how quickly this guy abandoned the girl.

"You gave up on her so easily, you're just disgusting," Ayanokoji said, his cold tone of voice making Dillon freeze in fear.

- Please don't hit me. I will tell my father that I refuse this engagement and will try to convince him to break this contract. Please, just don't hit me. "Dilon knelt down, begging, and Mahiru dropped her jaw in surprise, seeing how the man who had acted arrogant a moment ago was now begging for mercy.

"Your bodyguards will come to their senses soon." Take them and get out of here. - Dilon nodded and began to wake up his bodyguards.

Ayanokouji walked up to the broken car window and saw Mahiru, who was still sitting in shock. Seeing her "ex" boyfriend, she relaxed a little. Ayanokouji reached out and carefully pulled the girl out of the car.

Meanwhile, Dilon had already woken up the bodyguards and left, calling another car from his mansion. After leaving the scene, an awkward silence fell between Ayanokoji and Mahiru. A minute later, Ayanokouji was about to speak, but Mahiru beat him to it.

"Kietaka, why did you do this?" - the girl asked when he had just attacked the son of the owner of a large car company. Mahiru was afraid that his action could lead to him being sent to prison, all because of her. "Isn't it obvious?" "I love you, Mahiru, and I'm not going to give you to anyone else," the guy answered. "Kietaka, this guy is the son of the owner of a large machine company." His father can put you in jail if he wants. I don't want you to go to jail because of me. And I..." Ayanokouji suddenly kissed her on the lips. His unexpected action shocked the girl, but she had no intention of stopping him. Instead, she wrapped her arms around the guy's neck and reciprocated the kiss.

They pulled away from each other, and Ayanokoji and Mahiru were breathing heavily after that kiss. This kind of kiss was new to them. After a few seconds, Ayanokouji spoke:

"Mahiru, you are the first girl I feel happy next to." I don't think I can find a girl like you anywhere else. So I'm not going to stand by and watch someone else take you away. I don't care who that guy's father is, the owner of a big company, or anyone else. I will never give up on you. "Hearing his warm words, Mahiru couldn't hold back her tears. Ayanokoji pulled the girl towards him, pressing her to his chest, he hugged her and began to calm her down.

After .... minutes, the girl stopped crying, Ayanokoji gently ran his hand through her hair and smiled, after which he whispered:

"We can handle this together, Mahiru." Nothing can separate us, I promise I won't let that happen again.

"Thank you very much, Kiyotaka." "I'm so glad that I met you in my life and I don't regret that I fell in love with you," the girl said smiling, she was grateful to God for allowing them to meet in this world.

Ayanokoji took her hand in his with a slight smile.

"I'm also grateful for every moment I spent with you, Mahiru." You brought light and joy into my life, and I am happy that I can be near you.

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