His little lover

By ItzyagirlBlackRoses

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An omegaverse story about a young man named Gon dealing with a child trying to survive in raising a child and... More

Season 2 chapter 1


86 4 13
By ItzyagirlBlackRoses

The two men kept calling eachother names until Killua had enough.


"Fine, but, you're still not getting any."

"I wasn't planning on it."

"What? You're not going to force yourself on me?"

"Nope, I'm not going to."

Gon laughed. "Good because I thought you couldn't get any worse!"

Killua smirked
"I'm gonna make love to you."

"What the hell is that?"

"It's where we have sex but instead of fucking each other, we make love."

"What the fuck? So you were going to force yourself on me either way. Changing the words doesn't make a damn difference it means the same thing"

Killua sighed.

"It doesn't mean the same thing. Fucking is when two people have rough, violent, animalistic sex with each other. Making love is when two people have slow, romantic, and loving sex with each other. It's more pleasurable."

"I don't care, I'm not having sex with you."

"And, I'm not giving you a choice."

"You can't make me."

"Oh, yes, I can."

"You're not fucking me."

"you're right I'm not"

Gon laughed

"Ha! I knew it."

"You don't understand."

"Then explain it to me."

"When I said I wasn't fucking you, I meant it. I'm going to make love to you."

"I told you, you're not fucking me."

Killua sighed.

"Look Gon, we're gonna have to do this
eventually. Might as well get it over with."

"Fuck off, you're not making love to me."

"You don't have a choice."

"Yes, I do. You're not fucking me."

"Fine. I'll just do it without your consent."

"that's rape"

"If that's what it takes then, yes, I will."

"No, you won't."

"You have no say in the matter. You're mine, and I'm gonna make love to you, whether you want to or not."

"As I've said before I'm not yours! And second I'll just stop you"

Killua smiled.
"Gon, you can't stop me. You can't resist my pheromones, and you can't overpower me."

Gon glared at him.

"I'm not scared of you. I'll fight back. I'll scream."

"Gon, please, you're gonna hurt yourself. It'll only make things harder for both of us. Just give in. Please."

"I'm not letting you do this."

"Then, I'll force you."

Gon sighed.

"Just, stop. This isn't funny."

"Gon, you're not leaving here. You're gonna be stuck with me forever."

"I don't wanna be stuck with you."

"Too bad."

"Killua, stop."

"You can't leave Gon. Ever. You're mine now. And, you're gonna be stuck here. Forever. So, just accept it."


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be with you."

"Oh, yeah, right."

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"Nothing, I was just thinking out loud."


"Fine. I was thinking you liked me."

"No, I don't. I hate you."

"Oh. I see."

"What's with that look?!"

"I just, don't think you're being completely honest with yourself. I think, you might like me."

"What the fuck are you talking about?! I don't like you! I hate you!"

"Really? Then, why were you watching me earlier?"

"Watching you?! What the hell are you talking about? I wasn't watching you."

"Yes, you were. You were watching me during the performance. You were looking at me, and not paying attention to the other members. I noticed."

"What?! No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you were. And, it's okay if you like me.  I like you too."

"No, I don't like you. You kidnapped me! And, how can you like me if you don't know me?"

"I like you, because you're you. You're a nice guy, and, you're attractive. Plus, you're not as annoying as most of the other people I've met."

"You don't like me. You just wanna fuck me."

"Gon, please, you're being immature."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Stop being a fucking prick, Killua."

"Gon, come on. Stop fighting me. Please."


"Please, Gon, just listen to me. Please."

"Fine. But, I still hate you."

"That's okay. You don't have to like me."


Killua sighed.

"You really won't accept the fact that you like me, will you?"

"What are you talking about? I told you, I hate you."

"Yeah, but, that's not what your body is saying. You were staring at me during the performance, and, your pupils were dilated. And, when I looked at you, your breathing got heavy, and your face was red. Your body was telling me you like me."

"So, what? That doesn't mean anything."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't. Just because my body reacts to your stupid fucking scent, doesn't mean I like you."

"You don't need to get defensive. I'm not attacking you. I'm just stating the facts."

"No, you're not. You're twisting the facts. My body reacted to your stupid alpha scent. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean I like you. It doesn't mean I want you."

"Your body does want me, though. That's why it reacted the way it did. To me touching you"

"I'm not listening to you. You're lying."

"Why would I lie about this?"

"Because you're an asshole, and you're trying to manipulate me into liking you."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You're trying to get me to trust you so you can use me."

"Why would I do that"

"Because you're an alpha, and you're horny."

"No, I'm not. And, even if I was, I wouldn't use you. I would just fuck you. You're mine. You belong to me."

"I don't belong to you. You kidnapped me, remember?"

"Yes, you do. You're mine"

"No, I'm not. I'm my own person. I don't belong to anyone."

"You're wrong. You do belong to someone. Me."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do. You're mine."

"I'm not yours."

"Yes, you are. You're my property. You belong to me. You're my possession."

"I'm not your property. And, I'm not a possession. I'm a human being. I'm a person. I'm a living, breathing, human being. Not a toy. Not a thing."

"You're a lot more than that. You're a mate. You're an omega. You're mine. You're my mate."

"I'm not your mate. I'm my own person."

"Yes, you are. You're my mate. You're my omega. You're mine."

"I'm not yours."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not your mate!"

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not your mate! you have a fiance who is an omega. Go claim her and have your happy family" gon cried.

Killua stopped talking. He was speechless.

"I'm not your mate. And, I'm not going to be"

Killua didn't say anything.

"And, I don't want you, just let me go. Let me leave."

Killua stayed quiet.

"Please. Let me go. She is your destiny Killua"

Killua looked at Gon.

"Who the fuck cares about her. I want you. You're the one I want. Not her. You. You're the one I want. "

Gon blushed.

"I-I'm not interested in you. So, please. Just let me go."

Killua stared at Gon.

"Killua. Please. Let me go."


"Why not? You said you'd let me go if I didn't want you."

"No. That was a lie."


"I lied. I wasn't going to let you go. No matter what."

"What? Why not?"

"Because you're mine. And, I'm never going to let you go. Never."

"Killua. Why? I don't want you. So, let me go."


"Why not? I don't like you. So, please, just let me go."

"No. I already told you. You're mine. You belong to me. You're my mate. And, I'm not going to let you go. Ever"

Gon was angry.

"Fine. Then, I'll just escape."


"What do you mean? I'll just run away."

"How? The door is locked, and the windows are barred. And, even if you could get outside, where would you go? How would you get home?"

"I'll figure something out. I'll call Leorio, and he'll pick me up."

"Call Leorio? How? You don't have a phone."

"I'll find a payphone. Or, I'll borrow someone else's phone."

"Oh. Okay. Well, good luck. Because you're not leaving. I'm not going to let you go."

Killua got up and walked away.

Gon watched as he left.

After a few minutes, Gon got up and went to the window.

He tried to open the window, but it was locked.
Gon looked around the room.

The closet had a few shirts, pants, and underwear. There were also some shoes.
He picked up the clothes, and put them on.

The clothes were too big. They hung off of Gon's body.

He took off the shirt, and put on a smaller one.

It still didn't fit.

He put on the pants, and they didn't fit either.

He tried on the shoes, and they were too big.

He was frustrated.

He looked around the room.

The bookshelf had lots of books, and there was a desk, a bed, a dresser, and a nightstand.

The nightstand had a lamp, and a clock.

There was nothing else in the room.

Gon sat down on the bed.

He was bored.

He wanted to leave.

He decided to explore the house.

He walked around the room.

The bookshelf had lots of books, and there was a desk, a bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. The nightstand had a lamp, and a clock. There was nothing else in the room.

Gon sat down on the bed.
He was bored.

He wanted to leave.

He decided to explore the house.

He walked around the room.

It was very boring.

He was disappointed.

He had hoped that there would be something interesting, but there wasn't.

He looked around the room.

The desk had a computer, a printer, a stapler, a pen, a pencil, and a notebook.

The printer was old, and the pen and pencil were broken.

He sat down at the desk.

He was bored.

He decided to play a game on the computer.

He opened the browser, and searched for games.

He found a game called Minecraft.

He started playing the game.

He was having fun.

The computer was slow, and the graphics were poor.

But, he didn't care.

He was having fun.

He was exploring the world, killing monsters, and building things.

He was enjoying himself.

Then, the game crashed.

He was upset.

He tried to restart the game, but it wouldn't load.
He tried a few more times, but it wouldn't load.
He was frustrated.

He wanted to kill something.

He wanted to destroy something.

He wanted to break something.

He was angry.

He kicked the computer, and it fell over.He kicked it again, and it fell apart.He kicked it again, and it broke. He was satisfied.He stood there, panting. He felt better.He looked at the broken computer. It was shattered. The screen was cracked.The keys were smashed. The hard drive was gone.

He felt happy, relaxed, calm.He looked around the room.His gaze fell on the window.
He smiled.

He walked over to the window, and it was locked

He tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

He tried to pull the window open, but it wouldn't move.

He was angry.

He pulled on the window with all his strength, but it wouldn't move.

"Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" He banged on the window

Gon finally realized he was trapped and the only way he was ever going to leave was to trick Killua into letting him leave somehow.

It had been a week since Gon had first arrived at the house, and Killua had still not touched him.

He ordered gon food and cleaned the room, but he had not done anything sexual.

Gon was frustrated. Not because of the no physical touch but because it's been a whole week and no progress.

Killua was sitting on the bed.

Gon was sitting at the desk.

Killua was reading a book.

Gon was playing a video game.

Killua had bought Gon a new computer so he would have something to do while he was gone
They were both bored.

Gon sighed.

Killua looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just bored."

"You wanna watch a movie?"


Killua got up and grabbed a dvd.

"What do you wanna watch?"


Killua put in the movie, and turned on the tv.
They watched the movie for a while.

"Hey, Killua, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why haven't you touched me yet?"

Killua was shocked.

"I-uh, what?"

"Why haven't you touched me? Isn't that the only reason you brought me here? To use me?"

"Um, no. That's not the only reason."

"Then, what's the other reason?"

"I don't know. I just, want you."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know."

Gon was annoyed.

"Come on, tell me."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because, it's embarrassing."

"Oh. Okay." Gon quickly dropped the topic

They went back to watching the movie.

Killua was distracted.

Gon was busy watching the movie from the floor of the bed.

Killua was watching Gon.

He thought for a moment.

"Hey, why haven't you had your heat cycle yet"

Gon wasn't really thinking much "oh I take supplements"


"Yeah I take pills for my heat cycles"

Killua was now angry.

"Hm come to think of it I've been running out do you think you can some more for me the next time your out?"

He grabbed Gon by the neck and dragged him onto the bed.

Killua pinned Gon down.

Gon was struggling.

"what? What's the about?" Gon asked trying to move away from Killua

"We're getting rid of those little pills and no I'm not buying you more"

"What the fuck? What am I supposed to do for my next heat cycle then!" Gon yelled in a panic

Killua held Gon down with one hand, and unzipped his pants with the other.

Gon kept punching Killua's chest

"Answer me!"

Killua didn't reply

Killua was busy trying to remove Gon's clothes
Gon was busy squirming around it made it much harder for Killua to remove his clothes

Killua growled at Gon

Killua pulled down Gon's pants and underwear

Gon was kicking his legs

Killua grabbed Gon's legs and spread them apart

Gon was scared.

Killua had taken Gon's underwear off, and now he was spreading Gon's legs

Killua was looking at Gon's body

Killua was aroused.

Gon was scared.

"What are you going to do to me?!"

Killua didn't answer

Gon was terrified.

Killua was staring at Gon's body

"I'm going to fuck you"

Gon's eyes widened.


Killua leaned forward

"I'm going to make you scream my name"

Gon was shaking.

Killua was leaning down

"I'm going to make you scream in pleasure"

Killua's lips were touching Gon's

Gon was terrified

Killua was kissing Gon's

Gon was struggling.

He was fighting against Killua's kiss

Killua's tongue was inside Gon's mouth

Gon was trying to push Killua away

Killua's tongue was licking the inside of Gon's mouth

Gon was crying

Killua was holding Gon's arms above his head

He was shaking.

Killua was grinding against gon

Gon was crying

Killua was licking and biting Gon's neck

Gon was crying

Killua was grinding his dick against Gon's hole
Gon was crying.

He was scared.

"Please don't do this. Please don't do this. Please don't do this"

Killua ignored Gon.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No"
Gon was begging Killua

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No"
Killua ignored Gon

Killua was positioning himself

Gon watched this all in horror the movie was still playing the the background he quit looking at Killua to watch. This however pissed Killua off even more.

Killua was lining his dick up with Gon's hole

Gon was trying to get away from Killua

"You're drunk! Stop it!"

"In not drunk"

"Yes, you are!"

Killua grabbed Gon's face

"Do I look drunk to you"


"Then, I'm not drunk"

Gon was scared. That meant Killua was funny aware what he was doing and was still going to follow through. Maybe if Killua was drunk Gon could try to forget about this. But now he knows Killua isn't drunk he won't.

"P-please. Don't do this."

Killua ignored Gon

Killua forced himself into Gon's body

At this point Gon was sobbing.

Gon was in pain.

Gon was screaming

Killua was thrusting himself into Gon's body

Killua was fucking Gon

Killua was moaning

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You're so tight!"

Gon stopped fighting by now. He figured it was useless at this point he just stayed still while Killua used him.


Killua was grunting

"F-fuck! You feel so good!"

Killua was fucking Gon

Killua was thrusting his hips

"Fuck! You're so tight!"

It grew too much for gon he began his screaming again

"S-stop! Please! It hurts!"

Killua was fucking Gon

"Stop! It hurts!"

Killua was grunting


Killua was cumming inside of gon


Gon was sobbing

Gon was laying there crying

Gon was breathing heavily

Killua was smiling.

"How was that?"

Gon didn't answer

Killua was kissing Gon

"It was great for me"

Gon didn't respond

Killua was staring at Gon
"Do you wanna go again?"

Gon didn't say anything

Killua was touching Gon's chest

"Come on, you can't tell me that wasn't fun"

Killua was playing with Gon's nipples
"You don't want me to stop do you?"

Gon was breathing heavily

"Well, that's too bad. Because I'm not stopping"
Killua was pinching Gon's nipples

"I'm going to fuck you over and over again. I'm going to make you cum. And, you're going to love every second of it."

Gon was breathing heavily.

"But, don't worry, I won't get you pregnant. I'm not an idiot. I'll use a condom."

Gon was relieved.

"So, let's get started. How about another round?"
Gon was still breathing heavily

"Don't you want to?"

Gon didn't say anything

Killua was grinning.

"Oh, I see. You're scared aren't you? Scared of getting pregnant? Is that why you've been suppressing your heat with those stupid pills?"

Killua  was laughing.

"You're such an idiot."

Gon was confused.

"Why are you laughing?"

Killua was grinning.

"Because, it's obvious."

"What is?"

"You want me. You're just too scared to admit it. That's why you keep taking those stupid pills. That's why you won't let yourself go. That's why you won't enjoy sex with me." Killua was smirking.

"You want me. I can tell."

Gon was confused.

"I don't want you."

"Then, why are you shaking?"

"Because, I'm cold."

"Oh, really? You're cold?"


"then I guess we'll have to warm you right up"
killua tossed Gon over his shoulder and took him into the bathroom

Gon was struggling.

"Let go of me!"

"Shut up!"

Killua was turning on the shower.

"Killua what are you doing!" Gon yelled

Killua didn't say anything.

Killua put Gon down lifting his arms allowing the blanket Gon wrapped around himself to fall to the ground.

"Pervert" Gon spat.

"Get in"


Killua was growling

"Do it, or I'll force you"


Gon got into the shower

The water was hot

"Happy now?!"

"No, not yet."

"Then, what?!"

"Turn around."

"What? Why?!"

"Just do it!"

Gon turned around

Killua was standing there naked.

Gon covered his eyes.

"I can wash myself ya know! I'm not helpless"

"Shut up and hold still."

Killua was rubbing shampoo in Gon's hair

"I don't need you to-"

"I said, hold still."

Gon was annoyed

"You're such a brat you know that Gon"

Gon didn't respond

"Hold still!"

Gon was annoyed

"I can wash myself!"

"You're a child, you can't do anything for yourself"

Gon didn't say anything

Killua was rinsing the shampoo out of Gon's hair
"I can wash my own body"

"Just let me take care of you."

"I don't need you to!"

"Stop arguing!"

Gon was annoyed

"Fine! Then, hurry up and finish!"

"Be patient."


Killua was washing Gon's body

"Are you done yet?"


"Hurry up."

"I'm trying."

"Just get it over with."

Killua was rinsing the soap off of Gon's body.
"There, done." Killua wrapped a towel around Gon. Then he wrapped one over his waist.

"You're so stubborn"

Gon didn't say anything

"What's wrong? You're usually so loud and obnoxious."

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Well, come on. Let's go back to bed."

Gon followed Killua They got into bed.
"Go to sleep."

Gon didn't respond.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes." Gon was laying on the opposite side of the bed far away from Killua

"Good." Killua pulled him closer.

Killua kissed Gon's forehead.

"Now, go to sleep."

Gon rolled his eyes laying his head on Killua's chest

Killua ran his fingers through Gon's hair.

Gon fell asleep.

Killua was looking at the ceiling.

"Why does he make me feel this way?"
Gon woke up the next morning.
He was groggy.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Time to wake up."
Gon was stretching.

"Come on. Get up."

"Mmm, fine."

Gon got out of bed.

"You have any idea what time it is?"


"It's 9:00 am."


Gon went into the bathroom.

Killua was watching the tv

"There's some clothes on the chair."

Gon looked at the clothes

"What the fuck?"


"What's this?"

"What? Oh, those. Those are for you. I got them yesterday while you were sleeping."


"Because, I wanted you to have some clothes that fit."

"These don't fit."

"You're exaggerating. They're fine."

"No, they're not."

"They're not that small"

"Yes, they are."

"They're not. You're just being dramatic."

"I'm not."

"Just put them on."


"Fine. Stay naked then."


"Then, wear the damn clothes."

"They're too small."

"They're not too small."

"They are."

"Just put them on."


"Then, wear my clothes."


"Why not?"

"I don't want to."

"You're such a baby."

"You're the one that kidnapped me."

"Just put the clothes on"

"Fine. Whatever."

Gon got dressed.

He put the shirt on.

The shirt was way too big.

"There. Happy now?"


"Can we eat now?"


"What's for breakfast?"



"Yes. I'm not cooking for you."

"I can cook for myself you can eat your nasty cereal"

Gon went into the kitchen.

He opened the fridge.

"What the fuck? There's nothing in here."

"Yeah, well, I didn't go grocery shopping."

"Well, why didn't you go grocery shopping?"

"Because, I didn't feel like it."

"Ugh, you're such an idiot."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You're an idiot."

"And, what makes me an idiot?"

"You kidnapped me and you haven't even bought any food."

"I don't even cook anyways so why does that matter?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr president I didn't realize you were so high maintenance."

"Fuck off. I'm not high maintenance."

"You're acting like a spoiled brat."

"Well, you're acting like an ungrateful jerk."

"Me? Ungrateful? You kidnapped me!"

"And, I'm treating you nicely."

" you forced yourself on me last night if that's your idea of being nice I would hate to see what your definition is of being mean is"

Killua grabbed Gon's face.

"Listen, brat. I could treat you much worse than I have. So, how about you show a little gratitude. Or, are you too stupid to understand that?"

Gon shoved Killua away from him.

"Fuck you."

Killua pushed Gon up against the fridge.

"Watch your mouth."

"Why don't ya just kick me out if you don't like what I have to say" Gon shrugged

"Because, I'm not letting you leave. Ever."

"Fuck off."

"Make me."

"Fine. If you want to be an ass then go right ahead."

"If you're such a bad boy why don't you make me stop."

"I already did"

Killua slapped Gon across the face.

"Don't back talk me."

"Or, what?"

Killua punched Gon in the stomach.

"I'll make you regret it."

Gon groaned

"What's wrong, Gon? Don't have a snarky remark for me anymore?"

"No. Because, I'm not talking to a spoiled brat."

"You really don't know how to shut your mouth do you?"

"And, you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself."

"You want to repeat that?"

"i gladly will! You don't know how to keep your dirty ass hands to yourself"

Killua was grabbing Gon's hair.

"Don't fuck with me."

"What are you going to do? Hit me again? That's not very original. I can think of much better things for you to do with your hands."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Like touch yourself."


"You know wack the old weiner? Whenever you're feeling horny instead of taking it out on little old me I am a victim!"

"Why would I when I have you"

"You don't "have" me" Gon rolled his eyes

"Keep yapping your little mouth see where that gets ya"

"You're  a creep. Now, if you don't mind, get your hands off me."

Killua was touching Gon's butt.

"How about no."

"How about you stop touching me?"

"How about no."

"Fine, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do?"

"This."Gon kicked Killua between the legs.
Killua screamed.

"You fucking bastard! I'm gonna kill you!"

Killua was charging at Gon.

Gon was running.

Gon was hiding under the table.

"Come out here, asshole!"

"No, thanks. I'm fine right here. Why don't you do us both a favor and go to the grocery store and get us some damn food" Gon peeks his head out, and enraged Killua was searching all over for him.

"Where the fuck are you?"

Gon giggled

"I'm not going to ask you again! Come out!"

Gon was laughing

"You're gonna pay for this."

"Whatever. Just get us some food."

"I don't wanna go get us any fucking food I don't even live here I can just go back home if I want to eat" Killua said referring to the home he has with his fiance who he hadn't seen since the concert
Killua finally found Gon under the table he was fuming

"Come here!"

"No, thanks. I'm good."

"Stop fucking around and get your ass out here."

"I'm not coming out."

"Goddamnit, Gon!"

"Go to the grocery store and buy some food."

"Fine, you little shit."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, come out."

"Okay, but you have to promise not to hit me."

"No, I won't."

"Well, then, I'm not coming out."

"You little son of a bitch."

"oh! How did you know" Gon mocked

"You're really getting on my nerves."

"I know. I can tell."

"How's it feel?"

"Pretty good."

"Get out here."


"Get. Out. Here."

"Make me."

"I swear to God. If you don't get your ass out here, I'm going to throw you out the window."

"Do it. See what happens."

"Fine. You asked for it."

Killua yanked the table away.

"I'll give you two choices. Either, I break your nose, or I shove my fist down your throat. Pick one."

"why would I pick either one? That's insane" Gon scoffed

"Because, you're an idiot."

"Fine. Punch me in the nose."

"Don't tempt me."

"Well, I'm not."

"You sure about that?"

"I'm warning you."

"Warning me?"

"I'm warning you to stop. Or, you'll get more than a broken nose."

"Fine. You know what? Go ahead. Break my nose."

"I warned you."

"Well, I'm not scared of you."

"You should be."

"Just do it."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Warnings are for losers. Come on, big boy. Show me what you've got."

Killua was holding Gon's face

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be."

"Make what harder? You're the one holding my face."

Killua punched Gon in the nose.

"Fuck!" Gon pushed Killua off holding onto his bleeding nose.

"Told you."

Gon was wiping his nose.

"Don't worry. It's not broken."

"How do you know that?"

"Because, I know how hard to hit someone."

"You're a bastard."

"Well, you're not wrong."


Gon was holding his nose.

Killua was sitting on the couch.

"Stop complaining. It's not that bad."

"It is that bad!" Gon was holding a tissue to his nose. The bleeding wouldn't stop

"You're such a baby. You know, sometimes I think you're over reacting."

"Over reacting? You're the one hitting me for no reason."

"no reason? You're the one who hit me first!" Killua laughed

"That was because, you were grabbing my butt. You were the one that started it."

"And, i finished it."


Gon was looking for a trash can.

"Where's the garbage can?"

"In the kitchen."


Gon went to the kitchen.

He was holding the tissue over his nose.

Killua followed Gon.

"Need some help?"

"No. I'm fine."

"You're still bleeding."

"No, shit, sherlock."

"You should clean your nose."

"I was going to."


"Do you have a first aid kit or something?"

"It's in the bathroom. I'll get it."


Killua went into the bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet. He found the first aid kit. He went back to the kitchen.

Gon was holding a towel over his nose.

"Here." Killua handed the kit to Gon.


Gon took out some alcohol wipes and cleaned the blood from his nose.

"There, all clean."

"Good. I was starting to worry about you."

"Pfft lies!"

"I'm serious."


"You should have let me take care of that."

"What, are you a doctor or something?"

"No, but I do know how to clean a bloody nose."

"May I remind you, that you're the one who caused this? I can handle it myself Killua" Gon pointed at his still bleeding nose

"Whatever you say I'm going out I'll be back"

"Where are you going?"

"My family wants to have a talk with me so I'll probably be gone for a while" Killua put his shoes on.

"About what?"

"None of your business. Be a good boy while I'm gone."

"Shut up. I'll be fine."


Killua was leaving.

"Don't forget the food."

"I'm not bringing any."

"What the fuck?"

"Order some pizza or something" Killua took out his wallet pulling out some cash. Gon noticed Killua's wallet was filled with a bunch of hundreds.

"Here's some money."

"I'm not taking your money"

"Don't worry about it. It's not mine. It's Illumi's."


"My brother."

"Oh, so you stole from your brother? Here I thought you couldn't get any lower"

"Well, actually, he gave it to me. But, that's besides the point. Just take it."

"No. I'm not taking his money."

"Goddamnit, Gon. Take the fucking money."


"Goddamnit. Are you always this stubborn?"

"No, only around spoiled brats."

"Goddamnit, Gon. Just take the money I have to go!"

"Fine, but don't expect me to be happy about it."



Killua left.

"Fucking idiot." Gon muttered.

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