
By babyyxpsych0

493 21 0

The world is in fear. Scared when it will be they turn and if they will get a visit the monsters that lurk in... More



52 2 0
By babyyxpsych0

-Hyoga Pov-

I touched her face and she went silent looking up at me. She will be a great asset to me. A proxy who is just like me.

H-I'm here. I'm ur master.

Y-YOU...HAve a human form too?

She said as she huffed turning back human now naked.

I held her covering her body pulling her close

H-Someone give me some clothes for her

Hoodie-Yes master.

Lulu-Ill go too to see if i have anything

Sally came over and and something in her growled lowly causing Sally to pause herself

H-just give us a second Sally. Go find lazuari ok?

Sally-No Sir I wanna stay wif yn

H-then just step back for a second

Soon they come in with some clothes and i dressed her still making sure no one was looking

She still huffed, not letting go of me as she clung to me

H-its ok little one I got u


-Y/n Pov-

The Slender within me stirred with every pounding heartbeat, craving chaos and carnage.

But I clung to the last shreds of my humanity with desperation.

Though transformed, I was still Yn- and I did not want to hurt my new proxy "siblings".

They watched me nervously as Slendy's calming aura took hold once more as he held me.

Y-I'm s-sorry

I forced out through a distorted maw.

Y-It wants control, but I won't...let it. It wants to hurt all of you...

A violent shudder ran through my elongated form. Every fiber screamed for bloodshed under the beast's influence.

Death to all proxies. It wanted to kill them all. It wanted me to be slender's one and only.

Slenderman crooned softly, tendrils caressing my twisted visage.

His touch smell and voice is the only thing that calmed me. Who knew he had a human form.

His coos eased the bloodlust, bringing clarity even as the change reasserted itself.

I was monster and woman, wrath and compassion, all thanks to my master's beckoning touch.

The others began to relax, seeing I meant them no harm for now. But keeping this warped side in check would take constant effort.

I needed Slendy's guidance to tame the primal forces he'd empowered me with.

My new nature was a blessing and curse- proof of his favor, yet giving blood lust for other monsters instead of humans

As long as the Slenderman walked this earth, so too would I serve beside him, caught between humanity and heartless instinct. But wasn't this all I'd ever wanted?

To be chosen, to never be alone- these bonuses made the struggle worthwhile.

I had sacrificed all for this chance, and I would not squander it through losing control.

Slender man would help me walk the middle path, as both beast and believer in his unknowable designs.

He turned into his slender form while holding me. His long red hair dangling in my face he was so beautiful

As he cradled me against his eldritch form, I felt some vestige of calm return. His touch was the balm to my maddened spirit.

Through my distorted senses, I picked up his soft echoes to the others.

H-Clockwork, Lulu, Jack, Sadie, Jill- you are to stay and aid our new proxy's adjustment. Help her harness her abilities before the next change.

I whimpered pitifully, still wrestling control from the Slender raging inside.

It was only calm because i was with him but even their names upset it

A locked confinement away from others was wise, for now.

But I did not wish to be alone - not with this beast awakening in my soul.

Slendy crooned reassurances reading my mind.

H-You will not face this ordeal solitary. My children will guide your footsteps until you walk the line between form and fury without stumbling. Only then will u go be able to hunt for me.

His tendrils brushed my face gently, wiping away tears of anguish and gratitude.

To have these strange yet reassuring souls beside me brought me solace.

With their help and his eternal watch, perhaps I could resist the siren call of unchecked rage.

He said for a week, they would be my anchors to the fading embers of humanity.

Each day would be a battle inside my twisting psyche, but they gave me hope to emerge victorious.

And when that cell opened again, I would walk as proxy, not predator, by my master's benevolent command.

As Slenderman carried me bridal style and began guiding me away, a soft voice piped up.

Sally-Masta, might I stay as weww? Too offa comfowt in fow my new bestest fwiend? Pwease mister slendy man?

Sally gazed at me with her soulful green eyes, holding her teddy bear, face covered in blood. A caring smile on her stitched lips.

Despite her unnatural appearance, her aura radiated warmth and compassion.

In that moment, I was profoundly grateful for her kindness.

Yet in the inside i wanted to rip her little heart and tear her limb from limb for even talking to what was mine-

H-calm down...and watch ur mouth before i have to kill u myself-


Slenderman paused, and sighed apologizing to her then me, tendrils gently bouncing me in his embrace as he considered.

After a moment, he acknowledged

H-Your light would shine as a beacon in the darkness she must face, dear Sally. By all means, lend your support.

Her whole being seemed to glow.

Sally-Oh, tank you, Masta! I pinky double pwomise I'll hewp our new fwiend thwough dis.

She gently took my hand in her tiny cold pale hands.

Sally-You-You- will get thwough dis. I know it.

Despite the turmoil still raging inside, her presence lifted my spirit. To have an ally who saw past the Slender's claws now flexing from my flesh brought solace beyond words.

As Slenderman carried me into isolate confinement, Sally followed close behind, humming a soft melody.

The others also followed behind

Slendy carried me down some stairs to a cellar room. There were big metal bars making a door. This room would be where I had to stay for a while.

He gave me his fancy suit jacket so I could smell him when he left.

H-This will make you feel better when we're apart

He said. I held it close- it already calmed the monster feelings a little.

Slendy also put a Pretty collar on me. It some tiny device tho on the inside

H-This will stop you from hurting your friends outside

He explained.

H-They just want to help you. So this is temporary. Think of a shock collar wrapped in barb wire with sharp spikes inside

That definitely scared me but I nodded, still fighting the bad Slender inside.

Whatever my master wants

Through the bars were Clockwork and the others, looking worried but kind.

H-Don't be scared, my little proxies.

Slendy told them.

H-With time and her courage, she'll get better. You'll be there for her now.

When Slendy left, I cuddled his jacket and Sally started singing sweetly in lulu arms look around off in the distance

I trusted Slendy's plan to fix me up okay. With his gift and my new friends, the long days in the cell began.

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