De ValerieWinks777

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"𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠..." 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟. 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐦�... Mai multe

😈Song's That Describe Y/N😈
Ch. I ✡The Daughter Of Zestial Morde✡
Ch. II ✡Zestial✡
Ch. III ✡Two Can Play At This Game✡
Ch. IV ✡Andrealphus✡
Ch. V ✡Alastor & Zestial✡
Ch. VII ✡A Hazbin Day✡
Ch. VIII ✡Poker Face✡
Ch. IX ✡Lucifer✡
Ch. X ✡Company Of Shadows✡
Ch. XI ✡Carmilla Carmine✡
Ch. XII ✡Disgustingly Beautiful✡
Ch. XIII ✡The Waiting Game✡
Ch. XIV ✡Hungry For Freedom✡
Ch. XV ✡Better To Hope Then Despair✡
Ch. XVI ✡Old Friends✡
Ch. XVII ✡Overlord Y/N Morde✡
Ch. XVIII ✡Meeting Of Overlords✡
Ch. XIX ✡Light In Dark, Dark In Light✡
Ch. XX ✡Rekindling Friendship✡
Ch. XXI ✡Appetite For Gambling✡
Ch. XXII ✡Grand Reopening✡
Ch. XXIII ✡Stars In Her Eyes✡
Ch. XXIV ✡Spider's Aid & Sparring✡
Ch. XXV ✡Realization✡
Ch. XXVI ✡His Scars✡
Ch. XXVII ✡I Won't Say I'm In Love✡
(Bonus content)
Ch. XXVIII ✡Masquerade✡
Ch. XXIX ✡Valentino✡
Ch. XXX ✡What's My Name?✡
Ch. XXXI ✡Hit & Run✡

Ch. VI ✡Caught In The Acid Rain✡

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De ValerieWinks777

IF THERE IS ONE THING YOU ABSOLUTELY hate about living in Hell...it's the spontaneous weather.

Some days, it could be scorching hot, to the point where most demons will strip down to practically nothing while there sweat drips on the streets--not a day to be out in Hell, you learned that quickly, quite a time where you refuse to leave home due to not wanting to walk amongst puddles of demon's sweat/seeing bare naked demons...disgusting.

Other days, it could be a perfect balance of heat and shade.

And then...there are THESE types of days. Where the acid rain falls, and all demons flee to avoid being burned.

Thankfully for you, being a Hellborn, you are immune to the acid, but only for a limited amount of time.
But there is one flaw...your clothes aren't immune.

And you lack an umbrella today, hence that if you don't find a place of shelter fast, your clothes will become mere rags, and reveal...your bare self.
A sight you want NO one to see.

The heels of your boots make sharp clinks sound as you pace up and down the sidewalk you stand on. There are a few abandoned and fairly old cars left on the road, but each time you look through the cracked windows to find shelter, there are already demons taking space.


Finally, you speed walk back onto the sidewalk, realizing that you COULD use shadow teleportation to find somewhere to take cover.
Something you actually forgot during your panicked searching. You're like that sometimes, forgetting the most obvious facts in times when you're worried or panicked.

But who isn't like that from time to time? It's understandable.

You shut your eyes, feeling the acid beginning to touch the skin of your arms after your sleeves were completely burned through.
Inhaling a breath, you count.


An umbrella looms over you. "Why hello Y/N! Fancy seeing you here!"

The sudden voice sends a little chill running down your spine. There is only one voice that is laced with the static of an ancient and outdated radio, delivering his words with a 1920s style to it. 


You turn, curiously glancing up when you notice that you're not being rained on anymore, only to see a black and red colored--of course-- umbrella that is large, but at the same time, quite small, having you stand a little close to Alastor. To close for comfort, you add.

Plus, the fact that the five egg bois under you and Alastor's feet take up rather a lot of room, some of the bois even have to cling to your legs with their short little twig like arms to keep from having their shells being touched by the acid's brutal sting.

How...odd. Why is Alastor out here, with Sir Pentious's eggs?
You bend down, picking the one who you recall is named Frank, holding him to your chest softly, arms wrapped tight under him to keep him from falling.

They're sensitive eggs...one trip or sudden fall, and they'll break.

His little eyes squint at you, before he makes a noise in the back of his throat when he finally realizes who is the one who picked him up.

"Ooh, hey boss! It's that spider lady again!"

Spider lady? Well, that's quite a funny name. There have been times where you've heard the Egg Bois call your father 'The Old Guy.'
Quite cute and funny...you find some humor from there...stupidity.

But there is some truth to what he called you. You are a spider demon, and a lady. So it fits.

You smile softly, as your hand raises to rub the top of his smooth egg head, chuckling a little, not noticing Alastor's slight eye roll due to Frank's almost insulting comment.

They don't even have one brain cell, Alastor thinks to himself, before he notices how act with them. For anyone else--Alastor included--they wouldn't treat the egg bois with much patience and kindness. Hell, Alastor wanted to hard boil them to finish his breakfast, but you...

You treat them like little children that don't understand things, and need a little extra patience and kind, soft spoken words to make them feel like they did a job well done.

Maybe you weren't so cold as you always appear to the others. Maybe...there's a little softness under your hard shell that you built to protect yourself and protect your reputation as Zestial's daughter.

"What are you doing out here?" You ask Alastor after a moment of giving your attention to the Egg bois. It's a little odd that Alastor is out here at this time, with Pentious's eggs as well...plus it's also quite interesting that he happens to be in the same street as you.

You hope he's not actually stalking you. Because if he is, well...let's just say you don't treat those who stalk you kindly.
And Radio Demon or not, you will treat him as you feel he needs to be treated. To your eyes, Alastor is another demon, much like you.

He is your equal. And if and when he reacts in a sassy/rude manner, you will do the same back.
You're not afraid to bite back when necessary.

Alastor twirls his cane. "Dear Vaggie tasked me with getting rid of these little monsters," he nudges one egg boi with the end of his cane. "And upon doing so, I couldn't help but find a certain damsel in distress," he says, leaning closer to only annoy you as he delivers those final words in a mocking and teasing tone.

How badly you want to wipe that shit eating smirk off his face.

Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms defensively. "I am not a damsel. Nor am I in distress," a confident yet smug look appears on your face as you stare into his red eyes.

"I never need a man to come to my aid or to my rescue, so let me make that very clear," you point out, your tone sprinkled with ego and pride that only gets under Alastor's skin.

Alastor purses his lips. That bitchy attitude has surfaced once again, making it obvious to Alastor that you really are quite the hardheaded, stubborn, overly confident demoness.

"Well, then I shall leave you to the acid rain," Alastor turns, which causes the umbrella to leave you, and the acid rain starting to hit your clothes and making them sizzle.

If you truly do not need anyone's assistance, then he'll just leave. What's the point of staying after all?

"Ta-ta!" he calls, almost in a cheery sort of way, counting in his head as he walks. 
Three, two, one.

"Wait!" you call out suddenly. Exactly Alastor's prediction.

Alastor smirks. He knew you wouldn't just let him leave like that, he knew that he was the only one holding an umbrella, and the only opportunity for you to find some shelter to wait out the rain.
By walking away, he succeeded in making you admit that...you do need someone's help.

Sweet victory he feels in his chest, knowing he managed to shatter your ego. Just like you managed to shatter his ego all those days ago.

Alastor approaches you once more. "So, you do need my help?" he asks, obviously knowing the answer, but wanting to hear you say it to feel even more satisfied.

You sigh. Oh...how you are eating your words right now. 
"Yes," you reply, causing Alastor's grin to grow.
This game is fun! This little back and forth tit for tat...it's entertaining. 

Alastor extends his arm, an invitation for you to loop your arm around his, which you do, though you hate how you actually have to touch him just to receive his help.

With the sounds of shuffling feet under you, the egg bois crowd around both Alastor's and your legs, there little twig fingers clutching onto any piece of clothing they can.

A sharp snap of his fingers ring through the air, and suddenly, you all fall through the sidewalk, into the darkness where you and Alastor and anyone else who holds onto the two of you become one with the dark, weightless abyss.

Shadow Teleportation.

A rather quick process, when you think of a place you want to go and focus on the image as you allow your body to become weightless, like a ghost, trusting the darkness to lead you safely to where you want to go.

Though it's efficient and much faster than walking, it's risky.
If anyone has hesitation, or any sort of fear during the process of allowing the darkness to carry them, then they will face dire consequences.

One, being completely consumed by the dark. A most common factor.
And two, coming out with some minor to serious injuries.

Hence why when the shadow teleportation began, you became nervous. Not for yourself, but for the egg bois.
Though thankfully, when you and Alastor emerge on the solid world that is Hell, you saw all five egg bois still intact.

Funny,  the egg bois appear as if it was the best ride they've ever been on. A few of them ask Alastor to do it again, and Alastor denies them in annoyance.
Well, at least any sort of fear the egg bois felt was covered by the thrill and excitement of the process.

You smile, your eyes noticing the rather dark and damp surrounding Alastor teleported you and the egg bois too.

It almost appears to be...an old, abandoned workshop, the windows--if not completely broken--cracked, displayed on the top floor, the metal of the flooring and staircases rusted and breaking, and Hell's red sunlight shining through, lighting the wide-open space just enough to see ahead of you about two feet.

Why did Alastor teleport you here? It's...very odd, and suspicious almost.
The sound of Alastor's boots clinking against the metal floor echoes through the still and humid air, approaching you.

"I apologize if it's not fit for someone of YOUR standards," he remarks, making you glare at him. "Though if I were to teleport someplace farther away, I do believe that the little monsters would have been...scrambled."

Instinct has you look over your shoulder at the five eggs, who seem oblivious to anything and everyone, there attention focused solely on either themselves or pieces of torn paper scattered on the floor.

You smirk. "You almost sound as if you care about them," you cross your arms, tilting your head. "Is the Radio Demon going soft?"

Alastor laughs, a little forceful, his eyes beginning to glow redder, and the static of his voice becoming louder.

"Haha! Fuck you."

You raise a finger. "Ah-ah-ah!" you say teasingly, "thou wouldn't want to become a potty mouth, it doesn't suit thee."
You turn on your heels, purposely facing your back to Alastor to shut him out. In all honesty, you never expected Alastor to be the type to swear. It just...doesn't seem like his character. And yet, he proved you wrong. 

Alastor rolls his eyes. Why did he even hire you? For the entertainment of course. Though it's starting to become less of that, and more of a nuisance to Alastor having to deal with the likes of you.

Alastor will admit...in the short time you've worked at the hotel, you've certainly managed to push his buttons and get under his skin, and the worst part...Alastor allows it. By both, choice and force.

Alastor opens his mouth to reply with a witty and smart-ass comment, but he stays silent, watching what you do next.
You kneel in front of the egg bois, one arm balanced on your knee.

"Here," taking your hands, you perform spinning motions, flicking your fingers and wrists, and to Alastor's surprise, white strands of a spider web is formed, growing larger by the second with each swivel and flick of the wrist that you do.

The spider web becomes large enough to fit one full grown imp sized demon, as you suddenly lay it down in front of the wide-eyed egg bois that witnessed your...fascinating display of power.

"Go ahead, you can sit on it," you say. That was the reason as to why you made it--you wanted the egg bois to be a little comfier in this rather uncomfortable place you all are forced to be here until the acid rainstorm stops.

And due to the cracks of red lightening outside, the storm won't be letting up anytime soon.

As your father always said...make the best of the current situation you're in.
Which is exactly what you're doing for these little eggs. You don't particularly care for yourself or your comfort in this moment...you're thick skinned, and able to withstand most conditions without being bothered physically or emotionally.

But the egg bois seem much more sensitive, hence why you created them a little bed to keep their shells off the cold and damp floor.

Though your back is to Alastor, his eyes are partially widened.
A Spider Demoness, able to weave an actual web? Such power he's never even heard or seen in anyone before.

You are just FULL of surprises, when it comes to his point of view, of course. He wonders yet again what else do you have up your sleeve?

Looking over your shoulder after a moment, it opens the opportunity for Alastor speak.
"What an interesting display of power."

You grin, sitting down with your legs tucked under you, softly extending one hand towards a little spider who got the sudden courage to leave the safety of its crack in the wall, and approach you.

"I am a Spider Demon," you remark, in an 'obviously' tone, the little spider boldly jumping in your hand, as you bring your hand closer to your face, using one finger to carefully touch the spider's body. It's little fuzzy back soft against the tip of your finger.  

Alastor sits beside you. "Not just any ordinary Spider Demon I have seen before," he replies, curiously watching as this tiny spider crawls around on your hand and wrist happily, as if it knows you, and trusts you completely.

For anyone else, they would squash the little worthless bug, but you touch it and smile at it in a playful and almost loving manner. How peculiar. 

Alastor does take note that on your first day, you had spiders suddenly swarm around you, though not in a threatening way...more or less, they were summoned by you. Is that one of the many powers you possess? Being able to summon spiders, and weave webs...though for that last power, he doesn't entirely understand it's purpose. Isn't weaving a web a little useless? 

Unless...you were to wrap up an enemy demon...now that would be quite the insane thing to see! He hopes he can witness such a display one day.

Alastor leans forward. "I'm curious, what other powers do you have? Can you snap your fingers and have anything you desire before you? Do you have a shadow companion?"

You glance at him, the hand holding the spider falling to your side, allowing the spider to touch solid ground and crawl away. You feel a little odd that someone like Alastor wants to know about your powers. But then again, you're not surprised. Anything powerful or insane related does tend to get Alastor excited. Though at the same time...is it even wise to discuss your powers to Alastor, who could very well just be asking to see if you have any weaknesses?

You exhale. What the Hell? It's not like this storm will stop anytime soon, nor is there anything else to do. And besides, Alastor wouldn't dare try anything when it comes to you. You made sure of that on your first day at the Hazbin Hotel. 

So, you begin to explain. 

"I have a shadow companion yes," you say, "and besides weaving spider webs, or summoning spiders to my aid, I also have the ability to jump quite high, and the ability to climb on walls or ceilings...much like a spider," you chuckle, "I am able to summon things as well, though sometimes...it's challenging for me. And when I enter my full demonic state, my teeth become venomous."

"Interesting," he leans forward, "have you ever bitten anyone in that state, just to see if they'll die from your poison?"

You shake your head, as if the answer is quite obvious, and Alastor is just too oblivious to see it. "Why would I want to sink my teeth in another demon's flesh? I don't know where they have been, what they've consumed...it's disgusting to think about, as well." You shudder, the mere thought of having to bite someone...taste their skin and blood during the process of inserting your venom. Blech.

You know without a doubt though that you are poisonous in that demonic state. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, either.

"But that is only in my demonic form when I'm at my full power," you bring your knees up to your chin, wrapping your arms around your legs as you stare forward into the darkness, waiting to see it light up red from the lightening flashes outside.

Alastor's grin grows a little wider. How interesting. On the one hand, you appear elegant, charming, your facial and body features able to make any man swoon upon first glance. But on the other hand...you're poisonous, dangerous, unpredictable.

Like a nightshade flower. So very tempting to touch and consume, yet one little taste...will cost a life.

"Quite impressive," Alastor says, "it's not very common I find demonesses like yourself with such abilities." 

You smirk upon hearing this claim. "Is that a compliment?"

Alastor chuckles. He didn't intend for it to be a compliment, but rather a statement. Though it was delivered wrong.

"It is," he replies, tucking one leg under the other, and using the tip of his cane to lean on as he tilts his head to look at your face a little better. 

You smile softly. Last you've heard, it's not common for the Radio Demon to deliver compliments genuinely. He more or less compliments others to get what he wants, or to just plain have fun seeing their reactions--when it comes to his demon fangirls, mostly--so deep down, you feel a little pleased. 

With a chuckle, you respond. "Is thou trying to flatter me?" you tease, leaning closer to his personal bubble.

He smirks. "I'm merely acknowledging the side of you that truly deserves to be seen more often," he remarks, causing a...little blush to form on your cheeks. It was an unexpected answer, one that had taken you back and caused this little warmth to flood your cheeks, turning them pink. 

You were thankful it was dark, and that Alastor wasn't close enough to see your embarrassing display. You were better then this, you shouldn't blush!

You look to your left in hopes to distract yourself from your blushing, upon noticing suddenly that the five egg bois had fallen asleep on the little spider web bed you weaved for them.

A smile tugs at your lips, knowing you had given someone a sense of security and...happiness, from just the little gift of a bed to keep them off the cold ground you sit on with Alastor. 

It feels a little good, knowing you helped in a way. 

Looking back at Alastor when the silence stretches on for a minute, you inhale a breath. "I would like to...apologize," you bring yourself to say. "For what happened between us on my first day at the hotel. It was...well, I don't want to say uncalled for, but...maybe, unprofessional?" 

Alastor smirks. In truth, he didn't expect you to just apologize out of nowhere, but...he accepts it. Only because he knows he's going to be stuck with you for Hell knows how long at the hotel. Until your motivation wears out, which he has no idea when that will be. 

He chuckles. "I wouldn't say it was just unprofessional, darling," he points out, delivering the words a little smugly. 

You sigh, realizing that it will take more convincing for Alastor. "Fine, I apologize for being rude," you say in plain words, in hopes that it's enough of a message for Alastor.

"Hmm," he raises a finger to his chin, "I do believe the term 'snooty bitch' is most fitting for your attitude, but!" he sighs happily, "I suppose it is enough for me to accept your apology."

You glare at him, softly growling under your breath, all of which Alastor laughs at happily, knowing he got yet another reaction out of you.

Alastor extends a hand. "So, shall we shake on it?" he smirks.

You give him a mean stare. "I'm not shaking your hand," you reply, a little acid in your tone due to still being irritated at what Alastor considered you just moments ago, and the fact that any handshake with Alastor is an instant claim of a stupid soul who foolishly went to shake Alastor's hand. 

Alastor chuckles. Still rude, but understandable. Lowering his hand, his smile widens a little more. "Well then, let our words be enough," he says, his eyes trailing up towards where the cracked windows hang. "I do believe the rain has stopped!"

He rises to his feet, causing you to do the same, before you gently nudge the egg bois awake to tell them that it's time to go.

Well, you apologized, even though deep down...it was a mix of both false and truth. You've began to realize that this wall of tension between you and Alastor will not get you any closer to him. Not getting closer to him...meaning not being able to find his weaknesses, his desires, his fears.

And if you want to escape the fate of arranged marriage, you need to stick with your plan that you made from the very beginning. 

Get close to Alastor...find whatever makes him vulnerable and use it for your benefit. Leash him and prove to your father that you are not a demoness who should be considered a delicate flower that needs to be protected or well taken care of, or sold off into an arranged marriage. 

Prove to everyone and anyone who doubts you, or underestimates you, that your petals are poisonous.   

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