De RodrigoMataro

17 15 0

In a world where continents float amid corrosive clouds and natural resources are scarce, technology is restr... Mais

Prologue 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 4 part 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 18 part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 part 2
Chapter 23
Capítulo 24
Capítulo 24 part 2
Capítulo 24 part 3
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Capítulo 28
Chapter 28 part 2
chapter 28 part 3
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 37 Part 2
Chapter 37 Part 3
Chapter 37 Part 4
Chapter 37 Part 5
Chapter 37 Part 6
Chapter 37 Part 7
Chapter 37 Part 8
Chapter 37 Part 9
Chapter 37 Part 10
Chapter 37 Part 11
Chapter 37 - Part 12
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 3
Miscellaneous 4
Miscellaneous 5

Chapter 12

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De RodrigoMataro

The Captain...

During the boarding, Lonios was already getting annoyed with the tedious task the ship's captain had given him, Adon, and Elisis. Checking and ensuring that all basic supplies had been loaded was a repetitive, monotonous job, undoubtedly assigned by the captain to put the knights in their place and show them who was in charge. At least that's what they were thinking; the quartermaster and his team would be much more methodical and precise in this role. But as Sir Adon had said, "If he wants to put us in our place, so be it," that was their duty.

What disturbed Lonios the most was leaving Nimbus at the castle after a fight. Nimbus would never forgive him if something happened on this journey, and he became unable to return to training with him. At least Sir Ahbran had promised to train Nimbus, and that was already satisfactory. However, Lonios knew it was a highly dangerous mission. Traveling with only two ships through the ether was practically suicide. If they encountered a large enough ether monster, it would be easy for the creature to eliminate both ships. But that didn't worry him; they had him. That was the main reason Sir Ahbran sought him out for this mission. The old man knew that only Lonios could save a ship against a colossal monster. He had done it before, and it wouldn't be difficult to do it again.

When everything was loaded onto the ship, Captain Jones approached. He was an old man, around sixty, with a beard and entirely white hair, though he covered the pronounced baldness on the top of his head with a wide-brimmed hat. He had a bit of excess fat on his body, displaying a small belly protruding from his pants. His clothes were simple, a leather coat over a linen shirt and black pants. Surprisingly, he carried a sword and a dagger at his waist, not attached to a belt but placed behind the red sash wrapped around his waist.

What surprised Lonios the most was the fact that the captain carried weapons. Ship captains were not fighters but extraordinary strategists and navigators. However, it seemed that Jones was different.

— So, everything in order? Nothing missing? — the captain asked.

— Yes, sir, as ordered, everything on the list is inside the Brand — Sir Adon promptly responded, as was the custom of a well-trained knight. However, that wasn't exactly how Lonios would respond in this situation.

— Captain Jones, as the mission is completed, I request your permission to withdraw — Adon addressed the old captain again with his usual courtesy, undoubtedly honed over the years.

— If everything is in order, then you are free to go. — The captain turned away and began looking out of the ship.

Everyone exited, and after a few steps, Lonios spoke to Adon.

— He seems like the type who enjoys giving orders.

— Exactly, Sir Lonios. If that's what he wants, that's what he'll get. After all, everyone knows that the ones truly in charge on this ship are the knights. Captains only have the mission to guide the ship to its destination; the rest is up to us. — Sir Adon knew how to deal with this kind of person, the wisdom of someone who now lived out their last voyage protecting a ship through the ether. Certainly, Lonios would never develop such tact with people; it wasn't part of his personality.

— And you, Sir Elisis, what do you have to say about this? You're sitting there all quiet — Lonios asked the beautiful girl about the same subject, although Lonios already had an idea of what her response would be.

— This is my first journey as a knight, Sir Lonios. It's not my intention to cause trouble — she replied, without looking at Lonios, simply walking with both hands together in front of her dress. The response was exactly what Lonios expected. He then asked another question.

— It's not your intention to cause trouble "yet," or do you never intend to cause trouble?

— Only time will tell, Sir Lonios. — She now lifted her gaze to Lonios. Again, this was exactly the answer the astute knight expected from the beautiful girl.

— Let's get out of here; I don't like the direction this conversation is heading. We need anything but trouble on this journey, understood? — Sir Adon reprimanded the two, perhaps imagining what Lonios was trying to insinuate to the girl.

Lonios wasn't very pleased with Sir Adon's reprimand but decided not to say anything. Especially on the first day of the mission, it wasn't a good idea to quarrel with anyone yet; he would avoid that. He continued walking until he reached his cabin, but before entering, he noticed Elisis was smiling.

He stopped at the closed door, as he had shut it himself before leaving for his task. Like all the walls and doors of the ship, it was made of metal and had a large wheel in the middle used to seal the room in case the hull in that area was breached, and the ether began to invade the ship. The door was old, and, like the ship, had undoubtedly faced several battles, with various small scratches on its surface, likely from attempted break-ins or even fights in the corridor. In his opinion, they were there primarily to remind him that a ship traveling long distances through the ether is a dangerous place, and many things could happen, mostly bad things.

He entered the room, a space no more than three meters wide by three meters long. Examining the place from top to bottom, he imagined it would be the only spot where he would have privacy—a cubicle with only a single bed attached to the wall, a wardrobe, and a desk with an uncomfortable chair, both made of wood. Without a doubt, these were the few wooden items on the ship. Now he was inside the belly of a steel giant.

⸸ ⸸‌ ⸸‌

The Captain

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