Power⚡Rangers Morph Masters (...

By StarBurstKingStudios

4.9K 230 37

Auradon was once a safe and happy place after the heroes of it defeated their villains and locked them up on... More

Morph Masters Rangers
Morphers & Arsenal
Morph Masters Zords
Morph Master Megazords
Ben's Selection
School and Making Love Spell
Steal Your Heart & First Date
Family Day Gone Wrong
Go Go Power⚡Rangers
Set It Off
Episode 1: Earth Fights Back

Meeting the VKs & Breaking in the Museum

343 21 0
By StarBurstKingStudios

At Auradon Prep, a bunch of students were waving signs that welcomed the new kids to Auradon and the marching band was playing. The limo parks at the entrance and the limo driver gets out of the car as he goes to open the back door, as Jay and Carlos were fighting over a blanket, causing everyone to stop cheering and also causing the marching band to stop playing.

Carlos: You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?

Jay: 'Cause you want it!

Carlos: No!

Mal and Evie get out of the limo last.

Suddenly, Ben and Cody walk over to the VKs, with a woman and two girls, revealing themselves to be Fairy Godmother and Audrey, daughter of Sleeping Beauty, and Rachel, daughter of Rapunzel.

Mal: Guys, guys, guys. We have an audience.

Carlos and Jay stop fighting.

Jay: Just cleaning up.

Jay helps Carlos up.

Fairy Godmother: Leave it like you found it! And by that I mean just leave it.

Jay then starts to throw everything that he stole back in the limo. Jay sees Audrey as he walks over to her.

Jay: Hello, foxy. The name's Jay!

Audrey laughed as she was confused if he was being serious or not.

Fairy Godmother: Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress.

Mal: The Fairy Godmother? As in "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo"?

Fairy Godmother: Bibbidi-Bobbidi you know it!

Mal: Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella, when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile. And that sparkly wand.

Fairy Godmother: That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!"

Ben: it's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben. And this my brother, Cody.

Cody: It's great to meet you all.

Audrey: Prince Benjamin and Prince Cody. With Prince Benjamin being a "Soon to be King."

Evie: You had me at Princes. My mom's a Queen. Which makes me a princess.

Audrey: The Evil Queen has no royal stays here and neither do you.

Evie's smile soon dies down as she backs away.

Cody: This is Audrey.

Audrey: Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right?

Ben: And this is Rachel.

Rachel: It's so great to meet you all.

Fairy Godmother: Cody, Ben, Audrey, and Rachel are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews.

Cody: A little?

Fairy Godmother: Okay, maybe more than a little. Anyways, I'm off.

Fairy Godmother takes her leave with the marching band following her, leaving Ben, Cody, Audrey, and Rachel with the VKs.

Ben: It is so, so good to finally--

Cody puts his right hand on Ben's shoulder to stop Ben from shaking their hands.

Cody: How about we just get to the whole speech and tour thing?

Ben: Right, anyway, this is a momentous occasion, and one that will go down in history. As the day our two people began to heal.

Mal: Or the day you show four people where the bathrooms are.

Cody snorted as that caught Mal's attention.

Cody: A little over the top?

Mal: A little more than a little bit.

Cody: Well, so much for my brother's first impression.

Cody and Mal chuckle from what they said as Ben see the two bonding, but Audrey sees that as flirting

Audrey: Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?

Cody saw this and knew that she was bringing up of when Maleficent was trying to destroy her mother, Aurora, as he placed his hand on his face and shook his head.

Audrey: Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping--.

Mal: Beauty. Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother to their stupid christening.

Audrey: Water under the bridge.

Mal: Totes!

Audrey and Mal force laugh and then sigh sarcastically. Cody decided to step in to not cause it any longer.

Cody: Okay! As much as I like to hear that, how about we start the tour. Ben, lead the way!

Ben: Right, let's get on with the tour! Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago, and converted into a high school by my father when he became king.

They all walk over to a statue of King Beast as Ben claps his hands two times and it changes from man to beast, causing Carlos to scream and jump on Jay, getting everyone's attention.

Ben: Carlos, it's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible.

Mal: Does he shed much?

Cody: Yeah, Mom won't let him on the couch.

Cody smiles which causes Mal to smile back as they start to walk to the entrance of the high school. Jay puts Carlos down as Carlos claps his hands two times to change the statue back, but nothing happens as they enter the lounge.

Mal: So, you guys have a lot of magic here at Auradon? Like wands and things like that?

Cody: Yeah, it exists of course, but it's not being used anymore.

Mal: Why's that?

Ben: It's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals.

Mal: Who happened to be Kings and Queens.

Audrey: That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years.

Ben: Doug. Doug, come down.

Everyone sees a nerdy teen in Auradon Prep band attire coming down.

Ben: This is Doug. He's gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms.

Cody: We'll see you guys later. And if there's anything you need, feel free to--.

Audrey: Ask Doug.

Audrey and Mal force laugh again and then sigh at the end before walking away with Cody with Ben and Rachel following.

Doug: Hey, guys. I'm Dopey's son? As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and...

Doug trails off as he sees Evie and Evie sees him as she smiles.

Doug: Heigh-Ho.

Mal catches Cody lightly snorting which causes her to smile.

Evie: Evie. Evil Queen's daughter.

Doug snaps out of it as he looks at the list he has.

Doug: Okay. So about your classes. I put in the requirements already. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet and Remedial Goodness 101.

Mal: Let me guess... New class?

Doug shook his head yes.

Mal: Okay, let's go find our rooms.

Mal and the others go to their dorms.

Doug: Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and...

Carlos: Sneezy.

Doug sighed in relief as he always forgot the name of his other uncle.

After Carlos and Jay went to find their dorms, Mal and Evie soon make it to the room of their dorm. Evie finds it beautiful and amazing as Mal finds it disgusting.

Evie: This place is so ama--.

Mal: Gross.

Evie: I know, right? Amazingly gross.

But to Evie, it wasn't gross at all.

Mal: I'm going to need some serious sunscreen.

Evie: Yeah.

Mal points to the curtains and Evie closes them as Mal does the same for the other ones.

Mal: Phew! That is much better.

That night, Carlos is playing a video game as Jay is placing a variety of items on the bed. Mal and Evie enter and see their dorm is awesom as Mal walks over to Jay.

Mal: Jay, what are you doing?

Jay: It's called stealing.

Mal: Okay, what's the point?

Jay: Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free.

Mal: Okay. So, you can do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world.

Evie: You sound just like your Mom!

Mal: Thank you!

Jay: You do it your way and I'll do it mine.

Carlos: DIE, SUCKERS! Jay, come check this thing out! Man, it's awesome!

Carlos hands Jay the controllers as Jay starts playing the video game.

Mal: Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?

Jay: Fairy Godmother... Blah, blah, blah. Magic wand... Blah, blah, blah.

Mal: THIS IS OUR ONE CHANCE to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless cruel. Yeah?

All: Yeah.

Mal: Evie, mirror me.

They all walk over to the table as Evie pulls out her magic mirror.

Evie: Mirror, mirror on the... In my hand. Where is Fairy Godmother's wand stand?

The magic mirror shows Fairy Godmother's magic wand.

Mal: There it is!

Carlos: Zoom out.

Evie: Magic mirror, not so close.

The magic mirror zooms out and it shows the view of Earth.

Evie: Closer.

The magic mirror zooms in.

Evie: Closer. Closer.

Carlos: Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three.

Jay: Stop!

Mal: It's in a museum? Do we know where that is?

Carlos types in where the museum is located.

Carlos: 2.3 miles from here.

Mal checks the hallway to see if it's clear and they all start to head to the museum.

After hours of running, they finally made it to the museum.

Mal: Check your mirror.

Evie: Is my mascara smudged?

Mal: Yeah. And hey, while you're at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand.

Evie: Sure. This way.

The others follow Evie as they made it to the entrance of the museum. As the look though the door, they see a security guard by the security console. The others noticed Maleficent's spinning wheel.

Jay: That's your mother's spinning wheel?

Carlos: Yeah, it's kind of dorky.

Mal: It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary.

Mal takes out her spell book and starts reading a spell to get rid of the guard.

Mal: "Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger."

But the spell doesn't work.

Jay: Impressive.

Carlos: I got chills.

Mal: Okay, you know what... "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep."

The security guard suddenly gets up from his chair and walks over to the spinning wheel as he pricks his finger on the needle. He starts getting sleepy as he yawns and falls to sleep.

Mal: Not so dorky now, huh?

As Mal opens the door, she soon realized that the door is locked.

Jay: Stand back.

Jay backs up as he is about to kick the doors open. But Mal does it the easy way and takes out her spell book.

Mal: "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick."

The doors open as Jay lets out a battle cry and tries to kick the doors open, but fell on the ground after it opened. Mal and Evie laugh.

Mal: Coming?

Mal and Evie walk past him as Carlos walks over to him to help him up.

Carlos: Come on, Jay.

Jay: I'm good.

Carlos: Just trying to help.

As they walk past the sleeping guard and follow Evie as she looks at her magic mirror to see where the wand is. They found themselves in the Gallery of Villains where they see statues of their parents

Evie: Mommy?

Evie was looking at the statue of her mother, the Evil Queen.

Jay: Killer.

Jay was looking at the statue of his father, Jafar.

Carlos: I'll never forget Mother's Day again.

Carlos was looking at the statue of his mother, Cruella De Vil.

Jay: Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce.

Jay and the others leave as Mal stays behind as she continues looking at the statue of her mother, Maleficent.

Maleficent: (voice) The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it!

Mal: (singing) Look at you, look at me, I don't know who to be, Mother! Is it wrong, is it right? Be a thief in the night, Mother! Tell me what to do?

Evie appears to Mal.

Evie: Mal! Come on!

As Evie walks away again and Mal turns to her. The statue of Maleficent suddenly comes to life and starts laughing.

Mal turns around and is in shocked that the statue of her mother was in front of her.

Maleficent: Don't be so serious, darling. I'm sorry...

After the singing and dancing, Evie reappears again.

Evie: Hey! I found the wand! Let's go.

Evie leaves once again as Mal turns around and sees the her mother was a statue once again.

As Mal catches up to the others, they find Fairy Godmother's wand floating in a blue light.

Evie: There it is!

Jay cheers in victory as he runs to the wand. They start to head where the wand is and finally make it to it. Jay goes under the metal bars to get the wand.

Mal: Jay, don't!

Jay doesn't listen as he fully goes under the metal bars.

Mal: Wait, no! No! DON'T!

Jay doesn't listen as he tries to grab the wand, only to be pushed by its force field and suddenly, a siren goes off, causing the security guard to wake up.


Jay: That's just a little excessive.

Mal: Let's go!

Mal and the others make it out of there before the security guard finals them. As they made their way back to the lobby, the phone rings and Carlos answers it.

Carlos: Hello? Uh... Just give me one second. One second.

Carlos goes over to a button pad and types in a code that turns off the siren and goes over to the computer to delete footage of them in the museum.

Carlos: Yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the LM 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus.

Carlos hangs up the phone.


Carlos: You're welcome.

They finally make it out of the museum and run back to Auradon Prep.

Mal: Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow!

Meanwhile, in Cody's room, Cody is sleeping on his bed as he starts having that same dream again.

Cody wakes up again as he rises from the bed and pants.

Cody: Why do I keep having these dreams?

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