Be the Mother of Evil Gods in...

By LunarBunnee

22.4K 387 12

UNEDITED MTL Title: 在异世界当邪神之母 Author: 植月引泉 Shang Rong, a college student, likes to make all kinds of evil god... More

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Ch 93 END
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Ch 49

149 2 0
By LunarBunnee

"Be careful!"
Lin Gaoyi's first reaction was to turn around and hug Shang Rong, firmly press it against the wall, and use his body as a shield to protect Shang Rong tightly.

However, in the next second, a surprised voice came from behind him:

"Team leader!"

Lin Gaoyi turned around and saw that it was Lu Yurou whose legs had turned into metal wheels at high speed.

The other party was changing from surprise to suspicious expression at this moment: "Team leader, what are you doing with Rong Rong?" Shang Rong popped out of his head from between Lin Gaoyi's chest muscles and breathed heavily:

"Sister Lu, are you okay?"

Call...... Team leader, you almost crushed me!" she knew that the other party was trying to protect herself, but ...... His muscles were too hard, and her nose was about to break!

Lin Gaoyi hurriedly retreated a few meters away, the whole person was so embarrassed that he couldn't do it, and stammered:

"You...... We ......"

He realized that he was still holding Shang Rong's hand in his hand, and he immediately let go of it, and it was not okay to continue to hold it, his whole face was so red that the top of his head was about to get hot.

Shang Rong was very direct, and grabbed Lu Yurou's hand: "Sister Lu, the team leader said that everyone should hold each other's

hands, so that they will not be separated by paper people." By the way, did you see the paper figure?" Lu

Yurou was grabbed by Shang Rong's hand, her attention shifted suddenly, and she said in surprise: "Oh my God, your hands are so soft, so small and thin!"

She grabbed Shang Rong's other hand with both hands, carefully touched and pinched it, and patted Shang Rong's palm very much:

"You're so cute!Your hands are so cute!" 

Shang Rong:"..... No, have you touched the paper figure?"

 Lu Yurou was still obsessed with pinching her hand:

"This piece of meat under the thumb is so soft and soft, there are no calluses!

"Ah, hehe......"

He still dares to look at it, and if he looks at it again, it will be ripe and sticky to the ground and can't pull it off.

Of course he knew that Shang Rong's hand was very soft, and he knew it from the moment he caught it, so he didn't need to emphasize it anymore, the copy couldn't be passed!

She also met the paper man, but the first time she saw the paper man, she cut all the paper people into pieces with a hand knife, and then she explored in the corridor, only to find that the paper man appeared again, she killed, killed, killed, and finally ran away on a metal wheel when she was tired of killing, and just escaped in front of the two.

"...... It's you, Sister Lu.

Shang Rong gave Sister Lu a thumbs up.

Soon, the two found Jing Shi again, and found that he used his control skills to control one of the paper people in a large crystal, but left an observation sample.

The last Xing Jiahui, everyone found her in a certain room, which was similar to a security guard duty room, with surveillance screens throughout the building. Xing Jiahui said:

"The first and second floors are all patient dormitories, the canteen on the fifth floor is now being renovated by nurses, there are many paper figures floating around in the corridor on the third floor, and in the remaining floors, the fourth floor is empty, the sixth and seventh floors are where nurses rest, the eighth floor is ventilated, and the ninth floor and above are all prison iron fences, which seem to be sealed with something." The picture on the twelfth floor has always been black.

She added, "I've been looking here for an hour, and there are occasional xenos on every floor, and I don't see any new xenos other than paper figures, nurses,

and transparent xenos. But I don't understand, what are those prison fences above the ninth floor doing, what are they sealing?"

Shang Rong looked at the ninth floor and above with attention. Along the walls are filled with iron fences, behind which there are rooms, and in the rooms......"

Looks like the next step is to go to these floors...... Don't know what's behind the fence.

Xing Jiahui nodded, and everyone else agreed, but they didn't hear Lin Gaoyi's voice.

Shang Rong looked back at him, Lin Gaoyi seemed to be in a trance, she shook the hands that the two were holding together: "What do you think of Team Leader Lin?"

Lin Gaoyi:
"Ah...... Yes. 

His face turned red again.

Shang Rong: "Are you polluted by xenomorphs, why are your faces so red all the time?, do you want Sister Jia to help you take a look?"

Xing Jiahui looked over and sneered:

"He's fine, don't worry." 

Shang Rong: "Who is a normal person's face like this-how red?"

Xing Jiahui:
"Poof...... It's okay anyway, don't you care...... Poof...... "

Shang Rong is puzzled, sure enough, these people are hiding some things from themselves! They must have doubts about their identity, so if there is any conspiracy, they have to hide it from themselves, ......right?

In short, the main quest is progressing steadily, and when this quest is finished, she must ask what these people are hiding from her.

At the end of the nap time, the nurse pushed the iron cart to round the room, and everyone stayed in their rooms peacefully, and they all (pretended) to drink the medicine that the nurse gave everyone.

Next is dinner time. The canteen was not repaired, this time the nurse brought everyone a black soup for everyone to drink, Shang Rong and the others naturally continued to use various methods, pretending to eat it but actually poured it out.

After dinner, it was time to go to bed, and everyone went to the public restroom on this level one by one to wash, and then went back to the room, waiting for the lights to go out at eleven o'clock.

After the lights go out, all the players almost go out and go their separate ways to explore.

But most players don't know that at this time, the Special Investigation Division team has come to the closest place to the truth of the dungeon.

When the ninth floor arrived, the elevator opened, and the five men came out, cautiously walking along the wall.

Iron bars blocked the dilapidated doors, and there was a faint roar and smell of blood coming from inside the doors, as if something bloody was inside, and it was making a painful roar.

Shang Rong couldn't help but think of the hidden human specimen museum on the eighth floor. Those things......

On the walls, a simple label was affixed to the door of each room, with scribbled handwriting, briefly reading:

"Heart." Daily injections. "

" Lower leg joints of both legs. Daily injections. "

Nails. Daily injections. ""

Skulls. Daily injections. "

What exactly is injected, what is the condition of these body parts, I don't write at all. There are also many duplications of these body parts, which shows that this is a group experiment.

Coming to a certain door with a "head" on it, Lin Gaoyi twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open.

There was a foul smell coming from the house, and suddenly, a basketball-like thing jumped out, hit the iron fence and fell down.

The thing let out a human cry:

"Kill me, kill me!" Everyone

looked down, creepy, and speechless for a moment.

It was a man's head, fresh, healthy, vibrant, and even bearded and flushed on the sides of its cheeks!

The broken part of its neck had a long dried black blood clot that had obviously been broken for a long time. It glared at everyone in front of it, and when it realized that it wasn't the nurse in front of it, it ...... Or rather, he, the miserable man, spoke, in a sincere and painful tone,

"I beg you...... Please, kill me. Are you outsiders? I will tell you everything I know, and I will ask you one thing and kill me...... Let me be crushed, and my brain will be shattered, so that I will never realize that I am this ghost again, please!"
The sorrow in
his voice, and the deep pain, will be deeply felt by anyone who hears it.

One more look at the head would make it immediately clear to everyone what he was suffering.

His seemingly healthy head was full of needle eyes. As long as there is skin, there is a needle's eye, and there is a needle's eye buried under his beard, and there are needle eyes between his hair, and he should have died a long time ago, but he was forcibly retained by some kind of medicine, locked up in this dark place, and became a victim of some great conspiracy......

What a pain it is.

Several people were silent, not knowing what to say. Shang Rong's chest rolled and wanted to retch, but her eyes were blurred by tears, and in the violent shock, she was completely stunned, looking at the rooms farther away.

Don't...... In every room, there is such an experimental subject? In every room, is there such a painful soul?

Shang Rong didn't know what to do, she decided that the moment the realm master appeared, she would definitely let the other evil gods swallow each other immediately, and avenge all the souls who had suffered in this realm!

Lin Gaoyi asked, "Do you remember what your name was before you came to the dungeon?"

the head was stunned for a moment, and then said

"What are you talking about? I remember everything from the time I was born until now, but I don't remember any copies. I was born in the countryside in X country X by the name William Lars...... "

This head began to tell his life story, and everyone was at a loss. This experience sounds...... It's an NPC with a backstory, not a player.

It's good not to be a player...... Shang Rong breathed a sigh of relief, these experimental subjects were just realistic props and NPCs that came with the dungeon, all of which were created by the domain master himself, and they didn't really cut off the head of a real human.

But she still wants the children to swallow him! Why did she come up with such a terrifying and perverted setting, he must be a very perverted guy, and there must be no harm in swallowing it!

Lin Gaoyi and the others lightened their psychological burden, asked a lot of questions, and roughly sorted out the context of the entire main story.

Finally, they take a step back.

Jing Shi solemnly sprinkled a handful of powder and froze the head in the crystal, while Lu Yurou turned her hand into a knife, and after a few clicks, the head was completely cut into pieces and mixed in the crystal, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

At this point, the poor NPC's wish was finally granted, and he died smiling in the crystal.

Everyone who was silent and mourning, and the voice of the mechanical girl sounded in their ears:

"Congratulations on unlocking the third stage of the main quest, you are only one step away from the final unlock, please continue to explore and receive rich rewards!"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all knew that they didn't need to go to the tenth floor. Eleventh floor up.

Everyone entered the elevator, solemnly pressed the twelfth floor, and went to meet the final plot, to meet the dean who had never appeared, Mr. Dali.

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