Persue Me

By glizzy_expert

20.3K 313 760

A story where Aaron Warner's son accidentally falls for Kenji Kishimoto's daughter. Ethan Warner has always b... More

characters part dos
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
you'll never guess what this is
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
guys I'm so silly

Chapter 1

1K 20 49
By glizzy_expert

✮ 𝙊𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙤 ✮



Currently, Dad and Uncle Aaron were fighting about movies like their lives depended on it.




"Who do you think is gonna give in first?" Ethan whispered

"Mmmm I think my dad." I smiled at him "I love Tangled but your dad has a point."

"My dad always has a point"

"Shut up Warner." I rolled my eyes, tuning back into the fight.

"I didn't ask you to become my despicable brother in law but look at where we are now."

"You and Juliette AREN'T EVEN RELATED"





Ethan tapped my pinky with his. I looked over at him, he tilted his head toward the door as if to ask 'do you want to leave?' I nodded my head. We slowly got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Your dad is very passionate about Tangled."

"Mhm" I grabbed the jug of chocolate milk from the fridge and started to pour some into a mug. "Do you want some?"

"Warm or cold?"

"I'm gonna put mine in the microwave so yeah warm."

He nodded. When we were young, if we ever got sick of the bickering we would go into the kitchen and drink warm milk until mom or jello yelled at them.

"Y'know what I still don't understand?"

I glanced at him "What?"

"You're 17 and you still choose to dress like that."

I whacked him with the towel I was holding.

"I dress perfectly fine thank you very much."

"Riiiight. And what did you wear to school today?"

"Black sweatpants and a white hoodie?"

"First of all, who wears sweatpants to school?"

"I do. They're comfortable."

"Second of all, what was on the front of your hoodie?"

"An embroidered picture of Pascal?"


"What do you even mean by 'exactly'? My outfits are cute. You're the one that dresses like a grandpa."

He looked genuinely offended. "I do not."

"Mhmm." I grabbed our cups from the microwave, and jumped up on the counter. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because darling, we're together all the time. It looks like I'm walking around with my favorite hobo."

"Awe I'm your favorite hobo?"

He rolled his eyes, suppressing a smile.

"Look, if you care that much, I'll let you style me for a week."

His eyes lit up.

"Are you being serious right now? Olivia you cannot joke about this stuff."

I laughed and nodded "yes I'm serious"

"How about two" he countered


He put his hands on the counter beside my legs, and leaned in close to my face. He smelled like what a vacation feels like. Something that smelled fresh, with hints of citrus.

"You have no idea how good I'm going to make you look darling."

I leaned in closer grinning, our noses almost touching "try your best Warner."

"KENJI SHUT UP SO WE CAN WATCH A MOVIE." I heard mom's voice from the other room.

"That's our cue darling." He offered me his hand to help jump of the counter. We walked in the room with our mugs, looking at the seating arrangements.

Dad had taken the big chair in the corner, leaving the enormous couch for everyone else. He was probably in timeout or something. He was always in timeout. I looked over at the screen, realizing we were about to watch 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'.

I knew Uncle Aaron always had a thing for romcoms, he just never admitted it.

Him and Auntie J were cuddled up on one side of the couch, mom was on the other side with a thousand pillows stacked around her.

Dad motioned for me to sit on the floor infront of him. Ethan sat next to mom, and I sat infront of dad.

"Braids?" I asked. He grinned and held up two elastics.

Whenever we had movie nights, Dad would always braid my hair while we watched it. After the braids were done, he would sit on the floor next to me while we finished the movie.

"This movie sucks." Mom said

"Shut up Naz." Jello was devoted to finishing this movie.

Dad and I giggled until the movie ended, then got up and stretched.

"Alright, let's get out of this hell hole." Aaron announced.


"Yes love?"

"Be nice."

"Nah I'm backing dad. This place sucks." Ethan smiled looking at his dad. They both grinned, showing their dimples. It was crazy how similar they looked. He was practically a mini version of Uncle Aaron.

"Well you're not allowed to come back then." Dad put his hands on his hips and shifted his weight to one leg.

"Next time next week?" Mom asked

"Yep!" Jello replied.

They all left to walk like 7 steps before getting to their own house.

"I'm exhausted."

"I'm with ya Liv." Dad slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Honestly, same." Mom put her arm around the other side of my shoulders while we all marched up the stairs.

"Alright well I'll see you guys in the morning."

"G'nite kid." Dad ruffled my hair before heading into his room.

"Goodnight malak" Mom kissed my head, following dad into the room.


I was sitting on a bench outside of school waiting for Candace and Nick to get out. Ethan had left early to do something with his dad, so I arranged to hangout with my friends.

"Liv!" I looked behind me to see Nick bounding towards me.

"Hi Nick." He grabbed me by the waist and spun me around. "Oh my god put me down" I said giggling.

"Everytime we see her you just have to do that eh?" Candace smiled and made her way up to me.

"It's fun to see the look on her face okay?" Nick grinned.

"Yeah, yeah funny guy."

We all started walking towards my house, chatting about god knows what.

"I'm so excited for this year to be over."

"Only 2 weeks to go" I smiled. Summer break was coming up which meant 2 months of no school.

"I'm going to the Carribean this year." Candace announced.

"Your dad's have money shut up."

"So does yours Nick." She laughed, walking up my front steps.

We walked in to see Dad trying to make pancakes, yet failing miserably. There was batter all over the counter, flour on the floor, and somehow, a pancake stuck to the roof.

"Mom is gonna kill you."

He looked up at me smiling "I know"

We all walked up to my room, and started to play uno.

"Let me see your cards." Candace told Nick.

He showed her all the cards he had in his hand before snapping out of it.

"Hey that's not fair. You can't charm speak me into doing your evil bidding."

"Oh yes I can."

"Liv back me up here."

"Mmm I'm with Candace. Sucks to be you."

"Sometimes I wonder why I even hangout with you guys."

"Because you love us?"

He smiled at me "Yeah I guess."

We played a few rounds of Uno before Winston came to pick up Candace.

"What do you wanna do now?"

"We could watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good."

We put on 101 dalmatians and sat on the couch. Halfway through the movie I grabbed a blanket, sharing it with Nick. He put his arm around me, pulling me in until I was resting against his chest. He was doing to keep me warm, like he always did when I was cold. I don't think anything of it, because it's like a routine. I get cold, Nick's got me covered.

"Whacha guys watchi-" Dad walked in looking at us. "Sorry did I interrupt something?" He looked at me quizzically.


"Oookay?" Dad sat on the couch with us while we finished the movie.

The credits started to roll when we heard a knock on the door. Dad went to go get it while I stayed on the couch with Nick. Aaron and Ethan walked in holding several shopping bags.

"Oh god I can smell the stench from here." Uncle Aaron said walking into the house. He despised Nick with all of his being. Why? I don't really know.

Ethan came up the stairs, looking at us. I quickly sat up and moved away from Nick, smoothing out my hair.

"Hey Ethan!"

"Shut up Nick. Nobody likes you." Ethan replied.

"I see you've rubbed off on him." Dad said to Uncle Aaron.

Ethan looked between us, his jaw clearly clenched.

"Um- I'm just gonna-" Nick slowly got up from the couch and backed up until he got to the entryway.

"Aw don't go Nick." I stood up and walked towards him.

"No please go. You smell like my father's decaying body." I glared at Uncle Aaron while Dad looked at him, jaw dropped.

"Sorry Liv. That man scares the shit out of me." He smiled and hugged me before he headed out the door.

"Why are you guys so mean to him?" I stood with my hands on my hips staring at Ethan and Aaron.

"Cause he's ugly." Ethan said. He then turned around and headed to the couch.

"I agree with my kid."

"Okay psycho. Wanna help me clean up my mess?" Dad asked Aaron



"I'm leaving."

"Nooo come back!"

"Quit yapping Kishimoto." With that, Aaron shoulder checked me and walked out the door.

"What's his problem?" I asked rubbing my shoulder.

"He probably hasn't had sex with J in the last 24 hours. He usually gets ups-"

"Oh my god shut up dad. I don't need to know Ethan's parents sex lives." I climbed up the stairs to see Ethan waiting for me with 5 bags surrounding him.

"Nice of you to join me darling."

"Shush." I sat down opposite of him "Whacha got?"

He grinned "Your clothes."

"What do you mean my clothes."

"Don't you remember our deal? The one we made just last week?"


He stood up, walking over to me. He pulled my jaw up lightly to make me look at him.

"You're going to look amazing darling."

"You wish."

He grinned. He suddenly bent down to get face level with level with me, his nose inches away from mine.

"By the end of this week, you're going to regret ever wearing sweatpants."


"Your hair is particularly thick."

"You don't say?" I rolled my eyes, feeling Ethan's warm, soft hands pick up strands of my hair, then putting them back down if he didn't like it.


"I told you. My hair does whatever it wants."

"I can see that." He sighed "I'll just leave it down."

"Can I have my clothes now?"


I grabbed the stack of black clothes with the label Monday #1 written on it. When I got in the bathroom I noticed what it was. He had given me a black tank top, black slacks and a tiny silver necklace. Upon further inspection, I realized it was a small butterfly.

My favorite animal

I slowly came out of the bathroom, locking eyes with Ethan immediately.

He looked me up and down and nodded. "I told you."

Mom and Dad came around the corner looking at my new outfit. Dad grinned while Mom ran up to me.

"Oh eazizi you look so beautiful."

"Not bad mini Aaron." Kenji elbowed Ethan

"It's 8:00 on the dot, we have to leave for school."

"Uh right." I hugged mom and dad before getting into Ethan's car. "This feels really weird."

"My car?"

"No" I giggled "Wearing this to school."

"Don't be worried. You look decent."

"Gee thanks."

"Are you scared or something."

"I'm just worried I might get made fun of."

"Olivia I dress like this everyday and don't get made fun of." He gestured to his clothes.

"Yeah but that's because people know you'll kill them."


"People are just idiots sometimes."

"Idiots are highly flammable darling. Let them burn in hell."


Guys this is what I imagined the fit to look like lol

Okay bye :)

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