Sweater Weather ๛ Edward Cull...

By NovaWayne

130K 4.3K 559

sᴡᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ 𖦆 Devon is often described as a problem boy. He always gets hit in the face and has a folde... More

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2.4K 75 15
By NovaWayne

୨ ♡ ୧

Devon arrived at the Cullen residence with a sense of foreboding, especially after Bella and Edward left together the way they did. Should he have gone with them?

He didn't dwell on it much when he received a call from his mother. Devon was in the living room, waiting to see what would happen next, but he answered the call.


"Dev?," her voice sounded concerned. "I'm so sorry. Do you know what happened to Bella?"

Devon had to think quickly.

"I... I'm sorry, Mom," he sounded slightly nervous. "The truth is, at the last minute, Ronan and I decided to go somewhere else and didn't join the others for baseball. Is she okay?"

"Oh..." there was a moment of silence. "It seems Bella and Edward had a fight, and she said horrible things to Charlie when she got home. It looks like she wants to go with her mother and drive through the night. Can you talk to her? Charlie is really worried, and he's afraid something might happen if she drives all night."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll call her and ask her to wait for me so I can go with her," he spoke in a low voice. "I'm sorry to hear about Charlie, but I'll try to talk some sense into Bella."

"Thank you, dear," she knew her words had brought a small smile to her son's face. "And I'm sorry for ruining your night."

Devon smiled.

"Don't worry about that. I'll call you when I'm with Bella."

The call ended, and Devon looked at Ronan, who was by his side.

"Bella will be fine," Ronan reassured him. "We'll take care of her."

Devon shook his head.

"It's actually Charlie I'm worried about. My mom said he was really upset after what she told him. Whatever the situation, I don't think Charlie deserved to hear something bad."

Ronan took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Not long after, Edward and Bella arrived just as Laurent, the vampire they had seen before, was leaving. It was time to come up with a plan.

They decided that Bella would go with Alice and Jasper, but Devon volunteered to go with them to protect her and prevent Amy and Charlie from being more worried. If they knew he was with her, at least they wouldn't lose their heads.

And so it was. It was a brief farewell, but not before hearing Rosalie's complaints as she clearly disliked Isabella and didn't want to help her. Carlisle intervened, calming the situation.

Then the four set off for Phoenix. Devon called his mother, assuring her that he was with Bella and that everything would be fine. Charlie felt significantly relieved upon hearing this.

The journey was very quiet, but Jasper drove non-stop through the night and well into the morning. It was a surprise for Devon to realize they had covered a great distance in such a short time. They only stopped at a hotel to wait and figure out their next move.

Things got complicated when they learned that James, the tracker, had realized they had tried to deceive him, and this time, he was following the real path to Isabella.

And they got even more complicated when Isabella suddenly disappeared.

Devon received a call from Ronan, informing him that he was coming with Carlisle, Emmett, and Edward to their location.

Devon also set out for the girl's location with Alice and Jasper. It was easy to find her scent, but they had to wait until the sun disappeared before going out.

Arriving at the ballet studio, Edward was already there, fighting against James with Ronan's help. It was strange to see Ronan so serious, but even stranger to see both brothers working together as if they were close war buddies.

Devon approached Bella, who was on the ground, writhing in pain. He didn't know what to do; he felt truly stunned by the situation.

But then Carlisle approached to attend to the girl along with Alice and Edward.

"You have to decide, Edward," Carlisle said. "Are you going to transform her or not?"

Edward seemed indecisive, internally debating.

But Devon placed a hand on his shoulder, and all the voices in his head ceased. They looked into each other's eyes, and Edward felt calmer, capable of thinking.

"No," he finally said and looked at Carlisle. "I'll extract the venom."

Devon removed his hand, letting Edward do what he needed to do. The voices in Edward's head returned, but he didn't dwell on it when he took Isabella's arm and bit into it to extract the venom.

"That's enough," Carlisle said. "You have to stop, or you could kill her."

But Edward seemed unable to stop.

"Edward," Devon called, placing his hand on his arm. Edward felt like he was landing back on Earth and was able to release the girl. "She's okay. Everything is fine."

Edward nodded, still looking at him, and let Carlisle take care of the rest. Ronan didn't miss a thing from that little interaction, but decided to ignore it for now.

Things relaxed after that. It was easier to fix the mess. Devon was the first to stand up and walk away when the flames that were burning James' body extinguished. He also helped clean up the mess and went with Bella when they took her to the hospital.

Alice took care of telling everyone the official version of the story.

Bella's mother arrived at the hospital first with her husband; later, Charlie and Amy arrived, very worried. But everyone was relieved to know that Bella would be okay.

All the Cullens, except Edward and Carlisle, returned to Forks. Ronan also decided to go with them, knowing that his presence wouldn't help. Anyway, he would see Devon another day.

Devon sat in the waiting room with a cup of coffee in his hand, taking a couple of sips, even though it was the worst coffee he had ever tasted. It had been a short while since Bella's mother announced that the girl had awakened, and everyone went to see her—everyone except Devon.

He couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Edward was genuinely concerned about Bella; he really seemed to love her. But then, where did that leave him? He just wanted Edward to tell him to his face that he didn't want anything to do with him, so he could move on without that tiny hope that something might happen between them someday.

Someone sat next to him, but he didn't need to turn around to know it was Edward. The guy didn't say anything and remained with his gaze low.

"Thanks," Edward suddenly said, and Devon looked at him without understanding.



Edward smiled.

"I... wouldn't have been able to control myself without your help. Thanks for that."

Devon settled into his seat and shook his head.

"I didn't do anything."

"Before, I hadn't really thought about it much," Edward began. "But since I changed you... I can't hear your thoughts. Even before, it was fuzzy what I could see, but now there's nothing. And now... when you touched me, it was like you blocked my mind." Edward reached out to take Devon's hand, but he stopped. "Can I touch you again? Right now, I can hear a million voices from everyone in the hospital. I want to know if I'm just insane or if it was real."

Devon frowned but extended his hand until it touched Edward's, and it was like a switch turned off all the noise in his head. It was quite pleasant; there was nothing in his head except his own thoughts. But that pleasant feeling disappeared when Devon removed his hand, and Edward frowned at him.

"Now, I want to ask you a question," Devon said.

Edward knew he couldn't complain or touch Devon at his whim.


Devon looked at him silently for a second.

"Why did you decide not to transform Bella? Why me?"

"You said 'one' question," Edward joked.

Devon rolled his eyes but let a smile show.

"Please. Answer."

Edward nodded. It made sense.

"And why didn't you let me die?"

They stared directly into each other's eyes.

"I..." Edward looked away towards his own hands, appearing defeated. "I didn't want to lose you."

Devon let out a laugh that was more of a scoff.

"So, why?" there was a hint of desperation in his tone. "Why did you choose her?"

Silence. Edward had no idea what to answer. He couldn't use the same excuse forever. Although it wasn't really an excuse, he was genuinely confused. But in any case, why did he choose Bella? No. He didn't. Bella chose him.

"I tried to convince her to go to Florida with her mother," he said without looking up. "But she... didn't want to. She wants to stay with me."

"Do you want that?" Devon rushed to ask.

Another long silence. Did he want that? What exactly did he want?

A sound interrupted the silence. It was a cellphone. Devon's phone. He looked at the screen and saw Ronan's name.

"Don't answer," Edward requested. Devon looked at him for a moment but let out a laugh as he shook his head.

"And why exactly shouldn't I answer?" he looked at him for a moment before the tone stopped, but a new call came in. "That's what I thought."

Devon stood up and walked towards the exit while answering the call. Edward clenched his fists as he watched him walk away. He should have gone after him. He should have fixed things right then. But he didn't. He chose to stay seated.


The day of the dance arrived. Devon was in his room finishing getting dressed in the nice suit Margo had sent as a gift for his first dance. Apparently, Amy and Margo had been communicating quite a bit. Little Rory watched Devon from the bed with some curiosity.

He buttoned one of the jacket buttons and looked at the beautiful white flower resting on the desk, unable to help but smile.

A couple of days ago, after they returned from Phoenix, Ronan showed up at the house dressed in a nice suit, holding a box in his hands. Devon wasn't sure what was happening, but both went upstairs to Devon's room for a bit more privacy.

Devon opened the black box tied with a red ribbon and found that flower. It was specifically designed to be worn on a suit.

"Things got complicated in the last few days," Ronan had said. "But I promised I would ask you properly, even though I honestly imagined something more grandiose." They both laughed. "Devon Gray, would you like to go to the dance with me?"

The named couldn't help but let out a laugh as he threw a pillow at his counterpart. He felt embarrassed, but in the end, he nodded.

"Sure. I'd like that," he finally said.

The rest of the night was spent in a hot kissing session without stopping. Of course, Devon prevented things from going beyond what was necessary, causing Ronan to throw a big tantrum and become even more clingy than usual.

Returning to the present, Devon placed the small flower on the lapel of his suit and looked at himself in the mirror, trying to find any imperfections. He was happier than he appeared.

There was a knock on the door, and Devon knew who it was, even though he didn't come alone. Ronan and Edward were there. Charlie let them in, giving Edward a murderous look and chatting very cheerfully with Ronan. It was quite a funny scene.

"To me, it's something strange, you know?" Charlie told Ronan. "I was raised in the old school, and my parents would go crazy when they saw two men together. However, I want to support Devon in every way possible, even if there are things I don't fully understand. So, Ronan, please take care of my boy."

Ronan seemed genuinely touched by Charlie's words. It was never easy for parents to accept their children when they didn't follow societal standards. He was glad to know that Devon had people who would still love him no matter what.

Edward wanted to smile but refrained from doing so. Somehow... he wished those words were directed at him and not his brother.

"Don't worry, Charlie. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to Devon," Ronan assured.

They heard someone coming down the stairs. The three quickly stood up and saw Bella descending the stairs with Devon's help. Both Edward and Ronan looked at Devon with a certain adoration. But as soon as they reached the last step, Edward reminded himself that he was there for Bella and hurried to help her walk.

Amy appeared with a camera and asked them to take some photos, something none of the four could refuse.

Then, they stepped out of the house. There was a car and a beautiful motorcycle in front of the house. Devon directed a big smile at Ronan.

"This time, I'll drive," Ronan whispered to Devon.

Ronan got on the motorcycle first, followed by Devon, placing his hands on Ronan's hips.

Ronan let out a laugh and accelerated just a bit to make Devon bump into his back and get closer to him.

"If you wanted me to hug you, you just had to ask," Devon teased, murmuring in his ear.

"It wouldn't be fun that way."

Ronan revved up the engine. Both felt the wind hitting their faces as they hadn't used helmets this time. A pleasant feeling of freedom surrounded them, and in no time, they arrived at the school.

At the entrance, they took a photo, and as soon as they entered, the music was already playing loudly, and a large number of students were dancing and having fun.

They joined the dance, laughing and dancing without any sense. Greeting their friends when they found them and drinking as much as they could.

Bella and Edward arrived not long after. Both walked through the dance floor, but Bella seemed very uncomfortable; she had said she had no intention of

going, but there she was. Edward, on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at Devon as he danced without a care with Ronan.

He envied him. He envied that his brother had no fear of showing who he was and what he really wanted.

He took Bella's hand and led her away from the main dance floor to the small garden they had decorated quite nicely.

Devon watched them go, but tried not to think too much about it. Now he wanted to enjoy his time with Ronan and friends.

He had to try to forget about Edward Cullen or he would really get hurt.

Okay... the first act would end here and the following chapters would be the second act. I'm not so sure how far I will continue with the plot of the movies but I always like to advance blindly and see what comes out AJAJSJSJAS anyway. I hope you liked it.

Don't forget to vote, leave a comment and follow me if you don't already.

And yes, I imagined Dev wearing the suit he wore in Cobra Kai. He looks gorgeous 😮‍💨

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