In My Rearview Mirror, JACK.H...

By newyorkintheair

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Following a breakup with her ex-fiancรฉ, Morgan Carter relocates to New York to live with her brother, Cedric... More

Characters & Playlist
First Chapter


458 6 0
By newyorkintheair

My client, Debbie, hands me a cup of coffee before we go over a few more points to conclude our appointment. I express my gratitude, and she takes a seat at the table.

"Since he passed away, I can't look at my home the same way," she says, holding back tears. "My family suggests that I should sell my home and buy a new one. I'm afraid that if I do, I'll forget him," she adds in a monotone tone.

Typically, my meetings with clients are more upbeat, but Debbie recently lost her boyfriend in an accident, and she's looking to me to transform her home into a new beginning.

I take a moment to express my condolences to Debbie, offering a sympathetic smile. "I can understand how difficult this must be for you, Debbie. Losing someone close is never easy, and it's completely normal to feel a strong connection to your home, as it holds memories of your time together."

I pull out a notebook and pen, ready to discuss her thoughts and concerns. "Let's talk about the aspects of your home that trigger these emotions. Are there specific rooms or items that make it challenging for you? And are there any particular elements you'd like to retain or incorporate into the transformation to keep a connection with his memory?"

As she begins to share her feelings and memories associated with different parts of the house, I make notes and ask further questions to understand her vision for the transformation. I also reassure her that the goal is not to erase memories but to create a space that honors the past while providing a fresh start for the future.

"We can work on a design that incorporates meaningful elements, perhaps creating a memorial or dedicating a specific area to his memory. This way, you can have a space that reflects your journey together while also allowing for new beginnings."

I propose discussing specific changes, such as rearranging furniture, incorporating new decor, or even considering a fresh coat of paint to symbolize a new chapter. 

We discuss the possibility of repurposing certain items, perhaps by giving them new meaning or integrating them into the redesigned space. This not only adds a personal touch to the transformation but also allows Debbie to carry forward cherished elements from her shared history.

As we brainstorm ideas and outline potential changes, I encourage Debbie to visualize the end result – a home that pays homage to the past while embracing the possibilities of the future. 

I give her some time to collect herself, allowing the tears to flow if needed. "Remember, we're here to work through this together, and there's no rush. Your well-being is the priority. If you need a moment, take it. We can continue whenever you're ready."

Debbie looks up, her eyes still glistening with tears, but there's a hint of gratitude in her expression. "Thank you, Morgan. It means a lot to have someone understanding by my side during all of this. I never thought transforming my home could be so emotional."

I pick up my iPad and begin to show Debbie a series of design ideas and color palettes that reflect the serene, spa-like atmosphere she desires. Soft blues, greens, and neutral tones dominate the screen, creating a calming ambiance.

"As you mentioned wanting a relaxing, spa-like feel, how about we focus on a color scheme that promotes tranquility and peace? I've chosen a few options here that might resonate with you," I say, swiping through the various possibilities.

I then move on to a section specifically dedicated to creating a yoga and relaxation space. "Considering your interest in yoga, we can designate a specific area in your home for practice. Imagine a corner with soft lighting, comfortable mats, and perhaps some nature-inspired decor to enhance the zen atmosphere. What do you think about incorporating elements like these into your space?"

As we discuss the ideas, Debbie's eyes light up with enthusiasm, and I can see a subtle shift in her mood. Together, we refine the ideas, ensuring they align with her vision and preferences, and begin to outline a plan to bring these concepts to life.

As our meeting draws to a close, I summarize the key points of our discussion and the ideas we've explored. I share a few action steps we can take in the upcoming weeks, such as finalizing the color palette, sourcing furniture and decor, and planning the layout of the yoga and relaxation area. "I'll put together a detailed proposal based on our discussion, and we can review it together to ensure it aligns perfectly with your vision."

Debbie expresses her gratitude for the support and the ideas shared, and we conclude the meeting on a note of optimism. I extend a comforting handshake, my eyes meeting hers with a reassuring smile. As we separate, I sense the weight of the moment lingering. The door chimes as we exit the cozy cafe.

Walking to my car, I notice the wind playing with my hair, a physical manifestation of the emotional currents that have swept through our meeting. Unexpectedly, a tear escapes, tracing a path down my cheek.

Feeling the lump in my throat, I quicken my pace, seeking the solitude of my car. Each step is deliberate, a subtle attempt to maintain composure. I reach the privacy of my vehicle, allowing the tears to flow freely as I sit in the driver's seat. 

As I wipe away the tears, I reflect on the weight of helping others through challenging times and the responsibility that comes with being a supportive presence in their lives.

Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that empathy is a powerful tool, but it can also be emotionally draining. I sit for a moment, allowing the emotions to pass, and appreciate the resilience that comes with being there for clients during their most vulnerable moments.

As I start the car and drive away, I carry with me a sense of fulfillment in knowing that I am making a positive impact in Debbie's life.

The drive home unfolds with a backdrop of city lights and the hum of traffic. The rhythmic sound of the turn signal blends with the distant honks of impatient drivers. 

Pulling into the driveway, I exhale a sigh of relief, the emotional echoes of the day gradually dissipating.

The key turns in the ignition, and the engine's hum fades into silence. Stepping out of the car, I take one last glance at the night sky, the stars twinkling above. 

Feeling exhausted from the day's demands, I enter my home and drop my bag by the door. The weight of the day settles in as I take a deep breath, seeking solace within the familiar walls. In need of a moment for myself, I head straight to the kitchen; it's already 7 pm, and I've arrived home late due to traffic and other obligations.

The kitchen becomes a haven, illuminated by the soft glow of overhead lights. I decide to prepare a simple yet comforting dinner. The rhythmic sounds of chopping and sizzling provide a soothing background as I immerse myself in the therapeutic act of cooking. 

My fridge hasn't been this full in a while, and I'm feeling grateful for Ced, who took the time to drop off some groceries earlier this morning. The shelves are now stocked with fresh produce, essentials, and a few treats.

I take a moment to appreciate Ced's kindness, feeling fortunate to have such a thoughtful brother

I reflect on the day's meetings, especially the emotional one with Debbie. The desire to transform her space and provide a sense of healing lingers in my thoughts.

Once dinner is ready, I plate the meal in my new porcelain dishes and savor the colors and textures before me. Sitting down at the table, I take my time to enjoy each bite, allowing the flavors to soothe not only my physical hunger but also the fatigue of the day. 

With the kitchen now tidy and the lingering aroma of the meal in the air, I decide to create a relaxing ambiance in my living space. I turn on some music through my TV, selecting the smooth tones of Ethel Cain's "Crush." The melody fills the room, creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Eager to unwind, I head straight into the shower. As the warm water cascades over me, I let the soothing sounds of the music and the sensation of the water wash away the stress of the day. I undress, feeling a sense of release as the rhythmic beat of the song and the comforting warmth envelop me.

Post my everything shower, a much-needed self-care ritual, I decide to indulge a bit further. With a face mask applied, I head to the cabinet, retrieving my collection of nail polish, eager to give myself a manicure and pedicure.

As I focus on my nails, I find a sense of calm in this simple yet fulfilling activity. I decide on a lovely pearl color for both my toes and fingernails. The gentle strokes of the polish bring a touch of elegance, and I appreciate the subtle sheen that adds a bit of glamour. 

 The comforting aroma of the face mask lingers, creating a spa-like atmosphere in the room. The music playing softly in the background enhances the tranquil ambiance, making the self-care session even more enjoyable.  

With each stroke of polish, I hum the songs' lyrics. I feel a renewed sense of care for both my physical and mental self, embracing the serenity of the evening. 

Once I'm done with my nail polish, I clean everything including my face. As I cleanse my face, I take a moment to appreciate the sensation of clean, hydrated skin. The remnants of the face mask are wiped away, leaving a subtle glow. 

With everything tidied up, I take a final glance in the mirror, feeling a sense of satisfaction in the care I've devoted to myself. 

I transition into the living room, where the soft glow of ambient lights creates a cozy atmosphere. A steaming cup of tea in hand, I settle into a comfortable spot with a good book, ready to immerse myself in the pages. The pages of the book turn, transporting me into a different world, away from the demands of the day.

With each sip of the tea, I lose myself in the narrative, the stresses of the day gradually fade away. 

As the next couple of hours pass, I find that time seems to slow down, and the outside world gradually fades away.  

Feeling a sense of calm settling in, I decide it's time to wind down for the night. With a content sigh, I close my book. As I get up, I take a moment to stretch, feeling the pleasant release of tension from my muscles.

Glancing at my phone for the first time since arriving home, I notice a recent message from Jack. The screen illuminates with his text, and I tap on the notification to read his message: "Hey, can I come by now to see your new apartment?"

Surprised by the spontaneity of his request, I feel a rush of excitement. Quickly responding with, "Sure, I'll be here," and I provide him my new address.

As I share the address, I realize how much I look forward to showing Jack around my new apartment and sharing the sense of accomplishment that comes with the recent changes. 

Knowing that Jack just finished his game at the rink adds an extra layer of excitement. The thought that he's reaching out and considering a visit after his game makes me feel a sense of warmth and connection. It's a delightful realization that he's thinking about me amidst his activities.

Feeling a surge of enthusiasm at the prospect of Jack's imminent arrival, I swiftly move through my apartment, ensuring that everything is well-placed and welcoming. Within an hour, my phone lights up with a message from Jack, announcing his arrival.

Opening the door, I'm greeted by Jack's friendly face. In his hand, there's a bag – a gift bag, it seems.

I extend an invitation for him to enter, and he does so willingly. "Wow, that's nice, eh," he says, taking in the atmosphere of the transformed apartment. I express my gratitude, feeling a sense of pride in sharing the space with him.

Leading the way, I guide Jack to the kitchen, where I extend an offer for him to enjoy something to drink. He accepts, choosing a refreshing glass of water. A brief silence fills the air, and Jack breaks it by suggesting we open the gift he brought.

With a smile, I agree, curious about the thoughtful gesture. "It's not much, but just a little something to make your new place even cozier," he says, his cheeks turning a subtle shade of red. I express my gratitude, assuring him that it's unnecessary but incredibly kind.

As we unwrap the gift, I notice that Jack watches my every move with anticipation. The package feels kind of heavy, piquing my curiosity. The first part of the gift reveals a candle warmer, something I've never owned but always wanted. My face lights up with excitement as I express my gratitude once again.

"I know that you connect memories with scent, so I got you one of these, and my mom said that it was a really good idea," he explains, and a gentle blush colors my cheeks. The thoughtfulness behind the gift, coupled with the fact that he discussed it with his mom, creates a sweet and heartfelt moment. 

"And the other thing is a bottle of wine to congratulate you. You can enjoy it on your own or with your friends, I don't know, it's kind of dumb," he says, scratching the back of his neck with a hint of embarrassment. I assure him that it's not dumb at all and, in fact, a wonderful idea. 

While Jack is still there, I seize the opportunity to try out the candle warmer, eager to figure it out with him. As we navigate through the process, the room starts to fill with a subtle and inviting fragrance.

In the midst of this cozy activity, I inquire about the game he just finished, and his eyes light up with enthusiasm. He delves into the details, sharing the highlights and memorable moments. As he recounts the game, I can feel the passion in his words. 

As we sit together, I share the events and emotions of my day with Jack, and he listens with an incredible amount of attention. His genuine interest and the way he absorbs every detail make my heart burst with joy. Despite the years that have passed since we last saw each other, the connection between us remains strong.

"And then," Jack interrupted himself with a grin, slipping into a spot-on impression of John Marino, "'oh, you look tired'," he mimicked, his voice dripping with exaggerated concern.

I burst into laughter, remembering all too well Marino's knack for asking intrusive questions. " Oh yeah, I can picture it!" I chuckled.

Jack nodded in agreement, his expression morphing into mock disbelief. "And then, just to top it off, he hits me with a 'no offence'!" he exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the table for emphasis. "No offence!"

In the midst of conversation, I realize that we still have so much in common. It's as if the passage of time hasn't affected the understanding we share. We don't need elaborate words; there's an unspoken connection that allows us to comprehend each other's thoughts and feelings effortlessly.

"Hey, remember that time we snuck out with Turcotte and the guys and crashed that guy's party while his parents were on vacation?" I asked, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.

Jack's eyes widened in recognition, and a knowing smile crept onto his lips. "Fuck yeah I do" he replied, his voice tinged with amusement.

"And remember how Juliette ended up snitching to my dad, and he showed up at the party?" I added, unable to suppress my laughter at the memory.

Jack burst into laughter alongside me, shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh god, I'll never forget the look on your face when you saw him storming into the backyard. You were ready to kill Juliette"

I buried my face in my hands, unable to contain my laughter as we reminisced about the chaos of that night. Despite the trouble we found ourselves in, there was something exhilarating about those reckless teenage adventures.

"It's crazy to think about all the trouble we used to get into," I said, wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. "But sometimes I wish I could go back in time."

Jack nodded in agreement, a nostalgic twinkle in his eye. "Yeah, me too," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of fondness and disbelief.

It's hard for me to admit it, but Jack is the only friend I need. 

"I think it's time for me to go," he says, glancing at his phone to check the time. I agree, and together we make our way to the front door for our farewell.

As we stand at the doorway, a mix of gratitude and contentment fills the air. I express my sincere thanks for the impromptu visit and the thoughtful gifts, feeling a warm appreciation for the time we spent together.

In that moment, a brief silence descends upon us. It's as if an unspoken understanding envelops the space between us, creating a moment of intimacy without the need for words. We exchange a knowing look, acknowledging the depth of our bond. 

"Can I kiss you?" he asks, the words hanging in the air with a sense of calmness.

In that moment, the atmosphere takes on a gentle intensity, and the question holds a weight of consideration. Feeling the unspoken connection between us, I offer a nod, giving my consent. 

Without a moment's hesitation, he closes the distance, his hands delicately cradling my head as he pulls me into an irresistible embrace. As our lips meet, the room fades away, leaving only the echo of a shared heartbeat. The softness and warmth of the kiss, coupled with the taste and scent of Jack, create a sensory symphony.

Jack gently puts an end to our kiss, and in that moment, my head still cradled in his hands, his eyes trace the contours of my face. A soft, lingering smile graces his lips, in the silence that follows, there's a warmth in his gaze that speaks volumes.

"Kiss me again," I find myself begging Jack, a playful pout adorning my lips. The lingering desire for that connection prompts the request, and there's a hint of mischief in my eyes as I look up at him, I await Jack's response with a mixture of excitement and a touch of vulnerability. 

The desire for a second kiss, both spoken and expressed through playful body language, unfolds into a dance of anticipation between us. Jack leans in once more, and this time, the kiss is more intense and passionate, igniting a fire between us.

We move backward in sync, tongues dancing in a shared exploration, until my back meets the wall. Jack gently lifts me, his hands securely gripping my thighs, creating an exhilarating sensation of being swept off my feet.

 We navigate the corridor, lost in the intensity of the moment, until he stops, a realization dawning that he has no idea where my room is.

Bringing an end to our passionate kiss, he chuckles, "Where's your room?" I giggle in response, playfully pointing at the door leading to my room. Amid our laughter, the shared joy adds a lightness to the atmosphere, turning the brief pause into a humorous and endearing moment.

As we continue our journey toward my room, our giggles intertwine with kisses, we find ourselves lost not only in the physical closeness but also in the shared laughter that echoes through the corridor. 

Opening the door to my room, we step inside, still wrapped up in the playfulness of the moment. The room becomes a private haven, a space where the laughter and kisses intertwine. 

He gently drop me on the bed, telling me a lot of compliment on my body. Jack gazes at me with a soft smile and says, "You are truly stunning, every inch of you." His voice carries a sincerity that adds to the intimacy of the moment.

Leaning over me, he caresses my hair as his eyes take in every inch of my body. His touch is gentler than usual. He proceeds to kiss my neck with soft kisses that send chills down my spine.

I close my eyes to enjoy this pure moment of tenderness.

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