cursed eclipse | harry potter

By residenteve

43 7 6

As Estelle Corbin's mind begins to wonder about the dreams and spirits haunting her and her sleep, she begins... More

cursed eclipse
i. visible jealousy
iii. questioning a full moon
v. prayers to the moon
vi. sharp eyes

ii. a saint fresh from sin

4 1 0
By residenteve

Estelle woke up early in the morning as fresh as a saint free from sin. Her four-poster bed was just like her one from home, wrapped with privacy curtains and purple covers. She was cuddled around her stuffed grey bunny, Ellie, and tangled in the sheets. She stretched, ungracefully rolled out of bed and pulled back her curtains. The rest of her roommates were asleep which wasn't much of a surprise. Estelle liked to wake up early to miss most of the noisy crowds and grab a seat at the Slytherin table, preferably alone.

Estelle grabbed her uniform from the back of her chair and walked into the shared bathroom. She slipped on her thin tights which made a perfect fit around her narrow legs, and put on her skirt (which was rolled up to her mid-thighs) and her white shirt with a Slytherin tie. Estelle sat on the countertop and used the mirror lining the wall to apply a bit of makeup which she was sure was against the school rules. 'Eyeliner and lipgloss over anything and everything.'

She brushes out the messy tangles from her sleep, double-checks her bag, heads out of her dorm and walks directly to the Great Hall.

She initially sat on her own but after being given her schedule by Snape it wasn't long before Draco Malfoy walked in with the people he liked to consider friends. How he talked to the lot for hours at a time was incredible, extraordinary even.

Draco took a seat next to her on the bench as Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson took a seat surrounding them. Estelle has never tried to develop a friendship with any of them nor have they. The only time she would talk to them was if it was related to Draco like where he was.

"Where were you last night? I couldn't find you on the train or at dinner!" Draco exclaimed while grabbing a piece of bacon.

"Aw, look who cares," Estelle reached out to mess with his hair which was surprisingly not slicked back with hair gel.

"My hair!" he pats his head as if that's going to put every strand back into place while Pansy stares at the two of them.

"Litterally, no one cares except for yourself and maybe your mother," Estelle said. Draco gives her a dead serious look before turning back to resume the conversation they were having as they walked in. She snickered knowing that she had won.

"Did you hear that Potter had a fit from a dementor on the train?" Draco calls out. Everyone had heard at that point, even Estelle who missed the sorting and went straight to her dorm.

Estelle was unfortunately Draco Malfoy's closest friend which meant several owls and conversations full of Draco's hatred for Harry Potter. It was concerning at times but also dreadful. At first, she listened to how he met Harry Potter in Diagon Alley and his ramblings about how cool it would be to befriend someone who destroyed You-Know-Who as an infant, which is quite an odd statement really. But when the now third years stepped into Hogwarts for the first time Draco thought it would be an amazing idea to try to befriend Harry Potter after insulting his new friend, Ron Weasley. She heard the lot that evening in the common room and listening to the oblivious brat while he was in the wrong was horrific.

Draco now decided it was a great idea to mock Harry and act out what he thought happened to him. The people around her laughed at him but Estelle thought he had terrible acting, she fainted not seized. Then, Potter decided it would be a great time to enter the hall.

"Hey, Potter!" shrieked Pansy, "Potter! The Dementors are coming, Potter! Woooo!"

Estelle rolls her eyes, gets up with her bag and heads out to leave.

Draco does a double glance as she stands up, "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Class, obviously. It starts in fifteen minutes and it takes ten to get there, Cedric told me. C'mon, hurry up!"

Her patience wore thin as Draco and his friends took too long to finish their food and gather their bags.

"You still talk to that prat?" Draco asked as they started walking together. Estelle was unsure as to why he had never liked Cedric Diggory since he was a nice friend and even helped when it wasn't necessary. He's also fit but don't tell anyone I said that.

"Look who's talking. You can't let go of a rejection that happened three years ago."

He sighed angrily, "Where are we going anyway?"

"Divination, can you not read your timetable?" Estelle questioned.

"Sorry Mum," Draco groaned.

Eventually, Estelle, Draco and everyone else found their way to the spiral steps which led to Divination after she recalled the directions Cedric had given her. He was right when he said the journey to the North Tower was a long one.

Estelle and Draco ended up trailing behind a group of Gryffindor girls in the same class as they climbed the sinister set of stairs.

"Didn't you hear, someone else fainted? Nobody knows who it was, their face was covered by Loony Lovegood," the brunette said. The two girls let out a laugh at the insult.

She gripped the strap of her bag tighter as she climbed closer to the top. Estelle thanked the stars that Luna was a good friend and didn't tell a soul.

By the time the two had arrived at the top, there were only a few students there but it didn't take long for the rest of her peers to arrive just as short-breathed as one another. As she waited on the unfamiliar landing while listening to Draco's bickering, she noticed on the ceiling above her a circular trapdoor with a brass plaque on it. Harry Potter of all people seemed to have the same idea.

"'Sibyll Trelawney, Divination teacher,'" Harry read. "How're we supposed to get up there?"

On queue, the trapdoor opened and a silver ladder fell to the bottom of said boy's feet.

"After you," Estelle heard Ron Weasley say to Harry with a grin.

The rest of the class continued to climb up the ladder and Estelle was one of the last ones in.

The classroom looked like a cross between someone's attic and an old-fashioned tea shop. Small circular tables were crammed inside the classroom and surrounded by armchairs and pouffes. The lighting was crimson and dim, illuminating the room's dark corners as the curtains were shut. The atmosphere was warm, and a fire was burning under the mantelpiece, above it was a painting of a moving figure too far away to see who it may be. The shelves running around the orbicular walls were compressed with untouched feathers, burning candles with old wax dripping on their sides, tattered tarot cards, countless crystal balls each with a mysterious illuminating fog inside and a huge assemblage of teacups.

"Where is she?" She heard a voice speak from the front.

"Welcome," a voice came from the darkness of the shadows in the room, "How nice to see you in the physical world at last."

Sybill Trelawney stepped in the light and her features were illuminated. Her large framed glasses magnified her eyes as they peered at everyone crowded at the entrance of the classroom. Many beaded necklaces and chains hung around her neck. Her hands and arms were full of shiny and coloured bangles complemented with matching rings. For an old woman, she's got style although she looks like the embodiment of a crow's nest.

"Sit, my children, sit," Trelawney spoke to them all. Estelle grabbed Draco's arm before he could protest and took him to a table near with armchairs at the back of the class.

"Welcome to Divination," said the Professor, seated in a winged armchair by the fire.

"My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. I find that descending too often into the hustle and bustle of the main school clouds my Inner Eye."

The mystic room was filled with an uncomfortable silence as everyone retained the awkward information. Professor Trelawney carefully rearranged her shawl and continued, "So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you...Books can take you only so far in this field..."

"Many witches and wizards, talented though they are in the area of loud bangs and smells and sudden disappearings, are yet unable to penetrate the veiled mysteries of the future," Professor Trelawney kept going as her eyes shimmered in excitement while they moved from face to face.

"It is a Gift granted to few. You, boy," she said suddenly turned to Neville, who almost fell off his pouf. "Is your grandmother well?"

"I think so," said Neville as he trembled.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, dear," said Professor Trelawney, the light making her emerald earrings sparkle.

Professor Trelawney continued, "We will be covering the basic methods of Divination this year. The first term will be devoted to reading the tea leaves. Next term we shall progress to palmistry. By the way, my dear," she spoke suddenly at Parvati Patil, "beware a red-haired man."

Parvati gave an anxious look to Ron Weasley, who was sitting at the front with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, while she edged her chair away from Ron's table.

"In the second term," Professor Trelawney went on, "we shall progress to the crystal ball if we have finished with fire omens, that is. Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu and a student will come to me with the deepest of concerns. I myself will lose my voice. And around Easter, one of our numbers will leave us forever."

The tensity of silence followed Trelawney around the room.

"I wonder, dear," she spoke directly to Lavender Brown who shrank back in her chair, "if you could pass me the largest silver teapot?"

Lavender, looking relieved, stood up, took an enormous teapot from the shelf, and put it down on the table in front of Professor Trelawney.

"Thank you, my dear. Incidentally, that thing you are dreading will happen on Friday the sixteenth of October." Lavender felt anxiety rush through her.

"Now, I want you all to divide into pairs. Collect a teacup from the shelf, come to me, and I will fill it. Then sit down and drink, drink until only the dregs remain. Swill these around the cup three times with the left hand, then turn the cup upside down on its saucer, wait for the last of the tea to drain away, then give your cup to your partner to read. You will interpret the patterns using pages five and six of Unfogging the Future. I shall move among you, helping and instructing. Oh, and dear," she caught Neville by the arm as he went to stand up, "after you've broken your first cup, would you be so kind as to select one of the blue patterned ones? I'm rather attached to the pink."

Quickly after Trelawney made her concerns, Neville had reached for the shelf of teacups but then there was a tinkle of breaking china. Professor Trelawney swiftly walked over to him holding a dustpan and brush and stated, "One of the blue ones, then, dear, if you wouldn't mind...thank you..."

Estelle and Draco followed her instructions and got their purple and blue teacups filled. Draco calmly sat drinking his tea while Estelle tried not to gag. She eventually gave up and poured into the nearby plant when Trelawney had her back turned. They swapped cups and opened their books to pages five and six.

"Can't believe you made me join this class. Now I'm spending my morning drinking tea and looking at soggy stuff," Draco whined.

"Broaden your minds, my dears, and allow your eyes to see past the mundane!" Professor Trelawney cried.

"Too bad, what do you see in mine?" Estelle eventually replied. She was slightly excited but nervous as she had only gotten a reading once and it was from Francis but it wasn't very positive. Hopefully, for Estelle, it would be different this time around.

" I see-"

"Oh get on with it will you?"

"I was getting there! Ok, so, I see what I think is the silhouette of a bell and it's in the middle. This means," Draco drags out the 's', "'A visitor is going to be influential and help you through a particularly difficult patch in life. The bell in the middle of your teacup is a warning to pay attention to something close to your heart. You may hear secrets and you must keep these secrets to yourself. '"

"What on earth could that even mean?"

"I'm not sure, but if this nutcase is right you'll find out soon enough."

Estelle held in a laugh as Trelawney looked in their direction. She walked over and peered into both their cups like she did with everyone else while walking around. Professor Trelawney stared directly into Estelle's cup before looking at her. There was an awkward second of silence before Trelawney walked away to another table near the front.

A chill went down Estelle's spine as she stared at Trelawney's back walking away from the two of them.

Draco broke the silence, "What the hell was that?"

"I don't think I want to know," replied Estelle.

"What a weirdo. Anyways, what's-"

"Let me see that, my dear," Trelawney interrupted from the front of the classroom. Everyone went quiet to watch and all eyes were on the Gryffindor trio.

The Professor was staring into the teacup, rotating it counterclockwise.

"The dear, you have a deadly enemy."

Hermione whispered something and Trelawney stared at her like she did Estelle before returning to the cup.

"The attack. Dear, dear, this is not a happy cup..."

"I thought that was a bowler hat," said Ron with embarrassment.

"The skull...danger in your path, my dear..."

Everyone was transfixed at Professor Trelawney, who gave the cup a final turn, gasped and screamed. Then another smash of breaking china echoed throughout the silent room; Neville had broken his second cup.

Professor Trelawney sank into a vacant armchair with her glistening hand at her heart and eyes closed.

"My dear boy, my poor dear boy. No, it is kinder not to say. No. Don't ask me...."

"What is it, Professor?" said Dean Thomas at once. Everyone had got to their feet, and slowly they crowded around Harry and Ron's table, pressing close to Professor Trelawney's chair to get a good look at Harry's cup.

"My dear," Professor Trelawney's immense eyes opened dramatically, "you have the Grim."

"The what?" said Harry.

"The Grim, my dear, the Grim!" cried Professor Trelawney, "The giant, spectral dog that haunts churchyards! My dear boy, it is an omen, the worst omen, of death!"

Harry zoned out as everyone looked at him. Hermione got up and walked around to the behind of Professor Trelawney's chair.

"I don't think it looks like a Grim," she said.

"You'll forgive me for saying so, my dear, but I perceive very little aura around you. Very little receptivity to the resonances of the future."

Seamus Finnigan tilted his head from side to side.

"It looks like a Grim if you do this," he said, squinting with his eyes so they were almost shut, "but it looks more like a donkey from here," he said, leaning to the left.

"When you've all finished deciding whether I'm going to die or not!" said Harry, taking even himself by surprise at his outburst. Everyone was now looking at him instead of the cup.

"I think we will leave the lesson here for today," said Professor Trelawney after a few seconds of silence, "Yes...please pack away your things..."

Silently the class took their teacups back to Professor Trelawney, packed away their books, and closed their bags.

"Until we meet again," said Professor Trelawney faintly, "fair fortune is yours. Oh, and dear," pointing at Neville, "you'll be late next time, so mind you work extra hard to catch up. And you," Trelawney said examining Estelle who looked back at her confused, "your vision sees the truth."

Estelle descended from the ladder located in the trapdoor and the winding staircase. The journey from Divination to Transfiguration wasn't as tiring as it was on the way there. She followed the rest of her peers to Professor McGonagall's classroom by lurking at the back of the group.

She chose a seat next to Draco and sat through the Professor's lecture with her mind miles away. So many thoughts cluttered her head to the point she couldn't concentrate. She stared at the blank page that was supposed to be full of notes.

What did Professor Trelawney mean? Does the bell in my cup mean anything? Why did I get attacked by the Dementor? I should probably contact Mother maybe Francis too.

She racked her brain for answers while she watched Professor McGonagall transform into a tabby cat but the class didn't react.

"Really, what has got into you all today?" McGonagall said after turning back into herself, "Not that it matters, but that's the first time my transformation's not got applause from a class."

Estelle noticed the people in front of her turn to the back of the class. She followed their gaze and noticed Harry Potter, next to Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, sitting in a slump while fidgeting at the eyes on him.

Hermione raised her hand, "Please, Professor, we've just had our first Divination class, and we were reading the tea leaves, and-"

"Ah, of course," said Professor McGonagall, "There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?"

Harry Potter finally spoke up after seconds of silence, "Me."

Professor McGonagall looks him up and down, "I see. Then you should know, Potter, that Sibyll Trelawney has predicted the death of one student a year since she arrived at this school. None of them has died yet. Seeing death omens is her favourite way of greeting a new class. If it were not for the fact that I never speak ill of my colleagues-"

Professor McGonagall broke off, Estelle and the majority of her peers noticed the flare in her nostrils. As she calmed she carried on, "Divination is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. I shall not conceal from you that I have very little patience with it. True Seers are very rare, and Professor Trelawney..." She paused and became more stern, "You look in excellent health to me, Potter, so you will excuse me if I don't let you off homework today. I assure you that if you die, you need not hand it in."

The class laughed but Draco kept a straight face as he leant over and whispered to Estelle, "Look at the sod acting as if he isn't enjoying the everlasting attention."

Estelle turned to look back at Harry as Hermione laughed at McGonagall's response. She could see the smile creep up on his face as he looked at his friend sitting next to him.

Transfiguration came and went but not as fast as lunch as Estelle spent most of her time writing to Francis and her parents about her concerns with her cup in Divination and the Dementors on the train. Her mother was already informed of the incident as well as her father. Estelle was physically in a perfect state but her head was ridiculed for the thoughts she still had. So, she wrote them all down in two separate letters.


How are you? Hogwarts has been boring so far. No attacks on students as of yet although Black is supposedly after Potter to finish the job.

I had my first Divination class today and I know how excited you were to hear all about it. Although it didn't go as expected. I had some unwanted attention from my teacher Professor Trelawney (she goes by Sybil, have you heard of her before?). We did tea leaf reading and I got a bell in my cup. I'm sure you know what it means already but just in case, my book says ' A visitor is going to be influential and help you through a particularly difficult patch in life. The bell in the middle of your teacup is a warning to pay attention to something close to your heart. You may hear secrets and you must keep these secrets to yourself '. Do you have any idea what that could mean? Or in the context of my life?

I'm so confused and it doesn't help I also got attacked by a dementor! It happened on the train and although I'm perfectly fine I'm still extremely confused. Why me of all people? Do you know anything? I'm going to have to look into it, hopefully, this weekend I can spend some time in the library.

Anyway, looking forward to hearing your response,

Estelle :)

Dear Mother & Father,

How are you both? I'm sure you're aware that I got attacked last night. I just wanted to inform you that I'm perfectly healthy! But, I have some concerns as to why I was attacked. I know nothing about dementors and I'm going to look into them this weekend but is there any information you could share? Or at least where to look? Maybe as to why I was one of the two who fainted? Is my anaemia finally catching up to me?

Thankfully nobody knows except the two students who were in the room with me when I got checked by Madam Pomfrey. Unfortunately for Harry Potter, the other student who got the same outcome as me when facing the dementor, he's been the butt of jokes the whole day! I would not survive in his place for even more than twenty-four hours!

Can't wait to hear from you both,


Draco and Estelle had the rest of lunch together until he eventually left her to catch up with Crabbe and Goyle. She made her way out of the castle and to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest where Hagrid's Hut was for her first Care of Magical Creatures class.

The rain from the previous night had cleared which left behind grey clouds and muddy grass. The late summer breeze struck a chill down Estelle's spine as she made her way down the slightly slippery stepping stones on the hill. She admired the far green hills and sloped lawn surrounding the castle and forest as she waited at the back of the already-formed group of Hagrid's new class.

Estelle's admiration for the local nature was interrupted by the distant but loud laughter from Draco, Crabbe and Goyle on the opposite side of the group. She stared at the three in slight anger as she could only guess who they were making fun of by the noises and hand gestures they were making.

Her stare was stopped by Hagrid making himself known with his dog by his side, "C'mon, now, get a move on! Got a real treat for you today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!"

For a minute, Estelle thought the new teacher was going to lead everyone into the Forbidden Forest. Her nerves calmed as he led them around the edge of the beautiful pine and oak trees that towered over them all.

Estelle slowly walked behind everyone hoping to catch a chat with Neville who looked at her as if he had the same idea. Estelle watched him slow down and walk around everyone to be with her.

Neville leaned over and whispered, "How are you? I heard from Luna what happened."

"I'm fine don't worry. Is it just me who's anxious to be in this class? I'm not sure why I even picked it," Estelle whispered back.

Minutes later everyone was standing outside some sort of paddock with nothing inside.

"Everyone gather 'round the fence here!" Hagrid called out, "That's it. Make sure you can see! Now, the first thing you'll want to do is open your books-"

Draco spoke with a cold attitude, "How?"

"Eh?" said Hagrid.

"How do we open our books?" he repeated. Draco took out his copy of The Monster Book of Monsters, which he had bound shut with rope. She watched with uninterest as everyone took out their copies. Some were belted shut or crammed inside tight protective bags. Estelle personally bounded hers with the same rope Draco used as they spent the day together, with their families, when buying their school books for the rest of the year.

"Hasn't- hasn't anyone been able to open their books?" said Hagrid, confusion written all over his face. Everyone shook their heads.

"You've got to stroke 'em," he said, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world, "Look- "

He took Hermione's copy from her hands and ripped off the Spellotape that kept it shut. The book tried to retaliate by biting, but Hagrid ran his giant forefinger down its spine before it shivered then fell open and lay quietly in his hand.

"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Draco sneered, "We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"

Estelle quietly made her way to Draco without trying to make a fuss. She slapped his hand to humble the boy. Draco winced and clutched his hand but that didn't stop him.

"I- I thought they were funny," Hagrid turned to Hermione for reassurance.

"Oh, tremendously funny!" Draco replied, "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!" Estelle whacked the back of his head.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Potter spoke up from the front.

"Right then," said Hagrid, who seemed to have lost his spirit, " you've got your books you need the Magical Creatures. I'll go and get 'em. Hang on..." He strode away from the class and into the forest.

"God, this place is going to the dogs," Draco said after 'cooly' recovering from Estelle's hit, "That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when I tell him-"

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry repeated.

"Careful, Potter, there's a Dementor behind you-"

"Oooh!" squealed Lavender Brown, pointing toward the opposite side of the paddock.

Slowly walking towards them were 'cute but ugly eagle-looking birds on all fours'. The creatures looked as if they were half-eagle, half-horse. Their beautiful feather coats glimmered under the afternoon sun. Some of them were coloured stormy grey, copper bronze or coal black. Their stern orange eyes stared back at everyone admiring them.

Each of them had leather collars placed around their necks which were attached to a long chain placed in the hands of Hagrid who trailed behind the creatures.

"Gee up, there!" he roared, shaking the chains and urging the creatures toward the fence where the class stood. Everyone drew back slightly as Hagrid reached them and tethered the creatures to the fence.

"Hippogriffs! Beautiful, aren't they?" Hagrid cried happily, rubbing his hands together as he admired them all, "So, if you want to come a bit nearer..."

Estelle immediately stepped as far backwards as she could. However, she noticed a certain trio stepping closer to the paddock. Weirdos.

"Now, first thing you gotta know about Hippogriffs is, they're proud," said Hagrid, "Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it might be the last thing you do."

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were gossiping next to Estelle in whispers. She couldn't make out what they were saying and in some way was glad. She loved animals and now Hippogriffs, although slightly scary, so they were new on the list of ones she loved.

"You always wait for the Hippogriff to make the first move. It's polite, see? You walk toward him, and you bow, and you wait. If he bows back, you're allowed to touch him. If he doesn't bow, then get away from him sharpish, because those talons hurt. Right, who wants to go first?"

Some people stepped even further back.

"No one?" he pleaded.

"I'll do it," Harry spoke out.

There was an intake of breath from near the front next to Harry. Both Lavender and Parvati whispered, "Oooh, no, Harry, remember your tea leaves!"

Estelle was amused as she watched the girls get ignored as Harry continued to climb over the fence.

Hagrid exclaimed, "Good man, Harry! Right then, let's see how you get on with Buckbeak."

The teacher went to untie one of the chains, pulled one of the grey Hippogriffs away from its companions and took off the leather collar around its neck. Everyone was tense and stiff while Draco was glaring at Harry's back.

"Easy now, Harry. You've got eye contact, now try not to blink...Hippogriffs don't trust you if you blink too much..."

Estelle couldn't see what was happening despite being quite tall. She made her way to stand on the wall surrounding the area to get a better view. She could see Harry slightly trembling as Buckbeak had turned his great, sharp head and stared at Harry with his orange eyes.

"That's it," said Hagrid, "That's it, bow."

Estelle watched the boy follow his teacher's instructions but the Hippogriff didn't move.

"Ah. Right, back away now, Harry, easy does it-"

But then, to everyone's surprise, the Hippogriff suddenly bent its scaly front knees and sank into what was a clear bow.

"Well done, Harry!" said Hagrid, "Right, you can touch him! Pat his beak, go on!"

Harry moved slowly toward the Hippogriff and reached out toward it. He patted the beak several times and the Hippogriff closed its eyes lazily, as though enjoying it.

The class broke into applause, Estelle along with them, all except for Draco and his ratty friends who had disappointment all over their friends.

"Right then, Harry," said Hagrid. "I reckon he might let you ride him!"

Some of the class gasped. Estelle knew he was a Seeker, a good one at that, but riding a Hippogriff of all things was absurd.

"You climb up there, just behind the wing joint and mind you don't pull any of his feathers out, he won't like that..."

Harry put his foot on the top of Buckbeak's wing and hoisted himself onto its back. Buckbeak stood up. Harry looked bewildered as if he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Go on, then!" roared Hagrid, slapping the Hippogriffs hindquarters.

Without warning, twelve-foot wings flapped open and the Hippogriff soared into the air. The class looked up in astonishment as the creature with an anxious boy on its back flew in a circle around the area before landing back in the paddock.

"Good work, Harry!" roared Hagrid as the majority of the class cheered, "Okay, who else wants a go?"

After seeing Harry's success, the group climbed cautiously into the paddock. Hagrid untied the Hippogriffs one by one, and soon people were bowing nervously or waiting in a line for a turn.

Unlike everyone else, Estelle hung back, too riddled with nerves in case it all went terribly wrong. She stayed at the back of the waiting line hoping the lesson would end soon and she could finally go back to the comfort of her bed. She watched from her place as Neville ran repeatedly backwards from his, which didn't seem to want to bend its knees.

Draco and his two friends were sharing Buckbeak. They both bowed to each other and now the creature was being petted on the beak but Draco was looking disgusted.

"This is very easy," he drawled, loud enough for Estelle to hear him from where she was standing, "I knew it must have been if Potter could do it...I bet you're not dangerous at all, are you? Are you, you great ugly brute?"

Suddenly, Draco fell to the floor clutching his arm with a high-pitched scream. It had happened as quickly as light, Buckbeak had retaliated against his comments and slashed his arm with his talons. Hagrid was quick to wrestle the Hippogriff back into his collar who was making a great effort to get back at Draco.

"Draco, you idiot!" Estelle ran to the whiny thing withering on the grass with blood splattered over his uniform.

"I'm dying! I'm dying, look at my arm Estelle! It's killed me!" She lifted his sleeve with a wince, there was a long, deep gash on his arm.

"You're not dying!" said Hagrid who was now pale, "Miss Corbin can you help? Gotta get him outta here."

Estelle grabbed her and Draco's bags and then ran to hold open the gate as Hagrid lifted the injured student with ease. Estelle walked with them both up the slope toward the castle.

"Professor, I just wanted to apologise. Draco is remarkably a very stupid thing and he can be quite ignorant."

"Oi," Draco said from Hagrid's arms.


Not much was planned for this chapter so this is very similar to the original chapter in the book, so apologies for the heavy similarities! The next one should have more original ideas and concepts.

Thank you for reading :)


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" 𝗡𝗼! 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲! 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺! 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗵�...
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↳ 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader