An Odd Encounter | A Ninjago...

By amazingwen

826 23 10

Alice, a fourteen year old girl, who is trying to live a normal life as she can, had a little encounter with... More

*OC information*
• < CHAPTER TWO > • ( editing )
• < CHAPTER THREE > • ( editing )


36 1 0
By amazingwen

The next day at school, Marjorie and I went to the principal's office to ask if any of the school staff had seen a lost sketchbook. The principal said that they hadn't seen anything yesterday. We both huffed and were about to leave when she called us again. She suggested checking the ‘lost and found’ box. The two of us agreed and waited for her to get the box. She returned with a large box in her hand.

She set it on her desk and let us have a look inside. We both rummaged inside the box to see if my sketchbook was there but sadly, it wasn't. The two of us handed the box back to her and we both left her office feeling disappointed.

“I'm beginning to wonder, this sketchbook of yours was taken by someone and thought of keeping it for themselves.” Marjorie said which left me feeling worried. What if she's right? What if someone found it and never even thought of giving it back to me? I can't believe I left it!

“Yo girl. Are you good?” I found myself staring at her gray eyes for a second before finally waking up from my intrusive thoughts. “O-Oh. Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking.” I replied, rubbing my left arm. “Hey, I know what this is about.” I lifted my head at her. “You're worried are you?” She guessed it. Boy, she's so good at that.

I groaned and continued to walk down the bright hallways. Then I heard the sound of her sneakers catching up, squeaking as her shoe hit the floor. “Come on Alice. I know you're worried but have faith. We will find it.” She added, placing a hand on my arm. “I know but… it's just so hard not to worry. What if… someone worse found them?” I said, whispering the last sentence. “I hope not. Wait, you're not thinking about her, are you?” Why is she so good at guessing?!

“Ahhh! No, no, no, no ,no! Lexy does not have it. She doesn't have it.” I turned around in circles, saying those words to myself for probably less than ten minutes and Marjorie just watched me looking dumbfounded. She may be thinking that I'm going all crazy inside but, “God please! Don't let Lexy have it!” I shouted in the hallways and quickly covered my mouth in less than three seconds when multiple heads shot our direction. I can't believe I just did that!

“Don't let me have what?” I spun around only to be met with the same shady blue eyes I didn’t want to see. There she is. Standing near me, with her blonde hair tied back and her minion Rachel carrying her bag behind her, Lexy scowled at me.

I stood there dead silent, eyes staring nervously at her evil blue ones and looking like a complete idiot because all eyes are on me. I wanted to disappear. That's when Marjorie stood beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder. I saw how stern she looked at Lexy and how the blonde moved her eyes from me to look at her the same way. I feel like there's some intense tension going on between the two of them.

“It’s nothing. We'll be off.” That's all Marjorie said while grabbing my arm and pulled me into the hallway with her, leaving Lexy and Rachel silent. I can't believe I made a fool out of myself for saying that loudly.

“I'm really sorry for saying that. You must've found me weird earlier.” I apologized, feeling awkward when we're out of sight. “It's okay. You're not weird to me at all.” She answered with a smile. “I'm not?” I was quite puzzled at her answer. “Of course not.” She chuckled. “Now come on. We better head to class.” She said and I began to follow her to our classroom.


We walked inside our classroom, still chatting when I stopped in our tracks to find a boy crouched down beside my seat. I peaked my head a little to see what he's doing and to my horror, he was placing chewing gum on my seat!

“Hey! What are you doing?!” I yelled furiously at him. The boy turned his head around quickly and stood up. “W-Wait! It's not what you think.” He blurted, shaking his hands but I can already see Lexy laughing behind him. Oh I see what this is about.

“Yeah, like I'll ever believe that.” I scoffed, shoving him away from me. “Please just let me explain.” The boy pleaded but I've already had enough. “I don't need your explanation. Now, stay away from us!” I said bitterly as I crouched down and put a tissue on the gum so that it wouldn't stick to my pants.

“Oh Alice! Do you want to know who has your lost sketchbook?” Lexy cooed. “Don't tell me you-” “I don't have it. He has it!!” She pointed her finger at the boy who put gum on my seat and as soon as I heard that, my blood boiled. “Y-You have it?!” I yelled at him. “Wait! I was planning on giving it back to you-”

“Give it back now!” I interrupted him and he brought it out of his bag. He gave it to me and I snatched it away from him. “I'm sorry but-” “I don't need your apology. You have said enough.” I hissed, looked away from him and sat down next to Marjorie who was completely silent. While we sat down, I glared hard at the boy as he also took his seat, looking sad but I was too angry to care, even for a bit. He sat next to the black haired girl who placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. While I kept looking at them, my mind was telling me that I've seen him before. Blonde hair, green eyes, but I was startled when Miss Grace entered our room. “Good morning class!” She greeted us joyfully. This is going to take awhile.


Lunch break, my least favorite time. Entering the school cafeteria, so many faces looked our way but mostly all eyes were on me. I felt goosebumps as Marjorie and I walked past the crowd of students to find an empty table. Once we found one, we both sat down and brought out our lunch.

After a few minutes, I'm already crunching on my sandwich that mom made for me, along with some sushi she made last night and a bottle filled with orange juice. Not long after, Marjorie began to start a conversation. “Hey Alice. Do you know who you were mad at earlier?” She questioned and I can recall she was thinking about that boy in our class. “Oh. You mean him? What about it?” I scoffed, sipping my juice.

She brought her head closer to me and answered in a whisper. “That was Lloyd Garmadon back there.” She murmured and I almost spit my juice. “W- Are you serious?! That was Lloyd Garmadon? Son of the evil Lord Garmadon?” I asked in disbelief and she answered with a hum. I couldn't believe it. Who would've thought that Garmadon's son would end up in this school? Well that explains why he was placing that gum on my seat or why he has my sketchbook. He's probably as mean as his father.

“No wonder why I think I've seen him before, he's the son of the evil lord who keeps attacking our city.” I answered briefly, while picking a piece of sushi. Marjorie turned her head, probably looking at something or someone when she said, “For Garmadon's son, he looks kinda cute.” She gave me a teasing look before eating her salad. I have no idea why she said that or why she gave me that look but I just shrugged it off.

Marjorie continued eating her salad while I looked behind me and saw Lloyd Garmadon with four other teenagers plus the girl he sat next to earlier, eating and chatting not far away from us. I was about to look away when I noticed Lloyd looking at me. We stared at each other for only a couple of seconds when I broke eye contact with him. He may be cute but he's still Lord Garmadon's son.


I was leaning against my locker, scrolling on my phone when a loud crash was heard somewhere near the school. A group of students ran outside the school doors to see what was happening when suddenly another loud bang was heard, this time it sounded louder and closer. “What was that?” Marjorie came back from the restrooms, tying her hair. “I-I think there's something going on outside.” I answered, looking worried. I wasted no time and messaged Jonathan to find Chris and stay together, in case this happens to be another Garmadon attack. Sure enough, our phones alerted us that Garmadon is attacking the city again.

“Attention students, please remain calm and stay inside the premises until it is safe for everyone to go out. Better to stay inside your classrooms for safety and wait until the secret Ninja Force handles lord Garmadon.” The announcement played over the speakers and before we could say anything, Marjorie and I grabbed our bags and ran down the hallways to our classroom. We found our teacher ordering everyone to stay where they are and remain calm.

She saw us both and ordered us to sit down on our seats. As we sat down, I noticed Lloyd Garmadon and his seatmate weren't here. I assumed they're still in the cafeteria because before we left, he and the rest of his friends were still chatting and eating. I was gonna tell Miss Grace but I kept my mouth shut.

After a few minutes Jonathan messaged me. Finally! He's now replying.

Jonathan: Sis, I've got Chris with me. We're inside the school bus, on our way home. And don't worry, we're fine but you should have a look outside the city. It's a mess out here.


Glad to hear Chris is with you. When you arrive home, lock the doors and go inside your room. I'll be back as soon as I can. Be safe.

“I hope you two will be okay.” I said to no one in particular after putting my phone away and before resting my chin on my knuckles. “Uh okay. I think I understand you now.” Marjorie said, leaving me quite confused with her answer. “Huh?” I furrowed my brows at her in total confusion. “You were right Alice. I hate to say this but I'm beginning to dislike that Garmadon kid. I don't care anymore if he's cute and all but I blame Lloyd Garmadon for this whole disaster!” Marjorie complained and I raised my eyebrows at her, finally understanding what she meant. I nodded my head at her in agreement. “He’s the reason why Garmadon keeps attacking the city.” I mumbled under my breath before another loud sound was heard, causing me to shake with fright. I just hope the Ninjas will be able to stop Garmadon this time.

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