If You'd Only Notice

By dragonprincess1996

18.1K 486 53

A maid Zena after being Lady Dimitrescu's pet for months is cast aside for a new pet little does Lady Dimitre... More



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By dragonprincess1996

Zena's pov

I look at Mother Miranda as she leads me to the stairs, I grip the banister with both hands walking down slowly.

Mother Miranda grabs my hand and puts her arm around my waist "Relax if you're overly cautious you are more likely to hurt yourself, we are going to go to the lab to check you out".

I nod blushing "Okay sorry, I'm just scared on the stairs since I almost fell already, I'd like Regina there to help me if needed please".

She nods as we reach the bottom I sigh pulling a necklace out with a twinkle bell and ringing it as we wait, Lady Dimitrescu joins us frowning at seeing me looking around, I laugh when Regina slides past me slamming into the wall before jumping up still tripping "I'm here, I'm good, are you okay?"

I laugh a little more when she sees Mother Miranda and Lady Dimitrescu and stumbles into a bow with her feet sliding then sigh shaking my head "Gina how bad are your feet?"

She blushes lifting her foot, I click my tongue seeing her feet are like panther paws "I'm having trouble with random bodily shifts" she whispers scratching her cat ear that's poking out of her hair "I scared the maids and cooks, all but Amanda when I randomly half shifted, they all ran and I think Amanda slapped me with a roller" I snort shaking my head.

"Well Gina, Mother Miranda's taking me to check on the baby I'd like for Aunt Kitty to be present if I need help" I say.

She puffs her chest and goes to walk with me as we start walking only to slip, I snort seeing the girls suddenly appear steading her.

"Maybe it's best you go in your other form Gina"

She laughs and nods ignoring the stares as she pulls her maid outfit off and the undergarments that Bela takes, she takes a breath and shifts to full panther then falls into step with me and Mother Miranda headbutting my hand making chirping sounds.

Alcina pov

I frown seeing that maid and fight to keep my claws in and not kill her when my Zena calls her Gina (this is the bitch who touched my Zena, I'll just have to fix this but I can't kill her she's mother's experiment).

Watching the bitch turn back and help my Zena on the exam table I fight back a growl.

I move over by my Zena as Mother Miranda pulls out some strange device rubbing jell on her stomach, she taps some buttons on it and a gray blurred blob shows up on the screen as I hear beating.

Mother Miranda smiles "Well it looks like twins and they're fully formed it's good you told me when you did, your body isn't even close to ready to give birth and would not be able to give birth to them naturally we'll have to surgically remove them"

Zena pov

I look at the screen ignoring Lady Dimitrescu and smile as Mother Miranda explains everything, I bite my lip when she tells me they're ready but my body's not and I am unable to have them naturally, she wipes my stomach off as Regina pulls me to sit up.

"Mother Miranda, I don't mean any disrespect but how sure are you that they're ready and will be okay to take them out?" I ask.

She looks at me smiling "I'm 80 percent sure they're ready and will be fine".

I nod frowning "What of the other percent please?"

She tilts her head side to side "Well twins always have one smaller one who's less developed so the normal medical outcome, the fact they'll be the first children born who have a parent mutated from the Cadou, Alcina had an illness that was killing her before she was given the gift, I would need to check them often to monitor any mutations and normal child development".

I look at her taking a deep breath "I trust your judgment thank you for explaining it to me, but please if something goes wrong try to save them".

She nods stepping closer to me "When I had my Eva we didn't have all this information back then but I remember having what was known explained and being honest about it made me feel better so I understand, You're a new mother who's scared for your children" She says while dragging her fingers threw my hair a few times "Sleep" everything goes black.

No pov

Alcina frowns as Regina bounces around agitated pacing by Zena's bed, letting out growls while glancing at Zena.


Regina growls "Oh yes, you're one to talk telling someone to stop something".

Alcina snarls standing over Regina with her claws out "YOU NEED TO CONTROL YOURSELF AND REMEMBER YOUR PLACE".

Regina scoffs "Oh that's hilarious you telling me to control myself, you trash your room multiple times a week in anger, kill your maids and pets in your fits, and PINNED ZENA DOWN THREATENING HER WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT ALL BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH ME AFTER YOU THREW HER AWAY FOR A BITCH WHO BRAGGED ABOUT HER CONTROL OVER YOU AND BEING ABLE TO KEEP YOU AWAY FROM YOUR KIDS TO THE POINT THEY CRIED TO ZENA AND I".

Mother Miranda yells for them to both sit down and shut up.

Mother Miranda pov

"Alcina put your claws away now, Zena has every right to take on a new lover after you tossed her away" I say and look at her seeing her claws gone looking mad over my answer.

I look to Regina "Now seeing as you've been the one around and she talks to you, what are the plans for the babies?"

Regina jumps slightly "Um I know she built a crib before she found out it was twins and that they're a bit larger than average babies, she wants ladies Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela to have a relationship with them, last she said wanted Alcina involved with their life's and if Alcina family wants to be around she would be okay with it I think that means you and Lady Beneviento mainly".

I nod "What of you?" I ask.

She tilts her head "I'm unsure of the question but we are not together like a couple, we're friends but she's named me as Aunt to them".

I nod "And your feelings for her?"

She looks at Zena "If you're asking how deep my feelings are, I'd protect her and the babies with my life, I see them as family I love them but I am not in love with her".

I nod picking up a scalpel "Very well both of you will help me with delivering the babies now".

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