By RodrigoMataro

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In a world where continents float amid corrosive clouds and natural resources are scarce, technology is restr... More

Prologue 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 4 part 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 18 part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 part 2
Chapter 23
Capítulo 24
Capítulo 24 part 3
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Capítulo 28
Chapter 28 part 2
chapter 28 part 3
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 37 Part 2
Chapter 37 Part 3
Chapter 37 Part 4
Chapter 37 Part 5
Chapter 37 Part 6
Chapter 37 Part 7
Chapter 37 Part 8
Chapter 37 Part 9
Chapter 37 Part 10
Chapter 37 Part 11
Chapter 37 - Part 12
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 3
Miscellaneous 4
Miscellaneous 5

Capítulo 24 part 2

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By RodrigoMataro

They walked through the buildings and cobblestone streets darkened by dirt, with an open sewer running along the gutter. Along the way, they passed several bars with open and inviting doors, but Henry seemed to have something in mind and ignored them until they reached a two-story shack more destroyed than one could imagine, which, surprisingly, housed a bar inside. Despite being on the verge of falling apart, the place was packed. People stood outside, leaning against the walls as if holding onto them to keep from falling. Many were drinking, others smoking, some warming themselves by makeshift fires, but everyone was chatting with each other. As they approached the door and looked inside, the place was so crowded that there wasn't an empty table, and several people were drinking and having fun while standing or leaning against beams and walls, just like those outside. As they entered, a very large and strong man approached them, ordering, "Weapons in the coatroom." They immediately headed for an opening in the wall where a man was sitting in a chair, smoking a cigar. Without a single word, he took the weapons placed on the counter and stored them.

— This one stays. — Lonios held the Indolent, which was wrapped in bandages to avoid recognition. Then, without another word, he passed by the security guard, who only stared at him.

— Welcome to the Hole, the best bar in Éter Sombrio. — Dr. Henry introduced the place and began to walk towards the counter. Upon reaching it, he looked at the bartender, who clearly recognized him.

— Clumsy Montigomeri, how long has it been, my friend? — The old bartender dropped the glass he was holding and, over the counter, greeted the mechanic with a handshake and a pat on the back that nearly made him jump forward. He appeared to be the same age as Henry, also bald with thick arms, but much fatter, his enormous belly hitting the counter as he served his customers.

— Old friend, Tough Bone Marco! — Henry returned the pat on the back with another of the same intensity, and the bartender smiled. — Tough Bone, can you get a table for us? — he pointed to everyone with him.

Nimbus found it funny that Dr. Henry, the highly respected engineer of the Brand, was addressed by a nickname like Clumsy, but only glanced at Jim and laughed, who immediately understood the reason for the laughter and started laughing too.

— Of course, old friend. — He signaled to one of the many waiters serving in the area, and without saying a word, he removed and threw two men who were sleeping, probably drunk, at a table onto the floor. — Sorted, you can sit at that table there — the bartender pointed to the empty table where the waiter was waiting beside.

— We'll stay at the counter — Valeros said and began to sit along with Eli on the barstools.

— As you wish, kid, you'll miss the first round for free. — Henry went towards the table, and Lonios, Nimbus, and Jim followed him. — Bring a round of your best beer for everyone at this table, and also give two glasses to those two guys at the counter — he pointed to Valeros and Eli.

— Yes, sir. — The waiter immediately headed towards a door behind the counter. After a few minutes, he came out with a tray above his head, with a beer mug for each of them. As he passed the counter, he left two for Valeros and his friend, then headed towards the table where they were, skillfully dodging the large number of people along the way, until he reached the table and placed all the mugs in its center. — Here it is. Good drink, sir. — Then, he withdrew.

— Now let's drink. — Henry picked up one of the one-liter mugs and started drinking.

Nimbus, at first, felt a bit awkward about starting to drink. He had seen many people drink in Anabele's father's tavern, but the only experience he had with alcohol had landed him in trouble. So, he looked towards Lonios, and when he received an approving look, he began to take short sips. Jim already seemed more comfortable and drank. Henry began to talk a lot, mostly about parties, drinking, and women because after an hour at the bar, he had already drunk three large mugs and was starting to slurred his speech. Lonios was conservative and had only emptied his mug. Jim was drinking steadily with Henry and tried to keep up with the third mug but couldn't drink anymore. Nimbus had only taken a few sips from his mug and had only reached its halfway mark. At that moment, a man approached.

— You're Sir Lonios, aren't you? I saw your fight in the capital; they still haven't fixed the street where it happened. — He seemed as drunk as Dr. Henry and staggered, struggling to stand.

— Boys, I'll go to the bathroom to solve a little problem and be right back. — Immediately, Lonios got up from his chair and, holding the man, began to guide him.

Jim and Nimbus just looked at each other until Henry spoke:

— That's what happens when these knights use names of legendary knights; everyone thinks they're the legendary one, but they're not, deception — he slurred his words but seemed quite lucid.

— Legendary knight? — Nimbus asked.

— Yes, in the Anticoletivist War, over thirty years ago, there were knights known for their legendary combat skills. There were officially seven, but many more fit that category. This Lonios was one of them.

— But these legendary knights could still be around, couldn't they? — Nimbus asked hopefully, noticing that Jim was sleeping on the table and drooling a lot.

— Difficult. They are very important; most became very rich, lords of some locality, or directly serve a king or government like Sir Ahbran. But if you want to know if your master is the original Lonios, forget it. I know a dozen knights named Ahbran and two or three named Lonios myself.

— How do you know about this, sir?

— I fought in that war. I was an engineer on one of the vanguard ships and helped in ground combat, supporting the knights, you know, fixing their armor, weapons, that sort of thing.

— Did you meet this legendary knight named Lonios?

— No, I fought on the eastern front, and he fought on the western front. I only saw him once from afar during the celebrations in Victorius, where they were honored. But he was far away, and I was too drunk to remember the guy's face.

Suddenly, Nimbus heard the sound of breaking glass and looked around. Valeros was standing in front of two more men, and both held a broken bottle in their hands.

— Retract what you said! — Valeros spoke authoritatively. — No one insults my friends and gets away with it.

— Nothing like a bar fight to end a night of drinking. I love this kid — Henry looked over his shoulder at the boy facing two men and seemed pleased with the fight. After a few moments, he stood up and walked towards them. — Any problem, kid?

— Nothing, Doctor, nothing I can't handle — he snapped his fingers.

Nimbus desperately searched with his eyes for where Lonios was but didn't see him. He woke up Jim, who looked groggily at Nimbus. His face was wet from his own drool and spilled beer on the table.

When Nimbus looked, the brawl had already started at the counter. Valeros was beating a man, and Henry was on another. Eli had stood up and seemed quite excited about the fight. Suddenly, one of the men threw a bottle at Henry, who dodged it, and it hit another man behind him. Immediately, he and two more friends joined the fight. Suddenly, Nimbus felt a hand on his shoulder.

— Do you know the rules of a bar fight? — It was Lonios, who had returned from the bathroom. — None, but avoid using weapons. If you do, they will too, understand? — After saying that, Lonios ran towards the fight and started hitting one of the men facing Valeros.

Jim was there half asleep, half awake, and Nimbus shook him. With a smile on his face, he said,

— Let's go help the guys — he ran off, and Jim followed still a bit disoriented and staggering.

They ran towards the fight, but now it seemed like the brawl had expanded throughout the bar. More than half of the people there were hitting each other. Nimbus dodged a man who tried to hit him and then hit him in the supporting leg, making him fall. In a single spin, he turned towards Lonios and his friends and saw, out of the corner of his eye, Jim punching one of the men who was with the one Nimbus had knocked down. When he reached the main fight, Nimbus jumped and kicked one of the men with a "flying kick"; when he hit him, he fell on the other side of the counter. At this point in the fight, even the waiters were hitting each other, and Henry's friend behind the counter was throwing bottles of cheap wine at anyone in front of him. After a few minutes, Nimbus and his friends managed to reach the door, retrieve their weapons at the coat check, and leave the place. When they left the bar, the fight seemed like it would last a long time.

Of all six, only Jim seemed more hurt; he had a cut and bleeding eyebrow. Lonios looked at the wound and said,

— I think it's better if we go back to the Brand; you need to bandage that eye.

— I think so too — Valeros said. — I've had enough fighting for today.

They headed back to the ship, but noticed that Henry deviated from the path and headed towards a busy-looking bar. Lonios then asked:

— Aren't you coming back with us?

— I haven't completed my goal for today yet, remember? Waking up in the arms of a beautiful lady or in the gutter with the sun in my face. Until tomorrow, Sir Lonios, and to you two as well. — He staggered towards the bar and entered. — And you kids, you're off duty tomorrow, you can sleep in, orders from your boss. — Henry was addressing Jim and Nimbus, who were his employees in the engineering cleaning team.

— Isn't it dangerous to leave him alone? — Nimbus asked.

— No, he knows what he's doing. Besides, I think he handled the bar drunks better than you did.

They walked a bit more, and when they were entering the Brand, Lonios grabbed the hat of Valeros' friend, Eli.

— You can take off that disguise now, Elisis; we're home.

After taking off the hat, she removed the wig of black hair she was wearing, and then she took off the beard, revealing her true identity. Nimbus was astonished. With the disguise, she looked perfect, like a real man. She changed her voice, her way of walking, and even had the scent of alcohol on her clothes. It was truly incredible.

— Did you think I wouldn't figure out it was you in this hastily made disguise? I thought Amazons were masters of disguises?

— Yeah, it looked ridiculous — she laughed. — But I had little time to prepare. Valeros told me last minute that you guys were going to a bar, and a woman would surely attract too much attention. So, I had to improvise. — She showed the wig and fake beard in her hands.

Everyone laughed and talked about the situation. Nimbus accompanied Jim to the infirmary for a bandage, and then they went to their quarters. It was already past 2 a.m. when they arrived, well past bedtime. However, they didn't have to work the next day, and despite the bruises from the bar fight, that fact made them happy. Before going to sleep, Nimbus remembered that he had always dreamed of working on a ship and being the protagonist of the bar fight stories that the old ether traveler always told with such happiness. It seemed that now he would have his own stories to tell.

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