Iris Black

By amourangelx

4K 130 81

"But if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first whoever did." ___________________________________... More

10 years later
1• just the beginning
2• Do you get Deja vu?
3• Spreading wings
4• Boggarts
5• the good old days


643 19 16
By amourangelx

IRIS BLACK, the rebellious daughter of Adeline Viper and Sirius black, was born on the 18th of June 1980.

Her mother smiled in awe, as she felt Iris's presence for the first time. Adeline now knew the love a daughter should receive. Sirius black towered over his love, holding his baby in her arms and for the first time ever, he was at home. He had everything he needed. Right there. In that very moment.

"Iris." Adeline teared up and looked up for sirius' approval.

Adeline viper- now Adeline Black, came from a long line of powerful witches and wizards, she was a warm-hearted soul who saw the best in everyone and everything. It's one of the many things Black loved about her. Whereas, Sirius was a sarcastic, funny person who always had darkness overwhelm him. Even though they were opposites, they just couldn't get enough of each- other.

"It's perfect, star." Sirius always called her star, because no matter how dark life could get she would always brighten it up for him.

Iris Estelle Black, was took back home to the Black manor, where all the marauders were waiting for their arrival. Remus lupin (Moony), James potter (Prongs), Lily Potter (flower), and Emery Lupin (sunny). Iris was the first born of the marauders so everyone cherished her like a promise.

"She has your eyes, Padfoot." Remus held the baby very calmly as if she was fragile. He didn't want to break her.

"My turn! oh she's adorable!" Emery stroked her cheeks and admired the beautiful baby peacefully sleeping in her arms.

On the 31st of july 1980, Harry James Potter was born. The son of James and Lily potter. The second harry was brought home, an instant connection between both Iris and Harry was created. A bond Adeline and Lily, could tell couldn't be broken. Harry potter, was a quiet baby, but a giggle always erupted from him whenever he was near iris. He had ocean blue eyes, just like his mother. But the same messy, raven hair like his father.

They would always play with each others toys, fall asleep next to each other, after big days of laughing with their families.

Sirius and James, couldn't help but smile every opportunity they got. And Addie and Lily would always drink their tea and admire their children. "We made it. i cant wait to watch them grow up and fall madly in love." Lily clapped her hands and her dimples came to light. Sirius Smiled to himself. And for the first time ever, he was proud of himself. Little did he know what he had coming to him.

"I'll make sure Harry treats her right." James Nudged his friends and Sirius face dropped.

"You better, otherwise he'll have me to deal with." Sirius stared harry down until he felt Lupins presence in-front of him.

"He's a child, Pad-foot." Moony reminded him, and joined his friends talking.

On the 5 August 1980, Scarlett Rose Lupin was born. She had Bright blue eyes, a little lighter than Harry's. She was the daughter of Remus Lupin and Emery Lupin. It took her longer to warm up to the other babies. "Go on, sunshine." Her mother Emery, urged her towards the two playing together.

She turned her head and began to cry. "Scarlett, don't cry." Remus held his daughter and stroked her head.

As time went on, Scarlett grew a liking to the two and the three became inseparable. As if they were all related by blood.

But all good things must come to and end.

And it did.

On the 31st of October, Everyone's lives changed. And not for the better. It were as if all their happiness was stripped away from them, leaving them completely and utterly alone.

"Sirius, we must go! we can't look at Iris forever." Adeline pulled her husbands arm to pry him away from the one year old baby sleeping tranquilly.

"we can certainly try, star." He slowly walked away, hand to hand with Adeline. He didn't take his eyes off of her.

They sat down on the red sofa, that felt the warmth of the fire place opposite it. Sirius passed Adeline the tea he made her and sat down next to her. "I have a feeling our little girl will hold great power." Adeline spoke, once she sipped her tea.

"Of course she will, she's mine." He shrugged and grinned to his wife. She nudged him and hit his arm. "Okay, okay. Ours." He laughed again and this time she laughed too.

"Remember the old days, when we would plan our future. I imagined it just like this. you, me, Iris. Prongs, Lily, Moony and Sunny. Nothing else matters." Sirius took a deep breath, sharp and slow. Almost like there's something he was hesitant to say.

"But?" Adeline placed her hand on his, warming it and soothing it gracefully. Sirius suddenly felt more calm and more comfortable, she was the only person in the world who could turn his bad side into something great.

"But what if one day, something bad happens, you know who." Sirius exhaled the breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"We will think of that, when- or if the time comes. But for right now, we are here. In this moment, and that's all we need." Adeline always did have a way with her words, she may have been a powerful witch, but her power never consumed her.

"I love you, star." Sirius pulled her into his embrace and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Dadfoot." Adeline giggled, and Sirius joined in. They heard the fire crackling, and saw the moon beaming perfectly against Adeline's skin, brightening her up, just like the star she was.

It was perfect.


"Sirius... Hedwig." Adeline raced up, opened the window, and took the letter the white owl was holding in its beak.

The letter reads,

It's him. Get harry, quick make sure he's safe. I need you to be as quick as you can. Please i love you all.

Prongs and Flower.

Adeline felt her heart drop, she wasn't even sure if it were still there. Sirius read the letter and already had a look of threat and vengeance in his eyes. "I have to go and get harry. I'll see you soon, Addie." Sirius grabbed his coat.

"Sirius, please. What if- please." She sobbed, she didn't even realise she was sobbing until she felt her own tears stream down her neck.

"Get ahold of Iris keep her warm, and safe until i'm back. i won't be long." Sirius tried to reassure her, but even the tone of his voice Adeline could tell he wasn't sure.

"It's pettigrew isn't it." Adeline shook her head, ran rapidly into iris's room and held her in her chest.

"I'll get my revenge and grab our god-son." Sirius pulled her into a hug, squashing the baby almost but he didn't know if this would be the last time. He had hope, and that's all he needed.

"Sirius, please! At least let Dumbledore handle it or-" Adeline sobbed and begged.

"Sweetheart, you know i can't do that! I'll be back as quick as i can." Sirius placed two hands on her shoulders to calm down her down.

"Let me come with you then!" She paced back and forth trying to figure out as many solutions as possible.

"Adeline, i can't risk losing you! your safer here, with our little star." Sirius tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll be back as quickly as i can."

"I love you." Adeline kissed him, and sniffed.

"I'll see you soon, star." He pecked her forehead, took a glance at his little girl and graciously stroked her cheek in one swift movement. "I love you."

And with that Sirius black was out of the door and not to be seen by Adeline viper again.

Adeline stumbled into Iris's room, and sat by the corner holding her daughter for dear life, In hopes of not waking her but also in hopes of keeping her safe. A sudden crash occurred. Adeline's head snapped from side to side, looking for the sound.

Foot steps.

Loud foot steps.

loud, slow foot steps.

Loud, slow foot steps that she knew were not Sirius.

The floor boards creaked, before any other thought Adeline hid her daughter in her wardrobe and used an invisibility spell on her. No matter what, iris was going to be safe. Even if it meant Adeline wasn't.

Adeline covered her mouth to reduce her heavy breaths, her teeth trembled and at this point her hands were shaking. She didn't want to die, but she was ready to die if it meant to sacrifice everything for her daughter.

The footsteps increased, they got louder, and faster. "Astra! Old friend." A voice all to familiar to her.

Peter Pettigrew.

A traitor.

"We can do this two ways. You come out and face your fate. Or i have to do something i don't want to do." Pettigrew, slammed open the door to the room Adeline was waiting in.

She had her wand at the ready. Ready to take on anything he threw at her. After all the preparation Hogwarts taught her. it still wasn't enough.

"Or we can do this a third way, i win and you get sent to Azkaban! Why are you doing this?"Adeline was fighting back her tears, still gripping onto her wand.

"I'm sorry Adeline. I have to do this. I don't have a choice." Peter raised his wand and quickly grabbed her neck.

She couldn't breath, her voice croaked and her eyes still watering. She collided her head with his and managed to get out of his hold. Her only thought was iris. She hoped that all the noise wouldn't wake her.

It didn't.

"levicorpus!" She called. She used her wand to dangle Peter by his legs almost as if she were enjoying herself. "Oh come on? is that all you can do?" She taunted.

Adeline dropped Pettigrew to the floor with force. He got up and chanted. "Stupefy!"

"Protego!" Adeline repelled the spell rapidly. "You always have been quiet embarrassingly pathetic haven't you? He's got you running around like a dog!"

"Avada-" Adeline begun, her voice croaky but she couldn't finish. She struck too late. He did it first.

"Avada Kedavra!" He shouted, and with that she fell to the floor. Her heart stopped, and her eyes closed. All that was left, were the hand marks peter left on her neck.

She put up a good fight.

Just not good enough.

So there Iris was, quiet and enclosed in a cupboard. She heard the door slam hard, as if someone had just walked out. her eyes shot open and she cried. She didn't stop, she had no one there to comfort her, so she just hid in the cupboard hoping her mother or father would come out and tell her everything is okay.

But it wasn't.

Her father had been sent to Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit. Peter Pettigrew was on the run, still free even after everything he's put this poor family through. Her mother, was now dead on the floor for protecting the child she always wished for.

After hours and hours of Baby iris, Waiting for someone to take her in their arms she finally crawled out of the wardrobe, and the tears started streaming down her face again when she noticed her mother on the floor.

Iris was trying to form words but nothing came out. "Ma?" She shook Adeline with her tiny hands but she still didn't wake up.

"Ma?!" Iris fell to the floor and lied next to her mother, crawled into her chest and began to cry all over again.

A tall figure stood above her, he had a long brown beard, and a large body. He picked the baby up and cradled her in his arms. He walked slowly and softly hoping not to wake the sleeping baby who had tear stained eyes and a red face. No one knew how long she sat there crying for.

So they walked, and walked, until they finally reached a stop. The man knocked on a door that was decorated Flawlessly for Halloween.

The Weasleys.

"Hagrid? iv heard the news?" Molly stood in-front of him, with a ginger child behind her and her usual smile was masked with sadness.

"It would be a great favour- taking this little girl in. This order is from Dumbledore himself." Hagrid seemed to be tearful, and Molly looked down at the baby.

"What exactly happened?" Molly asked as she took the baby from Hagrid's arms.

"Sirius Black has been sent to Azkaban for treason for helping kill lily and James potter, Uhm- Adeline. Addie- Adeline Viper is dead too..."He looked down and quickly wiped away a tear and Molly's let out a harsh breath when she heard the horrible news.

"What about Remus? Surely he can help." Molly asked, feeling a lot of pressure on her shoulders.

"It was my first thought but he already has a child, Scarlett Lupin. And now he's just had to deal with news that three of his best-friends are dead. And the other has been sent away. He wouldn't be in the right frame of mind to take on a child." Hagrid slowly explained. It began to rain which set the darkening mood almost perfectly.

"Oh Hagrid, i'll do my best in bringing her up. I'll treat her as my own." Molly held the girl close to her, and placed her down next to another ginger baby that seemed to be the same age as her.

"What's her name?" She asked, looking over her shoulder scanning the area to make sure no mishaps or sharp objects were around.

"Iris. Her name is Iris black." Hagrid explained and Molly smiled slightly trying to hide her sorrowful facade.

"Such a beautiful girl, she's lost so much already at such a young age... I'll do my best Hagrid." Molly sniffed and grabbed some sweets for iris before closing the door.

and that is how Iris black and Harry Potters story begun.

Thank you for reading!!
This is such a sad one :(
I really hope you enjoyed it though because i can't wait for you all to read it!
comment guys! it's what give us writers motivation!!
Thank you again for reading! If you want sneak peeks take a look at my tiktok:

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