"Blood, Honor, and Family: Th...

By Ramirez_067

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"Blood, Honor, and Family: The Luciano Code" follows the story of Alex Luciano, a young man living in Japan w... More

Chapter 1: The Tutor
Chapter 3: The Falco Family

Chapter 2: The Unexpected Guardian's

2 0 0
By Ramirez_067

It was just another ordinary day at school for Alex Luciano. He was sitting in class, daydreaming and doodling in his notebook when suddenly the door burst open. In walked a boy with spiky black hair and sharp eyes that seemed to size up the room in an instant. His gaze landed on Alex and his expression softened, but only slightly.

"Excuse me, may I speak with Alex Luciano for a moment?" he asked the teacher.

Alex felt a shiver run down his spine. There was something about this boy that made him uneasy, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He nervously stood up and made his way to the front of the classroom.

The boy extended his hand. "My name is Hayato Kanzaki. I'm here to be your Storm Guardian."

"My what?" Alex asked, confused. and surprised

"I'm gonna be your Storm Guardian," Hayato repeated. "I was sent by the boss of the Luciano family to protect you and train you in the ways of the mafia."

Alex's heart sank. He had been hoping that his family's involvement in the mafia was just a rumor, but now it seemed all too real. And to make matters worse, he had no idea who this Hayato guy was or what he was talking about.

"I don't understand," Alex said, feeling more than a little overwhelmed.

Hayato's expression softened. "I know this is a lot to take in, but trust me, I'm here to help you. You have a special role to play in the Luciano family, and it's my job to make sure you're ready for it."

alex was shocked but he felt somewhat at ease " You too" and everyone around him started yelling and asking why the hot Italian was talking to a no-good guy like Alex Luciano but they shrugged it and class went back to normal. And once school ended both Alex and Hayato walked down the street they spotted a group of guys hanging out near a convenience store. One of them, holding a baseball bat, was shouting at someone inside the store.

"What's going on over there?" Hayate asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I don't know, but let's go check it out," Alex said, his instincts kicking in.

As they got closer, they saw that the guy with the baseball bat was Angelo, another student from their school. He was arguing with the store owner, accusing him of overcharging for a bag of chips.

"Hey, Angelo, what's going on?" Alex asked, stepping forward.

Angelo turned to face them, his expression softening when he saw who it was.

"Oh, hey Alex, Hayate," he said, lowering his bat. "I'm just having a little dispute with this guy over here."

Alex looked at the bag of chips in question and saw that it was indeed priced higher than usual. He pulled out his wallet and handed Angelo the extra money.

"Here, let's just pay for it and go," he said, trying to defuse the situation.

Angelo nodded, taking the money from Alex and paying the store owner. As they walked away, Hayate turned to Angelo.

"Hey, man, that was a pretty cool move with the bat," he said, grinning.

Angelo smiled back, twirling the bat around in his hand.

"Thanks, I've been practicing," he said.

''Your welcome" Alex replied

''We should get going " Hayato told Alex and he nodded yes and then turned his head to Angelo

''would you like to come with us " Alex said

''can I really'' asked Angelo and Alex nodded yes and they walked together and separated once they got near their own respective homes. but Alex followed Angelo to his home to ask him a question

''Angelo I got a question for you " said Alex

'' sure what's up '' replied Angelo

" would you like to be my rain guardian '' said Alex

Angelo looked all confused by what Alex just asked but he saw how serious his friend's expression was.

''sure but can you tell me what a rain guardian does '' Angelo asked

''You know when the time comes but you won't regret your decision i will tell you that '' said Alex

both Angelo and Alex laughed and smiled and said their goodbyes.

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