Memories - King's Return (Wak...

By MooseyGirl16

2.7K 99 58

This event starts taking place during the finale of the second season of Wakfu on Netflix. Watch the show for... More

Concept Art
Chapter #1 - Add Insult to Injury
Chapter #2 - The Deceivers and the Deceived
Chapter #3 - A "Great" Reunion
Chapter #4 - Revalation
Chapter #5 - The Little Remains
Chapter #6- The Rulers
Chapter #7 - To The Public's Mercy
Chapter #8 - To Amelka
Chapter #9 - The New Problem
Chapter #10 - Delirious Yugo
Chapter #11 - Elicatt
Chapter #12- Mistake
Important Clarification and Joke Skit Featuring: My Sweet Boy (:
Chapter #13 - Tuto's Theory
Michell says Hi
Chapter #14 - Tuto's Test
Chapter #15 - Q
Chapter #16 - The Protege
Chapter #17 - Chibi
More Important Notice
Chapter #18 - Ralo the Captor
Chapter 19: Kerquek
Good day~
Chapter #20 - Kolor
Chapter #21: Sadidan Outskirts
Chapter #22: Ralocolcourtay
Chapter #23 - Open up Your Eyes
Chapter #24: Moments Slow
Chapter #25 - Shaken
Chapter #26 - Recall
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter #27 - Falling Tree Branch
Chapter #28 - The Torntam
Chapter #29 - Ceriian
Chapter #30 - Adamai's Journey
Chapter #31 - Reasoning
Chapter #33 - Shinonome's kept secret
Chapter #34 - Xenlyr
Chapter #35 - An Escape
Chapter #36 - An Arrest
Chapter #37 - Not Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei
Joke Skit #2
Chapter #38 - The Tale of the Villian's Leadership
Notes and Other Clarifications
Chapter #39 - The Sadidan Forest
Chapter #40 - Dreams
Chapter #41 - the Ashnuks
Chapter #42 - Queen Annefarr
Chapter #43 - Eniripsa Concernment
Chapter #44 - Arbitration
Chapter #45 - The Story of Lukeus
Chapter #46 - Soup
Chapter #47 - Ceriian's "goodbye"

Chapter #32 - Reunion

31 1 0
By MooseyGirl16

Greetings from Elger Nouvelle! Because we reached a thousand views and because I haven't posted recently, I'm giving you this chapter early instead of late tonight. Thank you!

This sectoin also contains French translations of the earlier conversations in Chapter 29 between Ceriian and Pollier. I don't speak French, so if you're French feel FREE to correct grammar and stuff like that.


Adamai flew through the sky knowing that he was approaching the right area. Quietly landing on soft grass, he traveled quickly to find Yugo. He heard strange voices in a language he didn't understand himself. He transformed to his more humanoid figure.

"Mais comment? Le garcon est inconscient!" A loud male voice exclaimed with panicked tone. "Oh... oh mon. Pollier, passe en code orange. C'est beaucoup plus grave que je ne la pensais."

He followed the voice to a camp-like area, but stayed hidden in the trees. He saw who he assumed was the man watching a little girl, probably around 13, hurriedly prepared something on top of a raised bed. He couldn't see what was on top of it as she began to pound down on whatever it was. She repeated the motion for minutes.

She sighed in exhaustion at the exercise before telling the man, "Ceriian, il est enfin stable." The man in response grabbed some cloth as he walked over to the makeshift bed. He looked like he was wrapping something. The man took a few hours giving Adamai time to process the events.

'I don't see him anywhere, but his Wakfu is definitely present...'

'What was that little girl doing, anyway?'

'What were they saying?'

Adamai sat behind a tree for a while quietly watching the man finish, setting down the roll of cloth. He considered leaving before he heard a quiet gasp, catching his attention.

Looking over, he saw the man walk over the the bed. He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a familiar voice.

"Do you... do you know where Ralo is?" A person on the mattress whispered. Adamai didn't move an inch in his frozen state. Shocked, even.

Adamai saw the little girl walk over to stand by the man's side, feeling tears form in his eyes.

"Ceriian, quelle langue parle-t-il?" she asked quietly, "Pouvez-vous comprendre ce qu'il nous dit? Je ne sais pas ce que dit le garçon." The man say in silence a moment, hesitation to respond.

"Il parle dans ma langue maternelle. Je te dirai ce qu'il dit plus tard, d'accord?"

The girl nodded.

"I knew a young man named Ralocolcourtay a long time ago, but I know nothing about his whereabouts, sorry," the man said, turning to the bed as he spoke.

Yugo was on that bed.

That man talked to the bed, and Yugo who was on the bed.

He spoke multiple languages.

Who was this?

Yugo quietly sighed, "It's fine.I just wanted to know how to get back at him for what he's done to me. He's the reason I'm cut up like this, but he's also the reason I'm not delirious anymore. It was a lose-lose situation for us both, though."

The man looked at him thoughtfully before asking, "Are you friends? Is this an accident?" Yugo probably looked uncomfortable.

Adamai decided it was time to interfere.

He ran out from behind the tree and ran straight for the bed. Yugo's face lit up.

"Adamai..?" Yugo's hesitantly asked, wondering if he really was still delirious. Adamai, without hesitation, hugged him tight. Yugo smiled knowing it was him. "Adamai, I-"

He cut Yugo off through their mind link to talk to him that way.

'Yugo, tell me you're ok... please,'

'Adamai, I'm just a little banged up! I'm fine as long as Ralo doesn't appear,"

'Speaking of which...' Adamai let go of Yugo and looked him straight in his eyes.

'What happened back there? You left us with Chibi, who still hasn't woken up by the way, and now there are bandages and wraps everywhere from your forehead to your ankles!?'

'Oh. Ralo started spitting nonsense about how his name was Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei or whatever and threw me off a cliff. He even watched me fall most of the way down.

'HOW ARE YOU SO CALM?! You should be petrified after that!'

'I fell unconscious quickly. Even so, I don't even remember falling into the water.'

'He threw you into water?!'

'A waterfall.'

Yugo shrugged as Adamai looked at him, more concerned than before.

'Anything else you want to tell me?'

'Just a couple of... things...' 

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