accidental // gareth bale thr...

By Ozilista

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"I'm Gareth Bale." "you're sick in the head." ©ozilista More



819 23 3
By Ozilista


"seriously amigo, what's been with you lately." Sergio asked me as we walked through the fashion outlet center. "You have been playing the same nor acting the same off the pitch either. I practically had to drag you out of your house."

"It's just nothing important." I shook my head.

"come on who is she?" Sergio elbowed me jokingly.

"No one." I denied.

"Is it Emma again? I thought we left her behind months ago." Sergio frowned. "I know how hard it is to move on from exes."

"no no it's definitely not emma, it's this girl." I shook my head. "We've been texting for awhile and I told her who I was last week and she didn't believe me, she still doesn't believe me. I tried texting her and calling her."

"how'd you get her number than if she doesn't know that you're you." He asked walking into the mens section of the store.

"I accidentally texted her, I got the wrong number from this other girl and from there we continued texting and I just have my feelings all in a bunch. I just have to talk to her face to face."

"oh Gareth, why don't you just meet up with her?" He asked.

"I'm trying to call her but she keeps declining my calls." I sit down on one of the benches watching Sergio pick out different clothes.

"excuse me sir uh sirs." A brunette interrupts us.

"si senorita?" Sergio asks.

"are you two Sergio Ramos and Gareth Bale by any chance?" She asked.

aw finally someone actually knowing who you are. "si."

"I don't know if you remember me but I'm Emilia. I was just walking by and saw you two and thought I should say hello again." She giggles waving at Sergio then at me. She stares at me for a good moment before her eyes widened. "Ohhhh you're Gareth Bale."

"yes, I thought we already went over that." I chuckle

"no no, my friend Gabriella, I don't know if you know her-"

"Gabriella?" My eyes light up, could it actually be?

"Yes, she said she's been texting some dude who go's by the name of-"

"Frank" I answered.

"si si, and he's told her he was you and I thought you should know someone's catfishing as you and messing with her mind." Emilia says.

Before I know it i'm standing up in excitement. "I am, she's the one i've been texting. I tried telling her and calling her all day."

"I knew it was you." She squeals clapping her hands rapidly. "wait till I tell her."

"is she here?" I asked.

She frowns biting her lips before shaking her head, "she actually just left to go to this shoes place, told her we'd meet up at la roja to get some lunch. "

"oh, this is perfect, you could help me meet her." I run my tongue over my lips. "It has to be fate."

"this is all too crazy." Sergio says from the racking of clothing. "I'm happy for you, amigo."


"are you sure she's in there? what if she left?" I asked.

Emilia chuckles. "She's waiting for me in there, now just walk in and act smooth." She said fixing and smoothening out my shirt.

"right, I can be smooth." I took a breath.

"Yeah you can, so go be smooth." Sergio grabbed my shoulder leading me to the front door opening it and pushing me through the doors. "You'll do great, sweetheart."

The hostess led me through the restaurant then stopped at the table where she sat. Her dark hair was in her face as she stared down at her phone.

"you." the single word came out my mouth faster than water rushing down a waterfall.

"sorry i'm here with my-" she stopped mid sentence when she looked up at me. "Uh hi"

"You were that girl at the meet and greet, Gabriella and you're Gabby." I mentally slapped myself in the face at how stupid I sounded right now.

"Yes and you're Gareth Bale." She said.

"And i'm Frank too." I sent her a half smile.

"No, it can't be you." She looked at me in horror. "You're really frank? You- you were telling the truth this whole time."

"Yeah, i'm sorry." I apologized.

She immediately had her face in her hands. "don't, please don't apologize. I'm the one that needs to apologize. Gosh, i'm so stupid and judgemental. I'm so sorry."

"may I sit?" I pointed at the chair in front of me.

"my friend-"

"Emila? she set this whole thing up for us." I asnwered. "She's not showing up anytime soon."

"I'm really am sorry."

"It's alright, Frank is my middle name you know." I smiled. "Here why don't we start all over."

"I'd like that." She responded. "Hello, i'm Gabriella."

"Hi Gabriella. My names Gareth Bale."

"It's very nice to meet you Gareth Bale." She stretches out her hand from across the table.

I embrace it with my own squeezing it gently. "I would like to take you out out a date, Gabriella."

"I'd be honored."


The end

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