Eclipsed Bloodlines: Tales of...

By SusannaMaxi

396 40 35

Blending vampires, werewolves, and former villains together was never a prudent move. But things take a turn... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

17 2 1
By SusannaMaxi

Chapter 6 Mike

I received a text message from Hailey inviting me to join her, Victoria, and Chris at the school The text from Hailey inviting me to the school carnival buzzed in my phone like a sinister warning. A shiver ran down my spine as I read the message, realizing that I would be meeting Hailey, Victoria, and Chris there. The thought of Hailey made my heart skip a beat. It seemed that wherever Hailey went, her sister Victoria was sure to follow. Two sides of the same twisted coin.

I agreed to go, unable to decline the invitation from Hailey. As the sky darkened, signaling the approach of evening, I found myself lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. The weight of the carnival invitation hung heavy in the air. Chris entered the room, his presence bringing a sense of both comfort and unease. He perched on the edge of his bed, a mysterious glint in his eyes as he toyed with his phone.
"What time should we head to the carnival?" Chris's voice cut through the silence, his words dripping with a hint of malice. I hesitated, unsure of what to say. "I'm not sure," I muttered, trying to mask my apprehension.
"I said 5:30," Chris stated matter-of-factly, his tone devoid of its usual warmth. "Then why bother asking me?" I shot back, feeling a surge of defiance rising within me.
"Just to mess with you," Chris retorted, a sly grin spreading across his face. Without warning, a pillow soared through the air, landing squarely on my face. Laughter erupted in the room as we engaged in a playful pillow fight, the tension momentarily forgotten in our camaraderie.
But beneath the facade of lightheartedness, I couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister loomed on the horizon. The school carnival awaited, a playground for both innocence and darkness to collide in a twisted dance. Little did I know that this would be just the beginning of a journey into the shadows, where secrets lay buried and alliances would be tested in the crucible of chaos and betrayal.


In the grand, echoing hallway of my stately castle, I found myself restlessly pacing, a knot of anticipation tightening in my gut as I awaited the return of my servants. They had been away for an agonizingly long stretch of weeks, and my patience was wearing thin. In a desperate bid to quell my restlessness, I delved into their collective consciousness, scanning their thoughts with a hopeful heart, seeking a clue about when they would finally present the man I sought to me.

As I navigated the labyrinth of their shared memories, a glimmer of a clue emerged. I discovered the existence of a secluded lair, its solitude and secrecy making it an ideal setting for my intended purpose. As I probed further, I inadvertently eavesdropped on a conversation between the two servants. "Hailey, we can't do this," the first servant confessed, her voice heavy with uncertainty. To my astonishment, the second servant, usually so compliant, echoed her sentiments.

Frustration surged within me, a bitter taste on my tongue. I let out a loud, exasperated yell, "What? If they were not going to do it, then it falls upon me to do it myself!" The words hung in the air, a stark testament to my resolve


My heart raced as I lay in bed, my mind replaying the strange encounter with Victoria over and over again. How could that sweet girl I knew be a villain? It was impossible! But then again, what if it was true? Suddenly, a loud noise jolted me from my thoughts and I snapped open my eyes. There in the dim light outside my window stood a figure, its shadowy form towering over the house. My breath caught in my throat as I recognized the girl, only she had glowing red eyes and sharp fangs. It was unmistakably Victoria. Without hesitation, I slammed the window shut and buried myself under the covers, trembling with fear. As I lay there, waiting for morning to come, my mind raced with all the possibilities of who or what she could be. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over me, even though I tried to shrug it off with laughter. After all, it was just a silly nightmare...right?My eyes fluttered open, and I was startled to find myself lying on the cold, hard ground. The dense forest around me seemed to press in closer with every passing moment, suffocating me with its ominous presence. Shakily, I stood up and took in my surroundings. The rustling of leaves and chirping of birds had been replaced by an eerie silence. A foreboding sense of dread settled over me as I realized I was completely alone. Suddenly, a hauntingly familiar sound cut through the stillness: rushing water. It beckoned me forward, its song a siren's call that I couldn't resist. As I made my way through the overgrown path, every step felt like a betrayal against the quietude of the forest. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching me, biding its time until it could strike. Finally, as I reached the source of the sound, my heart racing in my chest, I saw a bubbling brook glimmering under the filtered sunlight. But instead of relief, all I felt was terror at the thought of being trapped in this desolate forest with no one to hear my cries for help. As I peered into the distance, a sense of dread overcame me. The towering trees that were once enchanting now loomed over me with gnarled branches like twisted fingers. Their leaves had turned a sickly shade of gray, hinting at the death and decay within. The deafening silence suffocated me as I ventured deeper into the eerie forest. My instincts screamed for me to turn back, but I pressed on until a rustling nearby froze me in my tracks. My heart pounded against my chest as I strained to locate its source, but the stillness of the forest only amplified my fear. This was no longer a peaceful stroll, but a dark journey filled with unknown dangers lurking in every shadow. With each step, the gnarled trees seemed to close in, like fingers grasping at my every move. Goosebumps erupted on my skin as I pressed on, determined to unravel the mystery that oozed in the air. A gut-wrenching mixture of curiosity and fear consumed me. My heart pounded in my chest as a figure emerged from the shadows, their cloak billowing behind them. As they removed it, Victoria's transformed appearance shocked me to my core. Her eyes, now an intense crimson, seemed to pierce through my being with an otherworldly power. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her teeth - sharp and glistening with blood. I was frozen in terror as my mind struggled to comprehend the surreal scene before me. This was not the Victoria I once knew. Her twisted form emanated darkness, sending shivers down my spine and making me question if I would ever make it out of this haunted forest alive. Her lips, stained with the blood of her victims, twisted into a terrifying grin. A palpable aura of foreboding surrounded her, and even the forest seemed to cower in her presence. As she stalked towards me, moving with unnerving silence and determination, my body trembled with fear. Every instinct screamed for me to run or fight back, but an inexplicable force held me in place, paralyzed with terror. The air was thick with a tangible sense of danger, my heart hammering against my chest in a desperate plea for escape. Thoughts raced through my mind, frantically searching for a way out of this encounter. Victoria's crimson eyes locked onto mine, and I could feel her presence tearing at the edges of my sanity. A primal fear gripped me, overriding all rational thought as it screamed for self-preservation."Don't be afraid, Chris," she hissed, inching closer. "I won't hurt you." But her words were empty promises, and I could see the glint of her sharp fangs as she advanced towards me. Panic surged through my body, but my feet were glued to the ground, paralyzed by terror. As she grabbed me by the neck and bared her deadly teeth, I knew this was the end. I let out a bloodcurdling scream as her fangs sunk into my flesh, and everything went black.

I jolted awake, gasping for air. My heart raced as I frantically searched my dark bedroom for any signs of danger. My eyes finally adjusted to the familiar objects - dresser, lamp, alarm clock. And there, across the room, Mike snored peacefully in his sleep.

But it took a few moments for me to realize that the terrifying events I had just experienced were only in my mind. The eerie forest, the ominous silence, and Victoria's haunting presence - all just a figment of my imagination. As relief washed over me, I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous it all seemed now. Just a silly dream... I hope.

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