𝖥𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝖠𝖿𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋

By sebastianstangirl01

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𝖥𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝖠𝖿𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋 | 𝖪𝗅𝖺𝗎𝗌 𝖬𝗂𝗄𝖺𝖾𝗅𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖣𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖥𝗂𝖼 When a young orphan girl o... More

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝖿𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
Authors Note ☺️
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾

𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗏𝖾

4.5K 196 20
By sebastianstangirl01

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AFTER REBEKAH HELPED MARJORIE GET DRESSED THEY JOINED KLAUS AND ELIJAH IN THE UPSTAIRS STUDY. The girl was still shaken by the vision she had, nothing like that had ever happened to Marjorie before.

Sure, since being in New Orleans and involved with all the supernatural drama she's had bad feelings but never an actual vision.

Marjorie was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and a steaming cup of hot chocolate in her hands, Rebekah was sitting next to her with a protective hand resting on her nieces shoulder.

The blonde hadn't left the young girls side since she found her on the ground in the bathroom.

Elijah and Klaus sat on the two chairs in front of the couch patiently waiting for Marjorie to get her bearings.

"What did you see Marjorie?" Elijah questioned softly and Marjorie sighed

Her eyes closed as flashes of the vision appeared in her head.

"I saw four people. A red headed woman, an African American man wearing a white suit with a golden bow tie, an older woman with brownish red hair, and Sabine. They were gathered together in some kind of tomb, like the one Hayley and I were kept in at the cemetery. When it flashed through my head it felt like I was being overwhelmed by darkness, I can feel that something is coming." Marjorie explained before taking a drink of her hot chocolate, wincing as it burnt her tongue

"Could you hear what they were talking about?" Rebekah asked but Marjorie shook her head

"It was just flashes of a scene, I could see them and where they were but I never could hear what they were saying." Marjorie recalled

Klaus studied his daughter carefully, he could spot the slight trembling of her hands that she tried to hide as if trying to appear unbothered. He knew she wanted to be brave and pretend that she wasn't overwhelmed by it all, but the fact is that she's still a child regardless of how powerful she is.

There must be a reason why she got this vision, what is so important about these people that Marjorie was given a warning about them?

"It's been a long day love, let's get you to bed." Klaus suggested as he stood up

"But-" Marjorie started but Klaus shushed her and pulled her up off the couch

"We can worry about all this in the morning, whatever's going to happen won't happen overnight." Klaus insisted

"Your father's right, get some rest." Elijah agreed and Marjorie shot a Rebekah a look who seemed to be in agreement with her brothers

"Ok. Goodnight." Marjorie smiled tiredly

"Goodnight sweetheart." Rebekah stood up and pulled her into a tight hug, being mindful of her drink before kissing her cheek

Elijah sent his niece a comforting smile before Klaus wrapped his arm around her shoulder's and led her back to her room.

Marjorie sat her hot chocolate on the nightstand before climbing into bed, allowing Klaus to tuck her in.

"Why did I get that vision?" Marjorie asked with furrowed brows

"I don't know. We don't know the extent of your powers yet, maybe you have a gift for knowing when our family is in danger." Klaus shrugged sitting on the edge of the mattress

"I guess that would be pretty cool." Marjorie grinned and Klaus chuckled

"That it would be. Get some sleep little Pearl, I have to go on a short trip to take care of some...unfinished business in the morning." Klaus informed her and Marjorie bit the inside of her cheek

"How long will you be gone?" Marjorie muttered feeling nervous about him being gone

"Just for a day, two at the most. I'll call you during the day tomorrow to check in and again before bed." Klaus promised and Marjorie reluctantly nodded

"Ok, will you stay until I fall asleep?" Marjorie asked and Klaus nodded with a small smile on his face

"Of course." Klaus replied brushing her damp hair away from her face. "Sweet dreams."

It didn't take Marjorie long to fall asleep, the events from the day finally catching up with her as she slipped into a peaceful slumber with Klaus' watchful eye on her.

The past two days have been spent with Rebekah and Elijah buzzing around young Marjorie like they were afraid she'd disappear if she wasn't in their sight. Hayley had been a little distant but Marjorie didn't take it personally, she knows that Elijah still hasn't forgiven the girl yet and it has taken a large toll on her mood.

Like he promised, Klaus had called her at random times during the day to make sure "his siblings haven't bored her to death" and every night at bed. He's supposed to be coming home today and Marjorie was excited.

It was weird to her that she didn't even know he was her dad for 17 years, she didn't know who Klaus Mikaelson was until a few months ago. But now after spending basically everyday with him and getting to bond with him she couldn't imagine not having him as her dad.

Not seeing him for just a mere 2 days was enough to make Marjorie itch with excitement for him to be home.

Marjorie was sitting up in her room on the balcony, Rebekah had just left after "subtly" checking in on her to make sure she didn't have any other weird visions.

She hadn't, but that didn't mean that her last vision wasn't still stuck in her head. Specifically it was Sabine being in it that bothered her, she had only met her a couple of times but Marjorie thought she was one of the least psycho of the witches she had met. Unless you count her weird vision about the baby and Marjorie.

Why would Sabine be in her vision?

Trying to distract herself, Marjorie decided to do some painting. She got into painting in 4th grade, her favorite teacher had been Mrs. Compton the art teacher. One day during class they had been tasked with painting a flower garden, and Marjorie had been obsessed with it ever since.

Since being in New Orleans, Marjorie hadn't found much time to paint between dodging death and learning all about her powers. It was nice getting the time to just sit down and do something relatively normal again.

Flowers were her favorite things to paint, she has always dreamed about traveling to The Netherlands, also know as the land of the flowers. How beautiful it would be to be able to paint them in person.

But for now the flower garden she grew outside her balcony with her magic would just have to do.

"Knock knock." A familiar voice spoke from the doorway of her room

Marjorie grinned and sat her paintbrush down before turning around to see her dad standing at the threshold of her bedroom holding a stuffed teddy bear.

"Dad!" Marjorie beamed lurching forward into Klaus' arms

Klaus chuckled gruffly at her excitement and returned the embrace tightly, kissing the top of her head.

"I suppose by your reaction that you missed me?" Klaus teased and Marjorie smiled

"Just a little." Marjorie shrugged sarcastically. "Don't worry, I wasn't lonely. Auntie Bex and Uncle Lijah kept a close eye on me the whole time, you know I caught her watching me in my sleep?"

Klaus chuckled and shook his head fondly, expecting nothing less from his siblings. It truly warmed his cold heart, knowing how much his siblings care for his daughter. Even though the three of them don't have the best relationship right now, it's nice to know that when it comes to Marjorie they'll put that all aside.

"I can't say I'm surprised." Klaus remarked before holding the bear towards Marjorie. "I know you're a little too old to care about such things, but I never got to experience giving you something like this when you were a little girl."

Marjorie interrupted him by gently grabbing the bear from him, it was brown and had a sage green bow and was really soft. A small smile overtook her face and she hugged it to her chest.

"I've never gotten anything like this before." Marjorie admitted, the only "gift" she had ever gotten was a purple monkey from one of her social workers that looked like it was from a county fair, it only lasted a week before one of the other kids in the group home stole it.

It seemed silly, a 17 year old girl so happy about getting a stuffed animal. But when you go your whole life without any form of comfort, even something like a stuffed animal to keep you company at night you start to appreciate the little things.

"Really?" Klaus asked surprised, feeling sadness creep into his chest realizing just how sad of a childhood she really had

It made him want to track down her mother and demand that she tell him why she kept Marjorie from him. He could've given her a wonderful childhood, he would've changed for her had he gotten the chance.

"None of my foster homes really cared enough to buy me anything extra. They barely bought me clothes." Marjorie mumbled forgetting momentarily that Klaus could hear her

"Well as long as you've got my DNA flowing through your veins you'll never want for anything ever again." Klaus promised and Marjorie smiled softly

"Thank you dad, for everything." Marjorie spoke gratefully

"Nonsense, it's my job. I need to speak with Marcel, it seems like he's still upset about Davina. Want to come with me?" Klaus asked and Marjorie shrugged looking over at her finished painting

"Sure. My painting has to dry anyway." Marjorie replied sitting the bear on her bed

"It's quite beautiful. You're very talented." Klaus admired Marjorie's painting

"Thanks, I've heard that I get that from you." Marjorie smiled as Klaus led her out of the room

"Art has been one of the only constants in my life. When I was a child I used to find all different kinds of berries and flowers and crush them up so I could use them as paint." Klaus reminisced

"Sometimes I forget how old you actually are. No offense." Marjorie awkwardly smiled and Klaus huffed a laugh

"Ouch." Klaus hissed covering his heart

Marjorie just chuckled at her father's antics before they walked into the upstairs sitting room and found Marcel slumped against the couch with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

"Ugh, is this what it's come to? I bear the full weight of our kingdom while you pout like a child." Klaus chastised stepping further into the room

Marjorie felt a little awkward, she hadn't seen much of Marcel. If anything it seemed like he was purposely trying to avoid her which was confusing since she didn't do anything, that she knew of to warrant him avoiding her.

"You wanted to be king. Besides, you look like you got it covered." Marcel slurred not bothering to send the hybrid as much as a glance

"If the men see you shirk your duties, they're likely to do the same." Klaus quipped

"I told you, I am not in the mood for vampire hijinks." Marcel scoffed

"No. You'd rather sit wallowing in sorrow for your lost little friend." Klaus fired back and Marjorie winced knowing his comment wouldn't go over well

She was right. Marcel stood up quickly, slamming the bottle down onto the coffee table so hard Marjorie was surprised it didn't shatter as he pointed his finger accusingly at Klaus.

"Don't push me right now! She wasn't just a random kid, she was the closest thing to a daughter that I had. You should understand that better than anyone, at least you still have Marjorie." Marcel rambled gesturing to the small brunette who frowned sympathetically at his words

"I am sorry Davina is gone, okay? I'm sorry. But this mournful attitude is unworthy of you, and it's boring to me." Klaus paused before harshly patting his shoulder. "I know you're upset, which is why I will excuse how you mentioned my daughter. Next time I won't be as forgiving."

"Dad." Marjorie warned, not wanting him to make things worse between him and Marcel

Klaus sighed before reluctantly stepping away and back over to Marjorie's side. Diego suddenly enters the room to join them, looking worried.

"Hey, guys, we got a problem." Diego stressed looking between the three of them

Klaus reluctantly allowed Marjorie to come with them, Elijah and Rebekah were both out and Hayley was god knows where so he figured she'd atleast be safer with him.

The cauldron was creepy to say the least, and the thunder that shook the place didn't help make it any less creepy. Marjorie made sure to stay close to her dad, the further they walked inside the worse the feeling in her gut got.

Diego hadn't exactly told them what happened but fear was practically oozing off him as he led them over to a group of vampires. They disbursed when they caught sight of Klaus and Marjorie gasped at what she saw.

There were two vampires, both desiccated completely grey with black veins covering their body. They were lying in the middle of a salt spell, keeping anyone from reaching them.

Marjorie felt a sudden pull towards the boundary, but no one noticed as Diego informed Klaus what happened.

"We came to mess with the witches, just like you said. And these two, they went missing. Found them like this, not even staked. Just dead." Diego gulped, obviously overwhelmed

"That's two more of my guys gone. Nice job, Captain." Marcel scoffed towards Klaus

Marjorie couldn't hear her father's rebuttal as she stepped towards the boundary, it was almost like she was in a trance. Her body was moving without her permission and before she knew it, Marjorie was standing directly in front of it.

This position gave her a better look at the body's of the vampires and she noticed a sort of symbol carved into their foreheads. Marjorie reached her hand out and touched the boundary before gasping loudly as she was sucked into some sort of vision.

The same African American man from her earlier vision appeared, he ambushed the two vampires in front of him before pouring the salt around their body's and cutting his hand allowing his blood to drip down onto the salt. He knelt next to the bodies and carved a symbol into each of their foreheads before standing up.

The man held his arms out to his sides and muttered a spell causing the vampires bodies to shine before they slowly started desiccating and their power flowed into him.

"Marjorie!" Klaus' panicked voice caused Marjorie to break out of her trance

Marjorie gasped as her eyes snapped open and she found herself on the ground being cradled by Klaus who looked down at her in alarm.

"What was that? What happened? Are you ok?" Klaus questioned with wide eyes

"I think so." Marjorie groaned before pushing herself into a sitting position

She looked up and saw the vampires standing around looking at her in confusion and maybe a little bit of fear.

"What happened?" Klaus asked again

"Something was pulling me towards the boundary and when I touched it I was pulled into a vision again. It was the same man I saw before, the African American one with the white tux and gold bow tie. He took those vampires down before making the boundary spell and carving the symbol into their foreheads. He chanted something and it looked like he was absorbing their power." Marjorie explained with furrowed brows

"He channeled them." Klaus realized before turning to the rest of the vampires. "We're gonna find whoever did this, and I will show them what suffering is."


When they got back to the compound Elijah was waiting for them and immediately pulled Marjorie into a hug making sure she was ok after having another vision.

Her head felt heavy but other than that and a lingering feeling of dread, Marjorie was alright.

She sat on the couch in the compound with a glass of water Klaus had one of the vampires fetch her, as everyone else talked about their latest issue.

"Someone will die for this." Klaus stated frustratedly

"Remarkably, I don't disagree. However, I would like to know where they learned such dark magic and what Marjorie's visions mean." Elijah agreed more levelheaded than his brother

"I had hoped never to see that symbol again. I recall it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us." Klaus scoffed

"Clearly, some upstart witch is salvaging old tricks." Elijah raised his brow

"I'll do for him as I did the other." Klaus turns to Diego. "Diego, when night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the Quarter. Get me the head of whoever did this and put it on a stick."

"Yeah. That's gonna be a problem. Everyone is freaked out, man. We haven't had witches killing vampires in a long time. Marcel made sure of that." Diego informed the hybrid

"Marcel has run off like a scared child. You lot are left with me. Now, who of you will fight to defend our home?" Klaus looks around to see that no one comes forward. "Not a single one of you will stand with me, so afraid are you of this new threat? You should know better. I'll handle this myself."

Klaus went to storm off but stopped and placed a kiss on Marjorie's forehead first.

"Stay in the compound or with Elijah please. If you have another vision call me." Klaus said and Marjorie nodded

"I will, dad. Be careful." Marjorie replied and Klaus shot her a wink before leaving

The other vampires disbanded leaving only Elijah and Marjorie in the room.

"Uncle Elijah?" Marjorie spoke up

"Yes dear?" Elijah asked moving to sit next to her

"Dad said that he thinks I may be getting these visions as some sort of warning. That something or someone is a threat to us, have you ever heard of anything like that before?" Marjorie tilted her head and Elijah hummed thoughtfully

"I can recall some witches I've come across having a special gift that included visions of certain events. They were all very powerful but very old. The last one I remember was back in the 19th century in Peru, she had visions of great destruction coming for her people. When she warned them of what she saw they shunned her and called her crazy. In the end her vision came true and everyone perished, including the witch." Elijah recounted and Marjorie's eyes widened

"If they had listened to her they would've lived." Marjorie noted with a sigh

"Perhaps, or something else would've happened. But we'll never know." Elijah spoke before grabbing Marjorie's hand. "History won't repeat itself here, it may not seem like it but we're taking your visions seriously. We may not know exactly what they mean but we'd be ignorant to ignore them. Especially when they come from you."

"I just feel helpless sometimes, especially when I'm the one who's always being saved. I just want to help protect my family." Marjorie admitted and Elijah smiled softly

"I'm afraid you'll have plenty of time for that darling. There's always another threat that the Mikaelson's have to face. Your time will come." Elijah promised with an almost bitter taste on his tongue

All Elijah ever wished for was his family to find peace and to not have to fear the next threat that might come for them. But unfortunately being a Mikaelson means having a number of enemies to come with it.

"That's comforting." Marjorie smiled sarcastically and Elijah huffed in amusement. "Have you heard from Rebekah? I know dad called and left her a voicemail, I just figured after the way she's been hovering over me the past few days that she would've rushed right over."

Elijah furrowed his brows thoughtfully, Marjorie was right. Rebekah had been glued to their nieces side afraid she'd have another vision and have to go through it alone. So it was unusual that she didn't rush to her aid the second she found out about the new one.

"I haven't. But it is odd that she isn't here." Elijah agreed before pulling out his phone, presumably to call the woman in question

Marjorie waved at Hayley as she walked into the courtyard, the pregnant wolf smiling back as she moved to sit next to the teenager shooting a glance towards Elijah.

"What's he doing?" Hayley asked noticing the serious look on the originals face

"Trying to call Bex, I had another vision and we called her but she never answered." Marjorie said and Hayley furrowed her brows

"That's weird. Are you ok?" Hayley slid her arm around Marjorie's shoulder

"Yeah, just a little overwhelmed." Marjorie shrugged and Hayley nodded in understanding

"Nothing." Elijah sighed bringing his phone down from his ear

"You worried about whoever killed those daywalkers still being out there?" Hayley asked

"Frankly, I'm worried that she had something to do with this. She's very displeased with Niklaus, perhaps even conspiring with others." Elijah responded

"But she would've dropped whatever she was doing the second Marjorie's name was brought up." Hayley reminded him

"She's in trouble isn't she? That's why I had another vision, maybe it was trying to warn me that Rebekah's in trouble." Marjorie offered not knowing what to think, but feeling like if Rebekah really is in trouble that she could've prevented it

"We can't know that for sure and there was no way for you to know if Rebekah was in trouble or not. You didn't see anything happen to her so don't blame yourself." Hayley told the girl patting her back and Marjorie sighed but nodded

Elijah narrowed his eyes to the right and Marjorie followed his gaze to see him staring right at Thierry, one of Marcel's friends.

"Thierry, is it?" Elijah spoke making the man jump

"That's right." Thierry cleared his throat

"My sister is rather fond of you. Strange, she's not typically drawn to unremarkable men. Would you care to explain your sudden magnetism?" Elijah suggested and Marjorie coughed to hide her chuckle

"I don't know what you're--" Tired of beating around the bush Elijah grabbed Thierry by the throat and shoved him against the wall

"You can either tell me what you know, or I can distribute tiny pieces of you throughout the Quarter." Elijah threatened

"She asked me to keep an eye out on which stuff, she was worried about the kids vision. I found something, and when I showed her, we were jumped by some guy. He desiccated her with his touch." Thierry answered with a sigh

"Like a coward, you left her." Elijah snarled and Marjorie clenched her jaw

"What was I supposed to do, fight some warlock that took out an Original?" Thierry scoffed

"Maybe you could've called one of the two other originals." Hayley rolled her eyes

"Where was this, exactly?" Elijah asked

"The docks, warehouse 57. I was just doing what she asked. You cannot tell Klaus about this." Thierry panicked but before anyone could say anything Marjorie raised her hand and snapped his neck

Thierry fell to the ground temporarily dead and Elijah looked at his niece mildly impressed while Hayley smirked at Marjorie's action.

"He was talking too much, let's go find my favorite aunt." Marjorie said turning to walk away but bumped into Elijah's chest when he sped in front of her

"Just where do you think you're going?" Elijah asked with raised brows

"I'm going with you. Dad told me to stay with you." Marjorie defended herself

"He said stay with me or in the compound. I doubt he meant for you to follow me into the line of fire." Elijah shook his head

"I'm safer with you than here by myself with the idiots who are being preyed on by the witch." Marjorie fired back and Elijah sighed

"Fine. But stay attached to my hip at all times or I'll put you on a leash." Elijah threatened and Marjorie nodded

"Scouts honor. Bye Hales." Marjorie waved

"Be careful! Bring Rebekah home." Hayley rested her hand over her stomach anxiously

"We will." Elijah promised sharing a barely noticeable smile making Hayley's face light up and Marjorie grin

Like Elijah instructed Marjorie stuck close to his side as they walked into the warehouse down at the docks, Marjorie gasped when she saw Rebekah lying desiccated like the other vampires.

"Rebekah!" Elijah exclaimed speeding Marjorie and himself over to her

"Oh my god." Marjorie mumbled before trying to push through the barrier. "It's a boundary spell. Dad was right, whoever is doing this is using vampires to channel their power."

"That's explains why the others died, they were completely drained. But because she's an original she can't die, instead she's an endless source of power." Elijah explained looking at his sister sadly

"We have to get her out right? Find a way to break the boundary." Marjorie rambled trying to find a way to help

"That's right. I'll call Sophie and see if she can be of assistance." Elijah said pulling out his phone and calling the witch

Marjorie listened as Elijah informed the witch of their predicament, but she thought back to her vision. The second one, she saw the witch drop his blood onto the salt almost like it was a way to activate the boundary spell.

"He used his blood to activate the spell. I saw it in my vision." Marjorie spoke up gaining Elijah's attention interrupting their conversation

"What about the blood of a witch?" Elijah asked Sophie over the phone before bidding his goodbyes and hanging up

"My blood can break it." Marjorie said noticing the look Elijah was giving her

"It can. What do you say?" Elijah asked not wanting to pressure her into anything

"Let's do it. Anything for Auntie Bex." Marjorie nodded holding her hand out

Elijah couldn't help but smile softly at her desire to help, it reminded him a lot of Klaus when they were children. He delicately grabbed her hand bit into her wrist as softly as he could.

Marjorie winced at the sting but quickly held her bleeding wrist over the salt and smiled when she noticed it fizzling and dissolving as more of her blood dropped onto it.

When enough of the boundary dissolved Elijah rushed into the circle and grabbed Rebekah before grabbing Marjorie and speeding away.


When they got back to the compound Rebekah had woken up and hugged Marjorie tightly before disappearing again with Elijah following shortly after.

Marjorie had been in her room when Sophie out of all people approached her and knocked on the door.

"Can I talk to you?" Sophie asked and Marjorie hesitantly nodded "Klaus told me about your visions. I believe that your power is growing and as it continues to grow more abilities that you have are going to be made known."

"Ok." Marjorie sighed heavily before rubbing her forehead. "What about these visions, what do they mean for my family?"

"When we completed the harvest the whole point is to die and be reborn, the witches who were sacrificed should've risen but they didn't. I don't know how, but someone jacked that power, and they used it to bring back four witches... Just not the right ones. So the witches you saw in your vision were the ones who were brought back instead, and since Papa Tunde was the one who killed the night walkers and attacked Rebekah it could mean that your family is in danger. That these witches are targeting them because of grudges." Sophie revealed studying the younger girls expression

Marjorie tried to put on a brave face and ignore the overwhelming feeling of fear shooting through her body. The thought of something happening to her family was terrifying, she finally has people who care about her and that she cares about and she doesn't want to lose them.

"I want you to help me with my magic." Marjorie said and Sophie raised her brows in surprise, that being the last thing she expected the girl to say

"Me? Why would you want me to help you?" Sophie asked

"Because despite how I feel about you and after everything you've done to me, you're smart and you know what it means to be a witch. Uncle Elijah tries to teach me the best he can but there's a difference between telling and showing. All I've heard since I've came here is that I'm strong and a threat, but the reality is that I'm weak. I don't know how to use my powers to their full potential. All I want to do is help protect my family, I have all the tools to do so but none of the know how. So will you do it? Please?" Marjorie pleaded and Sophie thought for a moment before sighing

"Fine. But we call a truce. I won't be a threat to you or your unborn sibling just as long as you and your family aren't one to me." Sophie offered holding her hand out

"Deal. Just don't think about conspiring against my family again or I will kill you myself." Marjorie threatened as she shook her hand

"You really are your father's daughter." Sophie sighed wondering just what she got herself into

"I'll take that as a compliment." Marjorie smiled

┌── •✧• ──┐

└── •✧• ──┘

Authors Note:
Hey guys! I'm sorry it took me so long to update!
I was struggling with motivation and writers block but I promise I'll do my best to keep from going so long without an update again.
Please vote and comment to let me know what you think, and thank you so much for your support!!

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