g e n s o (k. bakugou x reade...

By ec1iypx3

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๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ค.๐›๐š๐ค๐ฎ๐ ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ฅ๐๐ก๐จ๐จ๐ ๐œ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ก, ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๏ฟฝ... More

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490 14 1
By ec1iypx3

you lay in bed tapping your fingers rhythmically against your chest.

geez i thought this break wouldve been good for me, but i cant stop thinking about the incident.. you think sighing softly. 

you sit up as you fidget with the wrap still secured around your arm. "i cant wait to go back to school so i can be distracted from all of this.." you mutter. 

hearing a low grumble from your stomach, you look at the clock "its only been 4 hours since i last ate a snack..  i cant eat something else right now again.." you grab your water bottle and start chugging to get rid of the hunger.

 "just a couple more hours and ill be back to school..!" u groan slumping back down in the bed.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

you sit quietly deadpanning as everyone speaks about the incident, nevermind... i hate this school- let me go back home you grumble leaning back. 

suddenly you feel a slap to the back of your head "ouch.." u grit glaring at the blonde boy behind you. "what was that for?" you ask agitated.

 "for invading my personal space genso" he grins playfully, "i dont want your body anywhere near mine."

 "glad we both agree on one thing" you remark as you roll your eyes. "remind me to do the same thing to you the next time you get to close- but with a boulder instead." you state smiling as you turn around.

 before bakugou could start spewing curses at you mr. aizawa walked in. ironically, this time he wasnt in a sleeping bag- but instead wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

man he must be sweating buckets under there..' you think as he stands behind the desk.

 "as you all know.. the UA sports festival is just down the corner.." starts mr. aizawa before the class butts in.

 "wait.. wouldnt that be a bad idea after the villians snuck into to our training facility..?" asks jirou as she raises her hand lightly, " i mean- what if they do it again? we'll all be in the same place so it'll be easier for something bad to happen.. " 

 "yes, but the administration thinks it'll be a good way for us to show that we handled the situation fine and our school is safer than ever," he pauses, "plus this is a huge deal for UA students and so it cant be cancelled because of a couple of villians.." he looks down, "our schools sports festival is watched all around the world; not only by fans but by pro heros themselves. this is the opportunity to show off what makes you unique and why your a good candidate to be a hero. this festival allows students to be scouted as side kicks which therefore helps on their way to becoming future pros." he narrows his eyes, "that means none of you should be slacking off on any of your training. class is dismissed." he waves before walking out.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

you let out a sigh staring at your hands as mr. aizawas words repeat in you head. i cant let any opprotunity to train go to waste from here on out.. its my chance to strengthen my control over my quirk and show it off to the pros..! but.. i dont have much time, and theres so much to do.. you close your eyes and lay your face in your hands.

 "hey y/n- everything alright?" asks kirishima as he puts a hand on your shoulder. you look up and quickly put on a fake smile as you nod. "dont stress out too much man.. we have time to train- and besides youre already one of the best students here..!" he exclaims showing off his sharp teeth.

 "thanks kiri... that means a lot.." you smile before standing up and grabbing your bag. "eat well.. ill be in the gyms if anyone needs me" you add before walking off.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

as you walk out of the gym lockers and into the main room, you let out a quiet prayer requesting that bakugou wouldnt walk in like last time. you take a quick sip of water before putting on your headphones and walking to the squat rack.

finally..! a long awaited leg day! u think happily as you rack up your weights on to the bar. stepping in front of the bar you reach back and wrap your hands around the cool metal bar, letting out a quick breath you lift it off the machine and ready yourself to squat.

as you squat, you dont hear bakugou walk in since your music was blaring into your ears. you set the bar back into the machine and add another 10lbs to each side of the bar before repeating your squats.

unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes were watching you from behind as you squatted (at that fat gyatt fr-). you put the bar back to the machine and step away from it. you shake your legs out as you turn and realize bakugou was in the room next to you.

 "how- how long have you been there..?" you ask breathlessly. you fidget with the end of your shorts as you pull the ends down slightly awaiting his reply.

 "since you started squating on the machine.. " he replies unbothered, "but im here to fight you." he restates.

 you let out a groan, "this again? bakugou- for the last time im not fighting you..!" you throw your hands up frustrated, "your wasting my training time by pestering me with these questions of yours!" 

he takes a step towards you, "strength training will do nothing for you during a fight other than make you hit harder. but to hit a person you have to know how to get there first." he runs his hands through his hair, "you cant expect to let your quirk do all the work for you and pass out after overusing it all the damn time.. " 

you hated to admit it, but he was right. you were relying solely on your quirk to get out of situations and it wasnt benefitting you in any way. "okay maybe you arent wrong- but im still not fighting you. next thing i know ill end up burnt to a crisp." you chuckle.

 he lets out a grin, "thats why we're gonna do hand to hand combat- no quirks allowed. just pure combat wisdom and power" he gives you a challenging smirk, "sound easy enough now genso?"

 you let out a low curse as you feel the competitive urge come to you, "fucking.. fine!" you look at him, "but we dont kill each other all right?" 

 he nods, "yeah, yeah whatever.." he waves his hand dismissevly. "lets just get started" he lets out a predatory smirk before getting into a fighting stance.

god what have i gotten myself into..?

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