
By avi_paralleluniverse

75.6K 1.9K 279

15 year old Estella never expected her to flip upside down in a span of few weeks . The unexpected death of... More

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By avi_paralleluniverse

"I think that the best thing we can do for our children is to allow them to do things for themselves, allow them to be strong, allow them to experience life on their own terms, allow them to take the subway ... let them be better people, let them believe more in themselves." -

C. JoyBell C.

Third Person POV

That night Robert wasn't able to sleep.

The feeling of helplessness and being failure submerged his mind in its grasps too deep that the one of the biggest man feared by many was not even able to close his eyes for a moment without imagining the horror his daughter had to go through all on her own.

In his memories his little star was always smiling and following her older brothers everywhere.

He still remembers the adoration in his toddler daughters eyes whenever she looked at him and now she's a teenager who's known the dark side of the world way before her family would've accepted.

Had he not been a coward and a more competent leader he had always prided himself to be, his family wouldn't have broken all those years ago.

His daughters innocence wouldn't have been snatched from her without her consent.

With his mind drowning in self hatred there was this newfound determination in his heart to become the father his daughter deserved all those years when he was mourning her.

He's going to support and live his daughter just the way he should've been all these years.


In the morning everyone was seated at the dining table for the breakfast.

Even Estella who was practically dragged by Liam because he didn't want her to feel alone on top of being sick , his words.


Leonardo ---Cyrus

Estella -----Lucas

Liam -----------

The siblings were engrossed in their breakfast with frequent questions from the brothers for Estela regarding her health or if she was liking her food or not or if she needed anything more.

Estella was getting from their constant questionin and interrupting her from eating peacefully. But she still somehow managed to response politely.

" Boys! Let her eat peacefully " Robert finally put a stop at the constant questions from his sons. He was aware that they must be on edge with their little sister's visit to the hospital yesterday.

The brothers simply nodded some sheepishly.

Estella released a sigh of relief and focused on her food . She was mostly done with her food with plans to crash in her fluffy bed when Robert spoke.

" How are you feeling estella ? Sorry I wasn't able to come to hospital as I was out of station and when I came you were already sleeping " Robert spoke to estella

Estella couldn't understand why was he apologizing? He had already done so much for her . And it was not like she wlcan expect him to leave his work to for her.

" I am feeling okay" Estella replied softly.

Robert nodded seemingly satisfied.
Estella was going to run , not exactly run, towards her room When Robert's next words made her freeze.

" Estella I would like to talk to you in my office " Robert informed estella.

Making Leo and Cyrus along with eatella to stiffen. The trio had already guessed the topic of their conversation

Estella simply nodded and followed Robert to his office.



n the office estella was busy looking at all the portraits and luxurious Decors.
The office's theme could be explained in few words Manly, luxurious and dark.
Estella was impressed seemingly forgetting the conversation she was going to have with her biological father.

Dad . It was such a foreign yet comforting word for her .

She never thought she will ever get someone who will be the warm and comforting source of warmth and affection.

" Please have a seat Estella " Robert's voice made estella aware of their current situation.

She nodded and took a seat opposite to Robert. She could hear her heartbeats.

" How are feeling Estella " Robert questioned his visibly frightened daughter

" Fine " Estella lied not wanting to be an unwanted liability on robert.

Robert raised his eyebrow in question

" uhmm Nervous " estella replied timidly.

" You don't have to be nervous about anything my Star. I'm your father and I'll always support you hm" Robert told estella

She just simply nodded .

Robert sighed.

" Leonardo informed that yesterday doctors found out that you were pregnant. '.......Were you perhaps aware of it before ?" Robert spoke to estella.

" Yes " estella replied in a small voice.

" Do you want to keep this baby or go for abortion ?" Robert questioned estella .He wanted to give his daughter the freedom to decide for her body.

" Yes , i want to keep this baby" estella spoke firmly. She couldn't bare the thought of hurting her child.

Robert nodded " Okay. But I want to make sure that you are aware of all the choices you have. Pregnancy is very difficult and it'll be even more for your young age. There will be many complications and body changing effects ."

" It's okay. I'll keep my baby. I won't kill my child " estella told Robert.

" I know you're aware about the circumstances around aren't favorable and you'll always be reminded of it because of this baby. Do you want to go for adoption. It's very hard to raise a child.  "Robert questioned as passively as he could regarding the topic. 

He didn't wan't his daughter to be effected negatively because of this baby. He wasn't oblivious to how traumatic and scarring abuse can be for any person. 

But he also didn't want to effect her decision in anyway. He wanted to give her the CHOICE to decide for herself and her baby because as a father he will always support his children no matter how tough the decision will be

Estella visibly stiffened. She knew of this fact but didn't expect Robert to bring it up.

" It's my child only. I don't want to go for adoption " estella spoke firmly

No matter what she was the one growing the baby. It was hers and nobody was going to change it.

Robert was shocked to see such fierceness and protectiveness in estella for this baby.

" Okay. I hope you can talk about it when you're comfortable " Robert told estella

Estella didn't need much explanation for what it meant. She knew she'll need to have a conversation about it someday but it wasn't today.

" Okay" Estella answered.

Estella froze when Robert suddenly hugged her. She didn't even notice him leaving his seat.

" I am so proud of you my little star. I'm so sorry you had to go through such pain alone. But always remeber that I love you and I am so damn proud and lucky to have a daughter like you " Robert spike softly caressing estellas hair.

Estella seemingly relaxed in his embrace and hugged hum back.

" I am not brave... if I wa..s ... h.e..e.." estella started crying

" shhh you are not responsible for others actions my dear. This world is full of demons and you faced one without giving up. I am so damn proud of you for fighting and staying strong. We might lose some battles and it's okay to be defeated sometimes. It doesn't make us weak .it's not to give up and always keep fighting that's what makes us strong" Robert spoke tenderly

" but I cou...ldnt.. " estella sobbed. Remembering the horrors of her consent being violated.

" My little warrior I am sorry you had to go through that. I am so sorry that I failed to protect you....I ams so sorry my little girl ..... You're a Warrior my girl . You fought and for that you're so strong and brave.." Robert spoke with a hoarse voice his own eyes starting to get moist.

Estella only cried harder and hugged Robert tightly with him caressing his back and kissing her hair.

The fahter and daughter cried.

The daughter For everything that was snatched away from her without her consent.

The father for every pain his daughter had to go though.

After few moments later estellas cries subsided and her breathing evened out... she feel asleep in her father's embrace.

Robert caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.

" I love you so much my little start. My little Warrior "

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