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By fwoolishh

236K 7.9K 5.7K

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2.5K 113 88
By fwoolishh

(chapter xxxviii — follow the yellow-brick road)

THEY RAN UNTIL they physically couldn't anymore.

Rachel guided them away from traps, but they had no set destination — only away. Far away from Kronos and that dark mountain.

Selene wanted to think things over — she wanted to come up with a plan, or — at least figure out what she was going to say to Percy and Annabeth. How she was going to explain everything that had happened — how she was going to explain that her death is coming, and she can't do anything to stop it.

But she just couldn't process it all — any of it. Whenever she tried to, her stomach dropped with unease — as if she was on a rollercoaster. She hates rollercoasters. Especially ones like these — where you're on a quest, and you think you're safe, and boom — someone is stripped away from you, never to be seen again.

Selene felt her mind stray back to Bianca. How the Hunter had selflessly sacrificed herself to project them back in the junkyard.

She wondered if Bianca knew that her fate was sealed as soon as she ran up to that robot. She wondered if the Hunter had accepted it in her final moments — if she was finally at peace.

Selene had always felt Death looming over her shoulder ever since she found out she was a demigod. She used to view it as a threat, but now — now that she knows when she's going to pass on...it felt strangely comforting. Like she was about to see an old friend.

"Stop here," Rachel suddenly wheezed — snapping her out of her thoughts. "We can stop here. It's safe."

Annabeth hummed thoughtfully. For once, she didn't argue with the redhead. She sheathed her dagger and looked around skeptically.

They had stopped in a tunnel of wet white rock, like part of a natural cave. Selene luckily didn't hear anything following behind them, but somehow — that made her even more nervous.

She stumbled — collapsing onto the ground, her back against the wall. She held her legs against her chest and hid her face in her hands — her lip quivering as she tried not to cry.

Percy wasted no time as he sat next to her — Riptide turning into a pen as he did so. She felt him slowly and cautiously grab her wrist before squeezing it. "Hey. You okay?"

Whenever someone asked her that — it just made her want to cry more. She didn't resist as he slowly pulled her arm away from her face — instead, she sighed and rested her head on his shoulder — trying to blink away tears before they could flow down her cheeks.

Annabeth noticed and pursed her lips. Without another word, she grabbed Nico and Rachel's arms and pulled them away — it was clear she noticed they needed some space.

Ever since what happened with Mal — Selene tried to convince herself that it wasn't her fault. But right now, all she felt was guilt. Guilt for letting him go so easily — guilt for not convincing him to stay when she had the chance.

This feeling kept coming back to her. This guilt — weighing her down as if she was tangled in chains. She hated this.

"I didn't know...." She felt herself whisper as she shut her eyes tightly. "I didn't — I didn't know he would —"

"Selene," Percy interrupted her gently. "It's not your fault."

"Then why does it always feel like it is?"

"Hey, look at me."

Selene did just that. She paused — her breath pausing in her throat.

"It's not your fault," Percy said again — his hand slid up to her own.

"...I know," Selene managed to whisper flatly — her voice shaky because she was trying too hard. What could he see? How easily could he read her?

Percy frowned, "Sel." He didn't look away, not even for a second.

So she did. She tried to focus on something else — anything else other than him. Like the walls caving them in — they were writings on the walls from all who had been there before. Some counting down days, some begging to be 'let out' — whatever that meant, she didn't care. She just needed to think. Think. About something that wasn't related to Mal — or Kronos, or Gaea, or that doomsday ring — anything.

"Selene," Percy brought her eyes back to his.

"Stop it, Percy."

"It's not your fault."

The last one did it. The tears she had tried so desperately to blink away fell without mercy now — and the mental walls she had tried so desperately to keep up crumbled. She fell into Percy's open arms — exhausted.

She felt weak at first. Selene had always tried to tell herself that she shouldn't complain about things, and that other demigods had it worse. Anyone always had it worse than her, she believed. So even when she ran away after her mother died — even when Mal betrayed her trust and hid off on some spiritual island, never to be seen again — she always, always thought...

It could be worse.

But the fact is — she couldn't handle worse. She couldn't handle one more thing going wrong — she couldn't. Or she might actually break in two.

She was terrified. Terrified of that ring — of what it was going to do to her once the gem faded to green. Once Gaea took over. Gods, what was she going to tell Percy and Annabeth?...should she tell Percy and Annabeth?

Selene didn't know. She just wanted it all to stop. No more heartbreak. No more betrayal. No more war.

She wanted it all to leave.

"I'm right here with you," Percy suddenly whispered — drawing her back to the present. "I'm not leaving. Not ever."

She sniffled — hiding her face in the crook of his neck. In Percy's embrace — it was the only place she practically felt safe in anymore.

"...Thank you," She murmured back. "I'm sorry, Percy."

"Star Girl, hey," Percy pulled away slightly to look her in the eye. "You have nothing to be sorry about."

"Yes I do." Gods — she hated this.

The son of Poseidon thought for a moment — just like always, his tongue stuck out slightly in concentration. It looked like he was trying to figure out what to say — what to make her feel better. What to make her smile. Then, after what felt like forever, he said — truly said...

"...Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?"


"He pasta-way."


The silence was actually pretty unbearable.

Selene's brows scrunched up in confusion. Tears stopped rolling down her face, and she just stared at him. He didn't falter for a second — his smile was wide.

After no response, Percy started, "You get it? Because — I remember you told me you're Italian, and I made this one up myself. I heard telling jokes when people are crying makes them confused, so it causes them to feel better....It's actually pretty funny —"

Before he could finish — she burst out laughing. His entire face brightened — he grinned victoriously as she hid her face from him.

"Gods, Percy, what?" Selene held her stomach. "I regret telling you my nationality because that was so bad —"

Percy leaned back — his grin was practically contagious. "I made you laugh though, didn't I, Star Girl?"

"Fuck, that was so bad I had to,"  She agreed — her ribs hurt so bad, but it felt strangely good. Freeing, to laugh after all the shit they've gone through down here.

The son of Poseidon rested his face in his palm as he stared at her. He looked like he had heart-eyes — literally. As Selene recovered from her laughing fit — and realized he was staring at her like that — her face turned bright red.

She tried to play it off by flicking his forehead and turning away. "Dork."

"Your dork," Was all Percy answered with a breathless sigh — nudging her shoulder before leaning on it. She relaxed as his head rested on her shoulder — it grounded her.

As Selene stared at the ground, a horrible thought started to surface once more. She needed to tell Percy. And Annabeth. And everyone. They deserved to know the truth.

So why couldn't she bring herself to say it?



"I —"

Suddenly Annabeth, Rachel, and Nico returned  — interrupting her words. Selene pursed her lips, but deep down -- she was grateful for the interjection.

"We have to keep moving," Annabeth started as she turned to them. "We..." She glanced at Selene, "Have to figure out where Luke is. If he's leading an army to camp as we speak..."

"We also need to keep moving because there might be an army sent to capture us," Nico interjected. It was clear the whole group was remaining real positive right now.

Selene didn't want to move — she didn't want to keep running. She wanted to have peace — peace in her life, just for once. But she knew she had to remain levelheaded — to prove Kronos wrong. Hell, to prove Mal wrong. She was done being manipulated like a puppet by him.

Her legs shook as she stood up. She probably looked like an absolute shit-show — but with the reassuring smile Percy sent her, she didn't feel like it — for the most part.

"We have to get back to New York," Percy hauled himself up and immediately came to Selene's side. "Rachel, can you..."

Suddenly, he trailed off — his eyes widening in shock as he stared at something on the ground. His face turned sickly pale, and all of her mental alarms started to go off with worry.

She squeezed his wrist. "Barnacle Boy? Are you —"

"Look," Percy slowly pointed towards something. On the mushy dirt floor was a Rasta cap — a familiar one. One Grover always wore.

Annabeth gasped as the son of Poseidon slowly kneeled down to grab it. It was covered in dirt  — to the point it was barely recognizable. It seemed to be stepped on by a big muddy boot, which — normally wasn't a good sign. Especially down here.

Then Selene noticed something else. After where the hat had been dropped, there were two trails of footprints — one had bigger Converse markings on the floor — like Tyson's — while the other one was a smaller set of goat hooves. Both leaned off to the left.

"We have to follow them," Percy's voice was shaky. After everything that happened today — it was clear he didn't want to lose Grover and Tyson to the maze, too. "They went that way. It must've been recent, because — the footprints —"

"We're going," Selene's hand slid down to his. "We're going to find them, Percy. I promise you."

Percy seemed to relax at her words. He let out a deep breath and started forward — leaving no more room for discussion as he dragged her along with him.

Nico and Rachel traded a glance, but neither of them commented on it as they followed — Annabeth guarding their backs.

IT DIDN'T TAKE long to find them, thank the gods — the tunnel seemed to go on forever, but as they followed the trail of footprints, they soon spotted Tyson and Grover in a large room at the end of the path — sitting near the bank of a large, underground river. Tyson was cradling Grover in his arms. The satyr had his eyes closed and didn't seem to be moving.

"Fuck," She heard Percy swear under his breath. "Ty!"

"Percy! Come quick!"

They all ran over. Grover was breathing, luckily — but his whole body trembled like he was suffering from hypothermia. Selene took her jacket off and tried to lay it over his body as Percy kneeled down next to him. "What happened?"

Tyson's eye was wide with fear. His lip quivered. "So many bad things...." He whispered. "Large snake. Large dog. Bad men, with — with swords. But then — we got here. Grover started to get excited. He started to run, but then — he fell. Like this."

"Did he say anything?" Annabeth pressed.

Tyson nodded. "He said — 'we're close'. He then hit his head on rocks."

"Grov," Percy snapped his fingers next to the satyr's ear. "Wake up. C'mon."

When Grover just groaned, Selene and Percy shared a glance. Percy nodded, and, without a word, Selene gathered water from the river and splashed it on Grover's face.

"DON'T KILL US I SWEAR WE'RE —!" Grover suddenly yelled — causing her to flinch as she backed away. The satyr's eyelids then fluttered, as he held his head and looked around. "What the...? Percy...Selene..? Annabeth?! Where —"

"It's okay," Annabeth soothed as she put her hand on his shoulder. "You passed out...the presence was too much for you."

Grover looked like he had just been struck by one of Selene's arrows. "I — I remember. Pan."

That's when she just started to feel it. The shift in the air — the way the river seemed to run in a strange way — as if someone was controlling it. The ground started to vibrate. Ever since Gaea — she had always been uneasy of the Earth. But this time...the vibrations seemed to calm the butterflies racing in her stomach. Her mind started to clear. Something — someone powerful,was near here. Someone who could alter the river's flow — cause the ground to shake.

As if reading her thoughts, Percy nodded. "Yeah," He whispered. "Someone powerful is just beyond that doorway."

Selene didn't realize there was a door until Percy's flashlight pointed out. There was a long corridor leading to it — wrapped in vines and different types of flowers. She swore that they kept moving — shifting slightly, as if they were feeling something.

She heard Rachel suck in a breath, "Do we...have to go in there?"

"Pan," Was all Grover said in reply. With Tyson's support, he got up on shaky legs. He shared a glance with Percy. "Percy. We have to —"

"I know," Percy answered with a sigh. He didn't even try to mask his exhaustion. "I know, Grov. Here — lean on Tyson." He got up from where he was kneeling and offered Selene both of his hands. She took them without hesitation — he pulled her up so easily, she almost fell face-first into his chest. Luckily, she managed to steady herself right before she did so she didn't make a fool of herself.

Without another word, the group forged onwards. They waded across the underground river — Percy willed himself to stay dry, but he still looked very uncomfortable. Annabeth's teeth were chattering, and Selene shivered — she felt like she was walking through pure snow.

"I hate the cold," She then said out loud to no one in particular. "Fucking hate it."

Percy snorted. "No way. I had, like — no idea."

Selene sent him a glare, though she could help the smile that was forming. "You're a dick, you know that?"

Percy's face brightened — despite her harsh words. He always seemed to make that same face whenever he made her laugh or crack a smile — that same triumphant expression. "You wound me, Star Girl."

Selene gave him a grin. For what felt like forever, they just stared at each other — they probably looked like idiots, but for once — she didn't want to turn away and avert her gaze from him. His eyes seemed to lure her like a moth to a flame — they were calming. Welcoming. How could she not stare at them?

Meanwhile, Nico coughed into his fist behind them. He traded a glance with Annabeth, as if to say, when did this start happening? Annabeth just send him a tired frown, as if to say, I have been third-wheeling this whole fucking quest. What do you think?

Rachel and Grover were conversing in the lead — Tyson right behind. Percy had introduced them as quickly as he could — and it seems the redhead and the satyr hit it off right away. Tyson had even butted in on their chat to tell Rachel that she was pretty — and as Annabeth heard that from a little ways away, her nostrils flared like she was about to blow fire. It was clear the daughter of Athena was still very bitter.

After what felt like forever, they all hopped out of the water. It was to their waists, so Selene's jeans were practically soaked. She could tell Percy was about to laugh, but Grover's gasp caught their attention.

"Look," The satyr whispered — his mouth agape. "Look!"

The walls glittered with crystals of all shapes and sizes. Some were red, green blue — any color you could possibly imagine. In the dim light, beautiful plants bloomed — giant orchids, star-shaped flowers, long and healthy vines that had berries attached to them. The cave floor was covered in healthy green moss, and, overhead — the ceiling was higher than a cathedral — sparkling like a galaxy. In the center of the cave, stood a Roman-style bed, gilded wood shaped into a curly U shape, with velvety cushions decorating it.

Selene could manage to think only one thing:

'Yeah. I'd live here.'

It sounded crazy, but — the atmosphere seemed so familiar. Like she had lived here, in the past, but just couldn't remember. Although they were underground, the air was crisp — clean. Breathable. A stark contrast to how the rest of the labyrinth was.

Percy suddenly sharply nudged her side. She yelped and nudged him back, only for her to grab her elbow and whisper —

"Sel — is that a fucking Dodo Bird?"

"Have you actually gone insane?" Selene whisper-yelled back — genuinely confused. "Like — have you finally lost it?"

"I'm serious!" Using his index finger, Percy tilted her chin so his face turned from her to the bed that was in front of her. "Tell me that's not a fucking Dodo Bird."

Upon — closer inspection — she saw he was right. There was a Dodo bird — lounging on the couch, without a care in the world. Many other animals were around, as well — a huge wolf that looked more like a tiger than a dog — a saber-tooth tiger — hell, she even saw a wooly mammoth — chewing on some leaves, while eating berries with its trunk.

"Oh my god." Selene's face went slack.

"Gods," Annabeth corrected. "But holy shit you're right — oh my god."

She then seemed to realize there was a satyr in the middle of it all — he was right in the middle of the bed — a pink fuzzy blanket wrapped around him. His eyes were as clear as the sky, she noticed — as they got closer. His curly hair was as white as a snowstorm — as well as his pointed beard and fuzzy legs. His horns on his head almost looked akin to a crown — twisting and turning in a unique way — one she had never seen before. On his neck there was an array of mismatched necklaces with peace symbols on them.

"Hippie goat," Percy blurted out. Selene quickly clamped her hand over his mouth as the satyr gave him a questioning look.

Grover suddenly fell to his knees. "Lord Pan," He greeted — his head lowering to the ground. "God of the Wild."

Pan smiled kindly — though there was a distinct sadness in his eyes. It was an expression that looked very similar to her. "Grover — my brave, brave satyr. I have waited a very long time for you."

Grover bit his lip. His face was incredibly guilty. "I — uhm, got lost."

At his words, Selene turned to Percy. "Well, doesn't that excuse sound similar to you, Perseus Jackson, oh great son of Poseidon?"

Percy's face flushed. "Oh, fuck off," He rolled his eyes. Selene only snorted in reply.

Pan laughed at Grover's words from before. His laugh sounded melodic — like a bird song. It was actually really trippy. "Ah, well. We all get a little bit lost sometimes, don't we?" At his words, the dodo bird from before pecked affectionately at his hooves. It was making a strange noise in the back of its bill — it was only then she realized that the bird was humming along to We're Off To See The Wizard, from the Wizard of Oz.

Percy seemed to notice that, too, because as she turned her head to look at him, he was already turning his head towards her, too. Selene had to bite her tongue to restrain herself from laughing as she saw how close Percy was to breaking out in laughter, too.

They did not last long.

Annabeth sent the duo a glare. "Ignore them, Lord Pan — they're idiots —"

"You have a humming dodo bird!" Tyson suddenly blurted out — clapping his hands in delight.

Pan seemed to stare fondly at Selene and Percy as he shook his head nostalgically. He then turned to meet Tyson's gaze. "Yes — that's Dorothy. She's my little actress."

Percy gasped. "No way —"

"Oh my gods —" Selene started to say at the same time.

"Ahem!" Annabeth suddenly kicked Percy in the back of the knee to get them both to shut up. Percy gave her a glare as she continued. "Lord Pan, this place, it's — amazing! Its...better than any building ever designed, I —"

"I'm glad you like it, dear," Pan clasped his hands together. "It is one of the last wild places. My realm above is gone, I'm afraid. Only pockets — such as this — remain. Tiny pieces of life. This one shall remain undisturbed, undiscovered — for a little while longer."

"M-My Lord," Grover stuttered. "Please. You must come back with me! The Elders — they'll never believe it. They'll be overjoyed! You can save the wild!"

Pan sighed softly and picked up Dorothy the Dodo to place her on his lap. "You are so young, Grover. So good, and true. I believe I chose well."

"Choose?" Grover's brows furrowed in confusion. "I—I don't understand."

Pan's image suddenly flickered. He suddenly turned grey for a second, before returning back to normal. It almost looked like he was a ghost — or that he was talking via Iris-Message. His form seemed so blurry — like she was looking through a computer screen. The animals around seemed to stir — and then Pan raised his hand, and they calmed again.

"I have slept many eons," the God of the Wild told them. "My dreams — they have been dark. I wake fitfully, and each time — my waking seems to be shorter. Now we are near the end. My control over the Earth...it has been taken."

"What?" Grover cried. "Taken—?! I...I don't understand."

"I do," Selene spoke up — her words feeling bitter in her tongue. Everyone seemed to turn towards her — but she didn't explain further. Instead, backing away and staring at the floor.

Pan shut his eyes regretfully. "Yes, my dear." He said. "You do, don't you?"

"Selene," Annabeth put her hands on her hips. "What is he talking about? What's going on?"

Selene sent Pan a pleading look. The god sighed in defeat and pursed his lips. "The time will come when all of your questions are answered. My dear satyr — yours especially. The answers will be revealed. You see — I tried to tell the world, two thousand years ago. That I was fading. Dying. I announced it to Lysas — a satyr quite like you. He lived in Ephesos, and he tried to spread the word."

Annabeth's eyes widened in recognition. "That old story. I remember. A sailor passing by the coast of Ephesos heard a voice — weeping from the shore. 'Tell them that the great god Pan is dead'."

"But that — old story — it wasn't true!" Grover protested.

"Your kind never believed it," Pan agreed. "You sweet, stubborn satyrs refused to accept my passing. And I — I loved you all for that, but you only delayed the inevitable. You only prolonged my long, painful passing. My dark twilight sleep. It must end. I must end."

"No!" Grover's voice cracked. Tyson squeezed his shoulder.

"Dear Grover," Pan sighed again. "You must accept the truth. Your companion — Nico Di Angelo — he understands."

Nico crossed his arms and avoided Grover's gaze. "It's true. He's — dying. He should of died, long ago. This..this is more like a memory."

"But that's impossible!" Grover's fists trembled in concentration as he looked up at Pan. "Gods — gods can't die."

"But they can fade," Pan answered. "When everything they stood for is gone. When they cease to have power, and all of their sacred places disappear. The wild, my dear Grover, is so small now. So shattered. No god can save it — not anymore. My realm is gone. Which is why I need you to carry on a message. You must go back to the council. You must tell the satyrs, and the dryads, and the other spirits of the Wild — you must tell them, that the great god Pan is dead. Inform them of my passing. Because they must stop sitting around— waiting for me to save them. I cannot. The only salvation you must make yourself. Each of you must —"

Suddenly, the god paused in his words. He looked over to Dorothy the Dodo — his face falling. "Dorothy, are you seriously singing Follow the Yellow Brick Road again?"

Dorothy stopped in her humming. She looked and Pan and cocked her head to the side — her feathers ruffled. She then clumsily flew to the ground, before squawking and turning away.

Percy turned to Selene — curious. "What did it say?"

Dorothy perked at his words and cawed again. Selene huffed in amusement. "It's a she, Barnacle Boy," She told him. "And I don't think you want to hear what just came out of her mouth."

Birds seemed to fly down from nowhere and landed on Pan's head. She almost wanted to compare the god to a Disney Princess — but then decided it probably wouldn't be the wisest thing to say. "As I was saying. My dear Grover — his companions — you all must take up a piece of my calling. A piece of the Earth."

'I think I have enough,' Was Selene's first thought. The last thing she needed was another god's voice — speaking inside of her head, manipulating her dreams. But as Pan turned to her — his clear eyes studying hers — she realized that maybe, just maybe — the Lord of the Wild wasn't like the other Olympians. He wasn't like Zeus — or Hera — or hell, even her own mother — he cared. She could tell just by the way he was looking at them all — and treating them like actual kids. Not just heroes that were required to do his bidding just because they were part-god.

As the old satyr nodded at her — she nodded back. An understanding seem to pass between them.

Grover's legs started to tremble. Percy grabbed his arm to help steady him, but he pulled away in sheer desperation. "B-But...no!"

"Be strong," Pan's eyes started to droop. His form shimmered again. "You have found me, yes. Now is your time to release me. You must carry on my spirit. It can no longer be carried by a god. Now, it must be carried by each of you."

The Lord of the Wild turned to Percy. "Percy Jackson. I know what you have seen today — I know you are unsure of your next steps with the Great Prophecy. But I give you this: when the time comes, it shall come naturally. You must be willing to do whatever it takes."

Percy's brows furrowed in confusion. But before he could comment, Pan continued. "Annabeth Chase — daughter of Athena. Your time is coming. You will get to play a great role — though it may not be the role you imagine."

Then the god looked at Tyson, "Master Cyclops — do not despair. Heroes rarely live up to expectations. But you, Tyson — your name will remain among the Cyclopes for generations. Miss Elizabeth Dare —" He glanced at Rachel. His lips pursed, "I know you think you cannot make amends. But believe me when I say — you are just as important as your father."

She turned to the redhead in question — and she watched as Rachel faltered. A tear traced her cheek — but she hurriedly wiped it away. "I —...uhm..."

Selene frowned — she was about to try and comfort the girl, but she felt Pan's eyes on her. She moved her head back in the direction of the god, and her gaze drifted down — guilty.

"Selene Lock," Pan's voice was quiet — practically a whisper. "I know of your future. I also know of the endless fight you have going on in your mind, against, well  — her. But I also know this — an arrow must be drawn back before it hits it target. You sometimes might have to lose the battle to win the war. Basically, what I'm saying is this — you will have to face plenty of hardships against your opponent. But remember — you are not alone. No matter how much it seems so."

Selene felt her fists clench. She felt everyone turn to her, but her eyes remained on Pan — and his knowing smile.

"They deserve to know, don't you think?" The god's eyes seemed to twinkle at his words.

She felt Percy's fingers slowly trace her wrist. Before her body could protest, his fingers unclenched her fists — so he could intertwine his hand with hers. His thumb started to do what it always did — draw stars on her palm.

Selene felt herself ground slightly. The only words she could managed without choking up were, "Thank you — Lord Pan."

Pan hummed in acknowledgement. He then turned back to Grover. "My dear satyr — will you carry my message?"

Grover shook his head profusely, "I — I can't."

"You can," The Lord of the Wild corrected. "You are the strongest and the bravest. Your heart is true and pure. You have believed in me — more than anyone has. Which is why you must deliver the message — and why you must be the first to release me."

"I don't want to."

"I know," Pan said kindly. "I know. But you know that you have to — don't you? You must remake the wild —"

"One at a time," Grover finished. He walked closer to Pan — his eyes closed in defeat. "I've spent my whole life dedicated — dedicated to searching for you. Now — now, I must release you."

Pan grabbed Grover's hand and squeezed it. "Thank you, my dear satyr. And I — I am sorry." Before anyone could say anything else, the god sighed and dissolved. The white mist that surrounded the cave divided into wisps of energy. It curled around them. As Selene blinked, she felt that energy shooting into her — as it did with all of the others. However she noticed that the biggest piece of energy — the brightest — went to Grover. Pan's last gift.

The crystals started to dim. The animals from before started to turn gray. Dorothy the Dodo looked up at them once last time — before she, and the rest of them, all faded like they were never there in the first place.

Annabeth switched on her flashlight. It was silent for a moment — the only noise being heard was the rushing river they had just walked through a second before.

"What now?" Rachel asked — sniffling.

Everyone turned to Grover. The satyr took his Rasta cap from Percy  and put it on his head. He looked older, and sadder. "Now..." He glanced down at the ground. "We follow the yellow-brick road."

Selene tilted her head down as well and gasped. She didn't notice this before — but the road that led them further — it was strangely yellow, made out of bricks. She smiled at the thought of Dorothy the Dodo squawking and leading them down the path.

"What are we supposed to tell them?" Annabeth whispered. "The council. They're going to question —"

"We'll just tell them the truth," Grover interrupted. "We'll just have to go back,  and tell them the truth.

That the great god Pan, is dead."

pan's death made me cry in the books :( grover got so disappointed after and it just ripped my heart out

also perlene <333 no thoughts just them

next chapter will be a silly one. bc a certain someone is coming back into the story who i can't WAIT to write. real ones know who it is 👀

another thing — we reached 100k reads, and let me just say my mind is blown. i seriously cannot fathom the support i have been getting on this book. it means so much to me like 💍 ily. ily so so SOOO MUCH MWAH

ty for being so supportive <33 best readers ever

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