
By avi_paralleluniverse

75.7K 1.9K 279

15 year old Estella never expected her to flip upside down in a span of few weeks . The unexpected death of... More

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1.9K 86 14
By avi_paralleluniverse


It's been a week since estella's hospital visit and now that she was well and settled in the house , Robert knew that he shouldn't delay about informing the twins about estella's pregnancy. The quicker they get over it the better.

The twins were currently watching a movie with estella and Robert did not want to interrupt their sibling time, so he was patiently waiting for them to finish their movie.

It will soon be time for estella's afternoon nap and Robert plans to talk to them during that time. The pregnancy is making estella very tired and fatigue so Robert makes sure that she gets as much as rest she can get. He knows how draining pregnancy can be and as a father all he can do for his daughter is make sure to provide all the comfort and love for her.

He walked away from his office and went to the theater room and noticed estella sleeping while resting her head in Noah shoulder while Liam was caressing her hand. Robert smiled wistfully looking at his youngest children.

He has noticed how much happier the twins have been since the return of estella. His youngest sons took the disappearance of their sister the worst. They were too young to understand the adult logic while their fragile innocent hearts were too heartbroken to accept the possibility of never meeting their sister ever again. They both confided in each other and became more and more distant from their family as the time went. 

Everyone was grieving on their own and didn't notice how the twins distanced themselves from the family and by the time they did , the twins were already in their teens and their extremely stubborn did not allow them to Mend those broken bonds. Robert is extremely grateful for their constant presence in the house because of estella compared to their scars presence on the house because they were constantly outside busy in high-school parties and their shenanigans 

Robert moved inside the theater room catching the attention of the twins .

" let me put her in her bed" Robert whispered to the twins not wanting to wake up estella.

The twins nodded and adjusted estella so that Robert can pick her up easily.

Robert swiftly lifted estella in his arms , realizing how light she was. He grew concerned about her weight and decided to talk about it to doctor about it.

Estella snuggled in Robert's hold and shifted her head to rest comfortably on his arm and cheeks on chest. Robert smiled at his daughter.

On his way out he turned back towards the twins " Meet me in the office with Rhysand. I want to talk about something important "Robert told the twins and walked out of the room

The twins looked at each other checking if one of them did anything. Eventually Both of them shrugged and went to call Rhysand , who had came back yesterday late at night .

Robert laid estella on her bed and adjusted her blanket so that she won't get cold. After placing a kiss on her forehead, he walked out of her room making sure to lock the room.

He entered his office where all of his sons were present. He was not surprised to his eldest two sons presence, he knew that they will come automatically when Rhysand was asked to his office . He is not sure if he likes or hate his eldest son lack of faith in him while handling Rhysand. 

 Robert is aware that he tends to be a little more harsh on rhysand given his history with mental health but when his son puts his life on danger for his need of adrenaline,  his parental sure wants nothing more than to lock him inside to keep him safe. But he has to be practical while handling his sons and he obviously can not lock them up

He walked inside his office and settled on his chair and looked at his sons

The Maroni brothers were looking at their father with different emotions .
Annoyance, obviously Rhysand

" Boys I want to talk about a very important thing and I hope you will act maturity about it " Robert told his sons.

Leonardo and Cyrus who were leaning against the bookshelf and sitting on the sofa sat straight while the rest if them looked confused.

" Last week when estella was hospitalized,  the doctors ran some tests-" Robert began to speak but was interrupted by three voices

"Oh god is she okay"

"Does she have any disease "

"Is it life threatening?"

The twins and Rhysand exclaimed together.

"More like a new life beginning " Cyrus mumbled but the others heard him. Leonardo and robert glared at him for which he sheepishly muttered a sorry.

" will you tell us what exactly were the reports about?" Liam questioned impatiently

" The results showed that Estella is pregnant and they also did an ultrasound to confirm it " Robert broke the news.

Everybody went silent in the room. Some waiting g for others to react while some not being able to even understand what was being told.

" What do you mean? Pregnant as in .... having a baby ?" Noah questioned incredulously

Robert had thought he was mentally prepared to handle his sons relationship but now looking at Noah being few seconds away from bursting into tears, he knew he had underestimated his younger sons emotional outburst.

" Yes Noah.  Estella is pregnant with a BABY " Robert answered Noah.


" She doesn't have a boyfriend " Robert calmly told his son

" Did some fucker decide to leave my sister after making her pregnant?" Lucas sounded extremely pissed 

Robert and his two exchanged looks. They knew nothing good would come out with delaying the impending news of the doom

"That's what we actually need to talk to you about. Estella neither had any boyfriend nor did was she in any sort of relationship-" Robert was abruptly cut off by Noah

" What do you mean she never had any relationship. Then how come she have a baby?  '' Noah asked confused too impatient to listen to his fathers words properly

" It was against her consent" Before Robert could speak Leonardo decided to rip the band aid off

There was a deathly silence in the room as the younger brothers were trying to process the words spoken by their eldest brother before the all the chaos broke



The twins shouted simultaneously 

" WHO THE FUCK DARED TO HURT MY SISTER? I WILL KILL THAT BASTARD" Rhysand shouted before throwing off a vase on the wall making it shatter in million tiny pieces

" How long were you were aware about it?" Liam questioned 

" You caught that fucker right?" Noah asked Robert

No we haven't managed to catch the fucker and we got to know about this on the same day as estella's pregnancy " Robert calmly told his son which was way to far from how he was feeling inside

" what the fuck you mean you didn't catch him ? How can you let that fucker roam around freely when he destroyed our little sisters life and innocence " Noah questioned in fury . The prospect of that monster who dared to hurt his little sister roaming freely without any suffering was making his insides feel like volcano

Robert looked at his sons. Rhysand was breathing heavily , seconds away from another outburst , Liam had silent tears streaming down his face and noah was extremely furious

" We are not sure about the details regarding the incident. And we couldn't ask estella because it will stress her and its not good for her health. Our trusted men are in the city searching everything about estella's life there so we can get some kind of lead " Robert explained to his sons

The brothers realised that not only did their sister witnessed something so horrific but was also carrying a little life inside her . They had to be extremely careful and attentive towards her now and make sure that none of this effect her negatively more than it already has .

" What will you do when you catch him ?" Liam questioned in a barely audible voice

Robert gave his youngest son a sadistic smile

"Make him regret the day he was born"


Hello everyone , 

its been an extremely hectic couple of weeks. We shifted our house  and i couldn't get any time to study let alone write anything. The earlier draft was not really good so it took a long time to write this chapter 

Sorry for updating late

Q..)  What do you guys think about posting an update after completing certain votes ? should i also do that?

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