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BแปŸi cooper_scooper

75.5K 1.5K 968

walker scobell imagines ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ lowercase intended!!! Xem Thรชm

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3.2K 102 30
BแปŸi cooper_scooper

daily reminder to react, vote, and comment!! ❣️

you never knew how fast a month could go by. you weren't at the lake house anymore. you were home, and walker was at his house getting ready to leave. you couldn't believe the time has come. you won't see him for almost a whole year. he's gonna miss your birthday, and you're gonna miss his. you've never missed each others birthday.

you sit in the car, staring out the window as your mom drives you to the scobell's house. you could've walked, but it was raining. it barely takes a minute before you're there, rushing inside and up the stairs. the house was eerily quiet, the only sound you heard was your mom closing the door once she got inside. conversation erupted quietly downstairs between your mom and his parents.

you walk up to walker's room, stopping when you see his door wide open. he never has his door open. you stop in his doorway and lean against the framing. his room is dark, the only way you can see is his lamp that is turned on in the corner. you watch him as he is sat on the edge of his bed, holding something. he's staring down at it, he seems even more sad then you are.

it feels like he's dead. like everyone's mourning, even him. he isn't dead though, but you know everything's still changing. you two will still get to talk, but it won't be the same. it may never be the same. you have no clue what could happen over 10 months.

you watch walker for a little longer before you walk in and sit next to him. you both sit in silence as you look down and see what he has been staring at. it was a photo of you two when you were younger. it was a sweet picture. you were on walkers back in a robin costume and he was in a batman costume.

you lean on his arm and stare down at the picture. you hear him sigh shakily and look up to see him crying. this immediately made you start crying.

"you know, we haven't been- a-apart for over a week since we met." he whispered, his voice cracking as he spoke. you squeeze his arm and he puts the photo down. "i'm not ready to go."

"i know." you whisper back. you try to hold back a sob but it's no use. you turn and shove yourself into him, hugging him tightly. he hugs you back just as tight, crying into your shoulder. at this point someone would've thought someone did die.

you both cry until you can't anymore. you stay as you were, arms wrapped around each other. the downstairs has gone quiet now, it's just the sound of both of your uneven breathing.

"what am i gonna do?" you ask, looking up at him. he chuckles and reaches up to wipe the tears off of your face. your hand follows his, holding it to your cheek. you lean into it, taking in the warmth.

"we're gonna be okay," he tries to reassure you. "i promise. when i come back, we won't spend a day apart." you knew that wasn't true but you're glad he said it.

"what if it's different?" you ask. he sighs and looks away from you. your eyebrows furrow and you look at him questioningly. "do you think it'll be different?"

"i really hope not." he says, looking back at you. you both stare at each other for a long time, taking in each others features for what could be the last time for a long time.

you let out a shaky breath and lay your head on his shoulder. he lays his head on top of yours and sniffles.

"can i stay? just for one last night? so i can see you when you leave in the morning?" you ask, still staring down at the ground.

"y/n.." he says, trailing off. he thinks for a little. "fine." he says, flopping back on his bed. you follow his actions, now looking up at his ceiling. neither of you speak, you just lay in the eerily silent house.

"i know you'll do great." you say, and he hushes you before you can say anything else.

"can we not talk about it anymore. i don't want to cry anymore." he says, shuffling so he's laying on his side facing towards you. you smile and look back at him.

"do you remember," you begin. "at the lake house when leena posted that picture of us?" you asked.

"it was only a month ago, stupid. of course i remember." he says and laughs. you laugh too, resting your hands behind your head.

"okay, um, do you remember." you say and think for a second.

"do you remember when you made me try on all your dresses to see which one you liked best?" he asked, cutting your thoughts off. you laugh loudly while remembering that day.


"y/n, i'm not walking out of here!" walker yells from the fitting room. you bang on the door until he opens it.

you're practically crying from how much you've laughed. walkers just standing there, his arms crossed and pouting.

"i don't even know how this helps you decide." he says impatiently.

"it doesn't." you say and snap a picture, closing the door immediately after.


"oh man," you say, catching your breath. "but what about that time we snuck downstairs at 2 on the morning to get cereal, but you spilled the milk all over the place?"

walker rolled his eyes and sighed.

"i got yelled at so much because of that." he said.


"shut up!" walker whisper-yells at you while you're walking down the stairs. you're biting your sleeve to keep from laughing.

you both make it downstairs alive, barely.

walker opens the fridge, the sound of glass clinging around. you shush him, but then cover your mouth. he gives you a look and you're back to biting your sleeve.

you grab two bowls and the box of cereal while he gets the milk out of the fridge. you turn around and everything goes in slow motion. the look on his face when he dropped the milk was the funniest thing you've ever seen in your life. the reflection of light from the fridge onto the scene was the only way you were able to see.

you can't help but break down in loud squeals. they weren't even giggles, just loud laughs. walker looks up at you with a fearful face before also bursting out in laughter. about a minute later the light turns on by itself. you both look up and realize that it didn't turn on by itself, but walker's dad turned it on.

"what in the hell do you two think you're doing?"


you're back in a fit of laughter again at the thought of his face that night. you laugh for a while before you lose your breath. you look over and there walker is, just staring at you in awe. you smile nervously at him and pull him down in a hug. he hugs you back, relaxing into your touch. you wish this moment would never end.

you both lay there until you both fall asleep.


you wake up from the bright sun in your eyes. you squint, rubbing your eyes. you sit up, looking around you. you weren't in your room, you were in walkers. your heart sinks as you realize what happened.

he's gone.

and he didn't even think to wake you up to say bye? how could he?

you throw the blanket off of you angrily and hear a thud. you get up to see what had landed on the floor. you see a small journal and pick it up. on the cover of it is a picture of you and walker at disney together. you smile softly and open the journal.


[your full name],

i knew this day was coming. i'm writing this the day after i was told im gonna be playing percy jackson. we've never been apart for so long, and i don't think i've processed the idea of it yet. i don't want to be gone for a long time, and i really hope you don't want to get rid of me as bad as you say you do. anyways, this is for you in case you do end up missing me.
-walker ♡︎


you feel tears rush to your eyes as you flip the page.


march 9, 2021

right now you're asleep in my bed. i just got done cleaning the kitchen. i spilled milk everywhere while we were trying to make cereal. it wasn't my fault the handle gave out on me.

you offered to help me clean it up after my dad yelled at me. i wouldn't let you, so i made you go upstairs and wait. i didn't think it was gonna take close to an hour. i came back upstairs and you were all snuggled into my bed, fast asleep. i'm not gonna tell you if you were snoring.

so now im sitting here at my desk, not wanting to bother you. you're really pretty when you sleep. except when you drool. and snore. (if you do snore i'm still not gonna tell you)

i think im starting to love you, y/n.


you stare at the page as a teardrop falls down on it.

these ten months are going to be horrible.


1589 words

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Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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