Imperfectionate. ᴍx...

By aluredwrite

460K 14.8K 1.8K

What happens when a newly engaged omega somehow becomes wrapped into the hands of three married men? ^ ^mxmxm... More

01: The New Neighbors.
02: Meeting the Aslans
03: Babysitter Talk
04: The Awkward Dinner
05: Awkward to Tense Dinner
06: Laundry Day & Babysitting
07: Wait where were we?
08: Puppy.
09: Aftermath
10: Owchies
11: Treat me like white-tees.
12: Relization
13: That's a nest?!
14: Like a piece of Pasta, Fragile
15: I'm clearly not the weak one?!
16: Okay, okay! I'm all talk
17: is it kidnapping if im home?
18: Overjoyed with sadness
19: Somethings off
20: Reassureance is key
21: Psychiastrist, who???
22: sweet like a cookie?
23: seductive morning
24: reflect and detect
25:Some Madness and Badness, Combination.
26: Selfishly painted.
27: Communication??
28: a dream?!
29: Teddy bear
30: in paradise
31: Bedroom shoes are powerful!
32: Danger?? Danger. Wheres the logic?
33: Snatched a fox.. nah a wolf.
34: to my love
35: Oh so you wanna tussle??
36: Getting ready
37: bipitty bopitty boo hoe.


3.3K 56 2
By aluredwrite

Hi beautiful people! Come check out my new book :)

Hope you guys give it a chance! Love ya!

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