Loving all your damaged parts

By Danielle839192

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I sat down on the train in my usual compartment waiting for my Platinum blonde haired gray eyed boy. It's our... More

1|the beginning of me
2| train ride
3| opinion
4| Finally back at Hogwarts again
6| love in the air

5| Can't sleep

1 0 0
By Danielle839192

(Isabella's pov)

Narrator: They got to the Slytherin common room and opened the door. When they walked in Ambarella looked around at the room. She was amazed at how beautiful the room was for being in the dungeons. Isabella starts to talk to Ambarella.

So Ambarella what do you think of our common room.

Ambarella: For being in the dungeons it's amazing and beautiful.

That's what I thought the first time I saw it.

Pansy: Hey Ambarella come with me and I will show you to our room.

  Goyle: Pansy don't be rude. Isabella was talking to Ambarella. You need to say excuse me and then wait until it's your turn to talk. I know you've always had a hard time with waiting your turn for anything but it's rude to interrupt a conversation someone is having with someone else.

  Pansy: Oh I'm sorry Izzy and Ambarella for interrupting your guises conversation. From a young kid to now I've had a hard time with being patient and waiting.

  Narrator: Isabella and Ambarella say at the same time thats it's ok. Ambarella said I would love to see our room. Pansy said are you coming with us Izzy. Isabella says I will be there in a minute pansy. Pansy said ok see you then. Pansy said good night to the guys and then she walked by Goyle she gave him a kiss good night then her and Ambarella walked to their room. Goyle and Crabbe said good night to Draco and Isabella then went to their room. The rest of the Slytherin students were all ready in there rooms for the night. That meant that Isabella and Draco were the only two left in the common room. Draco walked over to Isabella and grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to him.

Draco: My little angel here we are again another year of me letting you know that I'm here for you if you have one of those nightmares that you have about your father. You know that you mean the world to me and I would do anything to make you feel safe and protected. I love you my little angel. I have always loved you.

  Narrator: Isabella said you don't have to keep telling me each year that you're here for me because I already know that. By the way I love you too and always have. Draco just stood there looking at her. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at her then they kissed. They stood there kissing for about five minutes then they pulled away from each other and Isabella said I should be going to bed. Draco said good night and gave her one last kiss. They went to their rooms. When Isabella got to her room pansy and Ambarella were already in their pajamas and were brushing their teeth. She got her pajamas out of her luggage and put them on then she went to brush her teeth. When she was done brushing her teeth she went to her bed and got in it and said good night to pansy and Ambarella. They said good night to her and went to bed. Isabella lay there in her bed thinking about Draco and how happy she was to finally have him as her boyfriend. She was having a hard time falling asleep but she finally fell asleep. In Draco's room Crabbe and Goyle were sleeping but Draco couldn't sleep he was just laying there thinking about Isabella and that he wished that he could get her to say something to Dumbledore about how her stepfather treats her. He doesn't like to see her hurt or scared. He loves her so much that he would like to marry her and have kids with her one day but he is afraid that if she stays in that house with her stepfather he will never get that chance because he might hurt her so bad that she would die. He just wants to protect her but sometimes she won't let him because she thinks it's her job to protect herself but he tries to tell her that she doesn't need to do this on her own. He is also thinking about Ambarella and how he called her pretty. As of today he has Isabella as his girlfriend so he has no idea why he called Ambarella pretty. It was like when he saw her he lost all his thoughts and emotions. She made him feel like he had known her his whole life. He actually felt like he was with another version of Isabella but just a little taller. He was wearing himself about it to the point where he could lay there in bed anymore so he got up and went out of his room and to the common room. He sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone. One thing that always helps him is listening to his favorite song 505 by Arctic Monkeys. Back in Isabella's room she was having the same nightmare she always has about her stepfather hurting her. It always started out with him hitting her or beating her with his belt then he would grab her and throw her really hard at her bed. When she was on her bed he then would come stand close to the bed and his legs would be touching her legs. It was like he was going to do but Isabella would always wake up before he could do anything else to her. Isabella wakes up screaming like she always does. Pansy is so used to it that she doesn't wake up anymore. She just sleeps through it but Ambarella has no clue what is going on when she gets woken up by Isabella screaming. Ambarella asks Isabella what is wrong and she says sorry I forgot to tell you that sometimes I have nightmares and wake up screaming but I'm fine. Please don't worry about me and just go back to sleep. Ambarella says are you sure you're fine. Isabella said yes and Ambarella said ok and went back to sleep. Though this time Isabella wasn't sure if saying I'm fine after having that dream was the right thing to say to Ambarella but she thought Ambarella didn't need to know about how her stepfather treated her and the nightmare she has about him at least not yet but one day when she gets to know her better she will tell her. She doesn't want to scare her new friend and have another person worrying about her. She is thinking about the dream again. She is scared more than she's ever been about the dream because this time instead of him just standing there with his legs touching hers and him looking down at her. He had bent down over her with one hand on either side of her and started to say I guess I really need to teach you how to but before he could finish what he was saying that's when Isabella woke up screaming. This time the dream scared her to the point that she was afraid to say anything to her friends. She also knew she couldn't go back to sleep with out telling someone about the dream. She decided to get up and go to Draco room so she could tell him about it and then lay there in his bed wrapped up in his arms. She leaves her room and when she gets close to the common room she hears some singing. She walks closer to the room and sees Draco sitting on one of the couches. She walks over quietly and stands behind him and listens to him sing for a second before she says.

  That's a beautiful song you're singing.

Narrator: Draco jumps and looks to see who said that and sees Isabella standing there.

  Draco: Isabella don't do that. You scared me.

  I'm sorry my lonely eyes. I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing up.

Draco: I couldn't sleep.

What's going on.

Draco: Nothing is going on. I just couldn't sleep.

Stop lying to me Draco. I know you better than that so tell me why you are up.

Draco: You know I hate how you always know when I'm lying to you. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you and how I wish you would just tell Dumbledore about the way your stepfather treats you. Izzy I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I know you always tell me that you're fine and you can take care of this on your own but I just can't help but worry about you.

Draco I love how much you care about me but you need to stop worrying so much. I know this is not what you want to hear but I'm going to be Alright. I'm a lot stronger person now than I was when I was younger. I won't let anything severe happen to me with my stepfather. Trust me I know what I'm doing. I want you to know that if I need your help I will ask for it.

Narrator: Isabella walks around to the other side of the couch and sits down next to Draco. She says Draco came here and she wraps him up in her arms. Letting him know that she will be fine and that she loves how he cares so dearly for her. She said so what was that song you were listening to when I came into the room.

Draco: He moves away from her and grabs his phone off the table. He says it's 505 by Arctic Monkeys.

Give me one of your earbuds so I can listen to it with you please.

Draco: Ok here you go my little angel.

Narrator: Draco starts the song over again. He sits back on the couch and pulls Isabella into his arms. He kisses her on her forehead and they sit there listening to the song. Draco starts singing the song to Isabella.

  Draco: I'm going back to 505 If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side With your hands between your thighs Stop and wait a sec When you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect?
I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck Or I did last time I checked Not shy of a spark The knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark Frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark The middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start I'm going back to 505 If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side With your hands between your thighs
But I crumble completely when you cry It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
I'm always just about to go and spoil the surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon
I'm going back to 505 If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side With your hands between your thighs and a smile. I love this song Izzy because it makes me think of you. I like how it says I'm going back to 505 if it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive. He's like it doesn't matter how long it takes I will be there for you. Wait a second. Izzy why were you coming into the common room for.

  Oh that's not important right now. I would like to just sit here in your arms.

  Draco: No Izzy you can't tell me not to lie to you then say that the reason you are awake right now isn't important. Let me guess you had the nightmare about your stepfather again.

  I did have the nightmare again but I'm fine now that I'm here with you.

Draco: I love you. I would like to hear about it. You know you can talk to me about it.

  I love you too. The nightmare started out like it always does. He was yelling at me and he beat me with his belt. I started crying and he yelled if you're going to cry like that then here and he slapped me across the face. He then threw me really hard at my bed but this time he wasn't just standing there with his legs touching mine and looking down at me. This time he had bent down over me with one hand on either side of me and started to say I guess I really need to teach you how to but before he could finish what he was saying that's when I woke up screaming. Pansy is so use to me screaming now that she doesn't even wake up anymore but Ambarella woke up. I guess I forgot to worn her about my nightmares and how I wake up screaming. I didn't think she needed to know anything about the nightmare. Will at least not yet so I just told her I was fine. To be honest with you I'm scared more now than I've ever been before about this damn nightmare. I'm afraid to go back to sleep because what if I have the nightmare again but this time it starts where he is standing bent over me. I don't want to find out what he was going to say.

Draco: Thank for telling me. You may not want to hear this but I really think you need to get help from Dumbledore. If you still aren't ready to get his help then just know I will always be here for you to talk to about this nightmare.

Thank you my lonely eyes for being so supportive of me and my choices with the nightmare and with me handling the situation with my stepfather. You are the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for.

Draco: You're welcome my little angel. Would you like to lay with me in my bed tonight so you can get some sleep.

You just read my mind. I would love to lay in your bed with you.

Narrator: Draco said will come here my little angel and pick up Isabella in his arms and carried her to his room. When he got to his room he laid her down in his bed and then laid down next to her. He looked over at her and gave her a kiss on her forehead then grabbed her and held her in his arms.

Word count 2466

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