like megan fox

By AloisTrancyX3

443 10 6

jake sees johnnie after taras video and thinks he looks a little too good More


443 10 6
By AloisTrancyX3

johnnie was just getting home after the video with tara still wearing her clothes deciding he would change at home and return her clothes later since she was on a rush somehwere else and needed him out of her home, "godddd i am tired" johnnie walked into jake and his own shared living room to see jake relaxed on the sofa sitting on his phone as the younger slowly looked up to meet eyes w the older "hey jo- woah" his eyes widen seeing how good johnnie looked "okay dont." johnnie laughs pointing at jake lecturing him predicting jake was going to make fun of him or something "dayummnn!! you look bad as fuck johnnie" jake says in a joking tone even though he meant it as he winked at johnnie, the emo just rolled his eyes laughing thinking jake was just joking around "no for real though" jake stood up and walked over to johnnie to get a better look as he looked the man up and down with a smirk. "if you were a woman i would so hit that" jake said knowing damn well he'd get in bed with the usual johnnie to but he could never admit that part. the brunette looked closely at johnnies make up and clothes, making johnnie very happy he had on concealer to hide his blush "thats- kinda gay" the ravenette said in his silly voice

Jake POV

' fuuuckkk johnnie looks so hot like this, i finally came to terms with my feelins towards my best friend and it makes it so much harder to see him like this.. hes giving me a bisexual panic so hard right now how can a man be sooo fine as a woman like this?? the things i would do ' i think to myself before walking passed johnnie into our kitchen playfully smacking his ass to see his reaction "hey! woOah!" he exclaimed at first sounding genuinely surprised but quickly switching to his persona voice "ya hungry?? i got pizza if ya want some" i say as i walk into the kitchen expecting him to follow, i dont want him to go change to quickly so im trying to detract him without being to obvious .. yet "oohh" he says as he follows me into the kitchen grabbing a plate, i open the box for him and he grabs two slices and walks over to the fridge grabbing a dr.pepper i take a breadstick and close the box walking back into the living room where johnnie is sitting with his legs propped up on the table relaxing back into the chair his shoes still on "you should cross dress more often, you look good like this" i try to suggest sounding natural and half joking just incase it makes him uncomfortable "you sayin i dont usually look good ?? damnnn" the emo says with pizza in his mouth sounding jokingly offended "no way, your always hot dude, but this is like sexy in a different font ya know?" johnnie seemed caught off guard by my compliments "stop itt" johnnie looks away slightly rolling his eyes again continuing to eat the pizza "i mean it man, no joke you are so hot" i sit next to him maybe a little to close i wink at him again as i relax in the seat putting my legs crossed on the table aswel he doesnt answer but he shakes his head laughing, i stop pushing for now deciding he should finish eating i instead pick up the remote and put on some random show

johnnie POV

' WHAT THE HELLLL IS UP WITH JAKE ?! ' i think to myself panicking on the inside, this whole girl outfit is really getting to him or something i guess?? after finishing a slice of pizza i decide to bring something up to see how he will react "you know i have dressed like a girl like five times on my channel right?? this is not a new thing" i laugh as i look over to him "WAI WHAT" i laugh even more at his outburt "you seriously didnt know?" i ask laughing "no??? what" jake says again as he pulled out his phone and opens youtiube i assume he is going to my channel to see what im talking about "yeah, alex dressed me as her before, and then there was the time i was styled by a drag queen" i say thinking back "i also just was into dresses for a while, you didnt see that??" i look over to him as he searches my channel clicking on the drag queen video and skipping the intro "holy shit dude" jake says as he watched

Jake POV (agaiun sorry..)

' godd he looks good ' i stare quietly looking at the long dress and blonde hair i laugh a little when johnnie got up and tripped being bad at walking in heels "you're really good at that" i tease "dude shut uppp" he looks away laughing too i click off the video as it got very close to ending. i scroll and find the video with alex i skip through most of it knowing that johnnie feels about her and the past i skip to him walking around immediately noticing how well he walks in heels in this video "so can you walk in heels or not man?? cause here your walking like a model" i ask in a joking tone but i want an actual answer johnnie takes a while before answering "depends on the heel, the pair in drag where like very pointy and thin heels but those ones are thicker.. like easier to balance man i dont know" he shrugs acting like he doesnt know even after he literally just explained it perfectly "makes since" i nod as i look at the video again laughing at how the emo took the socks out of the bra then i click off the video "i did not expect you of all people to dress like a girl so often" i laugh and he does to "dude i have been wearing girl jeans since i was ten" he says and i nod slightly looking at him as he finsihed eating "you said you were into dresses before right? wheres that" i scroll on his page a little feeling bad seeing some of his depressing videos and thumbnails i sometimes forget just how much hes been through but i shake off the sadness when he replies "it wasnt just one video i was wearing em for a while in general" he laughs looking ashamed "dude dont get embarrassed now, im not gonna bully you or some shit i just told you you were hot as a woman .. and a man" i add the last part not wanting to make it sound like i only liked him dressed like this, "i think its hot as hell" i say looking at him i keep the light tone but i want him to know im not just joking completely he shakes his head again laughing a little

third person POV

jake suddenly leaned over kissing johnnie, the emo was shocked at first but after a few seconds he kissed back closing his eyes and leaning in, they pulled away and stared at each other for a little before the ravenette looked away nervously laughing before speaking "this girl look really gets to you huh.." he laughed but his tone sounded off as if he was disappointed, the younger Definity noticed his tone and decided to finally come clean "no.. the look isnt what gets to me johnnie" johnnie looks back at jake as the brunette sighs before continuing "its you man, you get to me" the orders eyes widen but before he can speak "i like- no i love you johnnie and i have for like fucking forever" jake finishes looking down a little scared for a response "i-i- jake" the emo jumped forward hugging jake tightly not knowing what to say being very bad at this kind oif stuff "i love you too i always have.." he confessed before leaning back just enough to connect their lips again them both smiling into the kiss feeling relieved and happy before johnnie pulled away laughing "hey whats so funny?!" jake was confused and it showed all over his blushing face "its just.. why did it take me being dressed like a woman for this to happen??" johnnie laughed while talking and jake started to laugh to "i dont know man, seeing you in that tiny skirt was my final straw" the brunette says as he stops laughing smirking at johnnie "knowing how you feel about this maybe i will dress up more often" johnnie winked this time making jake blush "i will beg" jake says in a half joking tone "bet"

lmk if you want a smutty version

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