The Visit

By Lunalockeheart

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(High school AU) Dream and Techno are dating and they go to a more prestigious school in the area, Techno pla... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2.1

241 7 6
By Lunalockeheart

There was a big game this Sunday, Dream had noticed people at Prime school were slowly getting more rowdy with the big day approaching. It didn't bother him too much since he was also very hyped and ready to watch the game, he was, after all, the cheer team's captain. What really excited people to this point was the meaning behind this game. This game would decide the state champion, so people had a right to be tense. Dream noticed even Techno was tense for this game, a slight change from his usual demeanor of calm and collected. That is why Dream had a wonderful idea, a truly amazing idea.

11:30 am-Friday

After a long conversation in a very hectic group chat, there was finally a decision made about plans to hangout before the game. The plans were vague but still plans nonetheless. Everyone decided it would be a good idea to meet at a town, L'manburg, halfway between the high schools. It was a popular town; it attracted many visitors with its infamous attractions. This past week there was a fair that was open, the last day of the fair would be Monday, before a new attraction replaced the space. Around town there were shops for anything you could need, clothes, food, maintenance, all within walking distance of one another. What was the most enticing, to Dream, was the fact that there was a big food court filled with different restaurants that sent entrancing smells your way. Dream had always been a food enthusiast, in the sense of just eating of course. Techno had always been surprised by how much Dream could eat in one sitting.

The group agreed to meet at the Las Nevadas bowling alley/arcade in town. Quackity had recommended the spot, saying it was from personal experience. And who could turn down bowling and arcade games? The group decided that everyone should be arriving at noon, but Techno miscalculated the time and now he, Dream and Skeppy were all 30 minutes early. Typical for the overthinker.

Dream was wearing his signature green hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans, accompanied by a pair of black combat boots. The hoodie was hiding most of the curves that people had loved to see, but not all hope was lost. The tight black jeans had hugged his thighs beautifully, flaunting off the muscle hidden beneath its fabric. Techno had a red flannel and white t-shirt on, as well as a pair of gray sweatpants, he chose his lovely red converse with his outfit today. His outfit was the opposite of Dreams, he kept his legs hidden but decided to show off his upper body, the white t-shirt gripped around the muscle with definition, the sleeves of his flannel created the illusion of his arm muscle being seemingly flexed at all times.

Skeppy was wearing a white t-shirt with a blue zip up hoodie, his black shorts showed off his well-built legs. The trio, Dream, Techno and Skeppy, were hanging out by the bowling alley section, their conversation started with playful teasing at Techno's miscalculated time arrival, with Techno being the prideful person he is, he began to start a banter round with Skeppy. Much to Dream's amusement. While they were waiting for the rest of the Prime school friend group to arrive at noon. "I could absolutely school you in bowling, Skeppy." Dream began to pay closer attention as he watched the conversation turn between the two males. Skeppy looked at Techno, puffing out his chest and holding an overconfident smirk, he used his flamboyant confidence, flashing a white toothed grin. "In your Dream-s lover boy." Dream rolled his eyes at the joke, Techno looked at Skeppy dumbly, finding no amusement from his joke. Dream felt himself smile at the notion created by both the males, feeling it was his time to speak up.

"Well, both of you are wrong because I could easily crush you guys in bowling."

Both boys turned to Dream, staring at the male with surprise, he stared back for a second before looking away and straight ahead of him, contently closing his eyes with a small smirk gracing his lips. Not letting the other two boys have the attention they wanted, he leaned back against the wall, there was a small sound of protest from both of the boys.

Dream felt a presence in front of him, slowly opening his eyes he saw a devious Techno in front of him. Standing too close for comfort, considering where they were. "Really think so?" Techno was leaning into Dream, keeping him flushed against the wall. While the intrusion wasn't unwanted by Dream, he still felt slightly embarrassed by the new position. A small voice in the back of his head reminded him that they were still in public, and should be acting accordingly, which is what created the embarrassment in the first place. But there would be no way in hell he would ever let Techno know that. So, Dream held a cocky smirk as his back was pressed against the wall, the rebellious glint clear in his eyes as he looked up at Techno, maintaining the eye contact that would usually have him weak to his knees, watching as Techno looked down at Dream. In that moment, the sudden feeling of embarrassment made its presence known on Dream's face as a blush crept onto his tanned skin. Techno seemed to smirk, opening his mouth to reply to the defiance he was given by the smaller male, his sentence was interrupted, thankfully, by Skeppy.

"Listen, if you two want to do some kinky shit, do it when you're alone. Not while I'm here."

The bold proclamation separated Techno from Dream in almost an instance, as if he was suddenly remembering where they were. Dream almost felt relieved by Skeppy's interruption, when it came to Techno there was almost no chance, he could have a reasonable thought process. Techno grumbled something under his breath, along the lines of some subtle curses. I looked back onto the bowling alley lanes, watching as some groups were leaving. "Let's go then." The declaration from the shorter male warped a look of confusion onto the football players faces. "Go where?" The question was hesitant, a previous knowledge of Dream's habit to create trouble entered their minds. It was pure hope that there would be little to no trouble involved.

"To bowl obviously, did you two forget the previous conversation?" Dream sarcasm rang through the group, turning his nose upward mockingly. Before walking towards the front desk area, there was one man behind the counter. He looked bored, seemingly agonizing about the fact he had to be there at all. His eyes were focused onto the counter in front of him, so there was no way to notice the trio approaching his desk.

"Um, Hello?" The worker looked up at the speaker, his eyes widened for a second. Dream raised his eyebrow at the workers behavior, watching as he suddenly straightened himself out. As the worker fixed himself, he could hear small chuckling coming from behind him, he wasn't bothered by the sound, it was a normal occurrence. "Yes, hi-" The worker's voice cracked, he coughed and cleared his throat. Dream held back his laugh, masking his laughter with a look of worry. The look Dream gave seemed to send the worker into some sort of coughing fit, his face getting redder by the second.

"Are you ok?" Dream felt the need to ask, it always worried him whenever workers did this. It had happened quite a lot, maybe there was some sort of curse on himself. The worker straightened back out with a red face, his face held a range of emotions, the most prominent being embarrassment. "Yes!" He rushed out hurriedly, Dream took a step back from the slight shout, the worker noticed as well and cleared his throat again. "I'm uh sorry, yes, I am all good. Doing great actually, you should be as well! Wait, I mean you could be doing great on this fine day as well." Dream gave him a questioning look before smiling.

"Right," Dream's smile wavered as he felt the interaction carry on with no real progress, "well, me and my friends would like to go bowling. Just one game, please." The worker nodded before handing a piece of laminated paper towards Dream. On the paper were different options for games, which was more of a hassle then Dream wanted but the worker seemed excited to explain the different options, so he sat through the rambling.

As Techno and Skeppy were giggling about the interaction between Dream and the worker, Skeppy hooked his arm around Techno's neck, leaning him closer to Skeppy's height. "Props to having a pretty boyfriend, huh Techno." Skeppy whispered into Techno's slightly pointed ears, raising an eyebrow playfully as they were watching the worker blubber about different bowling options for the game. "Damn right." Techno replied cheekily, watching as Dream paid. Dream had given the worker a small thank you and waved goodbye, rejoining the pair. There was a small pep in his step as he walked away from the desk, which left behind a flustered worker.

"I got us one normal game, nothing too special. We are on the 9 lanes, so let's hurry up and play. I have to show you boys up." Dream basically was bouncing the whole way to the lane, there were racks of bowling shoes resting in front of a half wall. Dream, Techno, and Skeppy all had found their own size in shoes as well as a bowling ball, which was another set of racks to the right of the shoes, before finally sitting down and typing in the names. Techno was Blade, Dream was Telitubby, and Skeppy was Diamond. Techno was first up, Dream was last.

Dream had let Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo know that they were playing a game while they were waiting for the group to arrive. After 15 minutes of playing the game was almost over, Dream was up by 20 points as he had gotten a 'turkey' which set him ahead. Skeppy and Techno were tied, Techno messed up on his last turn, knocking down only 7 pins which allowed Skeppy to catch up with his 9-pin turn. There were only two turns left for the game. At this moment the rest of the group had suddenly arrived, in a tight mob they approached lane 9. The peering eyes watched as an unknown male bowled a strike, his striking height and piercing red eyes turned and loomed over the other players with a slight taunt. The next male clicked his tongue, his spiky jet-black hair seemed to deflate under the increased pressure of the game. He grabbed his bowling ball, clicking his heels as he approached and rolled the ball, it only managed to knock down 9 pins.

The group watched Dream and the unknown male taunt the black-haired male. "Nerd" seemed to be the most prominent taunt. With fire in his eyes, he went again for his second roll, picking up the spare. His hands were thrown up in glee, the others snickered and rolled their eyes. Dream stood up, with pure arrogance, he grabbed his ball and approached the line. The losing males, the group noted, began to shout and make noises to throw off Dream. As he went to bowl, his focus never wavered, once it rolled there was complete silence amongst the trio. Dream gained another strike; the game was sealed.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" Dream did a little happy dance, as both males grumbled and complained angrily. "But! How!? I have never even seen you bowl before!" The black eyed male shouted, the pink-haired male looked pale as a ghost before grabbing the black-haired male, whispering under his breath. Dream watched as Skeppy's face turned to a mournful look, the reality hitting him hard. "You played us, you bastard." He muttered gravely. Dream's happiness stemmed to grow as he sauntered over to the males. "That's right, I'm a bastard. A bastard who was the bowling champion for 6 years running at my old school."

Techno rolled his eyes, "I let you win." He said monotonously, Dream rolled his eyes, spinning to face the ruby eyes but never got to rebut, finally noticing the rest of the group. His face felt flush as he saw everyone was watching their interaction and game. "Hi guys..." Dream gave a small wave, the other men followed Dream's wave and scanned over the group. Everyone's outfits seemed to be the same as before, with slight variations. Tubbo, Ranboo, Bad, Niki, and Karl were the first to approach the trio. Bad gave a warm hug to the black-eyed male, the other four seemed to find delight in looking at the pink-haired male. Who seemed to ignore the group in general, keeping an eye on the shorter blond male.

"Well, everyone, this is Techno and Skeppy, they play for Prime's football team," Dream motioned to each male respectively, the SMP footballers seemed to tense slightly. Dream left out their status as captain, not wanting the hint of Techno's alias to come out. The captains raised a brow at one another, but it disappeared as Dream continued the introductions. "Techno and Skeppy, these are friends of Tubbo's, Wilbur, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Illumina and Fundy..." Each male raised their hand in greeting as their name was called, Skeppy and Techno nodded in return. Dream felt the tension slightly increasing as the captains were sizing each other up. "...are on the varsity football team. Sapnap and Quackity are the team captains at the SMP. Tommy and Jack are on the JV, uhm...Charlie is on the cheer team with Tubbo." Dream finished with a sheepish smile; the tension didn't disappear.

Quackity was the first one to speak, those who knew Dream decided to stay quiet and watch the interaction between the teams. "Is it true you guy's quarterback is nicknamed the 'Blood God'?" The taunt was testing the waters, watching how the tone was going to be set. Techno and Skeppy smirked at one another, Dream held his back, the irony of saying that in the presence of these two. Skeppy gave off a little chuckle after a second, "Yeah, he got that name because his plays are as ruthless as a god, he has no mercy for those opposing him. The 'Blood' part was just to add some essence to his character." Dream rolled his eyes at the description, of course he was going to antagonize them, why had he thought for anything else.

The SMP players seemed to chuckle at the description, Techno titled his head slightly, his sudden amusement at their reactions making itself known. "If you don't mind me asking, what positions do you guys play?" George asked, Dream felt himself frown at the question. Wasn't it a bit personal given the timing? Skeppy smiled with a condescending quirk at the corners of his mouth, "We'll tell you ours if you tell us yours." Ah, another test. At this point, Dream was the only one standing between both football groups. Tubbo, Niki, Karl, Ranboo, and Bad all sat down on the couch by their bowling lane.

"Tackle" Illumina.

"Wide Receiver" Wilbur.

"Wide Receiver" Fundy.

"Tight End" George.

"Full Back" Quackity.

"Quarterback" Sapnap.

Techno and Skeppy both nodded at their answers, Dream felt confused but then again, he never understood footballers' egos and the need to make everything a challenge. Techno let out a sigh, his ruby eyes scanned the group in front of him. "I guess it's only fair to tell them our positions, they did tell us theirs after all."

"Of course, I'm a Wide Receiver." Skeppy smile through his words, the SMP looked at Dream for confirmation, he gave a slight nod, their eyes found Techno who was standing without a care in the world.

"I like Fullback..." His eyes trailed over to Dream. Dream knew of course this was true, on occasion Techno liked to play fullback if the team was up by a sum of points. It wasn't technically a lie, but it also wasn't the full truth. The blonde turned his head towards the group, nodding in confirmation. Everyone seemed to relax after that. Tubbo caught the shift in mood, his cheery voice taking over the group's attention. "Well let's go to the arcade now! Daylights a' burning!" Dream had never felt more thankful than in this moment for his brother's social skills.

As they slowly made their way out of the bowling alley and towards the arcade, Tommy slipped back through the progressing crowd to the back of the group where Techno and Dream were walking next to each other in silence. Skeppy had stuck himself next to Bad, and in turn was in the middle of the group, chatting away with the soon to be enemies come Saturday. Tommy slotted himself next to Techno, sparkling eyes looking in full delight at the taller male who held a monotonous expression. "Can I help you?" His ruby eyes bore at the group in front of them, his voice held a tone of disinterest and annoyance. Dream gave him a sharp jab to his side and a pointed look that said 'try again' while the ruby eyes had hesitation in them before he squeezed the green-eyed man's hand as a silent apology.

"Yeah! You're the Blade, right?! I have seen a bunch of articles about you, Phil talks about you back at home!" The gremlin spoke in excitement as he glided himself to Techno's side, they were far enough back that no one else seemed to notice the child's excitement. "Yes...I am." Techno's words were drawn out, the annoyance in his tone was gone but the monotonous speech remained. Tommy seemed to grow more excited, he placed a hand on Technos shoulder, jumping up and down, using his arm for leverage. "You should come scrimmage with me! And teach me how to throw better!" His eyes brightened as a new idea flooded his mind, Dream watched the interaction with a smugness. Techno looked like a deer in headlights. A different version to his usual composure.

"You could train me!" Tommy exclaimed, as we entered the doors of the arcade. Dream gave a small giggle at his antics; Techno shook off his hand and retreated towards Dream. "I don't train gremlins or children, or anyone for that matter." Techno spoke calmly from Dream's side; the blonde boy didn't seem to falter at his words. "I'll prove it to you at the game Saturday! My skills are going to impress you so well that you can train me to be a Fullback!" He ran off inside the arcade towards Tubbo, who was getting tokens for the games. Dream pulled out his wallet, 20 bucks should get him 50 tokens. Before he could even open his wallet, it was snatched from his hands.

"Techno, I can pay for my own tokens." I grumbled as I tried to grab my wallet from his hand, which was stretched above his head. "It's my turn." He said with the cheekiest grin I've seen in a while. "You paid for dinner last night, if anything it's my turn." I glanced around to see if the rest of the group was here, everyone had dispersed into the arcade, I couldn't see anyone around us. I grabbed the collar of his shirts, he was bent down to match my height, his hand still above my head. His red eyes stared into mine, a color of blood I felt myself drowning in every time I stared into them. He hummed, thinking about my previous statement, a dopey smile fitted his face.

"I think you paid me back from last night's activities." He whispered; his breath hot on my face. I felt my grip around his collar weaken, the heat rising on my face. Memories of last night's activities filled my head, the feeling of the steam from a cup of comforting cocoa turned to the steam and sweat that rolled off our bodies from more...distracting activities. He stood back up to his full height, grabbing my hand and placing the wallet in it. He made his way over to the token machine and inserted his own money. When did he take his wallet out? I heard the rattling of coins dispensing and watched Techno fill up a Styrofoam cup.

"Let's go find everyone, I'm sure they're wondering where we are." Techno ushered me deeper into the arcade, I followed with rosy cheeks. People were dragging Dream off left and right, playing for tickets and prizes. Niki, Sapnap, and Skeppy were in the lead for tickets. Illumina won Tubbo a bee, Wilbur won Tommy a fake sword, Skeppy and Bad traded their stuffed animal prizes, and Techno won Dream a small pig plush from the claw machines.

"I thought you hated claw machines?"

"Shut up...nerd."

"Ok, simp."

Techno's gift to Dream seemed to start a turmoil of people trying to gauge Dream's attention and affection. From helping them win tickets, bragging about their earnings, and giving a couple more claw machine prizes. Dream was beginning to get a bit overwhelmed by everyone, at one point he hid with the gremlins, and watched as they tried to beat each other in street fighter. After playing a couple rounds of Centipede, Galaga, and Asteroids, Dream left to find Techno and Skeppy. Skeppy was watching Bad play Frogger. Techno was by the Pac Man and Donkey Kong machines, for the moment he was playing Pac Man. Dream filled the space next to him, stealing another token from his cup and putting it into the Donkey Kong machine.

"Having fun?" The blonde asked while keeping his eyes glued to the screen, all he got was a grunt in response. Common when the pink-haired male was focused on a task, especially during football practice when they were doing punishment workouts. These were a part of conditioning and done before the school year when it was hot, so most of the time all of the footballers were shirtless. Let's say a lot of the cheer practices overlapped with football practice on those days, paid to have the football coach as your uncle. "Once you lose, can we take a break from the group for a few minutes, not in a rush. I want to get the new high score first." Another grunt was given in response, so Dream knew he understood. Techno had died and taken the second highest score, something Dream would be hearing about later. Techno watched as Dream died after messing up on a button and took the second highest score.

Dream shot Tubbo a text before they split from the group to go to the restroom. Dream and techno were just chatting, Dream took his mask off so he could have a little creak and calm down before meeting with the rest of the group. Once they got back and found the group, they were huddled around the air hockey table. Skeppy and Illumina were going head-to-head, everyone was cheering and commenting for Illumina support, everyone besides Bad and Karl, they were cheering Skeppy on. Dream and Techno slipped into the crowd, Dream leaned over to Bad, keeping his voice low he asked, "Who's winning?" Bad let out a little cheer as Skeppy deflected the puck from his goal, "It's tied, last point of the game." He whispered back, Techno patted Skeppy's back for encouragement, joining in on the competitive fun.

Illumina got the final point on a ricochet from Skeppy's handle into his own goal. Boos and cheers overlapped each other as people laughed at the winner and loser's reactions. "Who else is going to step up to the plate? Dream? Wanna test your luck?" Illumina teased out; Dream looked like a deer in headlights before shaking his head. Skeppy, Tubbo, Niki, Karl, and Ranboo all began to laugh, Techno gave a small chuckle. "Oh, come on, it's just one game..." Dream looked back at Illumina with a small smile, "No thanks, I'm sure you would win anyway." Dream bargained for the modest road, hoping he would get the hint. The laughing cohort of people shared a knowing smile with one another. Illumina pouted slightly; his demeanor filled with determination. "I'll go easy on you." He tried again, the remark made Skeppy and Tubbo both break, laughing their asses off trying to string words in a sentence.

The group looked confused, surprisingly Ranboo was the one to fill them in, as Dream and Techno diverted their attention to keeping the laughing males off the floor. "He's basically been banned from playing any competitive game, he gets way too invested...and always wins. Except for Techno, they're evenly matched but he's also banned. So, he's basically restricted to single player games, card games, and the occasional twister." Ranboo said smiling as Dream was trying to lug Tubbo up from the floor, Techno had let Skeppy fall onto the floor, accepting the outcome.

With the recovery of Skeppy and Tubbo, the group decided to take a break. It was almost 2, the children were growing hungry, and the older children were faring much better. As they moved through the arcade to the built-in pizza place, the SMP footballers were starting to crowd around Dream more. The pizza place was more high-end due to its location inside L'manburg, so there were many more options available. As people skimmed over the menu, which consisted of:


1. Margherita Pizza - Classic tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil.

2. Pepperoni Pizza - Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pepperoni slices.

3. Veggie Delight Pizza - Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and olives.

4. BBQ Chicken Pizza - Tangy BBQ sauce, mozzarella cheese, grilled chicken, red onions, and cilantro.

5. Hawaiian Pizza - Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, and pineapple chunks.


1. Garlic Bread sticks - Freshly baked bread sticks with a garlic butter glaze.

2. Mozzarella Sticks - Golden-fried breaded mozzarella served with marinara sauce.

3. Chicken Wings - Choice of buffalo, BBQ, or teriyaki sauce served with ranch or blue cheese dressing.


1. Garden Salad - Fresh mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and choice of dressing.

2. Caesar Salad - Crisp romaine lettuce, Parmesan cheese, croutons, and Caesar dressing.


1. Soft Drinks - ask register

2. Iced Tea - Classic sweetened or unsweetened iced tea.

3. Lemonade - Freshly squeezed lemonade.


1. Chocolate Brownie - Warm and gooey chocolate brownie served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

2. Cheesecake - Creamy and indulgent cheesecake with a choice of toppings.

Skeppy and Techno saw this as a perfect opportunity to show them the true power of Prime high school. As everyone stood in line and decided what to order, Skeppy slung his arm around Dreams' shoulder, Techno placed his elbow on his head and leaned on him. The others watched with interest, judging by the glints of mischief in their eyes something interesting would be happening.

"Hey Dream, how about you use some of that worker voodoo and get us some free snacks?" Skeppy leaned into Dreams' ear seemingly whispering but it was audible enough for the rest of the group to hear. "Yeah, I could really go for some uh...Mozzarella sticks." Techno said moving his elbow a bit to shake Dreams' head, who in turn just rolled his eyes. "I could use some Chicken wings, with extra ranch if you would so, please." Skeppy said sweetly, Dream pushed both men off of him before walking ahead of the group. "I'll see what I can do."

Techno and Skeppy watched in pure amusement while the rest watched in confusion. The conversation died down as Dream approached the counter, he took off his mask to speak with the male at the register. Both hands were on the edges of the register counter, he tilted his head, shifted his body to lean more on the right arm then the left. "Hello, what can I get for y-" The man at the register, 'Adam' as his nametag read, had looked away from the screen towards Dream, which apparently ended up making him forget the rest of his sentence. "Hi, there...Adam," Dream leaned forward to look as though he was reading his nametag, before smiling back up at the man. He set his full body weight forward, leaning more into his personal space. The man turned beet red, he kept blinking and looking between the screen and dreams' face. "I would like 3 diet cokes, a Caesar salad along with a plate of chicken wings, extra ranch...if you wouldn't mind." He fluttered his eyes at the male, giving him a bashful smile. Adam tore his gaze away and fitted it back to the screen, with his attention focused back on the screen, he seemed to gain some sort of function back. Dream rolled his eyes and cracked his neck in annoyance. This is not the man he would like to be flirting with. He typed in the order, before looking back at the blonde male, who had given him a somewhat "shy" smile. "Is there anything else I could get uh...I meant is that all for your order?" He kept a deer in headlight's look on his face as he spoke to Dream, who gave an innocent look before scanning the menu again.

"Well, I did want some mozzarella sticks, and some dessert but I couldn't decide between the options, plus it's a bit out of my budget." Dream feigned sadness; he stuck his bottom lip out to chew on. Adam's Adam apple bobbed as he looked at the blond man, contemplating his options and regenerating more blood to his face as Dream chewed his lip. Adam seemed to gain some confidence and leaned in towards the blonde, clearing his throat in order to gain his attention. Dream had to stop himself from creeping away, he's going to kill Techno and Skeppy later. He gave a little chuckle and winked at the blonde, well at least he was going to get some free food. "Don't worry about it, by the way I never got your name."

"I know." Dream gave a little smirk, flirting but staying within his own boundaries. Besides, Techno would interrupt at any point if he felt it was going too far, something Dream was thankful for. He knew how to flirt, but flirting with people who weren't hot, tall, pink-haired quarterbacks was hard and required extra work, especially when (according to everyone else) he was a bit dense. If he wasn't the one initiating the flirting he would never be able to tell when someone was flirting with him, unless they decided to confess with aspects of Greek mythology. Adam raised a brow at his response, giving a small chuckle before saying his food would be ready at the end of the counter. Adam grabbed the receipt and wrote something in the back, what Dream assumed was his number, before handing it over. "They'll call your number, much like you should call mine." And sent him on his way with a wink.

Dream put the mask back onto his face and turned back around to a surprised group, with 2 red-faced people who looked ready to roll over and die from laughter. He beckoned the two and went to the end of the counter, leaving the rest of the group to order.

See, from the rest of the group's perspective all they saw was a red-faced blubbering mess, who seemed to shy away the more Dream talked to him. Techno and Skeppy were very poorly concealing their laughter and snorts as Dream was talking throughout the interaction. When the register man glued his eyes to the screen, everyone could see Dream's annoyance and neck crack which made the Prime boys begin another fit of laughter. Once the man gained more confidence and less redness, Techno let out a couple of noises of protest, much to Skeppy's amusement. "Still excited about having a hot boyfriend?" He whispered in the taller male's ear. Even the rest of the group wasn't as amused by the male's newfound confidence, many eye rolls and small mutters of displeasure. That was amusing to Techno, but the male at the register wasn't. He let out a grunt, watching as their interaction was coming to an end, the male putting writing on the receipt. But to their horrific delight he had sent Dream a final wink which sent the two males back into a laughing fit. The cringe worthy flirting move made them lose it one last time.

Dream's beckon had the two males moving quickly. The rest of the group got through ordering quickly and caught up with the other three, stumbling onto Dream quietly berating them with a small teensy-weensy hit of humor. Quackity was the one to interrupt his rant: "How much of it did you get for free?" Dream held a taunting face, the other two males were listening too, as they didn't get a chance to ask before Dream started speaking. "All of it, 3 drinks, mozzarella sticks, chicken wings with extra ranch, a Caesar salad, and a dessert which he was going to pick out for me." Dream shrugged off the looks of amazement, it was only 30$ worth of food. Techno, Skeppy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Niki, and Karl had all seen Dream get way more for free. From movie tickets to sweaters, Dream could get it for free, male or female. Techno could but his social interactions were a little too awkward for everyone. He was awkward in a social situation, and Dream loved it.

The food had only taken 15 minutes, the group sent the gremlin trio out to find two tables big enough to seat everyone. They grabbed two tables that could seat 8 people at each. At one table, Niki, Karl, Ranboo, Tubbo, Bad, Skeppy, Charlie, and Tommy were together. The others had Dream, Techno, Wilbur, Fundy, George, Sanap, Illumina, and Quackity. And much to Techno's disappointment Dream wasn't the center of attention, he was. "Are you sure I don't know you from somewhere? I feel like I've heard of you before today." Wilbur had been on and on about knowing Techno before today, which would make sense since Techno is a close friend of their father. But the dumbass was being his normal hardheaded self. "Nah." and that's all he kept saying...

"Do I know you from school?"


"Does one of Tommy's friends go to your school?"


"A Club?"


"An extracurricular?"


"Have you been over to my house?"


Wilbur gave up and pouted into his pizza. With that came the shift of attention back onto Dream. From the events of the day, Techno could see that all of the SMP footballers liked Dream, or at least tried to flirt with him. It had been to Techno's amusement, watching everyone scramble for Dream's attention and try to "prove" themselves to him.

Techno couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that he had already won Dream's heart and didn't need to compete with anyone else. It was like a playful taunt, watching others try to win over Dream when Techno knew that he was the one who had already captured his affection. With a confident smirk, Techno would occasionally add into the conversation of the SMP footballers, exploiting their need to grab Dreams' attention. Most of the time he was happy to listen to their babbling about nothing, each trying to keep the blonde's attention. He enjoyed the banter and the knowledge that his relationship with Dream was something they would never get to experience. Dream was his, and that's how it was going to stay. No matter how many men would flirt at the registers, or women putting their moves on, not even the new friends who were driven by the competition, no one was going to take Dream from him.

He wasn't going to let go of the best thing that has ever happened in his life. One day, he would show these people how far they've lost. Show them that Dream was his to love and cherish forever, but for now he would sit back and watch them make a fool of themselves. It was quite a fun dynamic, watching the others vie for Dream's attention while Techno revealed in the knowledge that he was the one who had won his heart. It added an extra layer of excitement to the day, one they would relive in the future.

To be continued...

(No revision)

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423K 7.4K 49
Feelings are stupid. Romance is dumb. Gaming and mac-n-cheese, now that's where it's at. Being the best at gaming is her profession. But Dream says o...
2.6K 58 20
cover art by : hyxmix on twitter the all famous cheerleader george x football player dream this will contain eventual smut, along with plenty of flu...
208K 5.6K 52
❛ SHE'S AN AMERICAN WOMAN ❜ ❛ HE'S A PRETTY BOY ❜ tommyinnit x fem! oc there will be no smut because tommy is a minor! social media x real life fic...
228K 6.3K 60
This is a Dsmp football AU story based on Val_kurry and Teefumz's art! It'll be mainly focusing on dnf tho ;) Warning: there will be swear words in...