Arms of The Angels || Book 2...

By kmnjihallelujah

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I love you, even when you're only a hope. :3 Remember to separate fiction from reality ! This one is the seq... More



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By kmnjihallelujah

"Artery and Venous are in the lobby with Mom. Do you want to see them?"

"Yeah," Hanni stole a quick peck on the sleeping boy's cheek then slipped into the slippers.

"How are they?"

"They miss Aorta and you. They've been asking you guys nonstop." Minji answered as she checked the IV line.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

"I did." Hanni replied from the bathroom. After washing her face and putting a light makeup on, she changed her clothes.

"Did you?"

"At dawn but sleep nonetheless." Minji approached Hanni slowly. Tilting her head to the side, she spoke softly, "Aorta will be fine. He'll get better."

Hanni nodded but said no comment. The guilt had not left her alone. If only she had caught the sign earlier, Aorta wouldn't have had to suffer this condition. She thought his complaint was nothing serious since it was not the first time. She was overconfident but her son was the one who had to pay for her inconsiderate action.

"So stop blaming yourself."

Hanni clenched her jaw, "Easy for you to say. You weren't there. It's not your fault-"

"It's not yours either," Minji interrupted gently.

"It's okay."

"What is?!" Hanni hissed frustratingly.

"I am his mother, Minji. I should've known better than to dismiss his complain like it's not a big deal. Because it is a big deal."

Minji looked at her wife sympathetically. She touched Hanni's cheek and caressed it tenderly. "Baby, unexpected things happen, it'll happen again in the future. But that doesn't make you a bad mother. No one blames you so please stop putting everything on your shoulder. They wouldn't ask for a better mother because you are the best."

Hanni enveloped Minji's hand in hers. She closed her eyes, appreciating the gesture. Hanni sighed wearily. "I just never thought it'd come to this."

"So did I." The doctor pulled her wife into a warm hug. "We'll get through this together, alright? No more guilt. He's going to be fine."

Hanni didn't argue when Minji asked her to go home that night. Fatigue had finally overcome her. She'd only put more trouble should she fall sick at the moment. After Aorta was asleep, she took her leave with Artery, Venous, and Minji's parents.

Minji looked up from her table, flashing a small smile to Ryujin when the general surgeon entered the room, then locked the device. "Why are you still here at this hour?" Since the night was already late and Ryujin was not the surgeon on call, she shouldn't be in the hospital.

"I have nothing to do at home. Thought I'd visit Aorta and get you some snacks." Ryujin lifted the plastic bag. A well-known fast food brand printed on it.

"Should we dig in?"

"Sure." Minji grinned gratefully.

They ate in silence, engulfed in their own minds. The only sound that could be heard was the monitor beeping. Minji stole a glance every now and then to the screen just in case his vital signs changed.

"Hanni didn't fight you tonight?"

"A little. But she'd tired. She knows it's not the best idea if she stays." Minji licked her fingers, savoring the tasty treat.

"Gosh, it's been so long since the last time I ate this meal."


"I have kids, Ryu. I can't just eat whatever I want now. They love junk food, too, and Hanni is really strict with once a month, only on weekend rules."


"We can only eat junk food once a month on weekends." Minji clarified.

"I can have some at work but whenever I'm about to walk into the restaurant, I feel like I cheat somehow like... I can imagine their eyes judging me, you know?"

"That's nonsense but also incredible. I wish I could have what you have."

Minji watched her best friend looking at her son attentively. She could see the yearning in Ryujin's eyes. She quickly finished her meal, cleaning the leftover then washed her hands.



"I thought you're seeing someone?"

"No, I'm not."

"Why? Do you still have feelings for Yeji?" Ryujin snorted.

"It's been ages, Minji. I've forgotten her long ago."

"Then why?"

"I don't know," she shrugged as nonchalantly as she could.

"I don't know where to begin, I guess? I tried to go out on a date but it ended as fast as it started. All become meaningless and I feel like I'm wasting my time. I have no idea what I'm doing now. I have enough wealth but what are these for?"

"You know, my best friend once told me when I was pretty much in your position that someday I'd get over my grief and start over with someone new as long as I keep my heart open and just believe. It took me long enough to recover, but I'm here now. You can have it, too. Whatever happened between you and Yej-"

"This is not about her-"

"It has always been about her. You don't have to deny it. It's always about her. I know exactly how you feel." Minji squeezed Ryujin's shoulder.

"I've been in your shoes before."

"I'm not getting younger, Minji," Ryujin sank to the couch.

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone."

"Everyone has their own pace, Ryu. You're never too old or too young, too late, too fast. Give yourself freedom, settle down, let all your resentment go. See people who they are, they're not Yeji."

Taking a long deep breath, she mumbled a low "okay."

"Make peace to your soul, Ryujin. It's how I manage to get by."


Both Hanni and Minji had come to an agreement that Minji would look after Aorta at night and Hanni would do her part during the day. Fortunately, Artery and Venous didn't seem to mind when they had to stay at hospital day care. They'd Facetime their brother anytime Aorta awake to ease the longing.

Minji thrust Aorta's lower jaw till his mouth closed perfectly then started to suck the mucous out from his nose. He couldn't blow it out by himself since it was too hard and confusing to him. There was a suction catheter for another option but it's very much unpleasant and distressing for Aorta.

Sucked, spitted the mucous out, sucked, spitted the mucous out... till Aorta could breath better.

Aorta scrunched his nose, rubbing it furiously.

"Better, Baby?"

"Aorta's nose is a bit itchy."

"Wait a bit." Minji went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Done with that, she sloped under the cover beside her son and scratched his nose softly.

"Where's Mommy, Dada?"

"She's on the way here, Baby."

"Can Aorta meet Venous and Artery today, Dada? Can we go home?" The boy gotten better and better each day. He had been fever free for three days. He didn't cough that much anymore. And he also had completed his antibiotic treatment.

"We have to wait for Dr. Lee first, Baby. Maybe Aorta could ask him later?"

After six days of stressful circumstances, Dr. Lee finally agreed to discharge Aorta from the hospital. He had done the last test and it was all good for the little guy to go home.

While carrying Aorta and holding Ve's hand in hers, Hanni felt lightened. She caught a glimpse of her wife's relieved smile at the corner of her eyes. Artery was sleeping soundly in Minji's arms. The storm had passed. She couldn't be happier.


After Aorta was discharged from the hospital, Hanni took more days off to look after the triplets. Aorta had become clingier to his siblings. It was endearing to see how they treated each other with care and love.

As the time passed, Minji and Hanni found the pace and balance between family and work. Minji had gotten better at taking care of the kids by herself. Every Saturday, the triplets would spend more time with Minji since she didn't have to come to the hospital except if she had surgery for a VIP patient, and Hanni had to work half a day on that day. They either went to the park or simply stayed at home after driving Hanni to her office.

Hanni had forbidden Minji to come near the stove especially when the triplets were around. She couldn't let Minji risk the triplets' safety. One step at a time. She'd teach Minji how to cook and handle the triplets at the same time first then maybe she'd reconsider the option. Being the great lover she was, Minji obeyed her wife's order.

"Dada are we going to pick Mommy later?"

Artery rested her chin on Minji's tummy. He just woke up from a nap.

"Yes. Why?" Minji kept her voice low, afraid that she'd wake the others.

He snuggled deeper as she shook his head. Minji caressed the back of his head fondly.

"Artery, kiss," Minji pouted her lips.

The boy instantly jumped to Minji and planted kisses all over her face. Not long after, two other lumps started to move. Venous suddenly sat up, rubbing her red eyes sleepily while Aorta blankly stared at her sister.

"Ve, Aorta, come here. Give Dada kisses." Minji reached out to the two. Aorta and Venous crawled to their dada. Each gave her a kiss on the lips then flopped beside Minji's head.

"You guys are still sleepy, hm?"

The three simultaneously hummed as a response.

"Do Aorta, Artery, and Venous want to give Mommy a surprise? Should we bring her a tasty meal?"

"Eel?" Artery looked up with sparkling eyes.

"Artery wants to eat eel?"

The boy nodded eagerly. His favorite food was much more similar to Hanni than Aorta and Venous. The two loved eels but not to Hanni's and Artery's extent. Meanwhile Minji, well, she didn't like the leftover bones in it.

"What does Aorta want?"



"Eel, and ice cream. Dada we can eat ice cream since it's Saturday, right?"

Minji laughed at the cuteness. "Yes, Sweet Heart. We'll go to an ice cream shop with Mommy, okay?"

An hour and half later, they were ready to go. There was this particular restaurant that served, according to Hanni, the best eel in town. In fact, it was her wife's and the triplets' favorite place. Minji ordered grilled eel and fried rice to go.

"Artery, hold Ve's hand, don't let go, okay?" Minji unfastened his seatbelt then picked him up. He immediately held his sister's hand tightly while waiting for his dada to get Aorta.

As expected, people were looking at them with a smile on their faces. It was so cute to see the four of them walking hand in hand. Some even stopped to say hello. The triplets put their hands on their belly then bowed as they greeted them back. Minji looked at her children proudly. They were all well mannered.

"Dada can we buy chocolate drinks since it's Saturday?" Aorta pointed to the coffee shop inside the building.

"Aorta will share with Venous and Artery."

"Alright. Let's go get a chocolate drink!"

The barista patiently waited for the triplets to choose as they scanned the menu intently. The three settled with ice chocolate milk. When Minji was ordering, Venous and Artery went wandering around. They spotted a familiar figure sitting not far from the window.

"Mommy!" The two shouted excitedly.

"Hey!" Hanni got off from the couch, crouching down as she welcomed Artery and Venous in her arms.

"What are you doing here? Where's Dada and Aorta?"

"Right there."

While carrying Aorta, Minji turned her head around frantically, probably looking for the two. Hanni waved to get her attention.

"Yah!" Minji scolded Artery and Venous.

"Why are you two wandering around like this? Artery what did Dada say earlier?"

"Hold Ve's hand? Artery always holds Ve's hand." The boy pouted.

"We come find Mommy, Dada." His lips started to tremble as a tear escaped from his eye. In no time he sobbed then Venous followed after.

Minji squatted down to their level. "Artery, Venous, stop," she stared at them steadily.

"Stop," she repeated sternly, "Stop crying. Stop now."

Aorta wrapped his small arms around Hanni's leg, feeling sorry for his siblings. He wanted to comfort Artery and Venous but his dada was scolding them. He knew better than to make his Dada angrier. Hanni also didn't give any comments. She let Minji discipline Artery and Venous in her own way.

The two choked in an attempt to put the cry to an end. They wiped their eyes with their hands.

"Come here," Minji pulled them into a tight hug.

"Don't wander around by yourself again, okay? Stay with Dada or Mommy when we go out, okay? Say yes." Minji felt the two nodded. Minji kissed Artery and Venous both in the lips and consoled them more.

"Don't cry, we're here to surprise Mommy, remember?"

"Y-yes, Dada."

"Good kids." Minji kissed them again then stood up.

"Hey," she greeted her wife as she placed a quick peck on her cheek.

"Hey. Why are you guys here so early?"

"We bought a meal. Thought we could eat lunch together. It's your favorite eel."

"Aaw, did Aorta, Artery, and Venous choose it?"

"Yes, since we know Mommy likes eel. We should share it, Mommy. It's in Dada's bag," Aorta explained cheerfully.

"Ve is hungry, Mommy," the youngest spoke quietly. She hid behind Hanni because she was still a bit upset.

"Can we eat now?"

"Ve is hungry? Wait a little bit, okay? Why don't Ve say hi to Aunty Kazuha first? She's Mommy's friend. Artery and Aorta, too, say hello to Aunty Kazuha."

The three bowed shyly.

"Hello!" The brown haired girl grinned widely.

"They're so cute. Just like you."

Hanni smiled stiffly and cleared her throat. "This is my wife, Minji. Babe, this is Kazuha, my... um client-"

"Friend.," the woman cut.

"We've agreed on friends, Hanni."

Minji increased her brow subtly at Hanni but her wife was looking at anything except her. "Kim Minji," she accepted the handshake.

"Nakamura Kazuha. Nice to meet you."

"You, too. So uh... are you guys like what? Work together?" Minji awkwardly asked. Was that a longing look? Wait... did they?

"I hope so. She didn't say yes," Kazuha answered.

"We want to open a branch in Seoul, though I'd ask Miss Pham here to help us settle with regulation thingy."

"I see."

"Dr. Kim!" A familiar old man approached the table.

"You bring the triplets! Oh they grow up so fast!"

"Yes, they do." Minji forced a smile. She was still watching this Kazuha by the corner of her eyes. Wait, why did she smile that way to her wife? What did this woman want from Hanni? It couldn't be just a professional matter.

"Forgive me for saying this, and please don't get offended but I think you've gained weight since the last time I saw you."

"Oh none taken. My wife.." she enfolded Hanni possessively, "she is the best cook.

"I simply can't resist. Besides, we eat a lot when we're happy. And I am the happiest woman alive." She emphasized the last sentence while observing Kazuha's expression. The latter took a subtle deep frustrating breath then looked away.

Okay, that's it. Minji thought. She'd ask Hanni who this woman was once they were in private.

"I can tell, Dr. Kim. By the way, I've booked an appointment with you next week for a check up. I'll see you?"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Lee."

"I better take my leave now. My grandkids are coming home."

"Good day, Mr. Lee." Hanni bowed a little then the man left.

A little chit-chat later, they parted from Kazuha. But not before an intense hopeful, "I hope you consider it," and a soft squeeze on Hanni's arm.

Minji's blood was boiling but she had to wait.


Hanni entered the kitchen after she tucked the kids to sleep. She opened the fridge and took a cartoon of orange juice out. "Want some?" She offered Minji with her back facing her wife.


Hanni knew Minji was mad. She was surprised and extremely confused when Kazuha showed up, out of the blue, at her office this morning. She hadn't had the chance to figure it out but she was not going to compromise Minji for it.

She exhaled a breath then turned around. Leaning by the kitchen counter, she studied Minji's impassive face. "You can ask."

Minji bit her inner cheek. "She's not just a friend, isn't she?"

"Nope." No use of joking to ease her off, Hanni thought.

A long pause passed, Hanni didn't seem to explain more.


"I'll answer what you want to know."


"Ask away then."

"Who is she to you?"

"An ex."

"An ex?!" Minji shouted.

"Shouldn't you have expected it?"

"Well, yes, but it doesn't lessen my fury!"

Hanni couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh," she covered her mouth.

"What did you break up with?" Minji folded her arms.

"Wait, you don't have to answer that. I know she must be an asshole."

"No, she's not."

"She's not?!"

"No? You don't even know Kazuha to judge her, Baby."

"Then why did you break up?" Minji demanded impatiently.

"Because I didn't love her the way she did."

"Han, please just - I'm getting really frustrated right now. So please, kindly just tell me."

"Fine. We started seeing each other when I was in law school and dated not long after I graduated. Since the beginning, I never felt love in a romantic way towards her. I was never in love with her but she persistently asked me and patiently waited for me and I thought that maybe someday my feelings would change. We moved in together after eight months of dating but she didn't stay at home that much cause she got business to handle. Gradually, we grew apart, my feelings didn't change so I chose to move out."

Minji held out her hand, "out of curiosity, did you tell her about..."

Hanni understood what Minji meant.

"I did. She was shocked but she took it quite nicely. I mean, she didn't throw me out or anything but she did disappear a few days to think, I suppose. The separation was a mutual agreement."

"Now she just wants you to help her regarding her business?"

Hanni took a seat across from her wife then enveloped Minji's hand in hers. "Yes, but also something more than that. She showed me a ring-"

"That's it! I'm gonna kill her!"

"Baby, please, calm down. You're going to wake up the babies." Hanni pushed Minji to sit down.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" Minji glared angrily.

"I told her I'm married with three kids."

"And yet she still asked you to reconsider?!"

"Reconsider her job, Minji. She knows her limit." Hanni put Minji's hand to her cheek. "I love you, okay? I will never cheat on
you. I don't have feelings for her."

"Did she really... like... suddenly come back and want to what? Propose to you?"

"She said she regretted what happened before and she would like a second chance, if she could. Well, she couldn't."



"You know what? Screw her. You've signed the official paper, you're the mother of my children, and you wear my ring- where's your ring?" Minji frowned at the absence of the certain thing on Hanni's left ring finger.

"In my drawer."

"You didn't wear your ring today?!"

"Don't you remember what we did last night? I had to take it off otherwise I'd hurt you. And this morning was a crazy hassle. I forgot. But Baby, ring or no ring, paper or no paper, kids or no kids, I'm still yours. No one ever makes me feel this way. So your insecurity is only going to tire you out. I have no intention to leave you."

"I hate her."

"I will not take the offer."


"For you? I'd do anything."

"Thank you," Minji sighed in relief.

"I love you."

"I love you more, Baby." Hanni pulled Minji by the neck and kissed her so softly.

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