A Ranger's Duty

By LiamsTrish

3K 95 232

The night is cold as the quirkless Izuku Yagi wanders in an effort to find safe lodgings. Why? Because he ran... More

Heart of a Ranger!
Author's Only Warning!
Spirit of The Grid!
Melissa & DECA's Choice! New Form!

Aftermath! Truth Unveiled!

724 23 20
By LiamsTrish

     Shortly after Izuku had left the Yagi house, the guests had arrived. Everyone had slowly begun to show up. Running through the list, we had Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugo, Enji, Fuyumi, and Natsuo Todoroki. David and Melissa Shield, Nezu, Sorahiko Torino, Chiyo Shuzenji, Shota Aizawa, Nemuri Kayama, Hizashi Yamada, Mirai Sasaki, and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi even showed up.

    As the guests were talking to one another, a surprise awaited them as inko had managed to return from her mission. Yet Nezu and Aizawa felt something was amiss as only Toshinori, Izumi, Katsuki, and Shoto had been seen since their arrival. "Aizawa, did they tell you why Izuku wasn't here?" Nezu asked as his mind was racing through thoughts. Aizawa slowly shook his head. He, too, couldn't help but have a bad feeling about the situation. "No. No one made mention of him either. Something is wrong here." Aizawa said with a sigh.

    Nezu nodded in agreement and asked him to go check Izuku's room as he himself was going to ask the kids. Agreeing, Aizawa made his way over to Izuku's room all the while his gut was telling him today was not going to end well.

    "Ahem. Pardon me, Izumi, but do you know where Izuku is?" Nezu asked as Aizawa left the room. Izumi, with a practiced mask, hid her shock at someone daring to mention that null's name in her presence. "I'm afraid not Uncle Nezu. He said he was going to a friend's house to celebrate." Izumi said with a huff. She was not aware that Tsukauchi had been listening, and his quirk set off warning bells. He didn't mention anything yet as he wasn't sure what the lie was hiding.

    Nezu frowned a bit before he turned to the Yagi parents and asked the same thing. Yet, much to the surprise of the heroes in the room, Toshinori and Inko both looked confused. "Who is Izuku?" Inko asked, and everything stopped dead. The adults minus Masaru, Enji, and Mirai looked on in shock and anger. Nezu growled as Nemuri spoke. "The fuck do you mean 'Who is Izuku?' He's your goddamn son!" She hissed out as her anger began to build up.

    Inko blinked at the venom Nemuri spoke with. "What are you talking about? I only ever had one kid. You all should know that Izumi is our only child. What game are you playing at Nemuri?" Inko asked, and even Tsukauchi was taken aback by this as his quirk hadn't gone off. Which meant inko truly believed she only had Izumi. Before more could be asked, Aizawa returned with a look of horror and absolute fury on his face. In his hands, he held several letters. "Toshinori,  Izumi, Shoto, and Katsuki. You fucks have some serious explaining to do! How dare you treat my nephew like this!" Aizawa growled out as he trembled with barely controlled fury.

    The heroes and kids looked on in shock as none had ever seen Aizawa so emotional except for Nemuri and Hizashi after Oboro's death. "What do hou mean Shota? What are those papers, and why are you so angry with us?" Toshinori asked in complete confusion only worsening the situation. In a flash, Aizawa's hair was raised as he rushed the bastard dropping the papers in the process as he began to beat the Symbol of Peace like a scalded dog. "Shota, stop! What are you doing!? You'll kill him!!" Hizashi and Nemuri shouted as they pulled the furious Edaserhead off of Toshinori. "Good that's what the fucker deserves! Let me at him!!" Aizawa roared as Nezu picked up the letters, and his eyes went wide.

    "These are letters from Izuku! They're addressed to all of us. Admitting to crimes, all of you have committed against Izuku and others." Nezj said with killer intent so powerful it stopped everyone cold. "Wait, so this imaginary son Izuku really exists?" Inko asked as Melissa had slowly begun to piece things together, and her anger grew after reaching a conclusion. 'These fuckers forgot Izuku even existed all because he's like me! How the fuck can they call themselves parents and heroes!?' She hissed in her mind as her fingernails drew blood. "Sigh. Yes, Inko. As well it explains why you forgot him. It also explains where he went... well sort of...." Nezu said in a morose tone. Tsukauchi and Gran Torino each eyed the other suspicious of what they were about to learn.

    "Please, Nezu, explain what's going on here. This doesn't make any sense!" Mitsuki said tearfully, ignoring the look of rage on her husband's face. Nezu cleared his throat as he nodded. "Very well. Let me read this to you all. Once done, we can dole out the consequences." Nezu said before he started to read aloud.

     "Uncle Nezu. I figure you will be the one to read this and explain things. Sigh, where do I even begin? I guess I should start when things change forever. The day of my stupid quirk diagnosis. See after Slutzumi was diagnosed with a highly powerful telekinetic quirk, and I was diagnosed quirkless. Only mom seemed to care as Cuckinori completely ignored me to focus solely on my slutty sister. Mom sat me down after we got home, and she had explained the quirk situation to Cuckinori. I was broken by that fucking shitty doctor. I asked mom if I could still be a hero even without a quirk. She smiled tearfully as she cupped my cheek. 'Of course you can. You know Uncle Sho fights quirkless as his quirk doesn't do anything to aid him in combat. If you train hard and put that big beautiful brain of yours to work, you definitely could be a hero. Maybe not one like All Might but a hero nonetheless. I love you, Izuku, and I will do all I can to help you achieve your dream!' She said, and it blew the storm clouds away from my heart. I know you all may be angry at mom, but please, it's not her fault she forgot me. Anyway. The next day at school, Slutzumi told Kuntsuki and Shito about me not having a quirk. They made a horrible choice after learning that I still wanted to be a hero. They were gonna beat me until I gave up my dream. Since then, they have beaten me and even used their quirks on me every day. On top of the physical abuse, they also abused me verbally. Threatened to kill me and lied to Cuckinori and Mom about me being a bully to Slutzumi. But the worst had yet to come. As while all that abuse was going on, Enji and Masaru began beating my aunties. It's why Shito has that scar on his face as Uncle Enji had driven Rei insane from all the beatings and rapes.

   Aunty Mitsuki as well is covered in bruises and beaten every time she so much as mentions my existence. I have left evidence in a storage locker to put the bastards away. As well as a video that shows why mother forgot me. See, on our eighth birthday, Slutzumi and Cuckinori paid a villain with a powerful psychic quirk to erase my mother's knowledge of me and my existence. However, I know how to break the quirk's influence on her. If you show her actual evidence of my existence such as that she gave birth to me, it will crack through the quirk's influence. Also you'll need to tell her a secret that only her and I know about. While telling her what she told me when I asked if I could still be a hero, you'll need to either show her my birth certificate or pictures of her and I together. That should break the quirk and allow her to remember me as well as evidence of Cuckinori's and Slutzumi's trickery and treatment of me.

   As for me, I learned about Cuckinori being All Might and his choice to give One For All to Slutzumi. After hearing that and all the abuse compiled on top of it, I couldn't take it anymore. Don't worry, I'm not dead... however, I have run away. In hopes of finding a life for myself. When mother returns, I pray you help restore her memory. As well I hope the bitchsquad, Cuckinori, Enji, and Masaru pay for their sins. Uncle Nezu, as much as I hate to make this request of you. Especially after all you, Uncle Sho, Uncle Zashi, Auntie Nem, Grampa Torino, Granny Chiyo, Uncle David, and Uncle Nao have done for me throughout the years. All the things you all taught me. The kindness and love you shared for me. Those memories of the good times and my first 8 years of living with my mother. Please blacklist the bitchsquad from all hero schools, Cuckinori's, Enji's, and Masaru's crimes to be made public and them to be arrested and charged for their crimes. Tell Mother I love her and this was not her fault. I do not blame her for what's become of my life.

    However, there is one more person I need to explain things to. I pray she is there with you. If not, can you please ensure Melissa gets my letter to her? If she is, please tell her this. Of all the kids I've met in life, none compare to her. She is so brilliant, kind, caring, happy, and beautiful. I know her life as a quirkless was vastly different from my own. Hell, even the bitchsquad never hurt her or broke her dream of being a hero. Cuckinori and Nightcunt, however, did. But I never once doubted her. I know she will be an amazing hero someday and one of if not the top inventor of support gear in the world. I fully support her and hold nothing against her for having a somewhat normal life. We can not choose our family or decide how they will treat us. But I pray Cuckinori at least sees her like I do. Melissa has the heart of a true hero. If anyone deserves to be the ninth wielder of OFA, it's her. Heh. I never thought I'd say this as I was always too scared of how she'd respond. We may never meet again in life, Melissa, but I want you to know I liked you and wanted to be more than just a friend. I'm sorry for the pain I cause and pray you gets to live your dream. Even if Cuckinori doesn't give her OFA, she will be a hero regardless. I just wish I had been brave enough to tell her I felt.

   Ahem. Sorry, I got a bit emotional there. I hope Uncle Nezu that you will destroy the Aldera school system. It is full of quirkists who freely allowed the bitchsquad to brutalize me every day. They change my grades so as not to make the quirked students seem inferior to me. They indoctrinate the powerful students into the MLA way of thinking. Any student with a perceived villainous and/or weak quirk is forced to essentially worship the powerful students and let them walk all over them flaunting their supposed superiority. They are all physically, verbally, and even sexually abusive to the weak, villainous, or quirkless students. Hell, if we reported the abuse to the staff, they simply accosted us and wrote down lies about our personalities and abilities. I have collected evidence of their sins as well. I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to bring this to you. Please do not worry. I am safe, and sadly, I'm happier than ever knowing that you will move heaven and earth to fulfill my requests. Keep your eyes peeled in a couple of years as I will come to UA and fulfill my own dream.

                          Sincerely, Izuku Shimura."
    Nezu finished as tears fell for his beloved nephew. Only Enji, Masaru, Cuckinori, and the bitchsquad weren't in tears for the boy and his story. The offenders simply held in their rage as they feared what would come next. Melissa was a broken mess, and she and her aunties left the room to try and calm the girl down. They knew how she felt for Izuku, and now that Izuku himself had admitted his feelings for her, it was too much for the broken-hearted girl to take. Shota and the rest began cracking their knuckles as Naomasa led Inko to her room to grab her scrapbooks. Inko herself was conflicted. She realized that if what this Izuku Shimura said was truth, then she had been a horrible mother for forgetting her baby boy.

    Nezu sighed as he watched Chiyo and Sorahiko beat the ever living piss out of Cuckinori, Enji, and Masaru. Shota was glaring at Enji so hard that the number two felt like he was gonna die. Hizashi was doing his best to hold Aizawa back as Mirai sweat from the confession Izuku made and was doing his best to go unnoticed. "That's enough. Now it's time to dish out punishments for you six. Toshinori, Enji, and Masaru. You three will be sentenced to prison for a minimum of 30 years if the evidence Izuku has against you is accurate. You brats will all be sentenced to juvenile detention centers until you are 18 and then will be transferred to a prison to serve out the rest of your sentences. You will never get the chance to be heroes. I will ensure that all hero schools blacklist you three, and no one, not even the Hero commission, can do anything to prevent this. I pray Izuku does take the entrance exam when the time comes. I can't believe this was happening all without my knowledge. That boy's intelligence is most likely better even than my own. Toshinori. You will be giving Melissa OFA, or else I will make your sentence a death sentence. Or have you forgotten you were quirkless originally too?" A sad Nezu said as he was drowning in rage and sorrow.

     Nemuri and Mitsuki were holding onto Melissa as she wept for her crush. "D-Dammit! Why did h-he g-go through this a-all a-alone? Why d-didnt he t-trust me or l-let me help him?" Melissa asked through sobs. The two women felt her pain as they, too, lost a huge safety line in Izuku. Now that he was gone, things would be much harder. "I think Melissa.... that Izukun felt we would all a-abandon him if he told us. Due to the powerful quirks of those three cunts and how everyone else treated him. He had been proven right to a degree, but we never would have chosen them over him or been angry simply because he didn't have a quirk. But... he is drowning in the deep. Everyone else abandoned him and betrayed him. When that's all you see for 8 years, it's easy to assume others would do the same. I think to preserve his memories of us, he felt he had to do this. To escape. To be free. I pray he stays safe and we can find him, but given his intellect, I don't think we can. I have faith he will attend UA like he promised. So we have to wait and hope Mel. It's all we can do." Mitsuki said in a voice full of despair.

    Nemuri nodded as all three wept. Listening to the bitchsquad and shitty dads get beaten by the others. "We will meet him again. That young man has never broken a promise before. I know no matter what, in three years, he will return. Have faith in him, Melissa." Nemuri said as she hugged Melissa and Mitsuki. All three with memories of the literal angel he seemed to be. How bright he made their lives and how much hell he suffered at the hands of quirkists, including his own blood. All praying they can restore Inko's memories of the brilliant son they forced her to forget. Amazed that the young man held no hate for them or his mother. Only for those who betrayed them and tortmented them. 

     Naomasa and Inko went into the master bedroom. Inko herself felt like this was some horrid prank as there's no way she could ever forget a child. Especially if she was that child's mother. Naomasa, however, was searching the entire room for any photo or video evidence that Izuku existed and was with her. As he did, he noticed Inko's eyes on a small part of the walk-in closet floor. "What you looking at Inko?" He asked, and Inko simply shrugged. "I do not know. For some reason, I feel compelled to pick up those boards." She said as the duo went to it. Both knelt down and inspected the floor. At first glance, it appeared normal. But upon closer inspection, they found a groove that allowed them to open it, revealing a small cubby full of letters and pictures as well as small toys baby Izuku had.

    Inko was wide-eyed as she looked at the pictures. She grabbed her head, feeling a headache coming on as she noticed her holding a green haired boy as Toshi held a geen haired girl. Picture after picture showing her with the boy as he aged all with his name on the back. Her headache was getting worse and worse. But what broke through was the last letter she saw dated on the 14th of July. Literally the day before their kids' 8th birthday. As she read it, her eyes widened so much Naomasa feared they'd pop out. Suddenly, with a shout of pain, Inko collapsed, causing even more panic.

     As she was unconscious, she was within her own mindscape. Across from her was another version of her. A stronger version. "Finally, we meet once more, Inko. You finally lifted the restriction." The other Inko said with a sad smile. Inko looked to her confused as to what was happening as visions of her life with Izuku flew around her. "Wh-Who are y-you? Wh-What's h-happening!?" Inko squeaked. The other Inko smiled softly as she pointed to her. "I am your quirk, Inko. I am what your quirk should be. Due to the restrictions, I was held back from granting you full power. Your bastard husband and bitch of a daughter forced me back. It's why your power weakened so much, and you forgot our little Izu-chan. I fought for years to break it. Growing stronger with each failure. Your cuck of a husband feared my power, making you the number one hero. As well, he feared you loving Izu-chan. Do you remember our little baby boy now?" Other Inko asked. With teary eyes and a sniffle, Inko nodded as she began to break down.

    "I'm a horrible mother! I hurt my baby so much. Why!? Why did I hurt him? I loved him with all my heart!" She said through the tears as the other Inko pulled her into a hug. She whispered to her as she rubbed circles in her back. "Hush now, Inko. Izu-chan doesn't hate us. Yes, we hurt him, but he knows we had no choice in the matter. He knows we were tricked by Cuckinori. What we should be doing instead of crying Inko is finding our baby boy. To apologize to him and do whatever it takes to prove to him we are no longer chained by Cuckinori and Slutzumi. We need to show him that our love for him has never wavered. That truly we love him and would never hurt him if we had the capability. To be a family once more. Inko, this may take a bit to get the hang of, but it's time you gained the strength that Cuckinori had stolen from you. When you wake up, you and Melissa, as well as the rest of them, must start searching for Izuku. Not to protect him due to being weak but because we love him and need him in our lives. Can you do that for us?" Inko sniffled and nodded as the other Inko smiled through her tears. "Then it's time Inko to go plus ultra once again!" Other Inko shouted as she began to glow, and Inko's entire body hurt.

    With a scream, Inko woke up as the entire room was full of telekinetically lifted objects spinning at great speed. Chaos erupted as everyone raced to her, and she had that familiar green aura around her but much brighter than ever before. "My little Izu-chan! I'm so sorry, baby. I am so very sorry. I never wanted this. I never wanted to hurt you or forget you!" Inko exclaimed as she took slow, shaky breaths. As sad as it was, the family smiled softly as they hugged her. Realizing she had gotten her memories back.

    As that was going on, and the police and ambulances made their way, Melissa felt a vibration from her phone. Looking at it, there was a message from an unknown number. 'Beast's Forest. You will find who you seek there. Come alone or with Inko, preferably.' Was all it said. No name or anything, just a message to go to beasts forest. With a smile and sniffle, she nodded and replied in an affirmative. She knew what her and Inko would be doing when all this is said and done. "I will Izu. Aunty Inko and I will come to you. We'll help you through all this. That's a promise! Melissa said with a smirk. "Not to mention, it's time you learn my feelings."

   Whew that's chapter 2 yo!

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