Never leaving my side!! (YIZH...

Por LinYizhan237

17.5K 1K 220

MATURE RATING!! Wang yibo, 25, Xiao zhan, 23, Wang yibo was a incredibly Wealthy Businessman, and had horribl... Más

🔰💠 001 : FIRST LOVE💠🔰
🖤🔱 002 : LOVE TO HATE ME..🔱🖤
🕸️🕷️003 : Just a Friend..🕷️🕸️
🪬🎭004: ANGER ISSUES..🎭🪬
🍹🤍005: PROBLEM?🤍🍹
💍💔006: ANYONE BUT HIM..💔💍
🌹🥂007: The "Wedding"🥂🌹
🔥⚡️ 010: WHERE ARE YOU!!!!⚡️🔥
💚❤️011: Found You, Baby Bunny🔞🔞🔞⚠️⚠️⚠️.❤️💚
⛓️💔012: SUCH INSANITY..💔⛓️
💚⚡️013: MY PLAN EXACTED..⚡️💚
💉🪦015: WANG ZI XUAN!🪦💉
🦁🪦016: ALREADY?...🪦🦁
🔥💙 018: TRAITOR...(PART1)💙🔥
😈🕑020: REVENGE...🕑😈
😨❤️021: NOT FEELING SO GOOD...❤️😨
Please view
👶 022: Where is Sean? PART ONE👶
🔞🔪🪬023: Torture🪬🔪🔞(GRUESOME!) PART 2/5
❤️‍🩹🧸024: MERCY, APOLOGY?🧸❤️‍🩹(PART 3/5)

💮🐇008: This B😡tch...🐇💮

647 37 8
Por LinYizhan237

"Sometimes love blossoms, or it just decays."
(In this case for them its the complete total opposite🐇🐝)

(So this is in the past currently, prologue is VERY VERY VERY soon....)


*Xiao laid there, in a very sickened and weak state, he was in the hospital, as he was being treated for poison, and he looked over to his side, seeing Zhuo Cheng by his side, he was looking worried about his condition, but Xiao Zhan didn't even have the energy to talk with him..*

*He was sent home, after his treatment in the hospital, but he was still very weak and sick, as he went back to his home, where he could see, that he was expected back to doing his household duties again, even though he was very sick, and he went to his bedroom, and lay down on his bed , feeling too weak, to even get up again..*

"I had the chefs make you soup, this will help with your strength..finish it all." Yibo said, handing the soup to xiao zhan while tucking him in the covers.

*Xiao was shocked by how kind and caring Yibo would be, considering how he usually treated him, so he didn't expect Yibo to actually take care of his health, but he was too weak and hungry to argue, so he began to slowly drink the soup..*

*Xiao ate the soup, which tasted pretty good, so he couldn't taste any poison inside of it, as it was actually pretty good and well made, which made him feel pretty thankful, towards Yibo, for making him this kind of food, even though he normally, was treated terribly by Yibo.*

"Later, i want you to apologize to zi xuan for disrespecting her and making her cry." Yibo said.

Like hell he would!

*Xiao's heart filled with fear, and his mind filled with anger, when he heard, he was expected to apologize towards Zi Xuan, for something, he didn't even do, so he didn't even look at Yibo directly, as he tried to ignore him, so Yibo said...*

"Go, or im taking off dinner for you for a week."

*Xiao sighed, and gritted his teeth, knowing he had no other choice, other than to go apologize, or he would go hungry, so he left his room, and walked over to Zi Xuan's room, and stood outside of her door, and tried to think of what he was supposed to say.*

*Xiao knocked nervously on her door, and he stood there, awaiting a response, and he waited to hear a sound, coming from the inside of the room, and he felt so nervous, not knowing, what kind of reaction he would receive..*

*Finally, he heard Zi Xuan call out for him, "Come In." and when he heard that, he opened the door slowly, and stepped inside, with fear, as he walked towards Zi Xuan, who was sitting on her bed..*

*Xiao approached Zi Xuan's bed, and she was looking at him, with a straight face, and Xiao was feeling so scared, as he had no idea, how he was supposed, to apologize, to her, like Yibo had asked..*

"Get on your hands and knees." She demanded.

*Xiao was shook by this demand by Zi Xuan, and his face had become pure dread, when he saw she was serious about this and the anger he normally felt towards her began to rise, but he remembered the reason he was here, so he dropped to his knees beside her bed, as he got down on all 4's like a puppy..*

"Just like your mother, a slut, and whore..maybe one day you'll get bought by a rich man and finally show your true colors as a f-" just before WANG ZI XUAN finished, she let out a scream of pain.

*Xiao was so fed up, with how Zi Xuan treated him, and how she saw him as nothing but a low life, and a stupid person, he couldn't take it anymore, that he let out his anger, by slapping her across the face, which left her stunned, because she didn't expect that to come from Xiao..*

*Xiao Zhan had hit a girl, it was his first time ever hitting, a girl, he was normally a kind person but he couldn't take being pushed down all the time, he always just tried to take everything and keep his mouth shut, but the way he was treated was starting to get on his last nerve, so he slapped Zi Xuan, without thinking twice about it, and just acted out of pure rage and anger...*

*Xiao Zhan had snapped after she made a comment about his mother, and this was his breaking point, as he couldn't take, the fact that Zi Xuan was now even targeting, his sweet mother, so he acted irrationally, and slapped Zi Xuan, and he thought that he would get away with it..*

*Xiao Zhan quickly regretted hitting Zi Xuan, as he heard her yell out for Yibo, while rubbing her face from the impact, Xiao Zhan was scared, because he knew, if Yibo was to find out about him hitting Zi Xuan, he would be in for a world of trouble..*

"Zi xuan, what is all the yelling for??" Yibo asked, walking in with a tired face because he just woke up.

"Xiao Zhan hit me! Just look at my face!" *Zi Xuan began to cry, as she showed Yibo her face, which was red and already had a few bruises appearing from, where she was slapped..*

"Why did he hit you?" Yibo asked calmly.

*Zi Xuan took a deep breath, and then let out a breath of frustration and anger, before she finally answered and said this..*

"He hit me because I called his mother a whore."

"Xiao zhan, hit her again." Yibo said calmly, not caring.

*Xiao was absolutely startled and shocked by this request, from Yibo, and his heart immediately dropped into his stomach, as he realized what Yibo was asking of him to do, as he slowly stood up, and then took the few steps over to Zi Xuan, and before she could even process what was happening, she was slapped back towards the bed, by Xiao Zhan..*

*Xiao's hand was shaking violently, as he began to get up from the bed, and he began to step towards her, feeling reluctant, and angry, as he had to do as Yibo said, and he slowly stepped towards her, as he felt his anger rising once again, as he slowly raised his hand towards Zi Xuan, and slapped her in the face once more.*

*Zi Xuan screeched, as she held onto her bruised face, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Xiao with hatred and anger, as she called out towards Yibo, begging him to just help her...*

Yibo told xiao zhan to stop now, she had learned her lesson.
Zi Xuan began to sob loudly, as she felt blood dripping from her broken nose, but she didn't care, she hated Xiao, so she didn't even bother trying to fix herself, she just waited for Yibo to come help her, which he did, as he took his time to slowly walk to her side, and sat with her, while she held her head, and sobbed...*

Xiao zhan felt a little bad for hitting her when she was defenseless.

"Stop crying, shut up." Yibo demands.

*Xuan Zi shut up immediately, after she saw how Yibo acted towards her, and she just sniffled and sniffled, as she attempted to stop crying, but her nose continued to bleed, and she looked down, to see blood dripping, and she couldn't help but sob once more, as she felt pain coming from, her face, which was now turning purple in hue..*

"Now go back to your room." Yibo urged xiao zhan.

"That is why you watch your mouth when you speak.." yibo said with a cold glare, leaving her in the room to go back to his office.

*Zi Xuan was left all alone in her room, and all she could do was cry, cry, and cry some more, as tears streamed down her face, and she couldn't help but lay there, while she felt, a deep pain in her face, as she tried to wipe the blood away, but it continues to stream down, from her face..*

*Xiao Zhan wiped his hands on his pants, as he finished up his chores, and he was filled with a lot of emotions, after what just happened, he felt so guilty, towards Zi Xuan, but at the same time, he was angry and upset about how she treated his mother, which made him feel, conflicted on, whether he did the right thing or not..*

Yibo told him that she had it coming.

*Xiao felt so relieved, after hearing those words, because he honestly felt like he had made a terrible mistake, but after hearing how Yibo agreed with his decision to strike her, makes him feel a bit better about it, as he begins to feel that he was in the right, and she did have it coming to her, for saying what she said.*

*Xiao's phone buzzed in his hand, as he pulled it out of his pocket, and he checked his messages, and he saw a text from Zhuo Cheng, asking him to talk..*

Zhuocheng: Xiao zhan are you going to make it to Da jie jie's wedding?

*Xiao sent a message back, saying this..*

"Yes, I am coming to the wedding, I wouldn't miss it at all, even if they had to drag me, I would come."

*Xiao began to read the next message, as it asked something very, very important..*

Zhuocheng: is wang yibo coming?

*Xiao Zhan thought, for a few seconds, he obviously knew, that Yibo would be coming, so he answered..*

"Yes, Yibo is coming as well."

Zhuocheng: alright.

*Xiao was about to read another message, when he heard a knock, on his door..*

*it was Yibo, who entered Xiao's room, and immediately began to talk to him..*

"Im going to your sisters wedding, you will stay here and clean the house and have dinner prepared by the time i get back, clear?"

"Yes Yibo.." *Xiao responded, with a bitter, and angry tone to his voice, because he wasn't very happy, with how Yibo always told him to clean the house and prepare food, and other tasks, while he could never do anything he wanted at his own, free will, and he was furious, towards the fact how Yibo could just go off to his own sisters wedding without him, while he was left, to do boring tasks...*

"Haikuan will be staying here with you to watch over you." Yibo said.

"Great, just fantastic.." *Xiao exclaimed with a sarcastic tone, which Yibo could easily pick up, as he thought about how Haikuan would also be here, which meant that he couldn't even disobey, or talk back, as Haikuan would most likely tell Yibo if he did..*

*Xiao was still annoyed, at the fact that he had to obey Haikuan, but at least he wasn't treated as harshly, like he was, by Yibo, so this was a better alternative, and he felt okay with this arrangement, because he liked Haikuan the best of all of Yibo's siblings, as he was treated better, than how Yibo treated him..*

His phone buzzed yet again, because sis childhood best friend meng ziyi texted him.

*Xiao began to read the text from Meng Ziyi, which said:*

Meng ziyi: Zhan, i need you to sneak out, okay?

*Xiao wasn't sure, about why he had to sneak out, but he would do anything to get out of the house, so he responded.."

"Okay, I'll sneak out, where should we meet?"

Meng Ziyi: we can meet at Lanling Park? How about that?

*Xiao replied back to the message, saying this..*

"Sure, I can meet you at Lanling park, and I can sneak out easily, so I'll see you there."

"Where are you going? Ill send bodyguards with you, hold-" haikuan was cut off.

*Xiao got a very upset look on his face, and he immediately started to angrily respond to Haikuan, and said this..*

"I said I'd see Meng Ziyi, and we made plans to meet, so I don't need your bodyguards, to tag along with me, I can handle myself, alright!"

"Alright.." haikuan replied, shocked at xiao zhans outburst because he usually would not argue back.

*Xiao let out a sigh, as he walked past Haikuan, without another word, and walked out of the house, and headed towards the location for his meeting with Meng Ziyi..*

"Zhan baby! Over here!" She called out, hugging him while kissing his forehead, it was a bond they had since childhood.

*Xiao was somewhat surprised by this sudden display of affection, but he quickly wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her tightly, while smiling, and blushing a bit, because he was quite embarrassed, being that close with her, even though they have been friends for so long, he still gets pretty embarrassed..*

"How have you been?"

*Xiao was quite shocked by how she began to embrace him in such a, very affectionate position.. but he responded to her question, while smiling back at her..*

"I've been doing good, how about yourself?"

"Fine, but nobody has heard from you since you moved in with wang yibo, he isnt treating you bad, is he?"

*Xiao flinched a bit, at the mention of Yibo, he was hoping she didn't find about about, how bad he treated him, so he replied.."

"Oh no no, Yibo treats me fine, but he's just, always making me do so many chores, and it's so annoying, I don't have any free time to myself.."

"I see scars and brusies on your skin, we have been friends for so long, dont lie to me."

*Xiao zhan immediately froze up, and his eyes widened, as Meng Ziyi pointed out the obvious signs of abuse...xiao tried to convince her..even though it was a losing battle, so he responded..."

"I...I just slipped.. yeah I slipped...I fell down, that's it.. it wasn't Yibo's fault, don't worry.."

"Please dont keep this from me, i can tell when something is up...wheres my energetic cute bunny from before?"

*Xiao was stunned at her description of him as a energetic cute rabbit, but he tried to hide his emotions.. he didn't want to talk about it, but at the same time.. he felt a bit relieved, knowing that someone else could see, what he's going through, and he responded..."

"I'm fine, I's nothing to get too emotional over...really.."

"Im always here for you when you need to talk." Meng ziyi said.

*Xiao didn't want people to worry, but it was nice, knowing that someone was there, for him, when he needed someone, and he immediately smiled back at her, before he asked..."*

"Thank you, but are you sure I can trust you with this? I mean, Yibo and his whole family are a bunch of powerful people, so I can't let this get out, but at the same point, I don't want to just keep it, locked, inside of me, either.."

"Tell me what he did to you, Wang Sean Xiao Zhan."

*Xiao flinched at the mention, of having to give details, about his experiences, with Yibo and the whole family, but after realizing, that he had to, to let things out, he was fine with giving her the information, and he said..."*

"Okay, fine, Yibo has been physically abusing me, and he has been treating me very badly, and they were not accidents, like he says they were, in front of everyone, Yibo has left scars on my body, and I'm really scared of him.."

"Oh hunny..i knew he was bad news when you first told me you liked him when we were kids.."

*Xiao's heart began to sink, upon hearing her words, knowing that even his longtime friend, was against, and thought of Yibo, as bad news, it hurt, a lot.. but at the same time, he felt, as though, she understood him best out of everyone now, because she knows what he is going through, and he responded..."*

"When we were kids, he was fine, but when we began living together, he just became, so bad, and I couldn't do anything about it.. "

"I wont let you go back to that house anymore, ill let you stay with me, okay? They won't h-" before she could finish, A bodyguard dragged xiao zhan away forcefully, throwing him into a car.

*Xiao was shocked by the sudden action, and he began to furiously scream at the bodyguard, begging him not to bring him back to the house, but in the end, he was dragged away, and he was driven back to the house...he felt utterly helpless, as he began to realize, yet again, that he didn't control his own life..*

In the car next to him, was Wang Yibo, smoking a cigarette, not speaking at all, with a scary glare.

*Xiao felt quite terrified, when he saw Wang Yibo sitting next to him, with that menacing glare, and he felt his throat tighten up, and he couldn't get any words out, from the extreme fear he felt, and he just sat there, silently, trying not to make any sudden movements, in case it set Yibo off..*

*When they got home, a body guard tied xiao zhan up, and threw him in a new room, different from his old room, he was tied to a pole and beaten, he woke up later on.*

*Xiao woke up, and his entire body hurt, especially his head, he felt a lot of pain, but when he realized, that he was tied up, to a pole, his eyes widened, and he tried to get free, but of course, that didn't go as he had planned, as he was stuck, and tied up, and trapped there, with no way to really get free, so he just yelled at Yibo..."*

*Xiao woke up, and his entire body hurt, especially his head, he felt a lot of pain, but when he realized, that he was tied up, to a pole, his eyes widened, and he tried to get free, but of course, that didn't go as he had planned, as he was stuck, and tied up, and trapped there, with no way to really get free, so he just yelled at them..."*

"What do you think you're doing? Let. Me. Go. Right Now!!!"


*Xiao felt the burning sensation on his face, causing him to flinch away, from the slap, and he just stared, at Yibo, as he kept a stoic expression, while staring at him, despite the overwhelming urge to cry, and his body beginning to shake, from the stress and fear...he didn't say anything, as he didn't want to risk getting beaten again..*

*yibo ordered the maids to smash glass and spread it everywhere so whenever zhan walked, it would be glass on the floor.*

*As the glass began, to scatter around him, his eyes widened, and he began to try to avoid the glass on the floor, because he didn't want to, cut his feet, or even worse.. he just kept quiet, trying not to get himself, into anymore danger, he already felt scared.. and he didn't want to make things worse...*

Yibo took his phone and broke it before his eyes, so he couldn't speak to meng ziyi.

*Xiao looked at his phone, in disbelief, as he saw his phone break, right in front of his eyes, Yibo was completely brutal and ruthless, and Xiao knew that he didn't have a way to contact Meng Ziyi, he was trapped, and he had realized it a long time ago... it wasn't safe for him, to even think about escaping...*

"Wang Sean Xiao Zhan, listen to me..You are NEVER LEAVING MY SIDE." Wang yibo said, slamming the door harshly.

*Xiao felt, truly terrified by this, as he heard Yibo's voice, and knew that, the only thing, that Yibo planned to do, with him from now on, was to mentally and physically torture him.. he started to panic a bit, but he knew, that crying would only make things worse for him, so he just sat there, silent, with a blank stare, and tried the best he could, to not cry....*

Later, Yibo came in, drunk, and grabbed xiao zhans hips and stroked his waist.

*Xiao fought back, trying to escape Yibo's grasp, but Yibo held him, tightly, not allowing him to get away, he tried to shove him back, but it wasn't working, Yibo was too strong.. Xiao began to panic, and he cried out..."*

*Xiao started to get really scared, as he felt, Yibo's hands slide up his hips, and Yibo said this..."

"Mine..nobody elses.."

*Xiao instantly became overwhelmed with rage, but he was too weak, due to all the abuse he had already been through, he began to shake, and he tried to push Yibo away...but Yibo was too strong... he couldn't do anything to stop him from what he, was about to do.....*

Xiao zhan kicked yibo in the jaw with his right leg, flailing and screaming and kicking, breaking Yibo's jaw.

*Yibo fell back from the kick, it sent him, back, and it stunned him for a few seconds, which gave Xiao a few seconds, to break away, but in the end, it wasn't enough, as Yibo grabbed him back...*

Yibo slapped him, but xiao zhan retorted with a kick to the gut.

*Yibo groaned, as this had knocked the wind out of him, temporarily putting him out of combat, Xiao then started to repeatedly kick him, but after the first few kicks, Yibo grabbed his leg, and then threw him into the wall, causing his shoulder, and lower back, to hurt, badly.... he didn't scream out, because he knew, that would only hurt him more, so he remained silent....*

Yibo left, because thankfully he still had a little bit of mental stability left.

*Xiao zhan slowly got up, and his body ached from multiple places, his head hurt the most, and he felt like, he was going to pass out, but he just tried to stay up, and he quickly looked around for anything, he could potentially use, to protect himself with, he was still tied up in the room, but now, he had time... He needed to do something... as he kept thinking, but nothing good seemed to come, to his mind...*

Xiao zhan remember he had broken wang yibo's jaw..

*Xiao shuddered a bit, thinking back to when he broke Wang Yibo's jaw, but he couldn't help but feel a bit proud of himself, for doing something that managed to scare the man that had abused him for a long time, and he felt a bit happy about, breaking Yibo's jaw...But he also didn't know, what this could possibly mean, for him, for his own safety...and most importantly what would happen to xiao zhans family?......*

Yibo would not be happy whatsoever, xiao Zhan somewhat digged his own grave, but zhan did not care, he was determined to leave yibo and escape.

*Xiao didn't care—he had gotten fed up with the abuse that he had to suffer, and he decided that it was time for him to get away...No matter what it took....he was determined to get out... even if he had to dig himself a grave with his own hands..*

The next day, Wang yibo had woken up with a raging headache and a very insanely painful broken jaw, the doctors had to fix it, and it took a lot of money and a lot of time.

*The following day, Wang Yibo woke up, furious and in immense pain from his broken jaw, which obviously, he would've thought, that, Xiao had caused... he immediately became enraged, after realizing, that he had to take time out of his day, to see a doctor, and it costed him a fortune, all because of Xiao....he didn't care if Xiao regretted his actions, because he felt, that Xiao needed to be punished, and he was going to make sure of it...*

Wang yibo reached for his gun out the drawer next to his king sized bed.

*Yibo felt his rage, boiling inside him, he reached for his gun, as he thought of taking his revenge, on Xiao...who had caused him this entire mess.. and he kept thinking to himself..."That little shit....he'll pay for this..."*


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