Green Mistress | LloydxFEM!Re...

By YaSi666

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"Lego ninjago?" I rasp out, dragging my hand through the strands on my head. "Okay so a perfect match. A sou... More

Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
The Green Ninja
All Of Nothing
The Day the Great Devourer Roze
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Childs Play
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Surge
The Art of Silent Fists
The Blackout curse of the Golden Master
Winds of Change
Stixx and Stone ghost stories
The crooked path of a cursed world
Hands of Time till The End


758 38 27
By YaSi666

Banging noises pierced the air.

With a groan, I slapped some pillows over my ears to muffle the sound.

These walls stuck at noise canceling! A sigh left my lips as I opened my eyes to the new dusty room I was in.

Right- the new place, nice all on its own but it definitely needs total cleaning.

Slowly sitting, I look around the room processing my life so far.

A small strike of pain hit my stomach. Either I'm hungry or I have to start preparing for the most annoying thing of being a female.

Maybe being transferred to another world screws up that whole thing. Hopefully it does.

But in order to avoid something stressful… let's go with hungry.

Slipping out of bed, the cold wooden floor made contact with the warm pads of my feet. I quickly traded my bare feet for the geta’s I'm forced to wear.

“Chores?!” The voices of the ninjas practically sung in unison.

Thank God someone’s cleaning. Someone who isn't me.

A yawn left my lips accompanying me as I walked out of the room. The sound of their conversation was louder, probably because I lived across from them.

Oh… I'm sooo switching rooms today.

There is no way I'm gonna stay and be woken up by their constant loudness.

Master Wu walked out from their room, a gong in hand, it was his fault!

“You heading to town?” I question, stretching upwards.

“Nya and I will be. Would you like to come?” He asks back, only for me to shake my head ‘no.’

“Nah, I just need more clothes. Everything else kind of burnt.”

“Good luck watching the Ninja.” He bids walking away.

“Oh! And a comb! Please!” I shout after him, turning to peak inside the boys room.

“Ninja, go!” Cole cleans up the room with Spinjitzu.

Oh that's just smart.

Using your ninja powers to do the chores you need to. Working smarter, not harder.

Rolling my shoulders I made my way to the deck of the ship. The sound of the boys cleaning echoed through the halls along with the clopping of the bottom of my shoes.

Being in a desert isn't as terrible as I assumed it would be. But then again I haven't seen any animals or delt with the heat of the day or freezing of the night. So I suppose I'm a sheltered kid in comparison to someone else.

“Y/n!” I swiftly turn to see the four of them looking at me with grins. “Wanna play a game?”


“You have to be kidding me!”

“My fingers are just better at pressing buttons than yours are.” I joke starting to beat up Kai's character.

“No! Truce! Truce!”

Although I was laughing in pure amusement, it probably sounded evil and malicious to the beaten ones.

Finally the last warrior fell, as I KOed them, Jay let out a choked grunt acting like the character.

“YES! SUCK IT!” I scream jumping to my feet.

Okay maybe I'm a sore winner, but they were trash talking me. I just proved them wrong, that's not my fault.

“What took you so long?” Kai asks, glancing behind me.

Swiftly tiring around I nervously smile seeing Wu and Nya. Clearing my throat I patted my bottom half off standing a bit more properly.

“Wow, This place looks amazing! You guys did all this?” Even Nya was surprised at their work.

“Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean.” Cole answers as if they all didn't complain about it an hour ago.

“Oh, you have exceeded my expectations…”

The honk of a car cuts through the conversation.

“...but can you keep it up?”

With a skip in my step I made my way over to the window seeing a car on its way towards us, “Visitors!”

Thanks to not being able to meet many people these days just having someone visit is exciting!!!

Nya looks out the window, “loud ones at that.”

Jay Sighs, “Ugh...It's my parents. Please, if they start yapping, just don't let them going, okay? They don't know when to quit. And if you start talking, then they'll start talking. And suddenly, half the day is gone before you know it ends…”

“We get it! They talk a lot! The cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom.” Kai cuts in, mumbling the last part.

We made our way out to the deck of the ship,

“Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?” Jay asks, acting happy.

“Oh, look! It's my baby boy! It's been so long since we heard from you!” his mother rushes up giving him a hug.

“Ma, I called you two days ago.”

“Oh well... It's not soon enough, son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you are coming you don't.” his father says sadly looking over to him.


“ we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?”

“He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard.” Edna Looks at Nya, “Oh... and who are you?” She gasps, “You are so cute! You are just my son's type.”


Honestly, it's not like he's subtle about it.

Nya beams happily, “It's a pleasure of meeting you. I'm sure if you want, Jay can give you a tour. He worked very hard on it.”

“We'd love a tour!”

Jay cocks his head, surprised, and then sighs in defeat.

“Oh! You must be the green Mistress! Jay’s last letter talked about your connection with the green Ninja! Oh how exciting!” Edna beams as we enter the bridge.

“It's nothing like that. Really I don't even do anything.” I joke, scooting away from the conversation.

“And this the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells what's going on of Ninjago.” He shows them the coffee maker, “And this...if a Serpentine's not giving us the answer we want, and we're late up night..”

Edna: cuts in, “A neuro apparatus to read their minds?”

“An audio appliance to make them talk?” Ed asks.

“No, a cappuccino machine.” Jay answers tapping the machine.

“Haha. Amazing, son! We're so proud of you.”

Cole leans against the bridge’s control panel, “Why don't you tell them about the button?”

“Heh heh it's not ready yet.”

“Oh, what's the button?”

“He's working on a special defense system.” Zane explains.

“Something every ninja headquarters needs.”

“Oh, really? What does it do? Can I help?” Ed questions raising his hand towards it.

Jay quickly shuts him down, “No, it's okay. I don't need your help, dad. Let's just leave it alone. Hey, look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? I told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there.”

“Uh, I suppose we could get back.”

“Edna, it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time.” Cole snickers.

“Oh, if you thought that was good, wait until you hear the story about the time I caught him kissing his pillow!”

“Snakes, Ma. Snakes!” The blue ninja reminds embarrassedly.

“Okay, we're going. We're going.” she soothes as I guide them out to their car.

“So you promise to come to the junkyard to visit your mother and father?”

“Yes, I promise! But only if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. It's getting dark. Uh, your headlights are working, right?”

In preparation I covered my eyes with my hands, being the only one to not get blinded by the sun like headlights. The others grunt in pain.

“Heh, like 'em? I used a little extra juice.” Ed turns off headlights, “Yep. Bye, son. I couldn't be more proud.”

Miss Edna sat up in her seat waving, “And bring Nya with you, will ya? I can see why you like her.”

“Mom…!” He growls out watching the drive away.

“Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us The Art of… Kissing Pillows.” Sensei snickers.


The most responsible one being childish is the best thing I've ever heard.


“Jayyyy” I practically sing walking into the bridge. The other three ninja were already present. “Awe you guys already got to him?” I pout seeing their grins.

“Y/n?! You two?” Jay sighs standing from the button, “Okay, look, I might have promised to visit my parents, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate.”

Nya walks in, instantly changing his personality. He quickly wiped the grease and oil off his face, “Hehe. Hi, Nya.”

God I need a man who acts like a buffoon whenever I'm around.

“You gonna visit your parents, today?”

“Uh, sure am. Just about to leave.”

“Tell them I say hi.” she smiles walking out.

The four of us quickly look back at him. “Dude!”

“What? So my plate's not that full.”


“I can carry your bag if you want.” Kai suggests holding his hand out for the bag of packed stuff I had.

“Awe thank you!” I easily placed the string into his hand, giving him a smile.

Apparently the dragons are going through a molt, their shedding their scales. So that means we can't ride them.

“We must allow them to migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their transformation.” Wu explains to us.

“Will we see them again?” Jay asks solemnly.

“It is hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path.”

Awe… that is so sad.

“Rocky's going east?” Cole pets Rocky, “Say it isn't so, Rocky.”

Zane pets Shard.

Jay walks over to us, “Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have company…”

“I'm already packed” I answer holding my hands out to show the satchel that Kai was holding.

“Of course we'll go, buddy.”

“I could use a break.”

“All you had to do was ask.”

Jay sighs in annoyance, “Of all the days to lose our ride…”

“Sensei, I bet you're not strong enough to carry me.” I grin trying to look innocent.

“I'm not that easy. You'll have to walk Mistress Y/n” he answers, getting an automatic groan from me.

Wu pulls out his flute playing a few beautiful notes along our walk.

Zane turns to look back at us, “That flute. You've never told us why it's so special.”

“Long ago there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the Serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten its ancestors' wisdom, and now this is the only one.” He plays the flute again.

Jay groans, “I get the lesson: respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy, you guys are laying it on thick.”

“Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear.”

Jay stops walking after approaching the Junkyard.

“What's wrong” I ask looking around from what I could see.

“It's quiet. My family's never quiet.” He runs in, us trailing behind him. I was falling behind, like I said I'm not a runner especially in these shoes.

He kicka open a locked fridge welcoming the faces of his parents, except their skin were tinted a bit greener.

“What happened? Who did this?” Jay rips the tape off Edna's mouth.

“Sweetheart, you came!”

Jay rips the tape off Ed's mouth, “Oh, you gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come, it's the ssssnakes!”

Oh my gosh.

“The bite of the Fangpyre! Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete.”

“Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?” Cole asks.

In confusion I quickly turn around to see a wrecking ball with a face, more snake like that anything.

It swung towards us. With a shriek I jumped out of the way, tumbling onto the ground roughly as petals of rubble sprayed me.

With a cough my body tugged against where I was. In confusion my eyes glanced down to green orb showing from the gap between my messed up top.

I'm starting to hate this Green Mistress thing, wiping the dirt off my face I fixed the top, tying the belt tighter around me.

“Lloyd!” Wu shouts.

“Hello, uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash. Muahaha!”

“Your evil laugh sucks!” Okay it was an out of nowhere insult to a child, but look at my outfit! It's a mess!

“You suck!” he childishly bites back tightly holding onto the railing he was by.

I'm going to beat him up.

“If we want to turn your parents back, we need the antivenom in the staff.” Nya intervenes, helping me to my feet.

“Second dose, to the dirt!” Cole calls, I'm once again sent to the ground as the wrecking ball attacks.

“Easier said than done, sis. We're a bit outnumbered.”

Jay jumps up, “Nobody messes with my family. Ninja, go!” He leads into battle followed by the other boys.

The Fangpyres hiss creeping closer to Nya, Wu, and I. Freaked out I slowly backtracked coming back to back with Master Wu.

He pulls out his flute playing a lovely melody, the fangpyres must have terrible taste in music because they were frozen reveling in pain.

Taking the chance Nya attacks two on her side.

Quickly slipping off one of my shoes I slammed down the hard wooden part on the head of the one by me with each syllable. “Go. A. way.!”

It finally fell to the ground, totally unconscious.

“Wow.” Wu mutters glancing back at my heavily breathing body, before going back to playing.

“Yeah… anger problems.” I gasp, clutching my shoe tighter.

Nya grunts landing to her feet, “I don't know, guys. I think we make a pretty good trio.”

Blaring music began to cover the sound of Wu’s flute. The three of us turned to see Lloyd playing loud music from a Fangpyre-bitten boombox.

“Young nephew, must I teach you whose side you should be on?”

Lloyd turns the volume up, “Sorry, uncle. Can't hear you!”

Okay someone needs to stop that kid.

Edna hits Fangpyre with a pan before he bites Wu.

“Yeah, way to go, Edna!”

“Okay, eat it up Edna”

The music quickly dies down as a fangpyre robot appears. This thing is HUGE.

“Ah! What is that thing?” Jay asks coming to a stop by us.

“It was supposed to be in your honor, son, but do you like it?”

“Thanks, but no thanks.”

The robot takes a step towards us, prompting us to sprint our tails away.

“Why'd you have to be born in a Junkyard?” Cole yells amongst our escape.

“I know. Tell me about it.”

A Fangpyre crane with a sentient wrecking ball attacks the group effectively splitting us apart.

Jay managed to climb aboard the wrecking ball, jumping into the cockpit. He moves a handle using the machine to smash it into the robot that was now attacking the ninjas.

“Retreat!” Lloyd yells as he and Fantom escape on a Rattlecopter.

“Shortstack still has the staff!” I remind the group pointing the golden item.

“Right now would be a good time to have those Dragons.”

“It'ssss okay, sssson.” Ed solemnly answers.

Their transformation was happening faster than I could remember, tails already forming from their tailbone.

“There is still a way.” Wu intervenes.


“Part of reaching your own full potential is understanding your weapon's potential. Once it is in tune with a focused heart, its secrets and powers can be unlocked.”

“Oh, this is not the time to be cryptic.” Jay complains.

Zane sets his hand on the other's shoulder, “He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves.”

“Don't tell me I have to ride this thing like a broomstick.” Or Kai could just shove it up his as-

“Jay, concentrate on unlocking your Golden Weapon. Let your heart guide you. Imagine you're taking flight.”

After a bit of focus, and a bit of grunts, Jay successfully turned his Nunchucks into the Storm Glider. “Whoa! Haha, did I just do that?”

Kai turned his into the Blade Cycle, Zane's into the Snowmobile, and Cole's into the Tread Assault.

“Ha! I hate to hurt Rocky's feelings, but I think he's just been replaced.”

The four swivel around chasing after Lloyd.

Nya cuts into our silence, “Does your flute turn into anything?”

Wu looks at flute himself, “I wish.”

Glancing around a left over vehicle pops into view, the car they originally used to drive to the ship yesterday.

“Ed, Edna, what do you say we take that baby for a ride?” I ask nodding towards the car.



“Do you even know how to drive?” Nya asks as soon as I turned on the ignition.

“Yeah… I've played a lot of driving games” everyone's face fell into terror at the thought. “Buckle up”

Without warning I threw the gear into drive, fully stepping on the gas.

May I just say, this baby can DRIVE!

Of course the chorus of my passengers crying for help wouldn't aid me in passing a driving test, but I was gaining on the robot.

Oh and a special ninja falling from the sky.

Jays arms flailed wildly as he plummeted towards the dusty ground.

“Hang on tight.” I mutter pulling the gear back as my left hand spun the steering wheel as far as it could go to the right. The tires screeched against the ground loudly as I came to a stop, fully 180 from what we were before.

Jay's body fell down into the back seat with an ‘oof’

“Is everyone okay?!” I ask breathing heavily from what just felt like an amazing adrenaline rush. My right hand left the gear to push hair away from my eyes.

“Alive.” Jay grunts sitting up. He surprisingly had the staff with him. “Good catch.”

“Everyone!” “Attack!”

The other three ran up to us, no vehicles.

“Why isn't this thing working?”

“Your weapon is merely an extension of your mind. If your mind is immobile, so is your weapon.”

“Oh, boy. Oh, gosh. Oh, golly, oh, duh. Get in, boys!” Ed states.

All eyes turn to me as the three hop in, “We have to get back to headquarters!”

“You don't have to ask me twice.” I mutter pushing the gear into drive.

Nya looks back to the others, “you're gonna want to hang on.” She warned as I stepped on the gas.

Now in the reverse, it was a race back to the Bounty. The fangpyre were chasing after us.

“Speed could literally be my middle name” I joke putting the car in park while the others practically jumped out.

They ran in with me trailing behind.

Nya waved the parents over, “Come with me. Once we reverse the venom, we can fix you.”

“Man the stations, everyone!”

I'm pretty sure my station is by the fridge. Regardless I made my way into the bridge.

“Jay, we better hurry.”

“I've been waiting for this moment.” He presses button, but nothing happens.

“They're gaining on us!”

“Ugh, I don't get what's wrong. I spent forever on this. It's supposed to work!”

Ed walks in, back to normal, “Uh, son? Maybe I can help?”

Jay gasps hugging him, “Dad! You're okay!”

“You're darn tooting. Oh, let's have a look.” He crouches down fixing the wiring, “Oh, yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, that should do it. Now try it.”

Jay presses the button. But this time just like in the show it's wings open. Rocket boosters click open from the side, helping it fly.

Looking over the edge of the ship I hum lightly, eavesdropping into the family conversation.

“We'll get you back to the Junkyard just as soon as we see the coast is clear.” Jay smiles for real this time, “But stay as long as you'd like. It's nice having you here.”

“Oh, take a note, Edna: of all our inventions, this one is our greatest.”

My face scrunches at the beautiful moment as they all embrace each other,

“I already know, dear.”


I tend to lose the enjoyment of writing a story about a good few episodes in. (The reason most of my stories haven't been updated in a while)

But I managed to take my enthusiasm and ran with it in this story within 2 weeks.

So prepare for bad editing of the normal episode transcripts.

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