Voltron: Descendants (remake)

By LunaCrescent0328

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Many years after the universe has been saved by Voltron, the Garrison has become a peace foundation for plane... More

The Alterrans
Episode 1: The Descendants
Episode 2: Old Paladins, new Paladins
Episode 4: An Empty Throne
Episode 5: Getting off the ground
Episode 8: Friendly Neighbours
Episode 9: The Yonmera
Episode 10: The status of the others
Episode 11: Prepping for a fight

Episode 3: An unlikely place

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By LunaCrescent0328

Somewhere in space, far far away from the earth, an old planet lies empty. There's silence, other than the gentle sway of the breeze. Until...


"Oh god I'm gonna be sick!"

An array of voices calls out, spilling out from the large mechanical beasts as the portal closes behind them. The lions speed towards the surface, dodging some odd rings circling the atmosphere, then finally slowing down and landing gracefully on the planet. After a few moments of heavy breathing, and collecting thoughts, someone speaks.
"Are... are you guys o-okay?" Kade's voice carries weakly through the speakers. A slew of worn out voices respond.
"Y-yeah... other than the motion sickness..." comes from yellow.
"Are you kidding? Barely." Comes from red.
"I... I think so..." comes meekly from blue.
"We're okay over here." Comes from green, specifically from Pidge. Evelyn is still sitting, gripping the sides of the chair and breathing heavily. Pidge fixes her glasses, focusing in on the planet in front of her. It's rather lush, but there's a quite obvious structure in the distance. It's large and white, and surrounded by more, much smaller buildings of similar architecture. A castle, and a town.
"Okay, I need you guys to do your best and stay calm. But I'm not sure where we are right now. This isn't actually a planet I recognize. But we're gonna... see if the air is breathable, and... we're gonna go talk to the locals. Voltron is known universe wide, so I'm sure these folks will just help us out and we can get our bearings." She says, supposedly to convince them not to panic, but it sounds more like she's convincing herself. She digs through the bag she brought while the kids still sit quietly and breathe.
"Okay... okay. This scanner reads the air as safe... no harmful substances... it looks like we can breathe on this planet. I'll get out first, but please come with me. This'll be... a good experience for you? It's best to get used to unfamiliar places." With that, green leans down gently and Pidge exits. Evelyn follows closely behind, not wanting to be alone. Abbey is the next to exit her lion, along with Kade, then Erik. They stand in a group, looking around cautiously.
"... Isla?" Abbey suddenly says, looking up at Blue who remains standing stoically. The others look up as well. After a second or two, Blue finally leans down, and opens her mouth. A familiar, orange haired fellow exits her mouth with Isla behind him holding his shirt.
"C- Coran!?" Pidge exclaims. Coran adjusts himself, fixing his moustache.
"The one and only! What a shaky ride! You kids will need to learn how to fly a vessel properly!" Despite his weirdness, they're all relieved he's with them.
"What were you doing in Blue?"
"Ah. Well you see, I was also awoken by the kids less-than-quiet sneaking and decided to keep an eye on them! Of course, I never expected to be whisked away like this!"
"Well... it's good to have you Coran. Dad always said you knew a lot about space so..." Kade says, addressing him. Coran raises an eyebrow momentarily, but proceeds to straighten his moustache with a little more self confidence, and responds with a hum.
"Coran, do you recognize this planet? This reader can't tell heads from tails right now and I don't personally recognize these plants." Pidge asks. Coran looks around carefully, until seeming to find something he knows. Though when he looks into it, it just confuses him more. He continues, moving farther and farther until they begin following him away from the lions and towards the structures. He finally stops just short of a particular flower.
"It... it can't be..." he says quietly.
"Coran? What is it?" Pidge asks, leaning to the side to see what it is. It's Isla who surprisingly speaks next.
"That flower! My papa grows those! That flower is a Juniberry!" They look to Isla, then to the flower. Sure enough, it is distinctly so. Coran unsurely faces the group.
"She's absolutely right. However, up until earth, no other climate could sustain these flowers! And that architecture up there is no mistake to me... this planet we've landed on... this, is Altea!" He finally exclaims, spreading his arms to emphasize the planet. The group stands quietly, looking around. Finally Abbey speaks.
"So like... your home planet right? Cool. Should we be like worried or something?"
"Yeah, you seem put off." Erik adds. Coran just sighs.
"Yes I suppose you kids might not exactly be aware of what this means. You see, this planet was destroyed 10,000 years ago by the Galra empire. We thought it lost forever."
"Coran, didn't we see it explode?" Pidge asks. He thinks for a moment.
"Well... what we saw was an unknown star, though we couldn't be certain of its origins. Perhaps it wasn't Altea, but just another lie formed by that terrible virus!" He explains. The kids still seem a little confused, but Evelyn has picked up on the situation.
"So that's what's going on..."
"Evelyn? What's up?" Kade asks. She sighs.
"Okay, get this, right? This planet was destroyed by the Galra empire 10,000 years ago. Isla's mom and Coran were the only known survivors when it happened. They did find a few other of their species but still, only like 4 Alteans exist now including Isla who's half. Which means... there's no help on this planet." She finishes. The others seem to catch on.
"Oh... yeah I guess... unless someone else has taken up home here, it'll be a ghost town." Abbey says. Pidge sighs and scratches her neck.
"Okay well... we'll just keep looking around. Maybe we can find some tech I can use to try and get into contact with the others."
They all nod, and cautiously approach the large structure ahead of them. It bears resemblance to a palace, and Coran begins to speak as they walk.
"Ah! Yes of course, I know exactly where we are! This building here is the southern palace! It was one of the homes of the royal family and acted as their residence when they were on this end of the planet." He explains. The kids listen intently, especially Isla who still walks right by his side. He addresses her directly.
"Your mother and grandfather spent much time here when she was a little girl! She'd spend all day playing with the children in the town below, and then returning in the evening for lessons. Once she got older, she stayed in the palace for more official business. Ah, but King Alfor was always so lenient with her and would let her out to play once they were finished." He has a nostalgic look in his eyes, and there's a hint of sadness in his voice. Isla looks around at the buildings as they approach, and thinks about what it might have been like with kids running around, adult Alteans watching them and maybe laughing. A community. Pidge has now moved slightly ahead of them, getting closer to the buildings. Upon inspection, she realizes the doors have no handles.
"Uhh Coran? These ARE doors, right?" She asks as they approach.
"Ah! Yes, why don't we have Isla open it?" He suggests, turning to her. She tilts her head.
"M-me? Why? How??"
"Well, these doors are opened by Altean magic! Watch here!" He moves to the door, placing a hand on the surface. A gentle blue glow emanates from his hand, and the door opens. He then taps the doorframe, and it closes once again. Isla looks amazed.
"But... but I don't think I can do that... I've never had powers before."
"Maybe you have, and you just never needed to try? Obviously earth doesn't have much necessity for Altean items, I bet you never even thought to check if you could use any of your birth given abilities! Those marks on your cheeks are a telltale sign that you're Altean through and through. Don't think about it too hard, just try it!" He says. It seems to convince her a bit. The others watch quietly while she walks over and places her hand on the door. She seems to doubt it for a second, before taking a deep breath and waiting. When nothing happens, she looks at Coran.
"You're worrying too much. Again, don't think, just do!"
"I don't really know what that means..." she responds, sighing. She looks at her hand on the door, and pictures Coran doing it. She closes her eyes and relaxes her hand slightly, holding it in a more natural position, and thinking about how the material of the door feels where she's touching it. She pictures it opening, and a small, gentle tingle begins to creep its way up her fingertips.
"Woah, Isla!" Erik says, causing her to open her eyes. There's a very soft blue glow under her hand, and she feels a tingle now in her palm and fingertips. The door opens, and she steps back startled. Coran looks incredibly pleased.
"Now that's the ticket! Ahhh this is just like teaching little Allura how to do this! She once got locked out of her bedroom because she put off learning for so long! She had a surprisingly hard time learning it, such an impatient little princess she was." He reminisces. Isla giggles at the image of a little princess struggling to open a door.
"So Isla has like- Cool alien magic now? That's totally unfair." Abbey says, hand on her hip, and half joking.
"Abbey... you know how to fight with a sword? I think you're still way cooler than me." Isla responds sincerely. Abbey raises an eyebrow.
"Maybe to you. But... thanks I guess. You think I'm cool?"
"Yeah! You're super cool! I saw you training with dad one day and it was awesome!" She says excitedly. Abbey puffs out her chest a little.
"Yeah I guess. I mean it's no big deal for me of course, cause I'm used to it." She responds. Evelyn rolls her eyes.
"Well if we're done stroking Abbey's ego can we keep going?"
"Yeah, we should probably continue looking for materials." Erik adds. Abbey crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, Isla tries to hide a smile.
"Pidge, what exactly should we look for? Maybe we can like, split up to make it faster? So Isla and Coran go open as many doors as you can and the rest of us will scavenge?" Kade asks. Pidge considers it.
"Honestly not a bad idea, nice thinking Kade! I'm looking for really any type of metal, or tech-looking objects you can find. Something that looks like it might have been for communication would be best of course, but do what you can."
"Okay. Isla and Coran, can you please start opening doors?" Kade asks them. Isla nods.
"On it!" Coran says, saluting dramatically, then jogging off with Isla to start.
"Okay and then... how about we stay in twos? Just to be safe. So Abbey and I will pair up, and Erik and Evelyn? Pidge, I'm sure you'd be fine yourself right?" He continues. Pidge nods.
"Yep, sounds like a plan. I'll start in this area, you kids move up and check over there." She responds. They move off to their areas, Abbey jokingly groaning about being stuck with 'the serious one' and Erik and Evelyn chatting about the lions technology. Pidge smiles watching the kids interact with each other, before continuing her own searching.

Up ahead, Isla and Coran finish opening all the doors. Isla's hand tingles from using the power, and she looks again at her palm. The faint trace of blue light fades away, and she wonders how long she might have been able to do that without knowing. Coran catches up to her and stops near her.
"Coran..." she starts. "... do all Alteans have powers?"
"Yes. Some stronger than others, but the most pure magic comes from the royal family. There are also a few other abilities we Alteans have, I can tell you all about them someday if you'd like!"
She nods, and looks up at the palace looming in front of them, and notices the large doors similarly have no handles. There's a small screen next to the doors.
"Coran, is that little screen how those doors open?" She asks, looking up at him as he stands next to her.
"Yes, all the larger structures have control panels like that one, to handle the operations of the doors."
"Wow..." she stares at the palace for a moment before looking to Coran sheepishly. "Um... could I... see inside the palace?" She asks. Coran raises an eyebrow, but smiles.
"Well of course! It is technically yours after all."
"You are the daughter of princess Allura! This was her family's palace, and now as her descendant, it is rightfully yours. Of course, it isn't much now with... nobody in it." He says the last part a little solemnly, and she considers all the empty houses carefully.
"Right... this must be kinda sad for you Coran."
"A little. But that time has long passed, and I've accepted what happened. I've got a lovely family on earth with all of you. Shall we enter?" He asks, gesturing to the palace.
"What about the others?"
"We can leave the door open for them!" He responds cheerfully. She smiles and nods.
"Y-yeah, okay! I hope they won't be upset I went before them though..." she says as they begin walking towards it. Coran reassures her as he opens the doors.
"I'm sure they won't mind. On we go, an official tour of the southern palace!" He says, walking into the grand building with her.

A little behind, Abbey and Kade pause when they see the giant doors opening up ahead.
"Woah. Are they opening the palace?" Abbey asks. Kade squints.
"I think so, I think they're going in."
"Dude really? Without us?"
"Well I'm sure there are rooms inside they'll have to open too. And I mean, it's technically Isla's heritage you know."
"Her what?"
"Heritage? Like... passed down by family kinda thing? Her mom was the princess of this whole planet wasn't she?"
"Ah. Right. Well I definitely wanna see inside there. I mean I'm her sister now so that should count for something right?"
"I guess? I'm not sure if royalty works that way, but I can't imagine Isla complaining. Or Coran for that matter, he'd probably be excited to tell us all about their royal traditions and stuff."
"Oh god he'd be talking for ages. I bet he has a speech prepared about that too." She says. Kade laughs.
"Coran probably has a speech about like everything. He'd probably spend like 3 hours talking about dirt if he could." He says jokingly. Abbey snickers.
"Really though. We should test that theory at some point."
"What and listen to Coran talk about dirt? I'm okay actually." He gestures his hands in front of him to say no. The two continue bantering while exploring the houses, all the way until they reach the final set of them.

On the other side of the large walkway that separates the rows of houses, Evelyn and Erik continue chatting about the tech.
"I'm still shocked at how old this race is supposed to be. I mean, over 10,000 years old and with this technology? Humans are WAY behind." Evelyn says, picking up and examining different items in the house. Erik laughs.
"I guess, I mean they were also like magic and stuff so humans kind of got the short end of the stick huh? No wonder Abbey is so salty."
"Abbey just thinks being a human makes her weak when she's actually probably the toughest out of all of us. Don't tell her I said that though cause she'll never let go of it."
"Yeah, I mean other than me anyways. But she's got nerves of steel. She's definitely the most suited to be a Paladin or whatever."
"Yeah, other than her hotheadedness. Pidge tells me that uncle Keith was the same way though. She definitely picked it up from him." Evelyn shakes her head disapprovingly while saying so. Erik just laughs and leans against a small window in the room. He stops for a second and ushers Evelyn over.
"Hey, check it out."
"Hm?" Evelyn walks over and looks out as well.
"They opened up the palace. I guess Coran is showing Isla around?"
"Oh definitely. I mean it belonged to her mom didn't it? I bet she's super curious."
"Oh me too, I wanna see the inside so bad. Like if this is a commoners house I can't even imagine what the palace must look like." He says. The two look at each other for a second.
"And the technology? That's probably where Pidge will find the most useful stuff."
"Oh definitely. Wanna go?"
"Absolutely." Evelyn agrees. The two exit the house they're in, and see Abbey and Kade standing up ahead. They join up with them, and they all decide to head into the palace and find Isla and Coran. From the earlier section, Pidge sees them enter and decides to head in herself. She also realizes the best tech would be in there, and doesn't want to leave the kids wandering either. She jogs to catch up with the kids, and they all enter together.

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