Green Mistress | LloydxFEM!Re...

By YaSi666

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"Lego ninjago?" I rasp out, dragging my hand through the strands on my head. "Okay so a perfect match. A sou... More

Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
The Snake King
The Green Ninja
All Of Nothing
The Day the Great Devourer Roze
Darkness Shall Rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball Run
Childs Play
The Day Ninjago Stood Still
The Surge
The Art of Silent Fists
The Blackout curse of the Golden Master
Winds of Change
Stixx and Stone ghost stories
The crooked path of a cursed world
Hands of Time till The End


830 35 17
By YaSi666

Releasing a heavy sigh, I slipped out of the now warm bathwater.

It feels so luxurious to just take a bath here, the room is so large and peaceful.

After drying my body, I slipped on the outfit I've been given by Wu. Better than the dress since it slipped over my shoulders comfortingly.

At least with this one that stupid green light won't be seen since it covers the top half of my chest.

“My turn! Uh, it's my turn!”

Voices came through the walls muffled.

Although I could care less about the progression with the characters, I literally have nothing else to do. So I might as well have fun watching the show in first person.

The sound of my footfalls traveled down the hall as I made my way to the training compound.

The boys were actually practicing, Jay, deflecting arrows with his weapon, Cole is practicing on the dummies. Kai is practicing his Spinjitzu and Zane is meditating.

“Ninja, go!”

Ooohhh… ninjago… ninja go… I was a dumbass kid.

I quietly made my way to where Master Wu stood, observing them. My hand scrambled to remove the towel drying my hair.

Zane suddenly gets up from his meditation process and disturbs the other ninja. He starts by jumping in front of Jay.

“Hey! Huh?”

He steals Cole's weapon for the dummy test.

“Hey! What?”

“Ninja, go!” His Spinjitzu freezes the whole compound, causing Kai to slip.

The other three regroup by Wu and I, complaining.

“This roof isn't big enough for the four of us.”

“Correction: This roof isn't big enough for him.”

“It's like he's in his own world.” Jay raises his voice. “I BET HE CAN’T EVEN HEAR US!”

Kai turned to us, “Sensei, Zane's... weird.”

Uh, rude.

“What is weird? Someone who is different or someone who is different than you?”

“No, Sensei. He's "weird" weird.” Cole corrects as the three of them look at each other as if to remind each other of different things that happened.

He's just… special. A good type of special. Through the few days I've been here he has managed to walk in on me in the bathroom at least twice.

But at least he acted civil, apologizing and looking away from my towel wrapped body.

It was a simple interaction, no screaming from me and no embarrassment afterwards.

The three glance back to us, Kai was first to speak “We like the guy. He's really smart. He's just… a little off sometimes.”

“Zane is a brother and brothers are often different. I should know.” God Wu sounds so mysterious.

I remember gasping when I found out that his brother was-

“Mail!” The boys yelled running excitedly to the door.

The Postman pants, “Let's see. A letter from Jay's parents.” Jay grabs the mail. “Kai has a fan letter.” Kai grabs the mail., “Oh, something from Cole's father.” Cole grabs the mail.

“What, no package? I'm expecting something from Creatures, Beasts, and Beyond .”

“No. Nothing from... uh-uh. Here it is!” He hands a box to Cole.

“Ha! Rocky's gonna love this!”

I like how his name is Cole… like coal. On the earth… which is his element. Sorry-

Jay looks back to the white ninja, “Hey, Zane. How come you never hear anything from your parents?”

Oooh that's a sore spot.

“I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all my life.”

“You mean you've never had a home?”

Zane just shakes his head timidly.

“The Monastery is your home now.” Master Wu answers only for Zane to walk away sadly.

Poor baby.

— — —
“Oooh it smells so yummy in there” I grin, feeling a growl erupt from my stomach.

Everyone except for Zane sat at the dinner table.

“it does! Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook.” Jay swoons.

“Hey. I didn't hear any complains about my duck chowder last night.” Cole tilted his head as if to stick his nose out proudly.

Ugh… that nasty dish. Still makes me want to barf.

Kai waved his hand at the theory, “That's because it glued our mouths shut. You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?”

“Yeah. Please don't make that again.”

“Never” I agree, laughing at their interactions.

Zane enters the dining room wearing a pink apron with flowers while holding some turkey, “Dinner is served.”

Everyone starts laughing. I mean… even Master Wu. Maybe it's because gen Z helped broaden what could be defined as ‘girly’ that makes it normal for me.

“What's so funny?”

“Zane. You're wearing a... Even I wouldn't wear that.” Nya wipes the tears from her eyes.

“You laugh because I take steps to ensure I'm clean after cooking?”

“Haha! No! We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!” I easily sent a glare over to Kai.

“I guess we don't share the same sense of humor.”

We don't.

“Well, how about this?” Cole throws a plate full of shrimp on Kai's face.

“You're wasting food!” I complain pulling a bowl closer to me for safe keeping

“How could you not find that funny?” Master Wu pours soup onto Cole's head. “Ah!”

“Now you are brothers.” He says to the two of them.

A food fight erupts, as I laid low chewing on my food like a civilized person!

“I think it's cute on you Zane.” I mutter covering my mouth to hide the food. “And this food is absolutely delicious.”


With a sigh, I grabbed a bag filled with left overs that the others decided to throw at each other. A frown fitted my face thanks to the spot of sauce placed right on the front of my outfit.

Zane dumped his bag in the trash can, holding it open for me. He was even worse for wear, having to trash his cute apron.

A chirp grabbed our attention. A falcon was perched nicely in a tree.

Yeah I don't think a falcon should be chirping, but hey you do you, and I'll do me, and we won't do each other… probably.

Quoted from a true master of my time.

Zane tilts his head, confused. Adorably the bird does the same. His eyes looked to me for a second gauging my expression.

The white ninja flapped his arms making bird-like movements, like a copycat the falcon did the same.

It eventually flies off much to our amusement.

Zan turns to me again, holding his hand out in a cup way.

A familiar action. And yet it doesn't feel like the first one.

Without hesitation I slip my hand into his, allowing him to pull me along into a sprint.

“A dress really isn't good for this weather” I joke still trying to keep up with the ninja, truly out of breath and shape.

The snow around us crunched deeper from the weight of our bodies, creating that gritty sound it normally would. His blocky feet and my rounded ones made art in the frozen water.

Finally the falcon lands on a tree prompting Zane to come to a stop.

In an instant I fell to my knees, gasping for the air I desperately needed. “I'm so out of shape” my voice came out in a whisper from the lack of air.

A treehouse fortress, heavily guarded by serpentine.

“If I see one girl in here. I'm gonna go ballistic.”

That little fucking short stack-

The Falcon chirps again, nodding to us.

“Thank you, my mysterious friend.”

“Y-yeah… t- oh God..” I gave up on speaking.

— — —

“You really couldn't have waited to change?” Nya questions glancing back at the 2 piece hanfu I put on.

Yes, maybe the boys needed our help but I was not going outside in a stained outfit. “Why save something for tomorrow when it could be done today.” I remind, fixing the green top.

Having such a simple conversation on top of Flame, Kai’s dragon, as Master Wu flew us to the location Zane and I found last night was not how I saw my day going.

Plus can we please talk about the poor choice of outfits I can only choose from?! Their all long traditional old fashion Chinese dresses, which don't get me wrong are beautiful, but they aren't useful when I need to do active things!

And I've already gone through this with Wu, he said ‘it is written in the scroll, to preserve your pureness blah blah blah’ like what pureness?! That doesn't exist after the age of 13 in my time!

Coming to the fortress grounds Cole stood on a tree while the other three were ontop of the treehouse. It was about to come tumbling down if not for the last rope tied to the tree Cole was on.

He raises his scythe ready to cut the last rope.

Sensei Wu snatches his flute from his satchel playing a beautiful soothing tune that snaps Cole out of whatever trance he was in.

“Huh? Where-where am I? What are we doing?”

Nya was first to speak, “We're getting outta here because this whole place is coming down!”

Cole hops on the Dragon. Kai, Jay, and Zane follow suit taking the back seat.

“That flute!”

“It cancels their powers!”

“It's as old as the Serpentine themselves. But we must hurry! The Monastery is unguarded! Quickly!” Wu explains.

Although by the time we returned to the monastery, almost nothing was left. It was burnt down.

I told her it was a good time to change.

“We're too late. Those snakes.”

The other Dragons cry for help.

“Holy shit…” I mutter, settling my hand in my messed up hair. The wind doesn't do it any good.

“Our home.”

“Shard! Put this out!” The ice dragon follows it's masters command freezing the burning flames. “The training equipment, gone.”

“Our video games, gone!”

“They stole their staff back.” Wu states.

“What do we do now?”

Kai's sorrow quickly turns to anger as he turns to Zane, “If you hadn't followed that silly bird, none of this would've happened!”

I quickly snapped my attention to them, “Kai-”

Jay interrupted me, “No, Y/n, he's right!” He turned to Zane, “Because of you, my high score has been deleted!”

You got to be kidding me.

“This is a teaching moment. We must learn from this.”

“A "teaching moment"? What's wrong with you? Don't you get it?! EVERYTHING IS GONE!”

“SHUT UP!” I snap causing all eyes to turn to me, “You are all at fault, not just one. I don't care what Zane might have done that gives you no right to talk to him like that. Stop acting like a child and grow up for once!” I finish my shouting spree, taking a deep breath to calm myself down, “Apologize.”

The three ninja change emotion and turn around to apologize to Zane.

“I'm sorry, Zane, I…” Kai attempted only for us to find the white Ninja missing.



My hand flew to my nose pacing back and forth in front of the crew. I literally want to strangle someone.

A shiver passed through my body from the cold temperature, my arms switched to hugging myself tightly.

“Wh-what are we eating again?” Kai asks, holding up an item on a stick.

“Mud newt. Not bad for something that lives underground.” Cole responds.

“What?” Jay spits out the piece he was eating before throwing away his portion. He then throws a rock into a can. “Yeah! A new high s-sc-score!”

“Remember, we must be thankful for what we still have.”

“What do we have? Our home is gone.” I agree with Cole.

“You know, I don't miss our home. What I really miss is Zane.” I also agree with Kai.

“Yeah. I miss Zane.”

A puff of air left me as I stopped pacing looking ahead.

“Zane?” Nya question.

Jay looked at her dumbly, “Yeah, Zane. You know. White Ninja. The smart, strange one.”

“No Einstein, Zane!” I correct pointing to where I was looking.

“Zane!” They cheer running to him.

I would but we're still on acquaintance terms. That would just be weird.

Jay sighs in relief, “Zane. We're so sorry for everything we've said. We're a team and that means we're all responsible.”

“You don't need to apologize to me.”

Uh, yeah they do.

“But what about all those awful things we said? Isn't that why you left?”

“Of course not. I saw the Falcon again and I followed him.”

“That's our Zane.”

I awe at the sweet hug making my way over to them. “We're glad you're back.”

“Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?”

Maybe he doesn't get everyone’s humor, he's still funny on his own, “Yes, Zane. We would love for you to make dinner.” Wu answers.

“But I already made it. Come. I want to show you what I've found. I think you will all be pleased.” He quips leading the way from where he came.

I actually hate walking. I hate walking in these long dresses where everything just gets on it.

“I can't explain it, but I feel a strange connection with the Falcon. I think he's trying to help show us the path we need to take.”

My eyes widen looking at the most memorable ship in my memory, the Destiny's Bounty.

“Our new home.”

“Do I smell pie?”

“Cobbler berry. Oh, and I made myrtle berry and apple and—”

Kai, Jay, Cole and Nya race to the Bounty without any more questions.

Wu sat his hand on Zane's shoulder, “I'm proud of you, Zane. One day, I promise. We will find your family.”

“But I've already found them.”

Aweeeee, I actually think I'm gonna cry.

“I feel there's more to you than meets the eye. There's something special about you, Zane.”

‘Sensei, will I become the Green Ninja?”

“It's too early to tell, but if it's in your path, you'll know.”

With a gentle smile I turned to them walking backwards to the ship, “come on, let's get some pie.”


This story is already completed in my Google docs so you'll probably get a chapter everyday. There's not many so don't get your hopes too high.

Also good luck with my spelling and grammar errors.

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