π‡πˆπƒπ„ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π’π„π„πŠ ✩ 𝐚...

By insipidcoffee

299 15 0


π—›π—œπ——π—˜ 𝗔𝗑𝗗 π—¦π—˜π—˜π—ž
I. To my past, from your future
II. A Pain In Your Head
III. From a life, not so vivid

IV. Shitty eyebrows

11 1 0
By insipidcoffee

" Your reptile titan is designed specifically as a chameleon and obviously it has a quality of that same animal. Ten meters tongue, it can take a crowd of people, approximately more than fifty with just one swipe. It has spikes, but it can be deactivated when it's not to be necessarily used. During the mission, you're not going to kill them quick, I don't find you as the blood lust type but just in case, it's necessary to store them in the bowel of the titan. Only use it when it's for a last resort situation, though I doubt that would happen. "

" Next, is the tail. Similar qualities of the tongue though the difference is that it is shorter and much more complex to control. You'll train though and also, no spikes. " He paused and clicked a button in his remote, the large hologram T.V. moving on to the next slide.

" This one is what I'm proud of the most—the camouflaging ability. Your brain will be connected to the titan's brain itself, and that's where you'll be able to control the color of the titan. Similar to a chameleon, the layers beneath the outer layer have extraordinary cells that's responsible for the changing of pigment. It will be your brain's duty to manipulate that change. But, where's the fun if it's only the change of colors, right? " He grinned at his work, looking so proud and prideful.

" If your brain has the picture of the place you are currently in, your titan will be able to camouflage in that particular place. It's worked by holograms surrounding the titan. Must I warn you that doing such thing will be hard though. Especially with the complexities of buildings and surroundingsb, you'll have to get well acquainted with all the places you'll be walking through..."

Silence, he's looking through his tablet, before eyes fixated on your. " Which means you have to train together with your stealth for the use of it. "

" Okay...but do I have to use it the whole time? "

" Of course not, only when it's necessary. Like a surprise attack or something. Your main mission is to capture as much as people as you can, and kill them with the machine inside the titan upon my orders. So, during the major attack, your heart will be the only one connected to the titan, not your brain."

" And also, your titan will only have the one to have multiple cameras to see the full view of your surroundings. "

" Why is that? "

" Because I want your titan to be as similar as a chameleon, [Name]. " His words, were uttered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And it really was. Steps were calculated, as he walked down the few stairs of the stage. The table was a thick line that separated you from him and yet, he leaned in, whispered into your ear. Why only my titan? Was the right question. And he seemed to catch on with that very well.

" Feel special, [Name]. Your titan is one of the best e creation that I've made. Just for you. Only you. "

As if his words could reassure you.

You've got four people inside the bowel of your titan, and from there, from the view you were getting in your camera, they were trying their best to avoid the sharp edges the stomach have. You weren't trying to murder them by any means. You reassured through the microphone you have extending to the speakers inside that it was just for some reason, the killing spikes—the spikes that were responsible for the death of millions of people—you couldn't remove them. The button that was supposed to back them up from the skin wasn't working no matter how many times you pounded your finger against the button.

Upon the sight of it, the four titan shifters were ready to blow your titan's stomach. They didn't trust you, at least your titan perhaps, enough that they were ready to draw blood and transform and escape your monstrosity. You reassured them though, again, just a little malfunction.

" Hang for a little longer if you don't want don't those scouts to catch you! Consider this as something that you owe me from! "

They be damned that they're barely hanging with your enormous spikes. You warned them not to touch it so much though, said that it could drill their body into shreds that it made Eren stop his curses towards the other three. They were fighting a lot alright, hearing about the things related to this person, 'Krista' or whatever.  You had nothing to do with it anyway but would it harm if you eavesdrop a little? Curiosity kills the cat they say, but you saw yourself as a chameleon. You could stay silent and stealth, morph with your surroundings and no one would see you and acknowledge. Something that you have to train for, for years. As long as you weren't the topic, someone to be concerned about in their conversation, you could stay silent.

" Blonde and blue eyes? Small and...cute? " You spoke through the microphone and seeing Reiner nod was what you needed. The plan was simple, lure them through the forest until you could find that one girl they were so desperate to take a grasp on. Apparently, she was a royal blood. Reiner have briefly explained to you that she shared the blood of the founding titan. You didn't get it that much, but you were starting to catch on. Only brief explainations were given to you from them, but mostly Reiner. He said that he wanted to give everything that you needed to ask for once you were alone together with Bertolt, after this escape was finished. As much as you were itching to know, it felt it was needed to be kept only between the three of you.

From your memories, it seemed like only you and the two were close unlike the other two.

You were starting to see horses with the scouts on your trail. Finally, they've caught on.

You controlled the titan's tongue to hang in the the trees, but made sure that the branches that you were grasping on was thick enough to keep you away from falling. This trees were strong enough than what you expected it to be, given the strength your titan had. You checked the cameras and on the side of your little pod full of buttons and control levers and such — noticing that out of all the five screens, only two were now only working. It was three seconds ago, on the front of the titan, the back, and the one for where the four was hidden. The frontal camera just have to shut down, huh?

But that didn't matter, your workspace wasn't hidden from sight, it was covered in completely see through glass so you could, still. The only difference is that the frontal camera could give you a wide view for everything in your front, but with your own vision, it was limited. You jumped down effortlessly on the ground and used the four legs of the titan to run. Glancing at the camera for the back, you could see a hoard of scouts.

They were scouts, responsible for eliminating titans outside the walls and titan research as Reiner have explained. 

You squinted your eyes better at the camera to try and catch any glimpse of a blonde girl, a cute one at that. But they were stood a few couple of bad feet away from you that your left eye couldn't see clearly. Curse your right eyeball for being plunged out, your left one could be no use of it was going to start blurring your vision soon.

You continued to run though, the sight of light, the exit of the forest was coming into view. You paid no mind to the hooded people attacking the outer body of your titan. Funny that they were attacking your neck. You wanted to shout at them that it was no use even if they continue to do that, even for a hundred times. Did they not know that you were connected to the heart of the titan? Of course they didn't, they were ignorant when it came to your—

" [Name]! " You looked up and noticed that the blondie who helped you was flying through tree from tree, following your movements. Your titan wasn't exactly quick with its feet, it could run but you have to slow down for moments because it was heavy. You were connected with the heart afterall, you could feel tired too. Like a normal human when running too much, their heart pounded against their chest at a fast rate. Exactly what you were feeling right now. Despite being on this titan countless times during training, you could never get used to the feeling your heart beating open from your chest. It was weird and uncomfortable, you had to stop your impulsive thoughts to squeeze your heart out and find what it would feel.

" Is Eren with you?! Where is Reiner?! Bertolt and Ymir?! "

" They're inside me. "  Oh how it would be easy to tell them that. But then again, that would be turning your back from the three shifters, who were two, still have yet to confirm,  were your friends. Childhood friends. Whoever you were for them. Yeah, it's either they were delusional or you were forgetting something important.

You hoped it was the former.

" [Name]! " You ignored the blond male and continued on your feet, while checking the camera for a specific blonde. Miraculously, just when you thought that you wouldn't get to find her and was already thinking of the ways Reiner could beat the shit or potentially kill you—it wasn't like you were going to let him do it if ever that he would but then again—he was a murderer like you, wasn't he? A traitor as what Eren pointed out. He said that you were one too, with such hatred that he could try to kill you with just a stare.

So be it, a traitor to a traitor. Would he kill you?

You chuckled at the thought. What were you thinking so far from the present.

You stopped on your feet and have done a turn, stopping in front of the large group of scouts. They stopped too, and the eerie silence was there as your titan stared at them down. You were staring at them down, with them unknowing of your next move. But you knew what you were going to, they couldn't read your thoughts, neither can you but you could the read their faces. From your view up here, their faces might not be clear but you knew they were frightened. These were the same expression the people had when they found you were their doom.

From the hands of the titan, your monster.

You waited a second and made sure they weren't going to do anything dirty. When they didn't even move from their fear, you opened the mouth and focused on one girl. Doe eyes finding your sitting form behind the eye, that was you signal. Slip the titan's tongue out, made sure the spikes weren't there, and took the girl out of her horse. Quick to slip her inside of the mouth. She didn't even had the chance to scream with how quick your actions were.

You didn't waste any time and turned around, ready to pounce the the ground and continue with your journey outside the forest—but.

But...! But.

There was an ache in your chest.

You stared down at the pain, a confused look settling in your before it morphed into dread. The muscle that connected you through the heart of the titan was thinning off, and that meant—

Your eyes drifted to the glass of the eye and saw the raven haired girl that saved you who had the most murderous glint in her eyes.

You choked, feeling the lost of air from your lungs.

But that wasn't enough to kill you right here. You refused to die here, even if it was temporary, no, you weren't going to lose from a mere devil.

" If ever that the weakest part of the reptile titan is torn, the heart, that is, the titan itself can still function via brain. Though, it wouldn't be as strong enough as what the heart could do. "

You avoided the girl's attack and turned fully and continued to run, even when she caught on with your pace, you used the tail to flicker it wildly in the air, and pressed a button, that caused spikes to surround them between the front legs where your heart was located inside. Even without any view from down there, there was no way that she could blade your heart with these killer spikes.

And indeed she didn't, now that you were bound outside the forest and now through the wide field, though they were still on your tail.

" So what's next? "  You spoke through the microphone, knowing that it echoed inside your chambers. You didn't exactly have gotten the full information you wanted from Reiner. Regarding with the plan of course, the truth about the you in this time was yet to be unraveled. After this plan turns out to be a success, he said. He needed your help first and you hoped that he'd be willing enough to give you everything you wanted to know with all of these things that you have been doing for them.

" Just head straight! "

And oh, just for a moment, you blocked everything that was deemed mission for you. What surrounded you were something that you couldn't get to see back in your home. From the canvas of the sky that the heavenly bodies above have so freely painted. A mess of yellow, purple, and white. A mess yet something that still could seen be as art. From the way that the sun was waving you goodbye, its rays searing through the glass of the eye of your titan. You would have hissed with the way it stung your eyes but did it matter when it was the first time in years that you've got to feel like this?

Running. Running away, trying to set yourself free...from anything.

And from anyone.

Without any care in the world, without any care of what lies behind the careless euphoria that was there but you tried to feel it anyway. It was something innocent, a childish feeling and memory that you only get to take a glimpse of for quite a while.

But then, the reminder of you were running away from something. From someone, because you did something outrageous or you were caught in something was taken a mind of.

Putting the blonde girl inside a small pod and letting her inside the chamber of the titan, connected from the inside of the titan's mouth, you followed the order, something that you have been doing years now, ever since stepping in that so called project that the only goal was to exterminate half of human population.

You didn't listen to the commotion happening inside the chamber of the titan. It was something that you needn't to be concerned about anyway, it didn't regard you, you weren't part of it, and it didnt interest you...well, a little it did. But yes, you didn't want to ponder about their talks for long. Merely, you were far more concerned with the the hoard of scouts still on your tail, and with the the feeling on intense heat radiating around you. You already turned the cooler button on maximum but no matter, the temperature just kept on going higher and higher.

Understandable though.

The reptile titan wasn't made for running, and to mention that the raven haired girl pierced a part of your titan's heart and your own heart. What an unfortunate day for you, because the fact that your artificial heart would not regenerate when you're still inside your titan—it was shitty that your breathing was becoming ragged. Your right ventricle was definitely the one hit on this one.

It seemed though that you weren't just the one feeling the heat radiating, because through the speakers inside your pod, you could hear Ymir's voice shouting, a little nervous with her tone.

" Are you trying to kill us here, [Name]?! "

You wiped a bead of sweat falling down the side your face and a nervous grin displayed your teeth. You turned to the cooler button once more and pressed it with intensity that it could just break there, but to no avail, it did nothing. The heat was becoming unbearable for you all. Even Eren's passed out form had his eyebrows furrowing because of it. If you kept being inside the titan for a few more minutes, you'd definitely be an overcooked fried chickens soon.

" Plan B, Reiner? " 

Reiner was quick to create one, and in no time, Reiner and Ymir were creeping through the throat of you titan and once on your mouth, you wrapped them around the titan's tongue and throw them through the air, far enough that it wouldn't cause any damage to you. This caused your titan to slow down on its feet yet the rise of temperature did not cease, by now you were trying to control your breath. There were already a few scouts nearing your tail literally, in some seconds they'd reach the titan's body soon and to its eye.

What? The raven haired girl was going to pierce through it and kill you?

You huffed at the slight definite possibility. But hey, if you played your cards right, the possibility would go lower.

But damn, the power that girl held shivered up your spine, not even the well-trained agents in the organization could rival her immense strength.

Bertolt was the next one to creep through the throat, and he used his gear to maneuver to Reiner's titan with Ymir's hanging on his right shoulder. By the time that it was Krista's (Historia?) turn, there was one scout on top of your titan's body. It was harder to get her out. She tried to escape when you put her out of her pod, now insidet the titan's opened mouth, wrapped around the tongue. She squirmed around and you were having a hard time 

" Stop moving! "  The way that you could hear machines clanking inside your titan, the unbearable heat, and the shaky distorted voice that wasn't meant for the titan to have—told you that it was going to self destruct in a few more moments. The voice did help making the girl stop with her movements.

You took that opportunity to swing her towards the awaiting arm of Ymir's titan.

You were panting by now, the temperature was getting too much through you that you could get compared to a fucking dog in heat. Your eyes were half lidded and sweat showered your whole body, clothes were heating up and you were conscious that you were going to end up outside the titan naked if ever that the hotness was going to set your clothes on fire.

You tried to remain calm though, huffing through your mouth and trying to take an eye of the scout that managed to catch up with you. You glanced at the screens and noticed that each weren't working now, instead they were replaced with a warning sign and the annoying repetitive sound of warning warning warning  was blowing your ears out.

You stared right ahead of you, and noticed that the protective glass around the eye had been becoming blurry with the heat, a few droplets of water formed around its surface. That was a complete disadvantage, knowing that you couldn't exactly see what was before you, but with the large blurry forms ahead, you were still a couple of feet near them. You picked up the pace and when you were just a jump away from Ymir's titan, you pressed the button responsible for opening the glass in front of you.

It was agonizingly slow that you have to push the tit in order to pace it faster and when it was open enough for you to fit through—you saw the flash of blue orbs.

You stared right down where the blond male's blade speared through your body. Your artificial heart was being torn, quite literally by this man. He looked to be no where near on removing his blade. You could only stare right through him with shocked eyes, sputtering blood out from your parted lips. You definitely looked shitty right now, did you look like it?

" Damn you. " You managed to croak out from your bloodied mouth. Fucking damn. Just as you were ready to jump and be in the hands of Ymir's titan.

Yet again, your vision was going blurry. Just how many times would you have to go unconscious?

The man's shitty eyebrows ( the only thing that you could think of as an insult) was the last thing you could see of before you passed out, having no air to breath.

Wakes up. Passes out. Wakes up. Passes out. Wakes up. Passes out. = literally [Name]

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