Rose's Swan

By Libby_the_survivor

211K 8.5K 440

Rosalie Hale grew up in New York, she was born in the year 1915 and died in 1933. Everyone should know her st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Breaking Dawn Part 1
Breaking Dawn Part 2


2.3K 112 4
By Libby_the_survivor

Today was the day.

Bella and Edward were getting married today.

It had been hectic at the Cullen household.

Rosalie and Josie had barely had time to feed Hope, before they had to get to the Cullen home.

Once there, Hope was transferred to Esme's arms, whilst Esme gave Josie a plate of pancakes and sausage so that she could eat her own breakfast.

Josie smiled happily whilst eating.

Rosalie began to do her wife's hair whilst she was distracted by eating into a beautiful updo.

Once done with both tasks, the two went upstairs to get ready for the Wedding.

Josie had decided to forgo the dresses and decided on a white turtle neck and some slacks with a leather jacket thrown over her shoulders.

It would also be way more comfortable to move in than the dress Alice had originally wanted her to wear.


The guests were starting to arrive and be led out into the back yard where the wedding will be had.

Many different people from Bella's family were there, and a couple friends of the Cullen family were there as well.

The most important being the Denali coven, who often were known as the Cullen coven's cousins.

They were also the only other large vampire groups to be vegetarian and on the animal blood diet.

Josie stayed inside the house, holding onto Hope as she stayed in the bride's room, for moral support of course, not because there were many humans down there who had blood pumping very quickly through their veins.

Nope, that is not the reason.


Okay, maybe it is the reason, her blood lust has been amplified by her pregnancy just like it had been during her pregnancy with Hope, but when she was pregnant with Hope, she really didn't have to go anywhere.

But there were a lot of humans outside and since Josie hadn't really been around a lot of humans as of late... It was hard to keep control of her vampiric features.

So Esme had given her Hope to ground herself, and then sent her upstairs into the bridal room to calm down.


(Alice is putting on Bella's makeup.)

"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice asked with a stern look on her face.

Josie snorted, receiving a small glare from Alice.

"Sorry, bad dream. It was wedding jitters." Bella replied.

"Do you need some help? I could do her hair." Rosalie asked Alice as she walked into the room. Leaving Caroline with the boys to greet the guests.

"Really?" Bella asked in surprise.

"Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom." Rosalie said with some snark in her voice.

"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality." Bella threw out.

"Essentially." Rosalie nodded her agreement. Josie snorted from the chair she was sitting on with Hope balancing on her lap using her shoulders.

Rosalie shot Josie and Hope a smile at the scene she saw. Her little family was adorable.

"Weddings. They bring everyone together." Alice said with a smile.

(Charlie is looking at the Cullen's wall of graduation caps with curiosity.)

"Hey, so, did you find our daughters?"

"Are those graduation caps?" Charlie was confused. Who just had graduation caps for decorations.

(Renee turns and looks at the caps.)

"How creative!" Renee said, loving the decor.

"Or weird." Charlie said. Was this a statement or just a tradition.

Though he smiled when he saw Josie's personalized cap next to Rosalie's. Josie had bedazzled the two caps with their initials. Blue for Rosalie. Who's cap read R.H. and green for Josie. Who's cap read J.S.

"Alice? Bella? Josie?" Renee called out.

"ln here, Mom." Bella called out.

(Renee sees Bella all made up.)

"Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey." Renee said looking at her eldest.

(She starts crying.)

"Crap! My mascara." Renee said emotionally.

"Mom!" Bella said, her eyes also starting to become wet.

(Alice hands Renee a handkerchief.)

"Thanks. Charlie, get in here." Renee shouted out the door.

"You sure? I don't wanna..." Charlie trailed off as he came into the room.

(Charlie walks into the room wearing his wedding tux.)

"I know. I look hot." Charlie said as his daughter looked at him in a bit of shock.

Never having seen him dressed so nicely.


"We thought you needed something blue." Charlie said.

(Charlie opens the gift box containing a jeweled hair comb.)

"And something old. Besides your mother." Charlie joked.

"Nice." Renee deadpanned making Josie laugh.

"It was Grandma Swan's." Charlie admitted to his eldest.

(Bella picks up the comb.)

"But we added the sapphires." Renee said.

"It's beautiful, you guys. Wow. Thank you so much." Bella said honestly.

(Bella gives it to Alice to put in her hair.)

"It's your first family heirloom. Pass on to your daughter, and her daughter. Or if you don't want kids, you can pass it on to Hope." Renee said.

"Oh, that reminds me. Hi Hope, on hi baby." Renee said as she turned towards her youngest daughter and her first grandchild.

Josie smiled as she stood up and walked over towards her mother to give her a hug.

Renee kisses her youngest on the cheek before looking in wonder at Hope.

"Oh she looks so much like you." Renee whispered.

(Renee starts to cry again.)

"Mom, I love it." Bella said genuinely.

(As she goes to kiss her parents, Alice stops her.)

"Nope. No smudging my masterpiece." Alice said in denial.

"She's right." Renee said.

"Okay. Time for the dress! Do you wanna see it?" Alice asked curiously. Though she already knew the answer to that question before she even asked it.

"I want to see it!" Renee said with a bright smile on her face, holding her oldest grandchild on her hip.

(Classical music playing)

(They are waiting for the wedding to begin.)

"They have got to be related." Eric said.

"What a gene pool." Mike said staring at the beauties before him.

"Seriously. You've got some... The drool." Eric said with a shake of his head.

They are looking at five seven beautiful people.

Three of them are blond haired girls, looking a lot like the Hale triplets. Though their hair was a shade lighter.

Two of them looked to be from a Hispanic country of some sort, the two raven haired couple.

Then there was a French man hanging off the arm of one of the blonds. They only one he was French because of his accent, and they were behind them when they showed up and heard his greetings to the Cullen's parents.

The last was a young girl, maybe 15 or 16 with brunette hair and dark butterscotch eyes. (Still not the same color as the Cullen's or even the Denali's, since she'd only been on the diet for close to 6 and a half months)

"So, you think Bella's gonna be showing?" Jessica asked.

"Jess, she is not pregnant." Angela said looking at her friend.

"Okay. Who else gets married at 18? Plus didn't you hear, Josie and Rosalie are engaged now and they have a daughter. I heard that they used Jasper as a donor." Jessica gossipped.

(Bella is very nervous as they are about to walk down the aisle.)

"You ready?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah. Just don't let me fall, Dad." Bella said.

"Never." Charlie promised.

(They are at the altar.)

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me." The minister officiating the wedding said.

"I, Edward Cullen." Edward said.

"Take you, Bella Swan." The Minister said.

"Take you, Bella Swan." Edward repeated.

"To have and to hold." The Minister said.

"To have and to hold." Edward said.

"For better or for worse." Bella said.

"For richer, for poorer." Edward said.

"ln sickness and in health." Bella said.

"To love." Edward whispered.

"To cherish. As long as we both shall live." Bella whispered staring deeply into Edward's eyes.

"I do." Edward said strongly.

"I do." Bella said.

"I love you" Edward said.

"I love you too" Bella said.

(They kiss and everyone stands and claps.)

(After, at the reception, Jessica and the others are staring at the gigantic wedding cake.)

"Just thought it'd be bigger." Jessica said.

"Yeah." Eric agreed.

(Alice walks over to them.)

"Hi!" Jessica said.

"Hi, guys." Alice greeted.

"We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know, just saying." Jessica said.

"Well, thanks so much. You don't think it's too much?" Alice asked.

"No. Not at all." Eric said.

"No. No." Jessica repeated.

(Edward and Bella are with Billy.)

"Nice to see you." Edward said.

"I'm happy for you." Billy said.

"Thank you." Edward said.

"I hope you'll be happy, Bella." Billy told his friend's daughter.

"Thank you, Billy. Have you heard from him?" Bella asked curious. She wanted her best friend at her wedding, but knew it might be too much to ask.

"I'm sure Jake wishes you the best. Well, I plan on getting drunk. They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne. Sue, can I get you a glass?" Billy asked.

"Sparkling fire water. Sounds great. Sue said.

"Bella. Congratulations, Edward." Carmen said. Happy for the boy.

"Thank you. Bella." Eleazar said.

"Eleazar and Carmen, right?" Bella questioned.

"Mhmm. Hola." Carmen greeted.

"Yes, and these are our cousins from Alaska. Tanya, Kate. You also remember Bree right? Irina and Laurent are somewhere around here." Edward said.

"We've heard so much about you." Kate said.

"Welcome to the family. Bienvenida." Eleazar said.

"Thank you." Bella said.

"Come meet Bella." Carmen said.

(Irina and Laurent are staring at Billy, Leah, and Seth, they walk over to Carmen.)

Irina stares at Bella for a moment, taking her in.

She'd heard a lot about the girl.

"Hello." Irina said.

"Hi." Bella said back.

"Bella." Laurent said.

"Laurent." Bella nodded towards him.

"Laurent." Irina gave him a look.

"Right, I am terribly sorry for trying to kill you a year ago." Laurent said.

When he had gotten back to Denali Irina was very upset with him.

Even more so when he told her that the only reason he wasn't dead was because of the youngest Swan twin.

Irina has been wanting to meet the youngest Swan ever since fo thank her.

But the two were going strong, and have completed the mate bond. They'd also taken Bree under their wing ever since Carlisle sent her to Denali after she was saved.

Laurent and Bree had bonded over Josie saving them and the three had become their own little family.

"Well. Let's not monopolize the bride. Congratulations." Eleazar said.

"Thank you." Bella said.

"Oh! I was also meaning to ask, where are Rosalie and her mate? Your sister if I'm not mistaken?" Tanya asked.

Bella smiled at Tanya.

"My younger twin, yes. She and Rosalie had to do some things. They won't be back tonight sadly." Bella said.

The coven frowned.

"Oh, well that's too bad." Tanya said disappointed.

They'd all wanted to meet this mysterious partner of Rosalie's, but it seemed as if now was not the time.

Bella nodded to them as they walked away.

Edward frowned.

"What was wrong with Josie?" He was very concerned about his pregnant sister.

"The twins are giving her a hard time.  Rosalie took her somewhere private to help ease her blood lust." Bella answered her husband.

Edward nodded.

That made sense.

"Is that where Leah went off to?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, as soon as she saw the discomfort on Josie's face, she and Rosalie got Josie and Hope out of here." Bella answered.

I know everyone wanted Tanya to meet Hope in this chapter, but she will not be meeting Hope until later on.

Though she will meet her eventually.

I have decided that the Denali family will move to Forks during Part 2.

But that means I had to rework my story.

So Tanya and the other Denali coven members are going to be reintroduced during part 2, and will have more lines than in the movie.

Plus right now I am focusing on the twins and Leah and Seth.

As you have probably noticed, they've been around more.

So bare in mind that Tanya will not meet Hope until she is walking and talking, or until the twins are born who, like their sister, will be coming early.

Like, a bit after Renesmee early.

They will be pretty tiny as they will be born a couple months early.

Josie is now 6 months pregnant officially, as the day of Bella and Edward's wedding was the day she turned 6 months pregnant.

Bella will be turned when she is 19 instead of 18 for plot reasons of course. She is already 19, and is almost 20 years old.

She will be turned a couple months before she turns 20.

Hope will be turning 1 in the next chapter and we'll get more info on the process of the pregnancy. Also the continuation of the wedding.

This will be a bit more Edward and Bella centric with small bits of the rest of the Cullens spread out in the chapters.

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