Renewed Passion (Completed)

By writerlove03

12.8K 1.3K 785

One fateful night that is all it takes. Icy roads and a blown tire causing events to tear down the happiness... More

Disclaimer & Author Notes
1. Is A Part
2. Winning Champ
3. Flip The Buns
4. Milkshake Machine
5. Invisible Ghost
6. The Stove
7. Weclome To
8. Days
9. The Park
10. Wedding
11. Phone Buzzes
12. Changed
13. Beyond Happy
14. Caramel
15. Socks
16. Bicycles
17. Toy Trucks
18. Just Pout
19. Bobble Head
20. Children
21. Milliseconds
22. Tantrum
23. Witty Remarks
24. Memories
25. Dinner
26. Flying Ball
27. Like Old Times
28. Popcorn
29. Company
30. Loose You Again
31. Broken
32. A Stud
33. The Walk
34. Brightens
35. Make Food
36. Tenderly
37. Joys Of Vacation
38. Lunch
39. Handmade
40. Mini
41. Rolly Bolly
42. Disco Ball
43. Tap On The Window
44. Giant Animal
45. Back
47. Toy Ring
48. A Cape
49. Very Prestine
50. Humorless Laugh
51. Heart Patters
52. Other Than
53. Cake
54. Computer
55. Old Oak
56. Something Blue
57. Pineapple Milkshake
58. Epic
59. Bride
60. Years
61. Unhealthy Foods

46. Raccoon

157 17 8
By writerlove03

With a mixing sponge in hand, I try to blend the makeup on my face. I pat, beat, and spin the sponge.

A loud 'Aah' huff comes from my mouth. I lean my head back and sigh as my shoulders slump.

Four days has passed since we got back from vacation and today I am cooking within the kitchen as it is Terry's day off. I am supposed to be at the diner in fifeteen minutes but it still looks like I got raccoon eyes.

The lack of sleep is troublesome.

One week solid of sleeping with Erik next to me and I am addicted. It is like my body just will not let sleep come as the bed is cold next to me. Sure, we didn't sleep much but the sleep we got laying together was the best I have ever had in my entire life. Every morning I felt rejuenated and ready even if we only got four or five hours of sleep.

A knock sounds on my bedroom door. "It's open Sammy." I call out and he slowly opens the door to pop his head through and I laugh at his antics this morning.

"What was the exaggerated sigh for?" He smiles then frowns looking at my face before laughing.

"Har. Har." I put the sponge down and tickle his sides.

"Mama you look like you done went and hit the door knob twice then decided to go painting your face." Samuel snickers.

I shake my head with a smile while picking the sponge back up.

"You never had problems with your makeup before." He tilts his head and looks at the counter top with my makeup laid out.

"I hadn't realized I was out of the bottle of concealer I normally use since I stopped using so much lately. So all that is left is this one and I had brought the wrong tone." I sigh.

"Is that the empty bottle?" He points and I nod.

Samuel picks it up and turns it over. Tapping it on the counter top but I get focus back on trying to fix this but it is no use, so I get a remover pad and start to remove it.

"Here." Samuel holds the cap to me. "I don't know it is enough but tapping it got this out."

"Thank you so much Sammy." I smile and see it just enough. I apply it as Samuel watches with interest. "All done."

I had stopped using it so much letting the scar show since that is the reason why I use to hide it. Erik though has helped to calm what I think of it and the looks people give me when seeing the pink line doesn't bother me anymore.

Samuel and I make it to the Diner and I unlock the door. "I am going to be right here."

"Okay, Sammy." I kiss his head then put on an apron after washing my hands.

I start heating the stove I pick to use and pulling out some of the normal things used everyday to prep for use.

"Morning." Kate smiles. "I will get the front ready."

"Thanks." I nod and then Mason comes in smiling with a morning greeting. I hear as each of them greet Samuel before going to the front.

The day starts and I work on the morning orders.

"Anything I can do?" Samuel speaks up behind me as I take some buns off the stove from toasting.

"Nope." I smile over to him.

He sighs. "When can I start helping?"

"You still got years left." I laugh at his frown.

"I need help though." Erik's head pops from the door. "Kate motioned that I could come back here."

"Of course you can." I smile and Samuel walks over to stand by him.

"What can I help you with?" Samuel bounces.

"I need to see if the things I added to the game will be to your approval." Erik smiles.

"Can I go with Erik, Mama?"

"Sure and you don't have to get my permission, just let me know before leaving with Erik." I smile and walk over kissing the top of his head.

"We will be back this evening." Erik smiles and leans towards me since Samuel went to the office.

I kiss him quickly and then move back to the stove. "Have fun." I smile and he nods.

I watch as they leave and then turn back to work. As the food cooks, I make some extra sides at times to plate some food on the side for myself during a seconds break. The day passes by in a blur as tickets keep coming.

"Last two of the night." Erik's voice startles me as I been swaying to the music. He laughs as I turn.

"And what would the order be?" I smile.

"One chicken platter for our son and then I would like to try out that steak and onion plate."

"Sides?" I smirk.

"Surprise me."

"Got it." I nod and then get to cooking their food since I was putting the clean dishes from the dishwasher up.

The food is cooked and I take it to the front myself. "Here you are." I smile and sit with Samuel as he leans his head on my arm a moment before digging into his food.

"You're not eating?" Erik frowns.

I shake my head lightly and shrug. "I am not hungry right now but I have ate through the day making extra sides or like the one customer that I cooked a burger for left before the plate went out so I ate that for lunch."

Samuel finishes and Kate calls him over as she has another issue with her phone.

"How was your day with Samuel?"

"It was very fun. He approved the ways I added to the game." Erik chuckles. "You look exhausted."

"I am." I nod and notice he has dark circles under his eyes. "You look it as well."

"Sleep has been hard to find." He gives a tight smile.

"Same and I feel like I can't get a good nights sleep without you by me."

"Yeah." He smiles and nods. "My mind has been thinking the same."

"We close up in ten come home with us?"

"Sure." He smiles and I take Samuel's plate washing it when Erik joins me.

The Diner is clean and locked up, Erik follows us to the house in his truck. Once inside, we all enjoy some ice cream before going to bed. I close Samuel's door and walk to my room, I change into pajamas and climb in bed with Erik.

His arms wrap around me as he holds me tight. A soft happy sigh comes from the both of us while drifting slowly to sleep.

"Move in with us?" The words flow from my mouth without a thought.

"I would love too." His reply comes quick and he leans up as I turn over to kiss me once tenderly before we settle back into the mattress him holding me tight from behind.

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