The song that changed my heart

By Iamheadphones83

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It had been a month since Rody and Manon had broken up. Leaving Rody unable to continue life with the same sa... More

Explaining the A.U
Chapter 1: The invite
The Performance
Intersession and the Second Act
An Unexpected Meet
Learning more
The Waiter
How Is He Not Fired?
Under New Management
One Week Later
The Party
The Morning after
New Surprise For a New Work Day
A Hopeful Evening(For Rody)
Is This A Date?
Vincent's Aprtment
Rody's Apartment
A Date With Manon
Confessions at the Park
Oh This Shit Again.(Except This Time it's Worse)
Manon the Wing woman
Drunken Kisses
Gay Panic
Laundry Day
Dancing Around the Issue
Lyrics Not Meant to be Heard
Date Plans
The Date
Unusually Late the Both of You
Not the way you wanted to meet
Childhood Trauma
Moving On
They're Here
Woken Up Early
They're Gone
That Is Not Good
Things Are Getting Better
A Night of Celebration.
Kicked Out
And They Were Roommates
Date Night
A Sweet Surpise
Vincent Meets The Band
Under The Radar
The Concert
A Song for Him
I Love You
Closing Notes

Band Meeting

386 9 5
By Iamheadphones83

After a long tumultuous day it finally came to the end of his shift. Rody was mopping up the tile floor with Dillian scooting closer to him. "Dude what the hell?" Dillian whispered, causing Rody to look up. Dillian however was facing away from him and looked back in the kitchen. Vincent left out the employee exit for what Rody could assume was a smoke break. "What?" Rody asked. "How the hell are you still alive?" Dillan asked again, causing Rody to furrow a brow. "Why are you acting like I would never be seen again after I talked to Vincent?" Rody asked as Valire approached. "Because Vincent is notorious for being cold hearted and cruel. Literally anyone who has engaged in conversation with him is usually smacked. Not to mention that if the chefs now have to make the dishes to absolute perfection otherwise congratulations Vincent can't get you fired, but he can scare the shit out of you." Valire said as the creak of the employee entrance door opened. The two quickly squandered away from Rody without trying to seem suspicious. Rody looked back up at Vincent who had narrowed eyes. Rody gave a friendly smile. Not one that was disingenuous, but one that felt like a friendly greeting. Vincent gave no mind and just walked back into the office.

After a while the floor was cleaned, and the other two were already off. Rody went out the employee entrance. Unlocking his bike from the chain. As he did he could hear another set of keys locking something else. He turned his head to see Vincent locking up the restaurant. "Hello again." Rody said, but Vincent didn't respond with anything but a hum. Rody felt a bit awkward, but decided to continue the conversation. "I didn't know you worked here." Rody said as Vincent turned to look at him. "You never asked." Vincent said as Rody began to sweat. "Yeah that's fair." Rody said. "You never said you worked for Richard." Vincent replied back sarcastically. "I mean you never asked either." Rody replied back with confidence. "You're right I didn't, but your appearance didn't hint at it either." Vincent replied back with a smug smile, and began to walk away. "What is that supposed to mean?" Rody exclaimed. Rody could've sworn that he heard Vincent chuckle. "Whatever you want it to mean." Vincent said as he began to walk away. Rody just sighed and grabbed his bike chain and began to bike away.

After about a mile a car horn honked behind him. Rody looked at the honk slowing down, and eventually coming to a complete stop upon seeing a worn down truck approached. It was definitely closer to the gray color Rody remembered, but that was probably only because of the rain. The truck itself was made to fit only three people. When it approached the window rolled down. In the seats were Leo, and Andrew. Leo sat in the driver's seat, and kind of remained Rody of Vincent. He had a pale complexion, and black hair. Though he lacked the eye bags. The dark voids that made up Vincent's eyes were gone with Leo having blue eyes. Alongside that his hair was more close cut to his head compared to Vincent. Then in the passenger seat. Then there was Andrew. Another pale person though definitely darker than Leo, but lighter than Rody. His hair was a caramel color that reminded Rody of Manon. "Hey Rody." Leo said with a wave. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Rody asked. "Richard called us earlier and told us about the accident. Dolly wants us to meet at their house for a meeting. We also figured we would pick you up." Leo explained. Rody gave them a smile. "Alright thanks, give me a second." Rody said as he got off of his bike and placed it in the trunk. He walked around to the passenger side. Andrew got out letting Rody climb in. He felt annoyed about having to have the middle seat. Leo's truck wasn't bad if you weren't sitting in the middle that was. Rody climbed in with Andrew following behind him and shutting the door. He sat taller than the two other men. To be fair he was taller than most other people in general, but that just made being in the middle of any vehicle miserable. It probably didn't help even more that unlike the two Rody was more physically fit. Sure he hadn't been able to get a proper workout within all the changes that had happened in his life, but biking to work sure helped to maintain it. Though it just made him feel awkwardly stuck between the two. Especially with how thin Leo was. While Andrew was closer to Rody's body type he still felt a little too big. Just even more unfortunate for Rody was the long drive to Richard's place. After what felt like hours, even though it was only a few minutes, they had eventually reached Richard's home. He lived in a nice neighborhood with windy roads that all eventually led to a cul-de-sac one way or another. Richard's house was two stories with a large lawn and a tree planted on either side. The flower beds themselves were filled with bushes, and lined the trim of the front porch. Rody was more than happy to get out of the truck. Getting out there were three other vehicles in front. One black one, one a cherry red, and lastly a blue one. Rody immediately recognized the red car as Richards. He had it since college, and it was one of the few things Rody had known about him. The blue one was another car though unlike Richard's red one it was made to hold at least six. Maybe even eight if you really wanted to suffocate everyone. That one belonged to Mathew. Lastly the black truck. That one belonged to James. He always looked like he was made of money. Which would be true. He worked an average nine to five at a car company in a high position. His truck was almost always polished, and hell even his seats looked nice let alone the rest of the interior. The three men walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately James answered the door. He was black male with a noticeable beard, and glasses. His hair being black and into tight braids.Rody was sure the last time he asked James said they were called dreadlocks. Just like Rody he clearly had also gotten off of work. Being dressed in a button up shirt, nice looking pants, and boots. "Hey guys come on in." James said as the three men walked in. To the left was a large arch marking the entrance to the living room. It had one couch with three seats, a couch with two closest to the window and a chair with a foot rest. In the chair was Dolly. She looked like a carbon copy of Andrew. Both of whom gave their appearance credit to their late mother. Having the same custard hair, and pale skin. Though Dolly had freckles, and light blue eyes. Unlike Andrew who had eyes like coffee filled with caramel. She had several bruises on her legs, arms, and faces. Alongside a few cuts on the left side of her body. Overall she looked fine, that was until Rody could see her right leg. It was hoisted onto the footrest, and wrapped in bandages up to her knee. Sitting on the couch was Mathew with a cup of tea in his hand. On the coffee table in the center of the room. Were other mugs, kettle, and tea. "Dot, are you alright?" Andrew exclaimed as he dashed over to the chair. Dolly gave a smile as Andrew approached. "I'm fine. I mean I'm not dead." Dolly said weakly as Rody and Leo walked into the room. Leo took a seat next to Mathew, and Rody crashed on the couch next to him. "Yeah, but you've got a broken leg!" Andrew exclaimed. "How long is it going to be like that?" Rody asked. "Hopefully for only a month." Dolly replied. "Let's hope because we have a performance barely over a month from now." Mathew replied as he took another sip of tea. "Well let's just hope for the best." Leo replied. "Besides this gives us an opportunity to discuss songs." "Oh yes that reminds me Mathew did you finish Rody's lyrics?" Dolly asked. Mathew reached into the pocket of his pants. "Yeah I did. I actually stitched quite a few of the different lyrics together. Do these seem good?" Mathew asked as he passed the papers over to Rodys. Rody took them and looked over each in turn. Mathew had given the incomplete lyrics a new life, and titled the songs. All of them contained the same lyrics he had passed to Mathew, with very few new lyrics being added. True to his word, lyrics Rody had never intended to fit together had been put together. It was like he had handed Mathew some puzzle pieces he had lying around, and Mathew had the rest of the puzzle just lying around. Thankfully he didn't change the overall tone of the songs. All had the same depressing drunken haze Rody wrote them in. "They seem good." Rody said as he passed the paper back over to Mathew. Who then passed them over to Dolly. "Any idea on a melody?" Dolly asked as she looked through them. I know all of them will have little if not any drum, or trumpet, so sorry Leo, and Andrew." Rody said. "None taken." Leo said as he crossed his arms behind his head and leaned back. "Just means I have more time to drink water." Andrew just shrugged. "Naturally all of them I plan to have a gentle guitar in the back. I think for the first one I want the tune to go something like..." Then Rody proceeded to hum the tune. "I think if it's not entirely played on the guitar maybe a piano in the background, and I think for the second I definitely want the violin more present. I'll have to work on the tune." Dolly nodded once again. "Here take these back then. Mathew if you wrote any copies can you hand them to me so I can start memorizing the lyrics. Especially considering that I can't do much with a busted leg, and churches." Dolly explained as Mathew nodded, and took the papers from her. "I should have them to you by tomorrow." Mathew replied. The group stayed for almost another hour until Richard came downstairs dressed in his concert tux, and carrying a large case. "Oh hey y'all." Richard said with a wave. "Hey Rich. Are you heading out?" James asked, Richard nodded before walking up and planting a kiss on Dolly's lips. "Be back in an hour or two, love you." He said before standing back up. "Love you too." Dolly replied as Richard began to leave. "I'll stay over until you get back." Andrew called. Richard flashed him a smile. "Thanks Andy." He said, and with that he was out. "What time is it even?" Leo asked. "Eight o'clock." James answered with his sleeve pulled back revealing his watch. "Should we be going home now?" Rody asked. "Yeah I think so, I'm pretty tired." James agreed. "I've got Rody's ride home." Leo said as he pulled out his keys and jiggled them. "Thanks man." Rody said with a smile. Really appreciating not having to bike all the way home. Everyone stood up and said their goodbyes before returning to the vehicles they came in. Rody climbed in and took in a deep breath. Relieved that he wouldn't be awkwardly squished in between two people. The ride itself was calm. Peaceful even, yet the peace was shattered when Leo spoke. "So the lyrics to your songs." Rody looked over at him. "What about them?" Rody asked. "They were kind of depressing, and from the glimpses I got, and well... all seemed about a lover not being in the picture." Rody sighed as he looked outside. The clouds above blocked the stars, and even the moon. "Hey I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I think it's a healthy thing that you're trying to get your feelings out. We hadn't heard much from you and were concerned." Leo explained as Rody rolled his eyes. He knew his friends wanted him to move. He knew they wanted him to find a better life for himself. It's what Manon wanted as well, but he just couldn't. Not without her. She was what made his life better. It gave him a purpose. Without her whenever he wasn't working or playing in the band he just felt empty, sad, devoid of any purpose. "I get it, but..." Rody couldn't find the words to express how much value Manon meant to him. Leo sighed, and shook his head. "No buts Rody. It's in the past. Trust me Amanda taught me that." Leo said as Rody helped back a groan. He remembered Leo being all down in the dumps after he announced his own break up. It had practically driven Rody insane since he was almost always crying about it. Though eventually Leo recovered, it still took months. Compared to Rody who's breakup happened no less than a month ago. Thankfully Rody was spared any more humiliation as they approached the building that Rody called home. The truck pulled up against the sidewalk in an empty spot. Rody immediately climbed out. Perhaps a bit too quick. "Bye Leo, nice chatting with you see you later. Leo could barely have time to say "Bye." Before Rody shut the door shut. Rushing to the trunk and grabbing his bike before rushing upstairs into his apartment with Leo's truck long gone. Rody let out a sigh of relief as he unlocked his apartment. He flicked on the lights. Discarding his shoes by the door before closing it and locking it behind him. Rody moved his bike into the hall in front of his bathroom. He looked at it and considered taking a shower, but chose to just walk over and fall straight asleep on the couch. Ending his night with Manon still fresh in his brain.

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